OpenCPU local installation and use - opencpu

I have installed R 3.0.3 & OpenCPU package in it.
When I use the library(opencpu) its giving me the url.
When I enter the URL I am getting the Screen of HTTP request options,Method, End Point, parameter file & AJAX Request
I need to post a custom R function on the opencpu to access/test it on my local machine.
Can any one plz help me out.?
Thanks & Regards

You need to put your function in a package and install the package on your machine.


Get and Post doesnt respond after deploying to heroko

Good day ,
I am very new to node.js . deployed my application through heroko and yet all the get and post requests which works fine doesn't work .
i ran the console they provide and got the port from a console log which they assign to a random environment variable yet postman says no response .
this is my git repo
the problem is i don't know what to do next
Edit :
After multiple trials and using the dotenv package turns out that heroko ignores your setting and you dont have to add a port to the API url . just use it without port and it worked !!

intervention-image with laravel 5.2 on ubuntu-server breaks the other calls

I am using laravel 5.2 to write services for a mobile app. all the calls are working fine. My project is deployed in ubuntu server.
Now I want to resize the uploaded images inorder to maintain same performance. I thought of trying intervention-image.
In local machine it worked fine. I installed intervention-image and set the provider and alias name, I included the alias name to controller. Once I do that and update the server, all the other calls are getting effected. I am getting 505 error.
It's the intervension-image which is causing this problem, I checked with previous upload and I am getting all the calls. Any suggestions?
I suggest you create a dev environment like your production , use vagrant . About error 505 check you error log file to have more detail about the bug

MATLAB - Using urlwrite with https Site Not Working in OS X [duplicate]

Anybody know if it's possible?
I'm trying to get the data by using the following code
url = '';
params = {'org','Human','db','hg18','position','EGFR'};
urltxt = urlread(url,'get',params);
but get the error
??? Error using ==> urlread at 111
Error downloading URL. Your network connection may be down or your proxy settings improperly configured.
If I substitute https to http, it works, but I get "301 Moved Permanently" page with the above https-link.
The link in browser works properly in both cases (redirecting http request). The site does not require any authentication.
May be there are other ways than urlread?
Sorry, I found the answer on SO:
Handling an invalid security certificate using MATLAB's urlread command
Will test and remove if needed.
It really works. DO you think I should delete the question?
An alternative solution that worked for me:
(ps.: I'm using Fedora Linux, Matlab 2017a. Not sure if it will work in a simply way for windows users).
The following command line in Matlab that I used to get the data as:
was successfully replaced by the following command line:
Although the result value for the variable 'status' is zero, the data into variable AllDataURL is exactly the same as the previous one when using urlread.
Hope it helps.

not able to load images in mails using premailer-rails

I am using premailer-rails latest version gem to send HTML mail , but it is not able to load the images from my localhost.
I already added : config.action_mailer.asset_host = 'http://localhost:3000/' in my ENV files.
Please suggest if anything is missing.
The Real Problem was that gmail servers were not taking the http request and hence images were not rendering correctly.
I added the SSL certificates locally so that I can access https:\localhost:3000 and solved my problem.

CodeIgniter xmlrpc Did not receive '200 ok'

I'm trying to implement an xmlrpc server/client per the CodeIgniter User Guide. I've taken the code as is and keep getting
Did not receive a '200 OK' response from remote server.
I'm running PHP 5.2.1 on the server. A quick google search leads to which does not help. I've also tried modifying my Xmlrpcs.php file under system/libraries without success.
So what IS CI actually sending back? Setup test using Firebug and CUrL might help.
I use a CI install with "ajax" controller which handles its own AJAX requests.
