Command Line Windows. How to view whole response after applying instructions - windows

I am trying to run some commands using the console in windows 8. My problem is that I have a hard time debugging an application I build, as the response I get after some commands is too big. I have maximized the window but I can only view some lines (50-60 does not matter).
How can I view everything from the beginning to the end?


golang: optional console on windows

I am writing a service program which is expected to run in background. On Windows it will open a console window when run. I want it to go to background directly without that console window, so I used the -ldconf "-H=windowsgui" option, which worked as expected.
However, there is a catch. The program has a command line option -help, which output command line usage in the console. If I use -H=windowsgui, the help text is NOT printed even I start it in cmd.exe prompt.
It seems that the windowsgui option is not what I want. Is there anyway that the -help still works at commant line, and the console window will not persist if the program runs normally. I do not care if there is a console window pops up, provided that it disappears shortly without user intervention. i.e. I want a way on windows which is similar to the & operator on Linux.
P.S. if provided solution uses any other tools, I want that tool to be a Windows component, not any 3rd-party program. Thanks.

Parse.exe crashing and no creating necessary files

I'm trying to start learning parse cloud code. When I launch the parse.exe via my command line, various terrible things happen. For example, if I try to launch it using any kind of a command, but it's not set to "launch as administrator", I will see no text from the program(it will expect me to input my email and password, yet I will see no text I would see if I launched it as administrator). If I run it as administrator, it ends up consistently crashing during any activity. For example, if I try to go for >parse list, I will get to login, the list of apps appears and then the window instantly closes. Strictly following the tutorial( crashes midway as well. Doing >parse new for my existing app creates parse.local and parse.project files in the specified directory, but none of the rest files expected. I cannot seem to find the I'm pretty much lost here. Am I doing something wrong? I have the latest parse.exe thing, redownloaded it from multiple locations provided by parse.

How do you display php output into phpstorm's console?

Once a debugger (xdebug) is enabled in phpstorm, you can then run your php script (without debugging) from within phpstorm.
How do you view the output of the script in phpstorms console?
I want to see php's output before it gets read by the browser - basically what you would see if you clicked "view source" in the browser.
Here is a video of a jetbrains dev. doing this (2mins:05sec into video) - he just doesnt explain HOW to configure phpstorm to do it.
Currently there is no such option in PhpStorm: to show web server buffer (what was sent to the browser) when debugging web page (note: this should work ONLY when debugging).
Such option did exist for a very short period about 4 years ago (separate Script Output tab in the debugger tool window: ).. but had quite a few issues and it was removed until properly implemented. -->
On that video, especially around 2:05 as you have suggested, ordinary CLI script is executed (Run/Debug Configuration of PHP Script type is used) and therefore ALL such output can be easily caught (standard std output).
With CLI scipt it's easy -- IDE is the parent here (he one who initiated script execution) so std output can easily be collected. If you execute your web page script in CLI environment, you will get your HTML in normal console output.
With web page it works differently (the whole process): script output is first sent to the web server (parent) which in turn sends it to the browser. Since IDE does not directly participate in script execution, such interception can only happen during debugging where debugger can send a copy of collected script output back to IDE.
Most web frameworks buffer the output before sending the results to the webserver. To view the contents of this buffer, first insert a breakpoint at the desired location, then when the breakpoint is reached, then goto the Debug=>Console tab and execute the ob_get_contents() function. PHP's output buffering supported nested levels, so keep this in mind when choosing your breakpoint. Obviously if the CMS/framework doesn't use output buffering then this method doesn't apply.

How to run Octave from a Notepad++ file line by line or by sections?

I am looking for a way to have my Notepad++ window open for editing my code and run it line by line or by sections (more than 1 line) while I am editing. It would be like having a real IDE; the output could be shown in the same window (Notepad++) or directly in the Octave window.
I have tried what many many sites say. That is, writing this:
C:\Software\Octave-3.6.4\bin\Octave\Octave-3.6.5.exe "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
in the Run window in Notepad++, saving and giving it a shortcut. However, it is still not working. When I tried to run it, the black window starts showing-up but then it disappears and nothing else happens. In my Notepad++ window I have only one line (for now) where I have tried just "b=4" or "3*4". I have done this with and without semicolon at the end. Nothing happens.
I have Windows 8.0, Notepad 6.5.5 and Octave-3.6.4. I already change the octaverc file in Octave to make it work with Notepad++. I have work already only in the command line in Octave and is working fine. The Octave I installed was exactly "octave-3.6.4-vs2010-setup", it says it was compiled for Visual Studio 10. Is that the reason why this is not working?
Any help will be appreciated...
regarding Octave not processing the command: use supposed command line outside the N++ and see if it works. If not, find a way to make it working, then transfer it back to N++ (and use the token "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" instead of concrete filename)
regarding running the code in smaller portions: if you app can accept the code directly in the command line (SQL command line tools I use can do this), then you can use token "$(CURRENT_WORD)" what stands for content of current selection (all tokens are in wiki)

VS Console window does not show all results

I am using VS express 2012 to run a code that display content of many files. I found that first files content do not show and when I debug step by step I found that the content show on the console window and disappear when other results show, which means they get pushed out of the window. of course I scroll up and I find the latest files only not all. Is there any option control this feature? and how can I see all results?
To avoid this you should convert your console application to a Windows Forms one and put all the output on a TextBox. Just execute the command on the Form load and redirect all the output to the TextBox.
It's not much work IMHO.
This is the nature of a console application, no different than if you were to echo data to the Windows command prompt. If there is too much data then of course it will scroll off the visible screen.
