i have created a table and i loaded the data(1GB) into that table...while creating the table i didn't mentioned the partitioned column's.
Now i want create 10 partition's on the same table with already loaded data(1GB).
Could any body please give me a solution for this. thanks in advance
The concept of partition is to handle data , which cannot be created after you load data. It has to be defined in your DDL beforehand.
I suggest , you drop the table and create a new table with mentioning partitions.
Is there a way to dynamically partition an external Hive table? I referred to posts which mentioned to follow below steps -
Create an external non-partitioned table
Create an external partitioned table
Use insert into table command to insert the data from non-partitioned to partitioned table
Problem with the above solution is that I need to always use the insert command if my base (non-partitioned) table is modified (addition/deletion of parquet files).
I am seeking for a solution where I need not do any insert command and my partitioned table should be updated as and how my non-partitioned table is changed.
I have created some tables in my Hadoop cluster, and I have some parquet tables with data to put it in. How do I perform this? I want to stress, that I already have empty tables, created with some DDL commands, and they are also stored as parquet, so I don't have to create tables, only to import data.
You should take advantage of a hive feature that enables you to use parquet to import data. Even if you don't want to create a new table. I think it's implied that the parquet table schema is the same as the existing empty table. If this isn't the case then below won't work as is. You will have to select the columns that you need. There
Here the table that you already have this is empty is called emptyTable located in myDatabase. The new data you want to add is located /path/to/parquet/hdfs_path_of_parquet_file
CREATE TABLE myDatabase.my_temp_table
LIKE PARQUET '/path/to/parquet/hdfs_path_of_parquet_file'
LOCATION '/path/to/parquet/';
INSERT INTO myDatabase.emptyTable as
SELECT * from myDatabase.my_temp_table;
DELETE TABLE myDatabase.my_temp_table;
You said you didn't want to create tables but I think the above kinda cheats around your ask.
The other option again assuming the schema for parquet is already the same as the table definition that is empty that you already have:
ALTER TABLE myDatabase.emptyTable SET LOCATION '/path/to/parquet/';
This technically isn't creating a new table but does require altering you table you already created so I'm not sure if that's acceptable.
You said this is a hive things so I've given you hive answer but really if emptyTable table definition understands parquet in the exact format that you have the /path/to/parquet/hdfs_path_of_parquet_file in you could just drop this file into the folder defined by the table definition:
show create table myDatabase.emptyTable;
This would automatically add the data to the existing table. Provided the table definition matched. Hive is Schema on read so you don't actually need to "import" only enable hive to "interpret".
Can anyone please explain why and where do we use external tables in hive?
Please explain a scenario to understand easily.
We use external table when our underlying dataset pointed by hive table is shared by many purpose i.e for map reduce job, pig etc and use managed table in hive when our dataset pointed by hive table is used only by hive application.
Actually in hive managed table has full control on dataset i.e in managed table if you will drop the table dataset will also be deleted from hive warehouse(/usr/hive/warehouse) present in HDFS, but in case of external table when you drop the table, dataset are not deleted from hive warehouse in HDFS.
Suppose take an example you have 50 gb data set now if you create multiple copies of dataset for different purpose it will simply take more space so the better option is to use external table so that when you drop the table dataset are not deleted and you can use it further by any other application like by pig or by any other purpose.
As a rule of thumb: use external table if you plan to work with those data not only from Hive but from other frameworks as well. Otherwise make it internal.
The only difference between External and Managed table in Hive is Drop table or Drop partition behavior. For Managed it will drop data as well, for External table the data will remain untouched in the table/partition location.
Use External in most cases. External table allows you to change table definition easily. Also you can create few tables on top of the same location.
Use Managed table if the table is temporary/intermediate and data should be deleted to free space.
Managed table can be converted to external and vice-versa using
alter table table_name SET TBLPROPERTIES('EXTERNAL'='TRUE');
I have a dynamic partitioned managed table in Hive partitioned by (country,state).
I wish to add one more column to these partitioned columns, say (country,state,city).
I am thinking I may use ALTER TABLE tab_nm DROP PARTITION old_partitions and then use another ALTER TABLE tab_nm ADD PARTITION.. to add new set of columns.
In one blog I read that a new table be created with latest partitions, load the data from the table with old partitions. But then I do not wish to recreate the table as its a huge production table.
I still have not implemented the ALTER TABLE.. since I am wondering that the DROP PARTITION may remove all the data in those partitions.
Please help.
In hive, create external table by CTAS is a semantic error, why?
The table created by CTAS is atomic, while external table means data will not be deleted when dropping table, they do not seem to conflict.
In Hive when we create a table(NOT external) the data will be stored in /user/hive/warehouse.
But during External hive table creation the file will be anywhere else, we are just pointing to that hdfs directory and exposing the data as hive table to run hive queries etc.
This SO answer more precisely Create hive table using "as select" or "like" and also specify delimiter
Am I missing something here?
Try this...You should be able to create an external table with CTAS.
AS SELECT * from managed_table;
I was able to create one. I am using 0.12.
i think its a semantic error because it misses the most imp parameter of external table definition viz. the External Location of the data file! by definition, 1. External means the data is outside hive control residing outside the hive data warehouse dir. 2. if table is dropped data remains intact only table definition is removed from hive metastore. so,
i. if CTAS is with managed table, the new ext table will have file in warehouse which will be removed with drop table making #2 wrong
ii. if CTAS is with other external table, the 2 tables will point to same file location.
CTAS creates a managed hive table with the new name using the schema and data of the said table.
You can convert it to an external table using: