ThreeJs Textures Stretching In Corner - three.js

I have a problem with textures in threejs, I textured a cube like so:
var boxtexv = boxtex = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("boxtex.png");
var boxtex= new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map: boxtexv});
And this seems to work, but if I look at the cube from certain angles, The texture stretches from the corner to the center, could anybody explain this and help me?
PS: I am using CanvasRenderer.


Black sphere within skybox sphere forms when I try using a giant sphere to create a skybox in threejs

I'm trying to make a spherical skybox since I think that would best fit the space scene I'm making. I'm running across two issues:
I can get the skybox to work, but for some reason a sphere within my giant sphere I've made appears. I don't think its a real Object3D sphere, I have the feeling its a graphical glitch of some sort.
If I make the sphere too big (Like 1800 for the radius) it just disappears and stops working. If I set it's side to THREE.DoubleSide, I can zoom out of the scene and still see its outer side of the sphere, but inside, regardless of DoubleSide or BackSide, its invisible when 1800 or bigger
let skyboxGeom = new SphereGeometry(900, 128, 128)
let skyboxMat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({map: spaceTexture});
skyboxMat.side = THREE.BackSide
let skybox = new THREE.Mesh(skyboxGeom, skyboxMat);
Here is a picture of what it looks like:
The colorful ball is correct, the inner black sphere is what appears incorrectly. If I zoom in enough to the scene, the black ball shrinks and gets smaller and smaller until it disappears entirely, but I would have to zoom way too far into my scene that none of my things would show if I tried to do this to make the black ball go away
If it helps, I am using a PerspectiveCamera, and am exploring the scene using OrbitControls

maptalks.three buildings texture

I'm trying to apply a texture of a little window repeated to the buildings I get from the example code:
What I would like to do is to have one window (png 64x64) repeated in the buildings sides
I'm trying to put this texture:
texture.wrapS = texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
var buildMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { map: texture });
The problem is the texture is applied wrong in some buildings like stretch and all the windows are not the same for all the buildings that's the thing I would like to achieve.
I know the buildings mesh tile are made with a THREE.BufferGeometry of several buildings (extracted from the feature of the geojson data) and then created a Mesh with that BufferGeometry and then apply the material.
On the attached image you can see with red the wrong texture mapping and green what I would like to see.
Image of the texture mapping issues
Hope you can help me with this! Or maybe you know a code of getting the buildings with texture with maptalks.

fill bound issue, low fps in 360 scene with stacked transparent textures

I have a project with 360 scene - camera is inside the sphere and 360 photo is wrapped as texture around the sphere:
I added several smaller spheres with transparent textures and Im seeing sudden drop of performance. It is 'fill bound' issue as described in this link:
Debugging low FPS in Three.js
Im trying to solve this performance issue. Im thinking of having only one sphere with multiple textures on it. Is this gonna be faster then stacked spheres with one texture each?
I tried to create sphere mesh with array of MeshBasicMaterial but its not working. Only first texture in the array is visible:
// when texture is loaded I push it to array
var sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: texture,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
sphereMaterial.transparent = true;
//... then later when all textures loaded
roomMesh = new THREE.Mesh( sphereGeometryR, matArr ); = 'great room';
scene.add( roomMesh );
I saw this example for custom shader but dont know how to add and change textures dynamically at later time:
Multiple transparent textures on the same mesh face in Three.js
Is there any other way to optimize this problem? Would geometry merge help here?

Threejs: repeating texture inside of load for a single canvas render

I am rendering a sphere using a threejs lib for react "import * as THREE from 'three';".
The sphere renders fine, as does the texture.
I have an image that's being loaded just fine, and it wraps the entirety of the sphere.
The question: how can I repeat the image across the sphere? In my specific example, imagine I have an image of half a face. Per hemisphere, I would like to mirror that image, so that I would have two symmetrical faces on each side of the sphere, looking outwards. Brand new to threejs, any help is appreciated!
Maybe set repeat on the Texture.
// load a texture, set wrap mode to repeat
var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( "textures/water.jpg" );
texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.repeat.set( 4, 4 );

Three.js: Rendering a texture on ShapeGeometry

I have a problem with rendering a texture on a ShapeGeometry. First a little background on the problem.
I am attempting to render a SVG path with a texture using Three.js. I already managed to render the path properly. The problem is with the texture:
The Cube renders the texture properly, where the Shape in the corner appears to render without the texture
After a very big zoom the texture can be noticed, but it's scaled down:
Both objects are similar in size and both use the same material. I suspect that this is a problem with the UV mapping, but I am not sure how to calculate the UV map, any information on the subject would be great.
The code for loading the texture looks like this:
texture = t.ImageUtils.loadTexture "/images/#{pe.element.element_id}/top.png"
texture.wrapS = texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping
texture.repeat.set(1, 1)
mat = new t.MeshBasicMaterial
map: texture
overdraw: true
side: t.DoubleSide
I'm using Revision 54 of Three.js
Check out the example for Cube Geometry, if you answer the questions posed above it would be easier but I suspect that you need to set the UV (at line 94 in example).
