Slug regenerating it self - propel

I'm using the sluggable behavior within Propel to work alongside my CMS/Framework.
Weird thing is, if you change something else on the page, other than the slug, the slug will automatically regenerate using what appears to be the values of the parent element, i.e.
from /slug to id-3-parentid-2-keywords-null-templateid-1-publishdate-null-slug-slug-sortablerank-2-createdat-null-updatedat-null-pagei18ns-pagei18n_0-id-3-locale-en_gb-title-tsadf-description-null-content-p-ssadf-p-page-recursion-pagei18n_1-id-3-locale-fr_fr-title-a which is rather odd.
The only solution I've found so far, is to simply call setSlug to a random value and then set the correct value afterwards.
and my schema:
<table name="page" phpName="Page">
<!-- Columns -->
<column name="id" type="integer" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true"/>
<column name="parent_id" type="integer" required="false" />
<column name="title" type="varchar" size="255" required="true" />
<column name="description" type="varchar" size="255" required="false" />
<column name="keywords" type="varchar" size="255" required="false" />
<column name="content" type="longvarchar" required="false" />
<column name="template_id" type="integer" required="false" />
<column name="publish_date" type="date" required="false" />
<!-- Behaviors -->
<behavior name="i18n">
<parameter name="i18n_columns" value="title, description, content" />
<parameter name="default_locale" value="en_GB" />
<behavior name="sluggable">
<parameter name="permanent" value="true" />
<behavior name="sortable" />
<behavior name="timestampable" />
<!-- Foreign Keys -->
<foreign-key foreignTable="page_template">
<reference local="template_id" foreign="id"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="page">
<reference local="parent_id" foreign="id"/>
Note: I've tried with and without the permanent param.
Any idea's anyone?


how to delete all the line items from the file after the first one

I need to delete all the line items <LineItem> from the file which does not suffice with this requirements:
elements in Line Item : <LineItemNumber V="00000000000000000010" /> and <PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" /> have to be matched, another words in integer Line Item Number would be 10 and Purchase order number after pipe line | would be 10. we need to have only one those line Items which are matching this requirement. Sorry, i'm really bad at describing.
<InterchangeUsageIndicator V="T" />
<GroupSenderID V="CCC" />
<TotalNumberOfShipmentsInGroup V="000005" />
<InvoiceChargeType V="T" />
<DocumentType V="ORDER" />
<DocumentProcessingCode C="00" />
<BOLNumber V="BOL2309460180582136" />
<AlternateQuantity Quantity="12.0" UOM="PK" UOMType="SQ" Characteristic="" />
<Buyer Name="" Q="ZP" ID="COUSPO001">
<AlternateIDs />
<Seller Name="" Q="2" ID="CNTR">
<AlternateIDs />
<Party PartyType="SF">
<Name V="SHA" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="SHA" />
<City V="Shanghai" />
<Country V="CN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<Party PartyType="ST">
<Name V="LEB" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="LEB" />
<City V="Lebanon" />
<Country V="TN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<Party PartyType="VN">
<LocationID Q="" ID="4100000423" />
<AlternateLocationIDs />
<City V="JIANGSU" />
<Country V="CN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<DR Type="D" Q="ETA" Date="2019-12-19" />
<DR Type="D" Q="EST" Date="2019-11-28" />
<RR Type="R" Q="K6" V="86|SEAL230946" />
<RR Type="R" Q="V3" V="VYG230946|BKG230946" />
<Vessel VesselName="VSL230946" VesselNumber="" VesselCountryOfRegistration="" VesselRegistrationNumber="" />
<Equipment Initial="CNTR" Number="230946" Length="0" Type="" TotalContainerVolume="52.06" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000000010" />
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="0.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="0.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<LineItemWeight V="0.00" />
<LineItemVolume V="0.00" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000900001" /> //this one would not work,because it is 900001
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<LineItemSubType C="SCH" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="CR" V="22859470896|001|0001" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="S6" V="|3|20" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="19" V="M9160|USDS|0001" Description="" />
<LineItemWeight V="2959.54" />
<LineItemVolume V="104.12" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000900002" />
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<LineItemSubType C="SCH" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="CR" V="22859470902|001|0002" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="S6" V="|3.5|20" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="19" V="M9160|USDS|0001" Description="" />
<LineItemWeight V="2959.54" />
<LineItemVolume V="104.12" />
I tried to start on LINQ: this is where I got so far:
try {
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(msg.Body);
var xDocument = xDoc.Root.XPathSelectElement("Groups/Group/Documents/Document");
var xLineItems = xDocument.XPathSelectElements("LineItems/LineItem");
var poNumbers = xLineItems.Select(e => (string)e.Element("PurchaseOrderNumber").Attribute("V")).Distinct();
foreach (var poNumber in poNumbers) {
msg.Body = xDoc.ToString();
I believe you would like to Delete all LineItem where LineItemNumber!=10 and PurchaseOrderNumber after the Pipe NOT equals 10. You could use Linq to filter the elements that match the purpose and use the Remove method to deletes the selected nodes.
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
.Where(x=> Convert.ToInt32(x.Element("LineItemNumber").Attribute("V").Value)!=10
&& Convert.ToInt32(x.Element("PurchaseOrderNumber").Attribute("V").Value.Split('|')[1])!=10
var result = xDoc.ToString();

Propel2 Reverse second run has deleted columns

I am new to propel. There doesn't appear to be a version command built in, but composer shows propel2 in my description.
I reverse engineered my scheme and models from the database then took six months off the project, came back, remastered the database directly, deleted the generated-classes, and the generated-reversed-database.
I then ran
propel reverse "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=MyVanLog;user=**;password=**"
When that completed I opened my schema.xml file and visually verified that the fuel price column no longer exists.
<table name="LogEntries" idMethod="native" phpName="Logentries">
<column name="LogEntryId" phpName="Logentryid" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" required="true"/>
<column name="UserId" phpName="Userid" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" required="true"/>
<column name="RvId" phpName="Rvid" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" required="true"/>
<column name="Title" phpName="Title" type="VARCHAR" size="45" required="true"/>
<column name="Description" phpName="Description" type="CLOB"/>
<column name="Longitude" phpName="Longitude" type="DECIMAL" size="10" scale="8"/>
<column name="Latitude" phpName="Latitude" type="DECIMAL" size="10" scale="8"/>
<column name="Temperature" phpName="Temperature" type="DECIMAL" size="3" scale="1"/>
<column name="Private" phpName="Private" type="VARCHAR" size="1" sqlType="bit(1)" required="true"/>
<column name="CreatedOnUTC" phpName="Createdonutc" type="TIMESTAMP" required="true"/>
<column name="ModifiedOnUTC" phpName="Modifiedonutc" type="TIMESTAMP" required="true"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="Users" name="FK_36">
<reference local="UserId" foreign="UserId"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="Rvs" name="FK_40">
<reference local="RvId" foreign="RvId"/>
<reference local="UserId" foreign="UserId"/>
<index name="fkIdx_36">
<index-column name="UserId"/>
<index name="fkIdx_40">
<index-column name="RvId"/>
<index-column name="UserId"/>
<vendor type="mysql">
<parameter name="Engine" value="InnoDB"/>
Then I run propel build to generate my models. I open my base/LogEntries file and it has all the methods to manipulate the field that is no longer there. I won't paste the entire file, but here is the get method.
* Get the [fuelpriceinvalid] column value.
* #return string
public function getFuelpriceinvalid()
return $this->fuelpriceinvalid;
Does anyone know what I missed?
I had an extra schema.xml file hanging out in the project directories that was being read instead of the one I generated causing the old fields to generate. This was likely just a mistake on my part, not a propel bug.

How to use single inheritance in propel schema

I need to make a 'Event' class and propel schema with Columns:
How to implement the simple inheritance based on the type column.
All classes should extend the abstract Event class.
Initial sub-class:
can anyone write a schema for it?
I have written schema but not sure whether it is correct or not.
<table name="event" phpName="Event">
<column name="id" type="integer" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" />
<column name="employee_id" type="integer" required="true" />
<column name="date_start" type="date" required="true" />
<column name="date_end" type="date" required="false" />
<column name="type" type="integer" inheritance="single">
<inheritance key="1" class="JoinEvent" extends="Event"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="employee" name="FI_event_employee">
<reference local="employee_id" foreign="id" />
Please help me.

How to configure Doctrine entities to handle compressed blobs in the database?

I'm using Doctrine 2 as an ORM to the database and i'm having an issue with compressed blobs.
I'm storing text in a compressed blob column in the database. How can i specify this in the entity mapping xml config? I'm currently using type="blob" for this column but this isn't returning a string. I could use type="text" but this returns garbage as it's not uncompressing it.
Can i specify somewhere in my entity config that this text need uncompressing on retrieval and compressing on persisting?
Here's my entity configuration:
<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""
<entity name="AccountNote" table="tblAccountNote">
<id name="intAccountNoteId" type="integer">
<generator strategy="AUTO" />
<field name="intAccountId" type="integer" nullable="false" unique="no" />
<field name="bolHiddenNote" type="boolean" nullable="false" unique="no" />
<field name="binNote" type="blob" nullable="false" unique="no" />
<field name="strHash" type="string" length="32" nullable="true" unique="no" />
<field name="dtmCreated" type="datetime" nullable="false" unique="no" />
<field name="stmTimestamp" type="datetime" nullable="false" unique="no" />
<many-to-one field="objAccount" target-entity="Account" inversed-by="objNotes">
<join-column name="intAccountId" referenced-column-name="intAccountId" />
In the end we decided on handling the compression in the getter and setter and removing it from the schema.

How do I find a list of subclasses for a propel model with concrete inheritance

I'm building a mini-cms for my local charity (yes, I know I could use a floss project, but they want custom coded)
My propel schema currently looks as such:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<database name="sja" defaultIdMethod="native">
<table name="section">
<column name="id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" required="true" autoIncrement="true" />
<column name="title" type="VARCHAR" required="true" />
<column name="slug" type="VARCHAR" required="true" />
<table name="page">
<column name="id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" required="true" autoIncrement="true" />
<column name="title" type="VARCHAR" required="true" />
<column name="section_id" type="INTEGER" required="true" />
<foreign-key foreignTable="section">
<reference local="section_id" foreign="id" />
<table name="static_page">
<behavior name="concrete_inheritance">
<parameter name="extends" value="page" />
<column name="content" type="LONGVARCHAR" required="true" />
<table name="home_page">
<behavior name="concrete_inheritance">
<parameter name="extends" value="page" />
<column name="standfirst_title" type="VARCHAR" />
<column name="standfirst_image" type="VARCHAR" />
<column name="standfirst_content" type="VARCHAR" />
I want to be able to get a list that would include "home_page" and "static_page" - without having to create this manually whenever I add a new page type.
Is there an easy way to get a list like this, or do I have to write some magic stuff with Reflection Classes, etc?
After a poke in the right direction from #propel on freenode - I've come up with this for a base concept - haven't tested it yet though
function getSubClasses()
$map = $this->getDatabaseMap();
$children = array();
foreach ($map->getRelations() AS $relation)
$behaviours = $relation->getRightTable()->getBehaviours();
if (issset($behaviours['concrete_inheritance']['extends']) AND $behaviours['concrete_inheritance']['extends'] == $this->getDatabaseMap()->getClassName())
$children[] = $relation->getRightTable()->getClassName();
return $children;
