Maven: Excluding EE API from WAR - maven

The thing is I am using Hibernate 4.3 in my web application which causes the following artifact to be included into WAR:
As it follows from the dependency hierarchy this artifact is required by the Hibernate-core:
I manually included it in my POM with Provided scope and it was then excluded from the WAR assembly.
I am questioning how to exclude all container provided APIs from the build?
Apparently, solution which is not container-specific would be the best though at least Glassfish hack is needed.

You need to set a scope for such things like:
If you are really sure that hibernate core does not need it (I'm not sure about it) you need to do an exclusion.
Furthermore i have my doubts cause in the above artifact there a some Exceptions defined so you shouldn't exclude them. The question is in which container do you use it? Does this container already provide JPA ?


How to deploy spring boot framework in tomcat

I have an application that dynamically generates several web application (war files) with the same dependencies (spring boot, kafka, etc.) .my question is how I can put all these dependencies in Tomcat to reduce the size of the war files and after in my pom.xml I write for example.
One idea I can think of is to add the common jars to Tomcat/lib/SharedFolder and include that under shared.loader in and then Add the jars as provided dependencies. I can see you have already added the provided tag.
I think that will work. I haven't tried it in a sample application but I remember helping my friend do something similar to what I described above.
Hope it helps

Find all dependencies that include a given package

I excluded an artifact because it causes conflicts, namely the jsr311-api given below. Yet when I run the generated jar I'm still getting the java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error. I suspect that another dependency is also including this artifact. How can I find out which one? My dependency list is quite large. Which dependencies include the package
<!-- Causes java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:$Status$Family.familyOf(I)Ljavax/ws/rs/core/Response$Status$Family; -->
Go to
and use classname search to find
If you use a Nexus 2.x in your company, you can use classname search there as well.
If you want to find out where a given artifact (that you e.g. found by classnmae search) comes from, use dependency:tree in Maven.
In my case the mistake was that I had to manually add the javaee api and I set <scope>provided</scope> which was a mistake, fixing this solved the problem.
<scope>provided</scope><!-- remove this -->

Spring Boot WAR jolokia integration

According to the Spring Boot 1.2.3 Reference Docs.
Enabling jolokia seems to be as simple as adding as adding the following Maven dependency:
While this does work for a Spring Boot application packaged as a fat jar, I am unable to get this to work when packaged as a WAR file.
The root cause appears to be:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.json.simple.JSONAware
I'm using STS for development purposes and deploying to an embedded pivotal tc Server 3.1. The dependency(json-simple-1.1.1.jar) containing the org.json.simple.JSONAware does appear under the Maven Dependency node so I'm not sure what the issue is.
So as I was composing the question I stumbled onto a solution that at least seems to work for me:
I took a look at the effective POM and found this dependency declaration:
So for lack of better option I declared the following dependency explicitly
Adding false to the the <optional> element seemed necessary.
Now I can access jolokia via the following url:
Looking at 1.4.4 this seems to have been fixed:
<!-- Make json-simple non-optional.
It is marked optional in boot-dependencies, but required by jolokia-core.
Without this fix it would be missing when used war-packaging. -->
Yet I'm seeing similar issues running a war in JBoss.

why is the scope of RestEasy compile in the pom.xml when the container (JBOSS) provides it?

Here is the relevant portion of pom.xml
Why is the scope of resteasy compile (which is default, when none is provided) but that of javax.servlet is provided. I am deploying this on Jboss which ships with resteasy. so shouldn't the scope of resteasy be provided as well?
and btw, I do not see any version mentioned. so what is the default version that gets picked up?
If you are using jboss 7, resteasy-jackson-provider is included, so it would be correct to use a provided scope.
I guess default version is being picked up from a bom declared in the dependencyManagement section of your pom, could that be right?
For older jboss versions, resteasy is not included, so you will have to add the jars to your WEB-INF/lib directory.
Necessary jars can be obtained using maven (compile scope) or check out this link
The RESTEasy API and runtime is provided by newer versions of JBoss. Usually you import a Java EE-spec pom in the dependencyManagaement section and add the needed APIs in the dependency section, e.g for JBoss AS7:
The runtime will use the JSON-Provider which is found on the classpath. So it makes sense to add them with scope compile to your project. If you want to use Jettison you'd add following to your pom:
If you don't add one your application server may provide a default one. JBoss AS7 / Wildfly for instance will use resteasy-jackson-provider if you don't add a provider to the classpath.
JBoss 5 does not provide the JAX-RS libs as far as I know so there it makes sense to add the resteasy-jackson-provider with scope compile. hibernate config

I'm using the Spring IO 1.0.1 BOM to manage my dependencies for my project. I've imported it in my super-pom's dependency management section like this -
Now, in a submodule POM of my project, I've declared these dependencies
And my final packaged war includes both hibernate-jpa-2.0 and hibernate-jpa-2.1. Since the entity manager depends on 2.1 and the api is 2.0. These are causing conflicts within my deployed app.
I cannot find a declaration of 2.1 in the platform bom so I'm confused about how to proceed. The documentation lists both of these as libraries provided by the platform, but the BOM doesn't provide any resolution between their conflicting versions. What is the recommended approach? Should I manually exclude 2.0 and explicitly declare 2.1 even if its not in the parent BOM? Should I force hibernate-entitymanager to use the 2.0 APIs?
I was hoping that the IO platform BOM would help me with these kinds of collisions.
