IntelliJ Idea 13.1.4 gradle build - gradle

I am trying to build a project with gradle from within Intellij Idea 13.1.4 (commercial edition) However all files from WEB-INF directory apart from web.xml does not appear in the web facet
Everything was working fine in 13.1.3
I have already found an issue logged against the IntelliJ.

Known bug: .
Downgrade to 13.1.3: .


Run Corda project on IntelliJ

I'm using a MacBook Air OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and IntelliJ IDEA, but the IDE won't let me execute the test "ProjectImportedOKTest" which is in src/test/java/java_bootcamp/. I followed the exact same steps of this video:
But for some reason my green arrow to run the test is always disabled. It could be something with the configuration option in the top left of IntelliJ, which I left blank or even something with gradle.
Thanks a lot!!
You can invalidate the caches of the intelliJ by using the option
file -> invalidate caches/Restart.
It helped for me.
There are several things you could try.
Ensure that your source java or kotlin folder is marked as "Sources Root". Do this by right clicking the folder and selecting "Mark Directory as"
Go to view -> Tool Windows -> Gradle and hit the refresh icon
Try opening the project a different way, such as importing the project or just opening the project
Rebuild the project and ensure there are no errors
Go to File -> Project Structure and ensure Java 1.8 is set as the Project SDK
Got to File -> Settings 0> Build, Execution, Deployment and select Gradle. Ensure Gradle JVM has Java 1.8 and that "Use default gradle wrapper" is selected.
Again under Settings and Build, Execution, Deployment, go to Compiler -> Kotlin Compiler and check that Target JVM version is set to 1.8
I ran into the same problem running on Windows and ran into this question trying to find the solution. It turns out Gradle wasn't installed on my machine and that was causing the problems.
According to the Corda Docs - "Gradle - we use 4.10 and the gradlew script in the project / samples directories will download it for you."
However, I installed from the Gradle website here - -and configured it in the PATH variable. After doing so, my green arrow was enabled and I was able to run the test successfully.

intelliJ debug not finding file in target folder

Hello I have an appengine module that won't work properly since I change my old appengine plugin to the new google cloud tools.
I have a module that is a child of my project.
I have a maven directive to copy some files from another child modules to the target folder of my module target/artifcat-name/WEB-INF.
The copy works.
But when I debug the appengine module in Intellij, I have a FileNotFoundException while trying to read the copied file from the target dir.
It worked fine before the update.
It also works fine when I run the devserver from the shell (mvn appengine:devserver.
I don't what I should change in Intellij to have it working again.

Project won't compile in IntelliJ IDEA after adding Maven support because of complaints about the JDK version

I'm using IntellJ 14.1.4 Community Edition
My project compiled fine before (I have it set up to use the Eclipse compiler)
But I tried to Mavenize it...
I added Maven via the Add Framework | Maven command
Now my problem is (still using the Eclipse Compiler)...
It gives me error messages like:
Error:(21, 78) java: '<>' operator is not allowed for source level below 1.7
Which leads me to suspect that it is not compiling to 1.8
However, I didn't change anything other than Mavenizing it
The Project SDK in IDEA is set to use 1.8
I did notice some setting about bytecode being 1.5.. but i tried to change that to 1.8 but still get this error message.
Anyone have any clue what's going on?
this was essentially the correct advice of course - in the comments, however I had been trying to do it for a long time both via maven-compiler-plugin and properties... to no success, even though I was refreshing Maven after making changes to pom.xml. Finally, I restarted the IDE .. and .. it works! I can compile..

IntelliJ Community 12 CE + JFlex

I'm following this tutorial to create a custom language plugin for IntelliJ 12, but I'm running into several issues in regards to the jFlex plugin.
When the plugin was installed (via IntelliJ plugin browser) it was configured with the following paths:
Flex: /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 12
Flex Skeleton: /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 12
IntelliJ warned me it could not find the jFlex application, so I downloaded the latest zip package from and extracted it. I updated the jFlex plugin configurations in IntelliJ and get a new error when I try to build: ./lib/jflex.jar is not configured on the path.
Flex: /Users/skyler/jflex-1.4.3/jflex-1.4.3/bin
Flex Skeleton: /Users/skyler/jflex-1.4.3/jflex-1.4.3/src/default.skeleton
I did confirm the jar exists in /Users/skyler/jflex-1.4.3/jflex-1.4.3/lib. Of course the path referenced in the error would not find the jar.
So here are my questions:
Where is the idea-flex.skeleton file located? I cannot find it.
Do I need to update the jflex executable so the paths are correct, or move the file, and will there be any problems using jflex for language plugin development with this change?
As it turns out IntelliJ was missing the tools directory when you use the Mac installer. To solve the problem I had to clone the git repository for IntelliJ community and copy the jflex folder and skeleton into the expected locations. This issue is tracked by JetBrains.

How to configure Maven project to not expect resources directory in Eclipse

I do not have any resources for my Maven project so I want to stop Maven expecting these directories and so remove these Java Build Path Problems in Eclipse,
Project 'XXX' is missing required source folder: 't-services/src/test/resources'
Project 'XXX' is missing required source folder: 'tlib/src/main/resources'
How do I configure pom.xml to achieve this?
A quite old thread, but I just faced the similar errors in Eclipse, after having deleted the src/main/java + resources and src/test/java + resources from Eclipse directly, as my project is only containing a pom file (packaging=pom).
To properly remove the errors, I just right-clicked on the project > Properties > Java Build Path > 'Source' tab, and there I removed the obsoletes entries. In the end, it modified the .classpath file of the project.
Janek, I saw similar with m2e <= 1.0 but it seems to be fixed with m2e 1.1.
I was able to clear up a similar problem. I removed the projects from Eclipse; deleted all of the .project, .classpath, and .settings files and directories from the file system; imported the project into Eclipse again. The problem went away.
you have to simply remove those folders from your project after that there shouldn't be any problem...But the message gives me the impression that those folders have been configured wrong...
