windows 7 - some icons disappeared on start menu, desktop, programm and features - windows

some of my icons disappeared, for example the whole Microsoft office icons, they disappeared in the start menu, programm and features and also on the desktop.,
what i've tried is , to go to the folder of the exe, and pin it to the taskbar this will also show up the icon for unknown exe. changing icon doesnt work for the shortcuts, its disabled.
then i made a new shortcut and put it on the desktop that will show up the original icon. so i can recreate the start menu and the desktop, but still the icons are missed in programm and features.
i also tried to delete the icon cache db a 100 times but that doesnt work.
has anybody a solution?
does somebody know where the icon references are stored in the registry. i dont know where to start

Rebuild the icon cache.
If that doesn't work look here for a quick and easy fix.


Windows or Windows Installer Not Updating Program Icon on Application Search

I'm using wix (3.11) to create a msi installation for a WPF application. The application icon is correctly working on program launch, in the program list (apps and features), and in my program menu and desktop shortcuts. The only issue is that when I search for the application after pressing the windows key, the older, stale icon that I used a few weeks ago appears. I'm almost certain that this is some windows caching issue as I have removed the stale icon from the application altogether, rebuilt the installer and reinstalled, and still the old icon appears during search. I'm curious if other members have encountered this issue and what they did to remedy it. Thanks!
Not sure if you need to rebuild the icon cache or fix indexing issues.
For Indexing:
Type "indexing" in the start menu (or internationalized equivalent word), Click open.
Click the Advanced button.
In the Index Settings tab, click the Rebuild button under Troubleshooting. OK to confirm.
Index rebuilding should start. This Indexing applet is also available from the old-style control panel in "icons" view. Just search for "control panel" or equivalent internationalized words.
One liner code (one effective line and boiler) to refresh icons:

windows taskbar and open programs

Is there any way to place the taksbar icons of all the open apps in Windows 8.1 next to each other automatically?
Say I open an app whose icon is on the far left, next to the start button, and I want said icon to appear to move to the far right of my string of icons, next to all my other open programs, automatically.
Is there any way to do that?
Do you mean, for applications that you have already pinned to the taskbar, you want them to move over to the end of the line of open programs? I don't think it is possible to set this option automatically. However, you can manually move them to where-ever and they will remain pinned. For other taskbar settings, just search Taskbar and the settings box will come up.

Change icon of group in taskbar (Win7)

Using LoadImage I changed the icon of all the windows in a group. However the group icon does not change. How can I get the corresponding group to a window and set its icon?
The group icon comes from the EXE file itself (in the case of multiple EXEs contributing to the same group, I imagine the taskbar has some algorithm to decide which EXE to pull the icon from). There is no official API to change the group icon. You would have to manipulate the Taskbar directly, which is not impossible but not trivial either.
Update: I just came across the following answer, maybe it will help you:
Update: Apparently the Registry value in the above link only applies if the app is pinned to the Taskbar.
Your issue is this: The icon does infact take the icon of the first WINDOW, not exe. HOWEVER, after setting the icons, you have to right click on the icon in the taskbar, then pin it, then unpin it. On unpin the taskbar icon now takes the first windows icon.
I don't know how to programatically do this to maybe #RemyLebeau knows. Maybe setClassLongPtr? Not sure.
Now when it's pinned you want to make it use the same icon, so set the registry value like #RemyLebeau suggested.
Also I don't know how to explain this, but after unpinning, and the icon takes, if you open the jump list, the icon reverts back to the exe's icon. This may be fixed with the registry setting for pinned icon, I'm not sure.
Wow so Win7 taskbar is so tweakish.
Edit: I tried setting my registry values and the icon didnt work. It might have to do something with: the registry entires that i found for TaskbarGroupIcon all had a data value ending with a comma and a number (ex: ,-4 in %SystemRoot%\System32\imageres.dll,-4)

Disable " Stay on top" features on photoshop CS2

Photoshop CS2 always stay on top, even when I click another app from the windows taskbar (right of the start button).
It's completly annoying me. Always need minimized, click the other app, reclick again on photoshop, re-reminimized.
I only have 1 screen at work so I can't let photoshop on one screen and work with the other app on the other screen.
I look in all photoshop menu, find nothing
I googled the problem, and find a adobe page explain this problem is a "feature".
I only want photoshop cs2 work all other app on windows and loose focus, let new app appear on top.
Thank you.
I had this problem and somehow solved it. But my solution may be just as fickle as why the problem occurs in the first place. But here's what I did:
On the layers palette (F7) I clicked on the small arrow just below the close "X" button, on the right. Then I selected "Pallete Options"
Didn't change any options but just clicked OK.
Now the entire window remained on top, not just the palettes. So I restarted Photoshop and it seemed to fix the issue.
I found that if you open up "edit > preferences > Memory & Image Cache" and set your memory usage up then it will fix it. I am on a Windows 10.
See this post:
Go to Edit > Preferences > File Handling > Uncheck Enable Version Cue Workgroup File Management
I literally JUST found this on accident and fixed it after having issues with all my toolbars being hidden behind stuff, and not being able to minimize without clicking on the PS window first etc. Seems to have worked!
Topmost Toggle will help you:
Works for CS2 even in Win8
Try Topmost Toggle. Works on Window 7, Window 8 and even Windows 8.1. I use it for disabling Photoshop CS2 and when Firefox bug out. Works like a charm and it's pretty easy to use:
Download and extract Topmost Toggle
Run the program - you will see that it minimize on tray
Ctr + Right click on your program and click
Big thanks to user2761076
I am having same issue with CS2 on Windows 7 64 bit. To work around, I hit tab on keyboard when photoshop window is active, that makes all pallets invisible, then I can switch to any window I need to work on.
As per this article there seem to be issue with Microsoft update

Update of application Icon in Windows-7 Taskbar

I have a normal MFC Application with an embedded icon. If I start the application, the icon is shown inside the windows-7 taskbar.
But when I change the icon inside the resources, rebuild the application and start it, the taskbar doesn't show the current icon, but the icon from the first run.
There is no special code inside the application that does something specific with the windows-7 taskbar.
Is there a way, (in C++) to tell the windows-7 taskbar to show the current icon?
Did you empty/delete the shell icon cache?
I believe that if you rebuild an application, but it's still called by the same name, then explorer doesn't think it should reload the icon, even though the new icon is the only one in the app.
If you were to release the program, no-one else would have this problem since the first version of the app would have the new icon, but for your own purposes you can call SHChangeNotify(); from shell32.dll to refresh your own view of the icon.
did your remove the previous icon from resource....and assign the new icon to the file..too after putting in the resource...might that would work....
