Beside of users and groups does SCIM covers CRUD operations for other resources.
I guess no ?
Mean on custom resources for specific cases. Per instance custom Product resource to be provisioned between two trusted SPs.
The only one extensibility (correct me if I am wrong) dictated by SCIM default schema is Enterprise User ("urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0")
Yes, only users and groups are covered by the spec, but as you mentioned you can always add extensions.
We are developing a multitenant application with shared schema for a web application. I would like to know the best practices for designing UI strategies.
We will have different roles for saas owners like Adminsitrators, Helpdesk, Account Manager so The SAAS owner may need to have multiple users who will acess the application and do their job.
HelpDesk: If a tenant put up a ticket, helpdesk team shall be able to view and solve.
Account management: Account Managers may need to access the payment information of the tenants for following up the tenants.
ServiceManagers: To perform maintenance and upgrades etc.
In this case
Do we need to have different UI for "Saas owner" and "Tenants" or is it better to manage it with permissions and roles?
Any best practices?
There are many facets to decide on the mode of delivery
In case you prefer to use Micro FrontEnds, admin and tenant functions can be separate. However, the individual functions like help desk,Accounts management can be a separate micro frontend
There should be options for a tenant to white label the UI (custom logo, custom theme, custom layout (more development effort)) etc.
With or without micro frontends, your UI layer should be working based on the permissions that comes as an aggregation of the user's roles (even across tenants).
The UI always has probes to the API to get the permissions and render the various UI components based on the granted permissions to the user.
We used to build custom UI components like custom grid, custom forms etc so that the permissions could be used to show or hide the various UI elements based on the permissions that a user might posses.
Ex: In the context of a Administrator, I will be able to see all the team members, but in the context of a Service Administrator, I will be able to assign members to various tenant functions like help desk, accounting etc which the Administrator will not be able to perform, but can view the mappings.
Similarly, your business requirements will drive the UI, hence if you follow using the permissions for the UI, it is always very fine-grained and easy to manage than depending upon higher levels of abstraction like Roles.
It is browser based or is it IdP based?
I am looking their official document, I could not find any details about session management. Is there anyone aware or session in SAML?
Technical Document:
Executive Document:
There is no "session management" in SAML, per se. Sessions are the responsibilities of the Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Provider (SP) individually. There are some key value pairs that can guide session creation on both sides (such as SessionNotOnOrAfter or NotOnOrAfter), but it's very rare to see them in use in that manner.
Most commonly, you will find an SP has a control available in their admin panel that allows the IdP's business unit using the SaaS provider to set something like an Idle Timeout and a Max Timeout based on their business requirements. On the IdP side, they'll manage it based on their own internal security requirements as well.
we have a big distributed and multitenant system with all sorts of accounts :
- admin and backoffice users account
- customer account
- cashier account (tenant : there is one or many more cashier for each client tenant)
All this account are sharing more or less the same lifecycle (account created, grant on some ressources, deny account, password reminder...)
But they are not used in all applications of the system : some account would be used on specific or just two application for example.
Furthermore our system should have the possibility to have a bridge with a CMS for the customer management, or the backoffice users account could be authorized one day against a ldap...
So the question : we are searching for the best way to model our right and authorization service(s).
One idea is to create one service in order to manage all types of accounts of any kind : that is a SOA way to modularize our system
And one idea is to create different services : perhaps much more a micro-service oriented way of thinking...
What are your opinion ? I am searching some advices and feedback on this two different approach or perhaps an alternative that we habve not thought about...
If you are looking for any open-source solution for your problem, you can have a look into keyclaok.
Keycloak also got place in Thoughtworks Technology RADAR.
It is very promising solution and has LDAP, Multi Tenancy support also. checkout keycloak features.
There is paid solution like ForgeRock is also avaible.
Coming to feedback which you have asked about SOA or microservice way of implementation here (You will get different feedback/advice on this)
It will be better if you have a service to take care of access and authorization management and other to look into user details. If you meant that having different services for different account then note that Having one service for taking care account is still considered as Microservice approach as there is one dedicated service to perform single set of tasks.
You can have User-Service for user information management and a authService to handle access and authorization of users. check.
starting a proof of concept for this model it appears not to be possible to configure the membership provider per request to the respective clients database. It appears that the web application instantiates the membership providers on application start and doesn't allow modification to this during subsequent requests.
I have tried using reflection and modifying the connection string in the Application_BeginRequest (in the global.aspx) but it appears that the membership provider is designed and implemented to only initialise once per application rather than per request.
This implies for the separate database approach, the default membership provider wont work with the single application/multiple database (multitenant seperate database) model.
what authentication/authorization model do people use in this architecture? do they use a custom implementation of the Microsoft membership providers or do they use a different package or library?
In the case of a multi-tenant application development scenario, the best preferred is a SSO or to go with a custom profile management system.
In order for you to enable tenant based authentication using the databases, you can have a connection string manager that identifies your tenant based on some of the criteria like the company code or the URL and then use the user login data from that database for that tenant's users.
The usage will be like you identify / infer the tenant code from the login credentials and then choose the database that is available for that tenant and then authenticate the user against this database. Hence the tenants can have their own databases for their user's authentication.
This is feasible and can also comply with the regulatory requirements that may be for different tenants based on their geography.
I'm evaluating CRM 2011 to replace an existing app and and have some questions about security and segregating information by Client (or Account).
I have a custom entity for 'Client'. There are lot of custom entities that are related to 'Client' which consitute the data needed to be captured.
I would like to limit specific teams/users to work on specific clients and see only the data for those clients that they have access to.
I'm seeing that individual entities can be assigned to teams/users but I need all related entities to be locked down by Client so that regular users
Dont see records in views or searches that belong to other clients.
Can't create or access records for other clients.
Can this be done in CRM 2011? How?
Also - is it possible to limit processes/workflows to operate or trigger on records of specific clients only?
Probably the easiest thing to do would be do base your security on business units. Groups of clients an their related records would all be in the same business unit, and as long as you set their security roles to only allow access to records in their own business unit, that would work.
For workflows that only trigger on particular clients, it depends on the exact requirements. You could certainly check the business unit of the client as the first step in the workflow and continue or exit based on that. If it's something more complex, you can write a custom workflow assembly to do the check for you.