Check if a binary tree is subtree of another binary tree - algorithm

To check if a binary tree is subtree of another tree ,I was thinking that lets store the inorder and preorder traversal of the tree as strings(like assigning characters to each node) and then do a substring match to check if the tree is subtree or not. Will this approach work ?

Not sure who picked #genisage's answer as correct. Inorder with preorder/postorder substring approach is the best solution for this problem. In the example #genisage mentioned pre-order traversals are 1 2 and 2 2 1. 1 2 is not a substring of 2 2 1 and the answer is false.

no, it won't. consider a possible subtree consisting of a root node containing 1, and a left child containing 2. And a second tree with root 1, left child 2, and right child 1.
It's clear that the first is not a subtree of the second but your method would say that it is since the preorder traversals are 1 2 and 1 2 1, and the inorder traversals are 2 1 and 2 1 1.
You would need to add null values when they’re encountered to differentiate, making the preorder traversal 1 2 null and 1 2 1 and the inorder 2 1 null and 2 1 1 which is not a sub tree.

Given two binary trees, check if the first tree is subtree of the second one. A subtree of a tree T is a tree S consisting of a node in T and all of its descendants in T. The subtree corresponding to the root node is the entire tree; the subtree corresponding to any other node is called a proper subtree.
For example, in the following case, tree S is a subtree of tree T.
Tree S
/ \
4 6
Tree T
/ \
10 3
/ \ \
4 6 3
Traverse the tree T in preorder fashion. For every visited node in the traversal, see if the subtree rooted with this node is identical to S.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* A binary tree node has data, left child and right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
/* A utility function to check whether trees with roots as root1 and root2 are identical or not */
bool areIdentical(struct node * root1, struct node *root2)
/* base cases */
if(root1 == NULL && root2 == NULL)
return true;
if(root1 == NULL || root2 == NULL)
return false;
/* Check if the data of both roots is same and data of left and right subtrees are also same */
return (root1->data == root2->data &&
areIdentical(root1->left, root2->left) &&
areIdentical(root1->right, root2->right) );
/* This function returns true if S is a subtree of T, otherwise false */
bool isSubtree(struct node *T, struct node *S)
/* base cases */
if (S == NULL)
return true;
if (T == NULL)
return false;
/* Check the tree with root as current node */
if (areIdentical(T, S))
return true;
/* If the tree with root as current node doesn't match then
try left and right subtrees one by one */
return isSubtree(T->left, S) ||
isSubtree(T->right, S);
/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the given data
and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
/* Construct the following tree
/ \
10 3
/ \ \
4 6 3
struct node *T = newNode(26);
T->right = newNode(3);
T->right->right = newNode(3);
T->left = newNode(10);
T->left->left = newNode(4);
T->left->left->right = newNode(30);
T->left->right = newNode(6);
/* Construct the following tree
/ \
4 6
struct node *S = newNode(10);
S->right = newNode(6);
S->left = newNode(4);
S->left->right = newNode(30);
if( isSubtree(T, S) )
printf("Tree S is subtree of tree T");
printf("Tree S is not a subtree of tree T");
return 0;
Output: Tree S is subtree of tree T


Balanced tree with constant-time successor and predecessor given node pointers?

I was asked this question, which I personally find hard:
Create a data structure that can:
Insert elements,
Remove elements,
Search Elements,
In time O(log n)
In addition,
It should have the following two functions which work in time O(1):
given a pointer to the node of value x, return a pointer to the node with the smallest bigger value than x.
given a pointer to the node of value x, return a pointer to the node with the biggest smallest value than x.
If each node contains a pointer to its successor and a pointer to its predecessor, or equivalently - if you maintain both a doublely linked list and a tree, where each node in the tree points to its equivalent node in the list and vice versa - you'll get want you want. Updating the list on insert/delete is O(1) (after locating the closest node in the tree). Searching is performed on the tree. Succesor / predecessor are performed on the list.
#RogerLindsjö's idea from the comments is a good one. Essentially, keep a regular, balanced BST, then thread a doubly-linked list through the nodes keeping them in sorted order. That way, given a pointer to a node in the tree, you can find the largest value smaller than it or the smallest value greater than it simply by following the next or previous pointers in each node.
You can maintain this list through insertions and deletions without changing the overall runtime of an insert or delete. For example, here's how you might do an insertion of an element x:
Do a standard BST successor query to find the smallest value larger than x in the tree, and a standard BST predecessor query to find the largest value smaller than x in the tree. Each search takes time O(log n) to complete.
Do a regular BST insertion to insert x. Then, set its next and previous pointers to the two elements you found in the previous step, and update those nodes to point to your new node x. This also takes time O(log n).
The total time for the insertion is then O(log n), matching what a balanced tree can provide.
I'll leave it to you to figure out deletion, which can similarly maintain the linked list pointers without changing the overall cost of the operation.
Like most self-balancing trees, a B+ tree provides Insert, Remove, and Search operations with O(log n) time complexity.
In a B+ tree, a leaf node hosts multiple keys in an array, so the concept of "pointer to node with value x" does not really exist, but we could define it as the tuple (pointer, index), where the pointer is to the node, and index is the slot in which x is stored.
In a B+ tree the nodes at the bottom level contain all the keys, and these nodes are often linked, usually only in forward direction (i.e. to the right), but it is quite possible to also maintain a link in the opposite direction, without increasing the time complexity of the above operations.
With those two remarks in mind, prev-next operations can clearly be executed in O(1) time.
If your elements are integers you can use y-fast trie that supports all mentioned operations in O(log log m). Also, almost any search tree will allow doing these operations in O(log n) time by just going first up and then down (it will require a lot of concentration to not mess up with the order, though)
You can use two pointers in the node of the balanced tree, namely pred - predecessor and succ - successor. While inserting a node into the tree or deleting a node from the tree you just have to do some pointer manipulations, equivalent to those in doubly linked list.
The time complexity will be O(1) in each case.
I have provided my implementation for the insertion and deletion in case of AVL Tree below. The complete implementation is available here.
Structure of node
template<typename T>
struct node {
T key;
int freq;
node<T> *left;
node<T> *right;
node<T> *pred;
node<T> *succ;
int height;
node(T key): key(key), freq(1),
succ(nullptr) {}
insert function
node<T> *insert(node<T> *root, T key) {
if(root == nullptr)
return new node<T>(key);
if(!comp(key, root->key) && !comp(root->key, key)) {
} else if(comp(key, root->key)) {
if(root->left == nullptr) {
node<T> *new_node = new node<T>(key);
/* set the pred and succ ptrs*/
new_node->succ = root;
new_node->pred = root->pred;
if(root->pred != nullptr)
root->pred->succ = new_node;
root->pred = new_node;
root->left = new_node;
} else {
root->left = insert(root->left, key);
} else {
if(root->right == nullptr) {
node<T> *new_node = new node<T>(key);
/* set the pred and succ ptrs*/
new_node->pred = root;
new_node->succ = root->succ;
if(root->succ != nullptr)
root->succ->pred = new_node;
root->succ = new_node;
root->right = new_node;
} else {
root->right = insert(root->right, key);
root->height = max(height(root->left), height(root->right)) + 1;
int bf = balance_factor(root);
node<T> *left = root->left;
node<T> *right = root->right;
if(bf > 1 && left != nullptr && comp(key, left->key)) {
node was inserted at left subtree of left child
fix - right rotate root
root = rotate_right(root);
} else if(bf > 1 && left != nullptr && comp(left->key, key)) {
node was inserted at right subtree of left child
fix - left rotate left child
- right rotate root
root->left = rotate_left(root->left);
root = rotate_right(root);
} else if(bf < -1 && right != nullptr && comp(right->key, key)) {
node was inserted at right subtree of right child
fix - left rotate root
root = rotate_left(root);
} else if(bf < -1 && right != nullptr && comp(key, right->key)) {
node was inserted at left subtree of right child
fix - right rotate right child
- left roatate root
root->right = rotate_right(root->right);
root = rotate_left(root);
return root;
erase function
node<T> *erase(node<T> *root, T key) {
if(root == nullptr)
return nullptr;
if(comp(key, root->key)) {
root->left = erase(root->left, key);
} else if(comp(root->key, key)) {
root->right = erase(root->right, key);
} else {
if(root->left == nullptr || root->right == nullptr) {
/* update pred and succ ptrs */
if(root->succ != nullptr)
root->succ->pred = root->pred;
if(root->pred != nullptr)
root->pred->succ = root->succ;
if(root->right == nullptr) {
node<T> *temp = root->left;
delete root;
root = temp;
} else {
node<T> *temp = root->right;
delete root;
root = temp;
} else {
// node<T> *succ = minVal(root->right);
root->key = root->succ->key;
root->freq = root->succ->freq;
root->right = erase(root->right, root->succ->key);
if(root != nullptr) {
root->height = max(height(root->left), height(root->right)) + 1;
int bf_root = balance_factor(root);
if(bf_root > 1) {
case R
int bf_left = balance_factor(root->left);
if(bf_left >= 0) {
case R0 and R1
root = rotate_right(root);
} else {
case R -1
root->left = rotate_left(root->left);
root = rotate_right(root);
} else if(bf_root < -1) {
Case L
int bf_right = balance_factor(root->right);
if(bf_right <= 0) {
case L0 and L -1
root = rotate_left(root);
} else {
case L1
root->right = rotate_right(root->right);
root = rotate_left(root);
return root;

BST - interval deletion/multiple nodes deletion

Suppose I have a binary search tree in which I'm supposed to insert N unique-numbered keys in the order given to me on standard input, then I am to delete all nodes with keys in interval I = [min,max] and also all connections adjacent to these nodes. This gives me a lot of smaller trees that I am to merge together in a particular way. More precise description of the problem:
Given a BST, which contains distinct keys, and interval I, the interval deletion works in two phases. During the first phase it removes all nodes whose key is in I and all edges adjacent to the removed nodes. Let the resulting graph contain k connected components T1,...,Tk. Each of the components is a BST where the root is the node with the smallest depth among all nodes of this component in the original BST. We assume that the sequence of trees Ti is sorted so that for each i < j all keys in Ti are smaller than keys in Tj. During the second phase, trees Ti are merged together to form one BST. We denote this operation by Merge(T1,...,Tk). Its output is defined recurrently as follows:
EDIT: I am also supposed to delete any edge that connects nodes, that are separated by the given interval, meaning in example 2 the edge connecting nodes 10 and 20 is deleted because the interval[13,15] is 'in between them' thus separating them.
For an empty sequence of trees, Merge() gives an empty BST.
For a one-element sequence containing a tree T, Merge(T) = T.
For a sequence of trees T1,...,Tk where k > 1, let A1< A2< ... < An be the sequence of keys stored in the union of all trees T1,...,Tk, sorted in ascending order. Moreover, let m = ⌊(1+k)/2⌋ and let Ts be the tree which contains Am. Then, Merge(T1,...,Tk) gives a tree T created by merging three trees Ts, TL = Merge(T1,...,Ts-1) and TR = Merge(Ts+1,...,Tk). These trees are merged by establishing the following two links: TL is appended as the left subtree of the node storing the minimal key of Ts and TR is appended as the right subtree of the node storing the maximal key of Ts.
After I do this my task is to find the depth D of the resulting merged tree and the number of nodes in depth D-1. My program should be finished in few seconds even for a tree of 100000s of nodes (4th example).
My problem is that I haven't got a clue on how to do this or where even start. I managed to construct the desired tree before deletion but that's about that.
I'd be grateful for implementation of a program to solve this or any advice at all. Preferably in some C-ish programming language.
input(first number is number of keys to be inserted in the empty tree, the second are the unique keys to be inserted in the order given, the third line containts two numbers meaning the interval to be deleted):
10 5 8 6 9 7 20 15 22 13 17 16 18
8 16
correct output of the program: 3 3 , first number being the depth D, the second number of nodes in depth D-1
10 5 8 6 9 7 20 15 22 13 17 16 18
13 15
correct output: 4 3
pictures of the two examples
example 3:
correct output: 13 6
example 4: link
correct output: 58 9
This is a big answer, I'll talk at high-level.Please examine the source for details, or ask in comment for clarification.
Global Variables :
vector<Node*> roots : To store roots of all new trees.
map<Node*,int> smap : for each new tree, stores it's size
vector<int> prefix : prefix sum of roots vector, for easy binary search in merge
inorder : find size of a BST (all calls combinedly O(N))
delInterval : Main theme is,if root isn't within interval, both of it's childs might be roots of new trees. The last two if checks for that special edge in your edit. Do this for every node, post-order. (O(N))
merge : Merge all new roots positioned at start to end index in roots. First we find the total members of new tree in total (using prefix-sum of roots i.e prefix). mid denotes m in your question. ind is the index of root that contains mid-th node, we retrieve that in root variable. Now recursively build left/right subtree and add them in left/right most node. O(N) complexity.
traverse: in level map, compute the number of nodes for every depth of tree. (O(N.logN), unordered_map will turn it O(N))
Now the code (Don't panic!!!):
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int N = 12;
struct Node
Node* parent=NULL,*left=NULL,*right = NULL;
int value;
Node(int x,Node* par=NULL) {value = x;parent = par;}
void insert(Node* root,int x){
if(root->left) insert(root->left,x);
else root->left = new Node(x,root);
if(root->right) insert(root->right,x);
else root->right = new Node(x,root);
int inorder(Node* root){
if(root==NULL) return 0;
int l = inorder(root->left);
return l+1+inorder(root->right);
vector<Node*> roots;
map<Node*,int> smap;
vector<int> prefix;
Node* delInterval(Node* root,int x,int y){
if(root==NULL) return NULL;
root->left = delInterval(root->left,x,y);
root->right = delInterval(root->right,x,y);
if(root->value<=y && root->value>=x){
if(root->left) roots.push_back(root->left);
if(root->right) roots.push_back(root->right);
return NULL;
if(root->value<x && root->right && root->right->value>y) {
root->right = NULL;
if(root->value>y && root->left && root->left->value<x) {
root->left = NULL;
return root;
Node* merge(int start,int end){
if(start>end) return NULL;
if(start==end) return roots[start];
int total = prefix[end] - (start>0?prefix[start-1]:0);//make sure u get this line
int mid = (total+1)/2 + (start>0?prefix[start-1]:0); //or this won't make sense
int ind = lower_bound(prefix.begin(),prefix.end(),mid) - prefix.begin();
Node* root = roots[ind];
Node* TL = merge(start,ind-1);
Node* TR = merge(ind+1,end);
Node* temp = root;
while(temp->left) temp = temp->left;
temp->left = TL;
temp = root;
while(temp->right) temp = temp->right;
temp->right = TR;
return root;
void traverse(Node* root,int depth,map<int, int>& level){
if(!root) return;
int main(){
int* arr = new int[N],start,end;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) cin>>arr[i];
Node* tree = new Node(arr[0]); //Building initial tree
for(int i=1;i<N;i++) {insert(tree,arr[i]);}
Node* x = delInterval(tree,start,end); //deleting the interval
if(x) roots.push_back(x);
//sort the disconnected roots, and find their size
sort(roots.begin(),roots.end(),[](Node* r,Node* v){return r->value<v->value;});
for(auto& r:roots) {smap[r] = inorder(r);}
prefix.resize(roots.size()); //prefix sum root sizes, to cheaply find 'root' in merge
prefix[0] = smap[roots[0]];
for(int i=1;i<roots.size();i++) prefix[i]= smap[roots[i]]+prefix[i-1];
Node* root = merge(0,roots.size()-1); //merge all trees
map<int, int> level; //key=depth, value = no of nodes in depth
traverse(root,0,level); //find number of nodes in each depth
int depth = level.rbegin()->first; //access last element's key i.e total depth
int at_depth_1 = level[depth-1]; //no of nodes before
cout<<depth<<" "<<at_depth_1<<endl; //hoorray
return 0;

How binary search tree is created?

Suppose i am having an array say
1 5 4 6 8 9 10 22 17 7 9 3
I want to create a binary search tree from this array. I need algorithm to understand that.
I have read rest other things related to BST like inorder traversal preorder postorder, tree walk, insertion deletion etc
Book has not provided how to create BST. Need help here
if you do not care about the tree being balanced it is simple:
put the first element of the tree as the head.
iterate over the array. if an element is bigger than the node take a left(repeat the step for the left child) otherwise take a right(repeat the step for the right child).
if the left/right child is a null insert your new value there.
guaranteed to produce a binary search tree - just not a balanced one.
Firstly, you should choose a root node for your BST. Once you have chosen a root node, it is already easy to construct a BST taking into consideration the fact that: left children are less than the parent node and all right children are greater than the parent node.
private Node root;
public void insert(int val) {
if (root == null) {
root = new Node(val);
} else {
insertHelper(root, val);
private void insertHelper(Node node, int val) {
if (val < node.val) {
if (node.left == null) {
node.left = new Node(val);
} else {
insertHelper(node.left, val);
} else if (node.val < val) {
if (node.right == null) {
node.right = new Node(val);
} else {
insertHelper(node.right, val);
If the given array is sorted, you can do the following:
Take the middle element of the array and make it the root of the tree
Take the left sub-array and make it the left sub-tree of the root recursively
Take the right sub-array and make it the right sub-tree of the root recursively
Otherwise you can always sort the array before applying the procedure
struct node* construct(int arr[], int start, int end)
else if (start==end)
/*assuming we have a function newNode(int) which creates a new BST Node*/
node* Node = newNode(arr[start]);
return Node;
int mid = (start+end)/2;
node* root = newNode(arr[mid]);
root->left = construct(arr,start,mid-1);
root->right = construct(arr,mid+1,end);
return root;

In Order traversal of a modified Binary Tree

This was asked to me in an interview which I screwed up. We are given a binary tree , however , it is modified such that it's children are never null , if a non leaf node doesn't have a child then its right/left child points to the node itself. And for the leaf nodes , they point to the next left node and right node. For leftmost and rightmost node it will be pointing to itself and the previous/next element.
Example :
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
(4 = 5 = 6 = 7)
Here 4.left = 4 , 4.right = 5 , 5.left = 4 and 5.right = 6 and so on.
We need to do an inorder traversal of this tree.
I came up with the conditions which will determine if a node is leaf node (exit condition):
if(root.right==root || root.left == root || root.left.right == root || root.right.left == root)
But couldn't combine these properly. Also we need to take care of skewed trees for which even the root satifies the condition root.left = root || root.right = right , so we will straight away get out of recursion without even traversing the whole tree.
Please help me with it. I couldn't come up with proper condition check for recursion.
We just need to do an in order traversal of this tree. Output : 4 2 5 1 6 3 7
The following algorithm should do:
visit(vertex v) {
if (v.left != v && v.left.right != v) visit(v.left)
print v
if (v.right != v && v.right.left != v) visit(v.right)
I think your problem was that you tried to do too many things at a time. Instead of detecting whether the vertex is a leaf or not, it would have sufficed to detect first whether it has a left child and then whether it has a right child.
If you hit a non-leaf that points to itself on the right side, but has a child on the left side, a condition like 'root.right==root' would falsely call that node a leaf. You need to use an and statement. I think this might work:
if((root.right==root && root.left.right == root) || (root.left == root && root.right.left == root) || (root.left.right == root && root.left == root))
But this will not work if you have a tree with a missing leaf in the middle. Of course if the nodes were numbered, then it would be much easier since you could just use log2 to check what level it was on compared to where it linked to.
For clarity, I put all the bizarre logic into a function (which could be inlined)
#include <stdio.h>
struct list {
struct list *prev;
struct list *next;
int val;
struct list arr[] =
{ {arr+1, arr+2, 1}
, {arr+3, arr+4, 2}
, {arr+5, arr+6, 3}
, {arr+3, arr+4, 4}
, {arr+3, arr+5, 5}
, {arr+4, arr+6, 6}
, {arr+5, arr+6, 7}
int is_leaf(struct list *p)
if (p->prev == p) return 1; // 4
if (p->next == p) return 1; // 7
if (p->next->prev == p) return 1; // 5,6
return 0; // non-leaves : 1,2,3
unsigned recurse (struct list *p)
int chk;
unsigned ret=1;
chk = is_leaf(p) ;
if (!chk) ret+=recurse(p->prev);
printf("%d %s\n", p->val, chk ? "leaf" : "nonLeaf" );
if (!chk) ret+=recurse(p->next);
return ret;
int main (void) {
unsigned cnt;
cnt = recurse (arr);
printf( "Result=%u\n", cnt );
return 0;
4 leaf
2 nonLeaf
5 leaf
1 nonLeaf
6 leaf
3 nonLeaf
7 leaf

What is the next step for this tree according to morris inorder?

Just before I sat down to write code for morris inorder traversal I tried this example and am a bit confounded as to how its gonna work in this particular case:
/ \
60 100
\ /
70 90
Step 1:
/ \
65 80
/ \
63 100
\ /
64 90
As far as I understand the algorithm in the next step 70 will become the right child of 65, so what happens to 60? I am pretty sure I am missing something trivial but unfortunately unable to put my finger on it.
public void MorrisInorder() {
BSTNode<T> p = root, tmp;
while (p != null)
if (p.left == null) {
p = p.right;
else {
tmp = p.left;
while (tmp.right != null && // go to the rightmost node of
tmp.right != p) // the left subtree or
tmp = tmp.right; // to the temporary parent of p;
if (tmp.right == null) {// if 'true' rightmost node was
tmp.right = p; // reached, make it a temporary
p = p.left; // parent of the current root,
else { // else a temporary parent has been
visit(p); // found; visit node p and then cut
tmp.right = null; // the right pointer of the current
p = p.right; // parent, whereby it ceases to be
} // a parent;
Code I am following for morris inorder traversal.
To directly answer your question, I think the figure is not exact in the step 1 of your case, as the edge from node "80" to node "60" should not be deleted. The only changing in step 1 is just redirect the right point of node "70" to node "80" (see Step 1), which indicates the returning path after the algorithm goes through the left sub-tree of node "80".
Step 1:
/ ^ \
60 | 100
\ | /
70 90
After adding the return path from node "70" to node "80", as the left point of current node "60" is NULL, then the current node will be set as node "70". Meanwhile, the right point of node "65" will be redirected to node "70"
Step 2:
/ ^ \
60 | 100
\ | /
70 90
/ |
For more details, the code of morris inorder traversal is listed as follows.
Suppose we have a node structure like:
/* A binary tree tNode has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct tNode
int data;
struct tNode* left;
struct tNode* right;
and the traversal is:
/* Function to traverse binary tree without recursion and
without stack */
void MorrisTraversal(struct tNode *root)
struct tNode *current,*pre;
if(root == NULL)
current = root;
while(current != NULL)
/* This means there is no left sub-tree for current node,
then just print current node, and go to the right "child" node.
The right "child" node may be either its true child node,
or the returning path for "60" sub-tree (like "70" to "80") */
if(current->left == NULL)
printf(" %d ", current->data);
current = current->right;
/* before going to the left sub-tree, we need to find a returning path
to current node (such as when current node is "80", and we want to
go to "60", so we need to save the returning path from left sub-tree
to "80"). It is easy to imagine that we need to return to the current
node when we arriving the right-most node of current left sub-tree.
Therefore, we just go to the right-most node (the first condition in
while) and set the returning path at "pre->right == NULL" block, as
well as updating the current node. Another situation is that when we
arrive at the left-most leaf node (if not exist, it means current->left
is NULL, and we won't go into this block), we have already set the right
point of left-most leaf node as the returning node (it un-satisfies the
second condition of while loop), and then we will recover the right
point of this leaf node in the next "else" block.
pre = current->left;
while(pre->right != NULL && pre->right != current)
pre = pre->right;
/* Make current as right child of its inorder predecessor */
if(pre->right == NULL)
pre->right = current;
current = current->left;
/* Revert the changes made in if part to restore the original
tree i.e., fix the right child of predecssor */
else `enter code here`
pre->right = NULL;
printf(" %d ",current->data);
current = current->right;
} /* End of if condition pre->right == NULL */
} /* End of if condition current->left == NULL*/
} /* End of while */
