Magento: set canUseCheckout to false payment method - magento

I want to disallow some payment methods while checkout onepagecontroller is in indexAction. I've tried like this:
$payments = Mage::getSingleton('payment/config')->getAllMethods();
foreach($payments as $payment)
$methodinstance = Mage::helper('payment')->getMethodInstance($payment->getCode());
$methodinstance-> // here i want to set the protected $_canUseCheckout of the specific method class... maybe with __set(var, value) ?
So is there a way to set the canUseCheckout of each method temporarily to false ? Maybe i don't have to use the vars.. maybe theres a function ?
I didn't find such in the Model_Abstract Class of payment methods...

you can disable any payment method. for disable payment method, go to payment method model which is you want disable and fine the protected $_canUseCheckout = true; please do false this variable and check it.


Mark order as pending in capture method in custom Payment Method

I am working on API based Payment gateway in magento, When user directly pay from credit card, I am doing my all process by calling api specific function in capture method of payment gateway.
When I will enable 3D secure option for payment gateway I need to redirect user to 3rdparty for verification for that I am using getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl with condition.
With Condition I ma also saving order with pending status but Magento generate the invoice and mark as paid and change status to processing. that I need to do once get successful authentication from 3rdparty.
for updating order status using following code:
$order->setState( Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_NEW, true );
If anyone can help how can I control to not generate invoice in capture method will be very appreciated.
If you use capture() in your payment method, and your capture() method returns without throwing an exception, then Magento assumes that the capture is done, "the money is in your pocket", so it makes the invoice. This is not good if you use a 3rd party payment gateway.
You can do the following: set your *payment_action* to order in your config.xml
In your payment method set the attributes and implement the order() method.
Snd set getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl, but you already did that.
class Your_Module_Model_PaymentMethod
extends Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract
// set these attributes
protected $_code = 'yourPaymentCode';
protected $_isGateway = true;
protected $_canCapture = false;
protected $_canAuthorize = false;
protected $_canOrder = true;
public function order(Varien_Object $payment, $amount)
// initialize your gateway transaction as needed
// $gateway is just an imaginary example of course
$gateway->init( $amount,
if($gateway->isSuccess()) {
// save transaction id
} else {
// this message will be shown to the customer
return $this;
And somehow the gateway has to respond. In my case they redirect the customer to $responseUrl given in init(), but they warn that it is possible that the user's browser crashes after payment but before they can be redirected to our store: In that case they call the URL in the background, so handling that URL cannot rely on session data. I made a controller for this:
public function gatewayResponseAction()
// again the imaginary example $gateway
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load( $gateway->getOrderId() );
$payment = $order->getPayment();
$transaction = $payment->getTransaction( $gateway->getTransactionId() );
if ($gateway->isSuccess())
$payment->registerCaptureNotification( $gateway->getAmount() );
->addError($gateway->getErrorMessage() );
// set quote active again, and cancel order
// so the user can make a new order
$quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->load( $order->getQuoteId() );
$quote->setIsActive( true )->save();
Try setting the state to pending payment, something like the following;
'3D Secure Auth Now Taking Place')->save();
P.S. The PayPal module that comes with Magento does exactly what you are trying to do, so take a look at PayPal Standard model and controller for some pointers.

Setting payment method to cart with Magento API

I'm using Magento API to create orders. My code fails when I want to add payment method to the cart :
$paymentMethod = array(
“method” => “paypal_standard”
$resultPaymentMethod = $proxy->call(
I'm getting following error: Payment method is not allowed.
In admin section in System->Configuration->PayPal I have set Website Payments Standard but I didn't enabled any option in System->Configuration->Payment Methods cause there is none available for PayPal.
When I call:
$proxy->call($session, 'cart_payment.list')
method I get an empty array as there isn't any available payment method set. Does someone knows how and where paypal payment setting is saved in Magento ?
If I set another Payment method like "checkmo" then the order is created fine. The thing is that I only need to allow Paypal standard payment.
So my question is: How can I set payment method to PayPal to the cart so my order will be successfully created?
I have also facing this problem and find reason for it.
$method->canUseInternal() used in payment method api. When we use paypal or other redirect able methods in payment methos api in that case $method->canUseInternal() it getting false value.
So for this type situation we need to create own custom coding.
api function refreance:
protected function _canUsePaymentMethod($method, $quote){
if (!($method->isGateway() || $method->canUseInternal())) {
return false; }
if (!$method->canUseForCountry($quote->getBillingAddress()->getCountry())) {
return false;
if (!$method->canUseForCurrency(Mage::app()->getStore($quote->getStoreId())->getBaseCurrencyCode())) {
return false;
To pay with Paypal you need your customer to be redirected to Paypal. Because of this fact, you may not be allowed to use this payment method using API. I recommend you to have look at isAvailable() of the payment method to customize this behaviour.

How to remove shipping using observer for checkout in magento?

My Problem:
I want to use observer before checkout onepage page begins, in that, based on products in the cart, I want to disable shipping if it doesn't match certain conditions.
I am using [controller_action_predispatch_checkout_onepage_index] event observer, this basically call before checkout page starts loading...I am able to get all products and quote info but didn't found any method to disable shipping.
What I am looking for,
from the observer, is it possible to disable shipping by calling certain magento methods or any other solutions?
Overriding collectRates()
After getting few replies, I am trying to override collectRates() method using code given below
$method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method');
if ($request->getFreeShipping() === true || $request->getPackageQty() == $this->getFreeBoxes()) {
$shippingPrice = '0.00';
Although, I dont want to enable flatrate shipping method either. I just want to disable shipping, or optionally return with reply something like
Free shipping $0.00
User can select that to continue to next step. Please help me from here..
What should I use in $method->setCarrier('??????');
or what changes I do need to do in above code?
I think it might be better to either override or subclass the individual Carrier models.
All carriers implement a method "Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Abstract::collectRates()" to return results.
It is possible to get information about the current quote to modify the returned rates/options from within this method.
That said, if there is a way to do it with an observer, it would probably be cleaner/easier.
Finally I have override shipping method, its a two step code but you can reduce it to one step if you wish. Here is my two step solution.
Before we start our shipping class needs to extend and implement
extends Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Abstract
implements Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Interface
Now, We create a protected method
protected function _createMethod($request, $method_code, $title, $price, $cost)
$method = Mage::getModel('shipping/rate_result_method');
$method->setCarrier('australiapost'); // in my case its australia post, it can be any other whatever you are using
return $method;
Now just use code below to create new method with free shipping and bypass existing shipping calculator, this code will go inside collectRates(Mage_Shipping_Model_Rate_Request $request) method
if ($request->getFreeShipping() === true || $request->getPackageQty() == $this->getFreeBoxes()) {
$shippingPrice = '0.00';
$shipping_method = 'Free Shipping';
$method = $this->_createMethod($request, $shipping_method, 'Shipping Disabled', '0.00', '0.00');
return $result;
By Doing this, you can get result like below in checkout and user can easily click continue to next step.
Shipping Disabled $0.00

Magento - Dynamically disable payment method based on criteria

I have an extremely simple module that allows a customer to "Purchase On Account". The module doesn't do anything special really (it was simply modified from a Cash On Delivery module.)
The problem is I only want to offer this payment method to logged in customers.
So far my module looks like this:
The content of PaymentMethod.php is:
class MyCompany_BuyOnAccount_Model_PaymentMethod extends Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract
protected $_code = 'buyonaccount';
protected $_isInitializeNeeded = true;
protected $_canUseInternal = false;
protected $_canUseForMultishipping = false;
The config and system xml files contain the usual sort of thing (please let me know if you would like to see the code and i'll edit)
So bascically I need to disable the module if the user is not logged in (but obviously only for the current customer session!)
Any ideas?
You can just add a method to your payment model called isAvailable(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote $quote) that returns a bool. For example, in your situation you could add something like:
public function isAvailable($quote = null) {
$isLoggedIn = Mage::helper('customer')->isLoggedIn();
return parent::isAvailable($quote) && $isLoggedIn;
The Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Free payment method that ships with Magento is an example of a payment method that employs this -- it'll only show if the basket total is zero.

How to toggle Shipping Methods Based on Products?

I want to be able to toggle what shipping method is used based upon the items that are in the cart. Where is the best place to "check" this and grab the right shipping method?
The way it will work is that there will be a standard shipping method that is used, and then, if there are certain items in the cart another method will override that other method.
I think I could do this by hacking around in the individual shipping modules, but I'd like to do this the "right" way.
shipping methods have built in method in Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Abstract that they all extend:
public function isActive();
extend your shipping methods and add your logic to that method and don't forget to call parent::isActive(); first
Try and Try as I did to implement a custom override, I was only able to find success when I copied the entire Tablerates.php file to local/Mage/Shipping/Model/Carrier/Tablerates.php
isActive() was still not "the way" at that point. I had to introduce some code in the collectRates() function like so:
// check the store
if (Mage::app()->getStore()->getId() == 2){
// check for free shipping
$packageValue = $request->getPackageValueWithDiscount();
$freeShipping = ($request->getFreeShipping()) || ($packageValue >= Mage::getStoreConfig("carriers/freeshipping/free_shipping_subtotal", $this->getStore()));
return false;
$foundFlag = false;
foreach ($request->getAllItems() as $item) {
$org_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getProductId());
if($org_product->getDeliveryFlag() == "workstationmats")
$foundFlag = true;
if ($foundFlag == false)
return false;
// end shpping mod
This was placed right at the beginning of the collectRates function.
