I have an app that uses a Three.js ParticleSystem to render on the order of 50,000 points. I have spent a lot of time searching for efficient ways to do picking (ray-casting) so as to be able to interact with individual points but have not found a good solution. I am considering changing to just using an array of Particles instead of ParticleSystems.
My questions are:
Am I missing something; is there a good way to do picking with the ParticleSystem?
Will I suffer a performance hit using an array of Particles instead of the ParticleSystem, especially since I am taking advantage of the ability to pass several arrays of attributes into the shader.
Thanks for any insight anyone can provide!
You're checking 50,000 points every time. That's a bit too much.
You may want to split those points into different ParticleSystems... Like 10 objects with 5000 particles each.
Ideally each object would compose a different "quadrant" so the Raycaster can check the boundingSphere first and ignore all those points if not intersecting.
I was hoping to display in my app as many as 3,000 instances of the same model at the same time - but it’s really slowing down my computer. It's just too much.
I know InstancedMesh is the way to go for something like this so I’ve been following THREE.js’s examples here: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/objects/InstancedMesh
The examples are fantastic, but they seem to use really small models which makes it really hard to get a good feel for what the model size-limits should be.
For example:
-The Spheres used here aren't imported custom 3D models, they're just instances of IcosahedronGeometry
-The Flower.glb model used in this example is tiny: it only has 218 Vertices on it.
-And the “Flying Monkeys” here come from a ".json" file so I can’t tell how many vertices that model has.
My model by comparison has 4,832 Vertices - which by the way, was listed in the "low-poly" category where I found it, so it's not really considered particularly big.
In terms of file-size, it's exactly 222kb.
I tried scaling it down in Blender and re-exporting it - still came out at 222kb.
Obviously I can take some “drastic measures”, like:
-Try to re-design my 3D model and make it smaller - but that would greatly reduce it’s beauty and the overall aesthetics of the project
-I can re-imagine or re-architect the project to display maybe 1,000 models at the same time instead of 3,000
But being that I’m new to THREE.js - and 3D modeling in general, I just wanted to first ask the community if there are any suggestions or tricks to try out first before making such radical changes.
-The model I'm importing is in the .glTF format - is that the best format to use or should I try something else?
-All the meshes in it come into the browser as instances of BufferGeometry which I believe is the lightest in terms of memory demands - is that correct?
Are there any other things I need to be aware of to optimize performance?
Some setting in Blender or other 3D modeling software that can reduce model-size?
Some general rules of thumb to follow when embarking on something like this?
Would really appreciate any and all help.
GLTF is fine to transmit geometry and materials — I might say the standard right now. If there's only geometry, I'd see OBJ or PLY formats.
The model size is blocking, but only for the initial load if we employ instancing on its geometry and material. This way we simply re-use the already generated geometry and its material.
At the GPU level, instancing means drawing a single mesh with a single material shader, many times. You can override certain inputs to the material for each instance, but it sort of has to be a single material.
— Don McCurdy
Our biggest worry here would be the triangles or faces rendered. Lower counts of this are more performant, and thus, fewer models at a time are. For this, you can use some degree of LOD to progressively increase and decrease your models' detail until you stop rendering them at a distance.
Some examples/resources to get you started:
Instancing Models
Modifying Instances
I would like to inquire some insights into rendering a large amount of meshes with the best performance.
I'm working on generative mine-able planets incorporating marching cube chunked terrain. Currently I'm trying to add vegetation/rocks to spruce up the planet surfaces (get it?). I am using the actual chunk loading to (next to the terrain) also load smaller rocks and some grass stuff. That runs pretty well. I am having issues with tree's and boulders (visible on the entire planet surface but LODed, obviously).
Testing different methods have lead me on the road of;
Custom shaders with material clipping based on camera distance; Works okay for about half a million trees made from 2 perpendicular planes (merged into one single bufferGeometry). But those 'models' are not good enough.
THREE.LOD's; Which sucks up fps like crazy, to slow for large amounts of meshes.
THREE.InstancedMesh's; Works pretty well, however I'd have to disable frustumCulling, since the originpoint of the vegetation is not always on screen. Which makes it inefficient.
THREE.InstancedGeometry combined with the custom clipping shaders; I had high hopes for this, it gives the best performance while using actual models. But it still eats up half of the frameRate. The vertexshader still has to process all the vertices to determine if it is within clipping range. Also the same frustumCulling issue applies.
Material.clippingPlanes? Combined with InstancedMeshes; This is what I'm trying now, did not have any luck with it, still trying to figure out exactly how that works..
Does anyone have experience with rendering large amounts of meshes or has some advice for me? Is there a technique I do not yet know about?
Would it help to split up the trees in multiple InstancedMeshes? Would the clippingPlanes give me better performance?
Let's say I have a static object and a movable object which can be moved and rotated, what is the best way to very quickly calculate the difference of those two meshes?
Precision here is not so important, speed is though, since I have to use it in the update phase of the main loop.
Maybe, given the strict time limit, modifying the static object's vertices and triangles directly is to be preferred. Should voxels be preferred here instead?
EDIT: The use case is an interactive viewer of a wood panel (parallelepiped) and a milling tool (a revolved contour, some like these).
The milling tool can be rotated and can work oriented at varying degrees (5 axes).
EDIT 2: The milling tool may not pierce the wood.
EDIT 3: The panel can be as large as 6000x2000mm and the milling tool can be as little as 3x3mm.
If you need the best possible performance then the generic CSG approach may be too slow for you (but still depending on meshes and target hardware).
You may try to find some specialized algorithm, coded for your specific meshes. Let's say you have two cubes - one is a 'wall' and second is a 'window' - then it's much easier/faster to compute resulting mesh with your custom code, than full CSG. Unfortunately you don't say anything about your meshes.
You may also try to make it a 2D problem, use some simplified meshes to compute the result that will 'look like expected'.
If the movement of your meshes is somehow limited you may be able to precompute full or partial results for different mesh combinations to use at runtime.
You may use some space partitioning like BSP or Octrees to divide your meshes during precomputing stage. This way you could split one big problem into many smaller ones that may be faster to compute or at least to make the solution multi-threaded.
You've said about voxels - if you're fine with their look and limits you may voxelize both meshes and just read and mix two voxel values, instead of one. Then you would triangulate it using algorithm like Marching Cubes.
Those are all just some general ideas but we'll need better info to help you more.
With your description it looks like you're modeling some bas-relief, so you may use Relief Mapping to fake this effect. It's based on a height map stored as a texture, so you'd need to just update few pixels of the texture and render a plane. It should be quite fast compared to other approaches, the downside is that it's based on height map, so you can't get shapes that Tee Slot or Dovetail cutter would create.
If you want the real geometry then I'd start from a simple plane as your panel (don't need full 3D yet, just a front surface) and divide it with a 2D grid. The grid element should be slightly bigger than the drill size and every element is a separate mesh. In the frame update you'd cut one, or at most 4 elements that are touched with a drill. Thanks to this grid all your cutting operations will be run with very simple mesh so they may work with your intended speed. You can also cut all current elements in separate threads. After the cutting is done you'll upload to the GPU only currently modified elements so you may end up with quite complex mesh but small modifications per frame.
I was looking at the http://threejs.org/examples/webgl_nearestneighbour.html and had a few questions come up. I see that they use the kdtree to stick all the particles positions and then have a function to determine the nearest particle and color it. Let's say that you have a canvas with around 100 buffered geometries with around 72000 vertices / geometry. The only way I know to do this is that you get the positions of the buffered geometries and then put them into the kdtree to determine the nearest vertice and go from there. This sounds very expensive.
What other way is there to return the objects that are near the camera. Something like how THREE.LOD does it? http://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_lod It has the ability to see how far an object is and render the different levels depending on the setting you inputted.
Define "expensive". The point of the kdtree is to find nearest neighbour elements quickly, its primary focus is not on saving memory (Although it does everything inplace on a typed array, it's quit cheap in terms of memory already). If you need to save memory you maybe have to find another way.
Yet a typed array with length 21'600'000 is indeed a bit long. I highly doubt you have to have every single vertex in there. Why not have a position reference point for every geometry part? And, if you need to get the vertices associated to that point, a dictionary. Then you can call myGeometryVertices[ geometryReferencePoint ].
Three.LOD works with raycasts. If you have a (few) hundred objects that might work well. If you have hundred thousands or even millions of positions you'll get some troubles. Also if you're not using meshes; you can't raytrace e.g. a particle.
Really just build your own logic with them. None of those two provide a prebuilt perfect-for-all-cases solution.
Three.JS noob here trying to do 2d visualization.
I used d3.js to make an interactive visualization involving thousands of nodes (rectangle shaped). Needless to say there were performance issues during animation because Browsers have to create an svg DOM element for every one of those 10 thousand nodes.
I wish to recreate the same visualization using WebGl in order to leverage hardware acceleration.
Now ThreeJS is a library which I have choosen because of its popularity (btw, I did look at PixiJS and its api didn't appeal to me). I am wanting to know what is the best approach to do 2d graphics in three.js.
I tried creating one PlaneGeometry for every rectangle. But it seems that 10 thousand Plane geometries are not the say to go (animation becomes super duper slow).
I am probably missing something. I just need to know what is the best primitive way to create 2d rectangles and still identify them uniquely so that I can interact with them once drawn.
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: Would you guys suggest to use another library by any chance?
I think you're on the right track with looking at WebGL, but depending on what you're doing in your visualization you might need to get closer to the metal than "out of the box" threejs.
I recommend taking a look at GLSL and taking a look at how you can implement your visualization using vertex and fragment shaders. You can still use threejs for a lot of the WebGL plumbing.
The reason you'll probably need to get directly into GLSL shader work is because you want to take most of the poly manipulation logic out of javascript, at least as much as is possible. Any time you ask js to do a tight loop over tens of thousands of polys to update position, etc... you are going to struggle with CPU usage.
It is going to be much more performant to have js pass in data parameters to your shaders and let the vertex manipulation happen there.
Take a look here: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webgl/shaders/ for a nice shader tutorial.