Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap errorlevel=1 - jmeter

On launching Jmeter, getting below error:
Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap errorlevel=1.
Please help me to resolve this. I am using laptop with 4GB RAM, 64-bit OS, intel i-5 core.

There could be a lot of processes running in your laptop. That is why you get this error.
Stop all the unwanted programs.
Check the HEAP size setting in JMeter.bat file. Reduce it (128, 512, 1024..)
You need to do the following.
Go to JMETER_HOME/bin folder
Open "jmeter.bat" (assuming you are using windows)
Check "set HEAP=-Xms512m -Xmx512m" (check the heap size- change accordingly)
Update, Close and Relaunch JMeter
You might need more heap for simulating more load.


Elastic search on Windows - Error - Native memory allocation (mmap) failed

We are running Elastic Search 7.13.2 on a windows server. This was running but suddenly the the ES.bat file is returning an error as below. I have verified that there is no Memory overload in the server. The system has 16 GB RAM, which is 50 percent or less occupied. The free Disk space was > 25GB. Any idea why this error comes up?
I tried to reduce the Heap memory to 4 GB, i created a file named jvm.options inside the jvm.options.d folder and added the below lines, but this doesnt seem to take effect. Any clue on whats going on?
jvm.options file content as below

Can't increase heap size IntelliJ Mac – changed idea.vmoptions+restarted

I'm on MacOs 10.13.4 (High Sierra)
Using IntelliJ 2020.3.1 (Community Edition)
I've tried increasing the heap size but failed. I've tried these two things:
Changing through the dialog box Help->Change Memory Settings. But I get stuck with the spinning cursor and have to force quit IntelliJ. However when I restart IntelliJ the memory is increased. But when I run something that requires a lot of heap size I get "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space".
Changing directly in the idea.vmoptions file. Changing "-Xmx750m" to e.g. "-Xmx8096m". But after restart of IntelliJ I still get: "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space".
IntelliJ->Help->Edit Custom VM Options...
I have run the exact same files in Eclipse after increasing the heap size there to 4096 mb. Therefore I know the problem isn't that the program I run need more heap space than that. To me it seems like there's no effect from the increase.
Hope you guys can help me!
You can try the following:
File->Settings->Build,Execution,Deployment->Compiler->Shared build process heap size (Mbytes)

How to make program use virtual memory?

How can I make a program use virtual memory in Windows?
I have a long perl script which is using 6GB+ of memory and increasing. My machine only has 8GB or RAM. It is probably caused by a memory leak in a module, but there is nothing I can do about that now.
Is it possible to make it use virtual memory, or is this something controlled by Windows only?
The OS will provide virtual memory automatically if needed and if it's configured to have swap space. You cannot control that from a Perl program.
If your Perl program has a memory leak eventually it will start being swapped to the page file. When its memory consumption causes total memory to exceed the sum of your physical RAM plus page file, things will slow to a crawl and processes may become unresponsive and/or crash.
In any case, the size of the page file cannot be change dynamically, a reboot is required. The only long-term fix is to find and fix the leak.
Create a shortcut of program that u want to run in virtual ram.
Right click on shortcut and click properties.
In properties, locate for target.
Copy and this at the end of target( --profile-directory="Profile 1"--disk-cache-dir=C:\ ).
Restart your pc.

Setting ES_HEAP_SIZE in windows

I'm using Windows 2012 R2 machine.
I have set my Heap Size in Environment variable as follows
After setting the heap size, i have installed Elasticsearch as windows service using command
service.bat install
When i started the service, Elasticsearch services has taken 4GB properly (Checked in Taskmanger.exe)
After some time, the memory used by elasticsearch service is came down to 1 GB.
Is this expected?
This is apparently an issue of ES under Windows.
Quoting from the link:
The 4gb committed heap size that you see in the node stats API is the amount of virtual memory that's reserved by setting ES_HEAP_SIZE (Xms), which is expected, even with bootstrap.mlockall disabled.
By enabling bootstrap.mlockall, we expect the call to VirtualLock() to lock the working set into physical memory, which happens initially (this is the memory you see in task manager), but eventually drops off.
I don't have a solid explanation for this yet, but I have observed that the more memory pressure the system is under (i.e. less free space available), the quicker the "drop off" occurs. It's as though Windows doesn't respect the fact that the pages in the working set are locked, and will release them when resources become low.
There's a lot of info out there that seems to indicate that VirtualLock doesn't guarantee pages won't be swapped, only reduces the odds, however the documentation says nothing about this.
1Gb is default heap size for Elasticsearch. So when you set the env.variable, you set maximum amount of memory it's allowed to use. If you don't issue any queries, the memory usage may drop to the default

Set a fixed size of memory of a debugger session

Is it possible to start a debug session in a Winforms project in Visual Studio and set a fixed size of memory which the process can have?
Let's say for example I have 16GB of memory in my machine, now I want to test my program for OutOfMemory Exceptions... And I can't load so much data that my 16GB are full. So I want to set my debug session that my programm can only use 2GB and than it throws
OutOfMemory Exceptions.
Is this even possible?
Or do I need some VirtualMachine which were I can set it?
