Indexing a matrix with predetermined rule - performance

I have P <151x1 double> and D <6x1 double>. An example of D would be [24;7;9;11;10;12]. I have to index P based on D such that in P I want to keep 6 blocks of 12 elements but each block is separated from the next block by n number of elements. n is given by D. The first 12 elements of P is the first block. Thus, the first block would be P(1:12), the second block would be P(37:48,1) because we want to skip 24 elements after the first block (24 is D(1,1), Third block to keep would be P(56,1) because we want to skip 7 elements after the second block (7 is D(2,1)), etc. After indexing I should end up with 72 elements.
Could anyone help me find a solution to indexing this efficiently?

One approach -
%// Parameters
block_size = 12;
num_blocks = 6;
step_add = [0 ; cumsum(D(1:num_blocks-1))];
start_ind = [0:block_size:block_size*(num_blocks-1)]'+1 + step_add; %//'
all_valid_ind = bsxfun(#plus,start_ind,0:block_size-1)'; %//'
out = P(all_valid_ind(:)); %// desired output
Please note that you won't be using the last element of D into the calculations, because each element of D defines the "gap" between consecutive blocks of elements that you are picking up from P.So you need only 5 elements to define 5 gaps between 6 blocks of elements .
Loop approach from this solution:
function blocks = loop1(P,D)
blocks = zeros(12, numel(D)); % //Pre-allocate blocks matrix
%// We start accessing values at 1
startIndex = 1;
%// For each index in D
for idx = 1 : numel(D)
%// Grab the 12 elements
blocks(:,idx) = P(startIndex : startIndex + 11);
%// Skip over 12 elements PLUS the number specified at D
startIndex = startIndex + 12 + D(idx);
No-loop approach (as discussed earlier in this solution):
function out = no_loop1(P,D)
%// Parameters
block_size = 12;
num_blocks = numel(D);
step_add = [0 ; cumsum(D(1:num_blocks-1))];
start_ind = [0:block_size:block_size*(num_blocks-1)]'+1 + step_add; %//'
all_valid_ind = bsxfun(#plus,start_ind,0:block_size-1)'; %//'
out = P(all_valid_ind(:)); %// desired output
Actual benchmarking and plotting results:
P = rand(200000,1);
N_arr = [100 200 500 1000 2000 5000]; %// No. of D elements
timeall = zeros(2,numel(N_arr));
for k1 = 1:numel(N_arr)
N = N_arr(k1);
D = randi(10,N,1)+10;
f = #() loop1(P,D);
timeall(1,k1) = timeit(f);
clear f
f = #() no_loop1(P,D);
timeall(2,k1) = timeit(f);
clear f
hold on
legend('Loop Method','No-loop Method')
xlabel('Datasize (No. of D elements) ->')
ylabel('Time(sec) ->')
No-loop approach as used in this solution looks the more efficient one across a varying range of datasizes.

Because this is using a recurrence relation, the only option I can see is using for loops. We must use output values from the previous iteration as input into the next iteration. I personally can't see any technique in my arsenal that can do this vectorized.
If there is anyone else (Divakar, Luis Mendo, natan, Ben, Daniel, Amro, etc.) that can propose a more optimum solution, please feel free and answer. Without further ado:
D = [24;7;9;11;10;12]; %// Define number of elements to skip over
blocks = zeros(12, numel(D)); % //Pre-allocate blocks matrix
%// We start accessing values at 1
startIndex = 1;
%// For each index in D
for idx = 1 : numel(D)
%// Grab the 12 elements
blocks(:,idx) = P(startIndex : startIndex + 11);
%// Skip over 12 elements PLUS the number specified at D
startIndex = startIndex + 12 + D(idx);
This should give you a 12 x 6 matrix, where each column corresponds to the set of elements you extracted from P. As a small test, we can display the start and ending indices that we need to access P for extracting elements. These are generated by replacing blocks(:,idx) = ..., with disp([startIndex startIndex + 11]); in the loop. The indices generated are:
1 12
37 48
56 67
77 88
100 111
122 133

This can be vectorized, no problem.
P = 1:200; % a generic P
D = [24;7;9;11;10;12];
D = [0 D(1:end-1)];
basis = repmat(0:11, [6 1]);
startingIndices = cumsum(D + 12) + 1;
usefulIndices = bsxfun(#plus, basis, startingIndices);
Without some more context, it's hard to suggest a method that indexes this "efficiently" -- if you're only doing this operation a few times, clarity of code is the most important. But I think this will give you a good starting point.


Find second minimum for each row of a matrix

I have a set i of customers and a set j of facilities. I have two binary variables: y ij which is 1 if client i is served by a primary facility, 0 otherwise; b ij is 1 if client i is served by a backup facility, 0 otherwise.
Given the starting matrix d:
-I must set y[i,j] = 1 based on the minimum distance of each row in the matrix (and this I have done);
I have to fix b[i,j] = 1 according to the second minimum distance of each row in the matrix (I don't know how to do this. I wrote max, but I don't have to do that). I've tried removing the first minimum from each row with the various pop, deleteat, splice, etc, but the solver gives me an error.
using JuMP
using Gurobi
using DelimitedFiles
import Random
import LinearAlgebra
import Plots
n = 3
m = 5
model = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer);
#variable(model, y[1:m,1:n] >= 0, Bin);
#variable(model, b[1:m,1:n] >= 0, Bin);
d = [
[80 20 40]
[71 55 24]
[56 47 81]
[10 20 30]
[31 41 21]
# 1) For each customer find the minimum d i-j and its position in matrix and create a vector V composed by all d i-j just founded
V = [];
for i = 1:m;
c = findmin(d[i,j] for j = 1:n);
push!(V,[c[1] ,c[2], i]);
# 2) Sort vector's evelements from the smallest to the largest
S = sort(V)
for i = 1:m
# 3) Fix primary assingnments for the first 50% of customers
for i = 1:3
fix(y[S[i][3], S[i][2]], 1.0, force = true);
# 1) For each customer find the second minimum d i-j and its position in matrix and create a vector W composed by all d i-j just founded
W = [];
for i = 1:m;
f = findmax(d[i,j] for j = 1:n);
push!(W,[f[1] ,f[2], i]);
# 2) Sort vector's elements from the smallest to the largest
T = sort(W)
for i = 1:3
# 3) Fix secondary assingnments for the first 50% of customers
for i = 1:3
fix(b[T[i][3], T[i][2]], 1.0, force = true);
I tried to find for each line the second minimum, but I could not.

Reshape vector to matrix with column-wise zero padding in matlab

for an input matrix
in = [1 1;
1 2;
1 3;
1 4;
2 5;
2 6;
2 7;
3 8;
3 9;
3 10;
3 11];
i want to get the output matrix
out = [1 5 8;
2 6 9;
3 7 10;
4 0 11];
meaning i want to reshape the second input column into an output matrix, where all values corresponding to one value in the first input column are written into one column of the output matrix.
As there can be different numbers of entries for each value in the first input column (here 4 values for "1" and "3", but only 3 for "2"), the normal reshape function is not applicable. I need to pad all columns to the maximum number of rows.
Do you have an idea how to do this matlab-ish?
The second input column can only contain positive numbers, so the padding values can be 0, -x, NaN, ...
The best i could come up with is this (loop-based):
maxNumElem = 0;
for i=in(1,1):in(end,1)
maxNumElem = max(maxNumElem,numel(find(in(:,1)==i)));
out = zeros(maxNumElem,in(end,1)-in(1,1));
for i=in(1,1):in(end,1)
tmp = in(in(:,1)==i,2);
out(1:length(tmp),i) = tmp;
Either of the following approaches assumes that column 1 of in is sorted, as in the example. If that's not the case, apply this initially to sort in according to that criterion:
in = sortrows(in,1);
Approach 1 (using accumarray)
Compute the required number of rows, using mode;
Use accumarray to gather the values corresponding to each column, filled with zeros at the end. The result is a cell;
Concatenate horizontally the contents of all cells.
[~, n] = mode(in(:,1)); %//step 1
out = accumarray(in(:,1), in(:,2), [], #(x){[x; zeros(n-numel(x),1)]}); %//step 2
out = [out{:}]; %//step 3
Alternatively, step 1 could be done with histc
n = max(histc(in(:,1), unique(in(:,1)))); %//step 1
or with accumarray:
n = max(accumarray(in(:,1), in(:,2), [], #(x) numel(x))); %//step 1
Approach 2 (using sparse)
Generate a row-index vector using this answer by #Dan, and then build your matrix with sparse:
a = arrayfun(#(x)(1:x), diff(find([1,diff(in(:,1).'),1])), 'uni', 0); %//'
out = full(sparse([a{:}], in(:,1), in(:,2)));
Introduction to proposed solution and Code
Proposed here is a bsxfun based masking approach that uses the binary operators available as builtins for use with bsxfun and as such I would consider this very appropriate for problems like this. Of course, you must also be aware that bsxfun is a memory hungry tool. So, it could pose a threat if you are dealing with maybe billions of elements depending also on the memory available for MATLAB's usage.
Getting into the details of the proposed approach, we get the counts of each ID from column-1 of the input with histc. Then, the magic happens with bsxfun + #le to create a mask of positions in the output array (initialized by zeros) that are to be filled by the column-2 elements from input. That's all you need to tackle the problem with this approach.
Solution Code
counts = histc(in(:,1),1:max(in(:,1)))'; %//' counts of each ID from column1
max_counts = max(counts); %// Maximum counts for each ID
mask = bsxfun(#le,[1:max_counts]',counts); %//'# mask of locations where
%// column2 elements are to be placed
out = zeros(max_counts,numel(counts)); %// Initialize the output array
out(mask) = in(:,2); %// place the column2 elements in the output array
Benchmarking (for performance)
The benchmarking presented here compares the proposed solution in this post against the various methods presented in Luis's solution. This skips the original loopy approach presented in the problem as it appeared to be very slow for the input generated in the benchmarking code.
Benchmarking Code
num_ids = 5000;
counts_each_id = randi([10 100],num_ids,1);
num_runs = 20; %// number of iterations each approach is run for
%// Generate random input array
in = [];
for k = 1:num_ids
in = [in ; [repmat(k,counts_each_id(k),1) rand(counts_each_id(k),1)]];
%// Warm up tic/toc.
for k = 1:50000
tic(); elapsed = toc();
disp('------------- With HISTC + BSXFUN Masking approach')
for iter = 1:num_runs
counts = histc(in(:,1),1:max(in(:,1)))';
max_counts = max(counts);
out = zeros(max_counts,numel(counts));
out(bsxfun(#le,[1:max_counts]',counts)) = in(:,2);
clear counts max_counts out
disp('------------- With MODE + ACCUMARRAY approach')
for iter = 1:num_runs
[~, n] = mode(in(:,1)); %//step 1
out = accumarray(in(:,1), in(:,2), [], #(x){[x; zeros(n-numel(x),1)]}); %//step 2
out = [out{:}];
clear n out
disp('------------- With HISTC + ACCUMARRAY approach')
for iter = 1:num_runs
n = max(histc(in(:,1), unique(in(:,1))));
out = accumarray(in(:,1), in(:,2), [], #(x){[x; zeros(n-numel(x),1)]}); %//step 2
out = [out{:}];
clear n out
disp('------------- With ARRAYFUN + Sparse approach')
for iter = 1:num_runs
a = arrayfun(#(x)(1:x), diff(find([1,diff(in(:,1).'),1])), 'uni', 0); %//'
out = full(sparse([a{:}], in(:,1), in(:,2)));
clear a out
------------- With HISTC + BSXFUN Masking approach
Elapsed time is 0.598359 seconds.
------------- With MODE + ACCUMARRAY approach
Elapsed time is 2.452778 seconds.
------------- With HISTC + ACCUMARRAY approach
Elapsed time is 2.579482 seconds.
------------- With ARRAYFUN + Sparse approach
Elapsed time is 1.455362 seconds.
slightly better, but still uses a loop :(
out=zeros(4,3);%set to zero matrix
for i = 1:max(in(:,1)); %find max in column 1, and loop for that number
ind = find(in(:,1)==i); %
out(1: size(in(ind,2),1),i)= in(ind,2);
don't know if you can avoid the loop...

Vectorized search for permutations (with repetitions) that contain given subpermutations (with repetitions)

This question is can be viewed continuation/extension/generalization of a previous question of mine from here.
Some definitions: I have a set of integers S = {1,2,...,s}, say s = 20, and two matrices N and M whose rows are finite sequences of numbers from S (i.e. permutations with possible repetitions), of order n and m respectively, where 1 <= n <= m. Let us think of N as a collection of candidate sub-sequences for the sequences from M.
Example: [2 3 4 3] is a sub-sequence of [1 2 2 3 5 4 1 3] that occurs with multiplicity 2 (=in how many different ways one can find the sub-seq. in the main seq.), whereas [3 2 2 3] is not a sub-sequence of it. In particular, a valid sub-sequence by definition must preserve the order of the indices.
Problem statement:
(P1) For each row of M, obtain the number of sub-sequences of it, with multiplicity and without multiplicity, that occur in N as rows (it can be zero if none are contained in N);
(P2) For each row of N, find out how many times, with multiplicity and without multiplicity, it is contained in M as a sub-sequence (again, this number can be zero);
Example: Let N = [1 2 2; 2 3 4] and M = [1 1 2 2 3; 1 2 2 3 4; 1 2 3 5 6]. Then (P1) returns [2; 3; 0] for 'with multiplicities' and [1; 2; 0] for 'without multiplicities'. (P2) returns [3; 2] for 'with multiplicities' and [2; 1] without multiplicities.
Order of magnitude: M could typically have up to 30-40 columns and a few thousand rows, although I currently have M with only a few hundred rows and ~10 columns. N could be approaching the size of
M or could be also much smaller.
What I have so far: Not much, to be honest. I believe I might be able to slightly modify my not-very-well-vectorized solution from my previous question to tackle permutations with repetitions, but I am still thinking on that and will update as soon as I have something working. But given my (lack of) experience so far, it would be in all likelihood very suboptimal :(
Introduction : Owing to the repetitions in the input data in each row, the combination finding process doesn't have the sort of "uniqueness" among elements which was exploited in your previous problem and hence the loops used here. Also, note that the without multiplicity codes don't use nchoosek and as such, I feel more optimistic about them for performance.
Notations :
p1wim -> P1 with multiplicity
p2wim -> P2 with multiplicity
p1wom -> P1 without multiplicity
p2wom -> P2 without multiplicity
Codes :
I. Code for P1, 2 with multiplicity
permN = permute(N,[3 2 1]);
for k1 = 1:size(M,1)
d1 = nchoosek(M(k1,:),3);
t1 = all(bsxfun(#eq,d1,permN),2);
p1wim(k1) = sum(t1(:));
p2wim = p2wim + squeeze(sum(t1,1));
II. Code for P1, 2 without multiplicity
eqmat = bsxfun(#eq,M,permute(N,[3 4 2 1])); %// equality matrix
[m,n,p,q] = size(eqmat); %// get sizes
inds = zeros(size(M,1),p,q); %// pre-allocate for indices array
vec1 = [1:m]'; %//' setup constants to loop
vec2 = [0:q-1]*m*n*p;
vec3 = permute([0:p-1]*m*n,[1 3 2]);
for iter = 1:p
[~,ind1] = max(eqmat(:,:,iter,:),[],2);
inds(:,iter,:) = reshape(ind1,m,1,q);
ind2 = squeeze(ind1);
ind3 = bsxfun(#plus,vec1,(ind2-1)*m); %//' setup forward moving equalities
ind4 = bsxfun(#plus,ind3,vec2);
ind5 = bsxfun(#plus,ind4,vec3);
eqmat(ind5(:)) = 0;
p1wom = sum(all(diff(inds,[],2)>0,2),3);
p2wom = squeeze(sum(all(diff(inds,[],2)>0,2),1));
As usual, I would encourage you to use gpuArrays too with your favorite parfor.
This approach uses only one loop over the rows of M (P1) or N (P2). The code makes use of linear indexing and the very powerful bsxfun function. Note that if the number of columns is large you may experience problems because of nchoosek.
[mr mc] = size(M);
[nr nc] = size(N);
%// P1
combs = nchoosek(1:mc, nc)-1;
P1mu = NaN(mr,1);
P1nm = NaN(mr,1);
for r = 1:mr
aux = M(r+mr*combs);
P1mu(r) = sum(ismember(aux, N, 'rows'));
P1nm(r) = sum(ismember(unique(aux, 'rows'), N, 'rows'));
%// P2. Multiplicity defined to span across different rows
rr = reshape(repmat(1:mr, size(combs,1), 1),[],1);
P2mu = NaN(nr,1);
P2nm = NaN(nr,1);
for r = 1:nr
aux = M(bsxfun(#plus, rr, mr*repmat(combs, mr, 1)));
P2mu(r) = sum(all(bsxfun(#eq, N(r,:), aux), 2));
P2nm(r) = sum(all(bsxfun(#eq, N(r,:), unique(aux, 'rows')), 2));
%// P2. Multiplicity defined restricted to within one row
rr = reshape(repmat(1:mr, size(combs,1), 1),[],1);
P2mur = NaN(nr,1);
P2nmr = NaN(nr,1);
for r = 1:nr
aux = M(bsxfun(#plus, rr, mr*repmat(combs, mr, 1)));
P2mur(r) = sum(all(bsxfun(#eq, N(r,:), aux), 2));
aux2 = unique([aux rr], 'rows'); %// concat rr to differentiate rows...
aux2 = aux2(:,1:end-1); %// ...and now remove it
P2nmr(r) = sum(all(bsxfun(#eq, N(r,:), aux2), 2));
Results for your example data:
P1mu =
P1nm =
P2mu =
P2nm =
P2mur =
P2nmr =
Some optimizations to the code would be possible. Not sure they are worth the effort:
Replace repmat by another bsxfun (using a 3rd dimension). That may save some memory
Transpose original matrices and work down colunmns, instead of along rows. That may be faster.

bsxfun implementation in matrix multiplication

As always trying to learn more from you, I was hoping I could receive some help with the following code.
I need to accomplish the following:
1) I have a vector:
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
2) and a matrix:
A =[11 14 1
5 8 18
10 8 19
13 20 16]
I need to be able to multiply each value from x with every value of A, this means:
new_matrix = [1* A
2* A
3* A
12* A]
This will give me this new_matrix of size (12*m x n) assuming A (mxn). And in this case (12*4x3)
How can I do this using bsxfun from matlab? and, would this method be faster than a for-loop?
Regarding my for-loop, I need some help here as well... I am not able to storage each "new_matrix" as the loop runs :(
for i=x
new_matrix = A.*x(i)
Thanks in advance!!
EDIT: After the solutions where given
First solution
clear all
A = rand(1000,1000);
val = bsxfun(#times,A,permute(x,[3 1 2]));
out = reshape(permute(val,[1 3 2]),size(val,1)*size(val,3),[]);
Elapsed time is 7.597939 seconds.
Second solution
clear all
A = rand(1000,1000);
Ps = kron(x.',A);
Elapsed time is 48.445417 seconds.
Send x to the third dimension, so that singleton expansion would come into effect when bsxfun is used for multiplication with A, extending the product result to the third dimension. Then, perform the bsxfun multiplication -
val = bsxfun(#times,A,permute(x,[3 1 2]))
Now, val is a 3D matrix and the desired output is expected to be a 2D matrix concatenated along the columns through the third dimension. This is achieved below -
out = reshape(permute(val,[1 3 2]),size(val,1)*size(val,3),[])
Hope that made sense! Spread the bsxfun word around! woo!! :)
The kron function does exactly that:
Here is my benchmark of the methods mentioned so far, along with a few additions of my own:
function [t,v] = testMatMult()
% data
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12];
A = [11 14 1; 5 8 18; 10 8 19; 13 20 16];
x = 1:50;
A = randi(100, [1000,1000]);
% functions to test
fcns = {
#() func1_repmat(A,x)
#() func2_bsxfun_3rd_dim(A,x)
#() func2_forloop_3rd_dim(A,x)
#() func3_kron(A,x)
#() func4_forloop_matrix(A,x)
#() func5_forloop_cell(A,x)
#() func6_arrayfun(A,x)
% timeit
t = cellfun(#timeit, fcns, 'UniformOutput',true);
% check results
v = cellfun(#feval, fcns, 'UniformOutput',false);
%for i=2:numel(v), assert(norm(v{1}-v{2}) < 1e-9), end
% Amro
function B = func1_repmat(A,x)
B = repmat(x, size(A,1), 1);
B = bsxfun(#times, B(:), repmat(A,numel(x),1));
% Divakar
function B = func2_bsxfun_3rd_dim(A,x)
B = bsxfun(#times, A, permute(x, [3 1 2]));
B = reshape(permute(B, [1 3 2]), [], size(A,2));
% Vissenbot
function B = func2_forloop_3rd_dim(A,x)
B = zeros([size(A) numel(x)], 'like',A);
for i=1:numel(x)
B(:,:,i) = x(i) .* A;
B = reshape(permute(B, [1 3 2]), [], size(A,2));
% Luis Mendo
function B = func3_kron(A,x)
B = kron(x(:), A);
% SergioHaram & TheMinion
function B = func4_forloop_matrix(A,x)
[m,n] = size(A);
p = numel(x);
B = zeros(m*p,n, 'like',A);
for i=1:numel(x)
B((i-1)*m+1:i*m,:) = x(i) .* A;
% Amro
function B = func5_forloop_cell(A,x)
B = cell(numel(x),1);
for i=1:numel(x)
B{i} = x(i) .* A;
B = cell2mat(B);
%B = vertcat(B{:});
% Amro
function B = func6_arrayfun(A,x)
B = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(xx) xx.*A, x(:), 'UniformOutput',false));
The results on my machine:
>> t
t =
0.1650 %# repmat (Amro)
0.2915 %# bsxfun in the 3rd dimension (Divakar)
0.4200 %# for-loop in the 3rd dim (Vissenbot)
0.1284 %# kron (Luis Mendo)
0.2997 %# for-loop with indexing (SergioHaram & TheMinion)
0.5160 %# for-loop with cell array (Amro)
0.4854 %# arrayfun (Amro)
(Those timings can slightly change between different runs, but this should give us an idea how the methods compare)
Note that some of these methods are going to cause out-of-memory errors for larger inputs (for example my solution based on repmat can easily run out of memory). Others will get significantly slower for larger sizes but won't error due to exhausted memory (the kron solution for instance).
I think that the bsxfun method func2_bsxfun_3rd_dim or the straightforward for-loop func4_forloop_matrix (thanks to MATLAB JIT) are the best solutions in this case.
Of course you can change the above benchmark parameters (size of x and A) and draw your own conclusions :)
Just to add an alternative, you maybe can use cellfun to achieve what you want. Here's an example (slightly modified from yours):
x = randi(2, 5, 3)-1;
a = randi(3,3);
%// bsxfun 3D (As implemented in the accepted solution)
val = bsxfun(#and, a, permute(x', [3 1 2])); %//'
out = reshape(permute(val,[1 3 2]),size(val,1)*size(val,3),[]);
%// cellfun (My solution)
val2 = cellfun(#(z) bsxfun(#and, a, z), num2cell(x, 2), 'UniformOutput', false);
out2 = cell2mat(val2); % or use cat(3, val2{:}) to get a 3D matrix equivalent to val and then permute/reshape like for out
%// compare
disp(nnz(out ~= out2));
Both give the same exact result.
For more infos and tricks using cellfun, see:
And also this:
If your vector x is of lenght = 12 and your matrix of size 3x4, I don't think that using one or the other would change much in term of time. If you are working with higher size matrix and vector, now that might become an issue.
So first of all, we want to multiply a vector with a matrix. In the for-loop method, that would give something like that :
s = size(A);
new_matrix(s(1),s(2),numel(x)) = zeros; %This is for pre-allocating. If you have a big vector or matrix, this will help a lot time efficiently.
for i = 1:numel(x)
new_matrix(:,:,i)= A.*x(i)
This will give you 3D matrix, with each 3rd dimension being a result of your multiplication. If this is not what you are looking for, I'll be adding another solution which might be more time efficient with bigger matrixes and vectors.

Using non-continuous integers as identifiers in cells or structs in Matlab

I want to store some results in the following way:
Res.0 = magic(4); % or Res.baseCase = magic(4);
Res.2 = magic(5); % I would prefer to use integers on all other
Res.7 = magic(6); % elements than the first.
Res.2000 = 1:3;
I want to use numbers between 0 and 3000, but I will only use approx 100-300 of them. Is it possible to use 0 as an identifier, or will I have to use a minimum value of 1? (The numbers have meaning, so I would prefer if I don't need to change them). Can I use numbers as identifiers in structs?
I know I can do the following:
Res{(last number + 1)} = magic(4);
Res{2} = magic(5);
Res{7} = magic(6);
Res{2000} = 1:3;
And just remember that the last element is really the "number zero" element.
In this case I will create a bunch of empty cell elements [] in the non-populated positions. Does this cause a problem? I assume it will be best to assign the last element first, to avoid creating a growing cell, or does this not have an effect? Is this an efficient way of doing this?
Which will be most efficient, struct's or cell's? (If it's possible to use struct's, that is).
My main concern is computational efficiency.
Let's review your options:
Indexing into a cell arrays
MATLAB indices start from 1, not from 0. If you want to store your data in cell arrays, in the worst case, you could always use the subscript k + 1 to index into cell corresponding to the k-th identifier (k ≥ 0). In my opinion, using the last element as the "base case" is more confusing. So what you'll have is:
Res{1} = magic(4); %// Base case
Res{2} = magic(5); %// Corresponds to identifier 1
Res{k + 1} = ... %// Corresponds to indentifier k
Accessing fields in structures
Field names in structures are not allowed to begin with numbers, but they are allowed to contain them starting from the second character. Hence, you can build your structure like so:
Res.c0 = magic(4); %// Base case
Res.c1 = magic(5); %// Corresponds to identifier 1
Res.c2 = magic(6); %// Corresponds to identifier 2
%// And so on...
You can use dynamic field referencing to access any field, for instance:
k = 3;
kth_field = Res.(sprintf('c%d', k)); %// Access field k = 3 (i.e field 'c3')
I can't say which alternative seems more elegant, but I believe that indexing into a cell should be faster than dynamic field referencing (but you're welcome to check that out and prove me wrong).
As an alternative to EitanT's answer, it sounds like matlab's map containers are exactly what you need. They can deal with any type of key and the value may be a struct or cell.
In your case this will be:
k = {0,2,7,2000};
Res = {magic(4),magic(5),magic(6),1:3};
ResMap = containers.Map(k, Res)
ans =
16 2 3 13
5 11 10 8
9 7 6 12
4 14 15 1
I agree with the idea in #wakjah 's comment. If you are concerned about the efficiency of your program it's better to change the interpretation of the problem. In my opinion there is definitely a way that you could priorotize your data. This prioritization could be according to the time you acquired them, or with respect to the inputs that they are calculated. If you set any kind of priority among them, you can sort them into an structure or cell (structure might be faster).
Priority (Your Current Index Meaning) Data
1 0 magic(4)
2 2 magic(5)
3 7 magic(6)
4 2000 1:3
% Initialize Result structure which is different than your Res.
Result(300).Data = 0; % 300 the maximum number of data
Result(300).idx = 0; % idx or anything that represent the meaning of your current index.
% Assigning
k = 1; % Priority index
Result(k).idx = 0; Result(k).Data = magic(4); k = k + 1;
Result(k).idx = 2; Result(k).Data = magic(5); k = k + 1;
Result(k).idx = 7; Result(k).Data = magic(6); k = k + 1;
