How to specify encoding in MVC3 Html.Beginform -

I have MVC3 view page like below,
#using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { #action = "" }))
<div class="homePageSubSecContnt">
<p>You will be re directed to your banking site.</p>
#Html.Hidden("bill_method", Model.cvsBillMethod)
#Html.Hidden("shop", Model.ShopCode)
#Html.Hidden("shopmsg", Model.shopmsg)
#Html.Hidden("password", Model.password)
<input type="submit" id="Next" name="Next" value="Next" class="buttonStyle_2" />
the above code re-directs me to the banking site. Here i have provided absolute url and not calling any controller.I am using 2 html form in this view page, so that i can get model details from the 1st html form GET method of controller.
Now i have to encode the form data(hidden input) and re direct to external url. My encoding format is Shift-JIS which is japanese encoding format. I am not sure, how to do encoding in view page. Can anyone throw light on this?
In C# code i can do encoding as below,
byte[] postDataBytes = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift-JIS").GetBytes(postData);
how to do the same encoding in view page?
<meta charset="Shift-JIS"> Will this work?
I think i have to use charset="Shift-JIS", but how to use it in mvc forms.

After long time i have found answer myself:
Since my code has japanese text and i want encoding format as Shift_jis , even if i specify charset or encoidng format the code is not working perfectly.
The solution is:
Go to file menu in visual studio,
File->advanced save options->Unicode-codepage 1200(3rd option)->Click
This will solve your problem.


Aweber form problems with encoding

I have webpage, that use utf-8. But generated aweber webform use iso-8859-1 to send signups.
<form method="post" class="af-form-wrapper"
accept-charset="iso-8859-1" action="">
Problems started when I get some signups from foregin countries (e.g. Russia - for example in name field should be "Валера" but in iso-8859-1 I get something like this.
When I changed to accept-charset="UTF-8",
<form method="post" class="af-form-wrapper"
accept-charset="UTF-8" action="">
I get something like this "Владимир КлименÐ" .
What I must do, to correct signup those users.
I get answer from aweber support. Currently they don't support UTF-8. They working on it.
Put that code on all of your sites where you have signup forms and it should do the trick (it changes the charset of the document to ISO-8859-1 before sending the data). You need jQuery to make it work:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(".af-form-wrapper").on("submit", function(event){
document.charset = 'ISO-8859-1';

Display page and picture in one request in MVC 3

I wondered if it is possible to show picture in a view without calling an action. The picture is displayed by using the following Razor code:
<img class="photo" src="#Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = #Model.Id })" />
But retrieving picture from server requires an additional request.
Is it possible to "deploy" image in ViewBag and show it in view without calling server?
Is it possible to "deploy" image in ViewBag and show it in view without calling server?
You could use the Data URI scheme. But be careful as it might not be supported by all browsers.
<img class="photo" src="....." alt="" />
where src attribute of the image contains the Base64 encoded image that could come from ViewBag or a view model.

How to store to browser auto-complete/auto-fill when using AJAX calls

I've noticed that browsers do not store form values until the form is submitted, which means that if you're using AJAX instead of a standard form submit, your browser's auto-fill is never populated. Is there a way to force populate your browsers auto-fill/auto-complete so that I can have this convenience with forms that are submitted via AJAX? It's annoying to go to my AJAX page and have to type in the same things in the form fields every time because the browser doesn't remember them.
My question is pretty much identical to the this one, except that only a work around in FireFox is provided as the accepted answer to that question. I'm looking for a solution that works in all major browsers (at least Chrome, FF, and IE), if there is one.
Note: I am not talking about AJAX auto-complete plugins, which is what almost always pops up when googling this question. I am talking about your browser's built-in auto-complete or auto-fill that helps you fill out forms by remembering what you entered in the past.
For anyone who's still trying to solve this, seem like I've found the answer.
Chromium tries to recognize the submit event, even if you preventDefault and handle the actual submission yourself.
That's it, you need to preventDefault the submit event, not the click event.
This worked on Chrome, Edge and IE 11 at the time of writing (I'm too lazy to download and test it on Firefox).
Here's your form:
<form method="POST" id="my-form">
<input autocomplete="email" type="email" name="email">
<button type="submit">Subscribe</button>
Notice the autocomplete attribute. These are all the possible values that you can use for autocomplete.
In JavaScript, simply do this:
$("#my-form").on("submit", function (ev) {
// Do AJAX stuff here
The browser will remember whatever email you've entered on clicking subscribe button.
I have also come across this; there doesn't seem to be a great solution, certainly not a cross browser one, but here is one for IE I haven't seen anyone mention:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
function subForm()
<FORM id=f1>
User ID : <input type=text name=id></input><br>
Password :<input type=password name=pw></input><br>
E-mail :<input type = text VCARD_NAME = "vCard.Email"> <br>
<input type=button value=submit onclick="subForm()">
Use this Method:
AutoCompleteSaveForm = function(form){
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'uniqu_asdfaf'; = 'position:absolute; height:1px; top:-100px; left:-100px';
var oldTarget =;
var oldAction = form.action; = 'uniqu_asdfaf';
form.action = '/favicon.ico';
setTimeout(function(){ = oldTarget;
form.action = oldAction;
Tested with ie10, ff latest, chrome latest
Test yourself:
Have you try the answer of my question that you mention?
The answer is using hidden iframe but seems he claim the idea is not working on IE and Chrome on that time.
Try to take the idea, and instead of using hidden iframe, just put the username/password/submit visible input element in a form POST, in an iframe. So user will enter login details directly into iframe. With proper Javascript you can put loading image, get success or denied from server and update the parent or the whole page. I believe it should work on any browser.
Or if you still want to use AJAX since you probably implemented the API on server side. You can make the iframe to just send a dummy POST at the same time send the real user/pass to AJAX URL.
Or back to use hidden iframe, not to hide it but move it to the invisible area like top: -1000px.
After several hours searching, I found a solution at Trigger autocomplete without submitting a form.
Basically, it uses a hidden iframe in the same page, set the action of your form to the 'src' of the iframe, and add a hidden submit button inside the form, when user clicks your button which triggers AJAX requests, you should programmatically click the hidden button before sending the AJAX request. see example below:
In your form page:
<iframe id="hidden_iframe" name="hidden_iframe" class="hidden" src="/content/blank"></iframe>
<form target="hidden_iframe" method="post" action="/content/blank" class="form-horizontal">
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="text" name="age">
<button id="submit_button" type="submit" class="hidden"></button>
<button id="go_button" type="submit" class="hidden">Go</button>
Then java script:
//submit the form to the hidden iframe
//do your business here
//whatever you want here
Hope this helps.

EditorFor can't post MVC 3

I've come across a peculiarity with EditorFor() helper in MVC 3.
I have a form view that is strongly type (trimmed down):
#model GoGoLegal.Models.Address
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.EditorFor(model => model)
<input type="submit" value="Post" />
and I have an Address EditorTemplate.
When the Input Button is click without anything in the fields then Validation gets thrown, however when there are values in the fields and the Input Button is clicked then nothing happens.. at all... It doesn't hit the controller, both HttpWatch and FireBug don't even register the event. I'm wondering whats happen.
I've also tried to replace
#Html.EditorFor(model => model)
And still the same thing.
Any thoughts on this?
Have you tried clearing your cache. Sometimes a cached version of the page gets confused. Try Ctrl-F5 after you've loaded the page, then see if the page posts.
Also, look at your code and make sure there aren't any malformed tags. That can also confuse the browser, maybe you don't close everything.
Also check the actual HTML in the browser with a "View source" and see if the HTML looks correct.

Firefox 3.5.2 Refresh(F5) causes Highlighted Form value to get copied to next field

I am having a strange issue in Firefox 3.5.2 with F5 refresh.
Basically, when I focus on an input field and hit f5 the contents of that input field gets copied to the next form field after the F5 refresh.
But, if you inspect the HTML source code, the values are correctly loaded.
I am not having this issue in IE8 or Safari 4.0.3.
The problem does not occur if I do a hard refresh or run window.location.refresh(true).
After F5 Refresh:
Here's an overview of what's going on.
I believe the thing you should look into is the autocomplete attribute,
you should set it to off on the input box. However be careful since this will trigger two effects.
When you refresh the page it won't remember the old values
The default dropdown of the already used values on that input box will also be disabled.
If you want to keep the second behavior you should set the autocomplete attribute back to on with JS.
Browsers can remember form field contents over a refresh. This can really throw your scripting off if it is relying on the initial value of a field matching what's in the HTML. You could try to prevent it by calling form.reset() at the start.
Different browsers have different strategies for detecting when a form or a field is the same as in the previous page. If you have clashing names, or names that change on reload, it is very possible to end up confusing them. Would have to see some code to work it out for sure.
In the backend, I am using ASP.NET MVC 1.0 with the Spark View engine. When I examine the source code after an F5 refresh in Firefox 3.5.2, the page renders correctly; however, if you look at the page visually the adjacent form field field gets populated with the value from the previous field.
I included enough code so you can just get an idea of what I'm trying to do.
Again, the rendering is fine and the final view/HTML code is fine. It's what I see on the screen that is incorrect. I am using hidden vars; but the issue occurred before using it as well.
Note in the code below, I have 2 distinct ID fields: "date_{projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" and "finishDate_{projectTask.ProjectTaskId}, which gets renders to something like "date_1" and "finishDate_2".
<for each="ProjectTask projectTask in projectTasksByProjectPhase">
<input type="hidden" value="${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" />
<td class="date">
<div class="box">
<div class="datefield">
<input type="text" id="date_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" value="${startDate}" /><button type="button" id="show_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" title="Show Calendar"><img src="~/Content/yui/assets/calbtn.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="Calendar" ></button>
<div class="box">
<div class="datefield">
<input type="text" id="finishDate_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" value="${finishDate}" /><button type="button" id="finishShow_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" title="Show Calendar"><img src="~/Content/yui/assets/calbtn.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="Calendar" ></button>
FYI: ${} are used to output variables in the Spark View engine.
I am also using the YUI 2.7 Connection to make Ajax calls to update the datebase for "change" and "enter/tab key press" events. I am able to verify that the AJAX calls are made correctly and the form field values are still valid.
The problem occurs when I just do a F5 refresh; for some reason, the "finishDate_1" gets populated with the value from "date_1".
This problem occurs just by clicking on "date_1" and hitting F5; so, the adjacent field just gets populated even if there are no AJAX calls.
Here's the Javascript code I call towards the end of the body"
function() {
var idList = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(function (el) { return (el.type == 'hidden'); }, 'input');
len = idList.length;
var startDatePickers = new Array();
var finishDatePickers = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var id = idList[i].value
startDatePickers[i] = new DatePicker("date_" + id, "show_" + id, "cal_" + id);
startDatePickers[i].valueChanged.subscribe(updateDate, 'S');
finishDatePickers[i] = new DatePicker("finishDate_" + id, "finishShow_" + id, "finishCal_" + id);
finishDatePickers[i].valueChanged.subscribe(updateDate, 'F');
The form field gets copied over before any Javascript code is processed because I call the Javascript code towards the end of the body after all HTML is rendered. So, I'm guessing it's a refresh issue in Firefox? What do you guys think?
As you can see above, I created my own calender date picker objects which allows you to either enter the date in the text manually or by clicking on a button to view the calendar and select a date. Once you enter or select the date, an AJAX call will be made to update the datebase in the back end.
Thanks everybody for the quick responses.
#Anonymous: whoever you are, you are awesome!
#bobince: thanks for the feedback as well.
I added a dummy form tag with the attribute autocomplete="off" and that solved the problem!
I was scratching my head because I didn't get this issue in Safari 4.0.3 or Internet Explorer 8.
<form action="" autcomplete="off">
<!-- my code -->
The values were loading correctly in the back end (ASP.NET MVC 1.0/Spark View engine) and the HTML source code reflected this, but the input field values were not getting populated correctly. I was using the YUI Connection Manager and Javascript to support edit-in-place and the date pickers.
I tried changing the XHR call to a GET call instead of POST and the same issue was happening.
Anyway, the problem was that the Firefox was not setting the correct values for the input fields for F5 refreshes.
Again, thanks so much! You guys rock!
All element id's must be unique, if two elements have same id's then that could be reason why Firefox inserts same values to elments that didn't orginally have those values entered.
I had a similar problem related to my question at Input control shows incorrect value, even 'though inspect element shows the right value is there
The problem occurred for me in Firefox, but not Chrome, for some but not all controls on the form, and when I pressed F5, but not ctrl-F5.
The "dummy form" seems to have resolved it for me.
