Accessing the value of custom field in redmine plugin - ruby

I am using Redmine 2.1 and I am writing a custom plugin. I am trying to access the value of a custom field on an issue.
def controller_issues_edit_before_save(context = {})
issue = context[:issue]
I am getting my issue then I pass it to a custom function.
def add_assignee(issue)
add_watcher_to_issue(issue, issue.custom_field_values {'bob'})
I don't seem able to get the value of my custom field bob. bob is a user field.
How do I get the value of my custom field?

I can't check it myself but the argument passed to issue.custom_field_values {'bob'} confuses me. it looks like you pass a block?!
Looked at this line I think custom_field_values is a hash so pass an expected key:


Reference YAML Node using method parameter

I load a yaml, and need to define a scope for it, to reference a specific node.
myYaml = YAML.load_file('myfile.yml').with_indifferent_access
Normally, I can just do
However, I wanted to pass the path to a method to scope it for me. I am struggling to do something like this..
scope_path = [:first_node,:first_child,:second_child]
def scope(scope_path)
# So I need code to convert my scope_path parameter to
You can simple use Hash#dig:
myYaml.dig(:first_node, :first_child, :second_child)

PageObject with Ruby - set text in a text field only works in the main file

I'm automating a site that has a page with a list of options selected by a radio button. When selecting one of the radios, a text field and a select list are presented.
I created a file (test_contracting.rb) that is the one through which I execute the test (ruby test_contracting.rb) and some other classes to represent my page.
On my class ContractPage, I have the following element declaration:
checkbox(:option_sub_domain, :id => "option_sub_domain")
text_field(:domain, :id => "domain_text")
select_list(:tld, :id => "domain_tld")
I've created in the ContractPage a method that sets the configuration of the domain like this:
def configure_domain(config={})
domain = config[:domain]
tld = config[:tld]
When I call the method configure_domain from the test_contracting.rb, it selects the radio button, but it doesn't fill the field with the values. The params are getting into the method correctly. I've checked it using "puts". Even if I change the params to a general string like "bla" it doesnt work. The annoying point is that if on test_contracting.rb I call the exact same components, it works.
my_page_instance =
my_page_instance.domain = "bla"
my_page_instance.tld = ".com"
What I found to work was to in the configure_domain method, implement the following:
domain_element.value = config[:domain]
tld_element.send_keys config[:locaweb_domain]
Then it worked.
The documentation for the PageObjects module that I'm using as reference can be found here:
Do you guys have any explation on why the method auto generated by the pageobject to set the value of the object didnt work in this scope/context ?
By the way, a friend tried the same thing with Java and it failed as well.
In ruby all equals methods (methods that end with the = sign) need to have a receiver. Let me show you some code that will demonstrate why. Here is the code that sets a local variable to a value:
domain = "blah"
and here is the code that calls the domain= method:
domain = "blah"
In order for ruby to know that you are calling a method instead of setting a local variable you need to add a receiver. Simply change your method above to this and it will work:
def configure_domain(config={})
self.domain = config[:domain]
self.tld = config[:tld]
I'm pretty new to this world of Selenium and page objects but maybe one of my very recent discoveries might help you.
I found that that assignment methods for the select_list fields only worked for me once I started using "self" in front. This is what I have used to access it within my page object code. e.g., self.my_select_list="my select list value"
Another note - The send_keys workaround you mention is clever and might do the trick for a number of uses, but in my case the select list values are variable and may have several options starting with the same letter.
I hope something in here is useful to you.
UPDATE (Jan 3/12)
On diving further into the actual Ruby code for the page object I discovered that the select_list set is also using send_keys, so in actuality I still have the same limitation here as the one I noted using the send_keys workaround directly. sigh So much to learn, so little time!

Trouble creating custom routes in Ruby on Rails 3.1

I can't seem to set up a custom URL. All the RESTful routes work fine, but I can't figure out how to simply add /:unique_url to the existing routes, which I create in the model (a simple 4 character random string) and will serve as the "permalink" of sorts.
resources :treks
match ':unique_url' => 'treks#mobile'
def mobile
#trek = trek.find(params[:id])
Is this because I'm trying to define a custom action on an existing resource? Can I not create custom methods on the same controller as one with a resource?
By the way, when I change routes.rb to match 'treks/:id/:unique_url' => treks#mobile it works fine, but I just want the url to simply be /:unique_url
Update It seems like find_by_[parameter] is the way to go...
I've been playing in console and I can't seem to get any methods to come forward...I can run Trek.last.fullname for example, but cannot run #trek = Trek.last...and then call...#trek.lastname for example. Any clues why? I think this is my issue.
So is there a field on Trek which stores its unique url? If so you should be doing something like this:
#trek = Trek.find_by_url(params[:unique_url])
trek.find_by_unique_url( params[:unique_url] ) # should do the trick
#pruett no, the find_by_XXX methods are generated on-the-fly via Ruby's method_missing call! So instead of XXX you can use any of the attributes which you defined in a model.
You can even go as far as listing multiple attributes, such as:
find_by_name_and_unique_url( the_name, the_unigue_url)
Check these pages:
if you get a undefined method ... for nil:NilClass , it means that the object you are trying to call that method on does not exist, e.g. is nil.
You probably just missed to put an if-statement before that line to make sure the object is non-nil
Hmm. I usually would do something like this:
map.connect "/:unique_url", :controller => "treks", :action => "mobile"
Then in that controller the ID isn't going to be applicable.. you'd need to change it to something like this:
def mobile
#trek = trek.find_by_unique_url(params[:unique_url])
(that's if unique_url is the column to search under)

MongoMapper - manually setting an ObjectId failing with "illegal ObjectID format"

I've got a simple model object:
class UserRating
include MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument
key :idea_id, ObjectId
key :rating, Integer
I'm trying to set an Idea_Id on this object with:
user_rating.idea_id =
This throws: "illegal ObjectID format"
This sure seems like simple code... The only oddity I am noticing is that ObjectID != ObjectId. That could just be a problem with the error message. Not sure. Very simple code. No idea why I can't make it work. If it helps, this is in the context of a Rails 3 Beta 4 project inside of a Cucumber test. I am hitting the mongodb daemon successfully, so there's not a weird connection issue. Would really appreciate any pointers.
MongoMapper has a proxy object called ObjectId - in this case, you want a BSON::ObjectID, which represents an ID as it is stored in mongodb itself.
You probably want:
key :idea_id, BSON::ObjectID, :index => true
No, you want ObjectId. When you assign that you'll want to pass an actual object id which gets generated for each MM model.
user_rating.idea_id =

Qt QLineEdit custom validation in ruby

I am trying to implement QLineEdit's text which is all capital letters no matter what user types in. I have found several solutions, none of them working in Ruby. In brief I have QLineEdit object searchEdit and this code:
class UpcaseValidator < Qt::Validator
def validate(input,pos)
def initialize(parent = nil)
uppercaseValidator =;
The validate method gets triggered correctly whenever user types in the input field, but it is not getting uppercased. Seems to me that changing input variable within validate does not get propagated back to the searchEdit object.
Thanks for any help, even pointing me out to some good docs about Qt Ruby bindings.
QValidator has a method called 'fixup()', which will probably do what you want :)
