How to Convert Java Web Application into Gujarati Language - spring

I want to convert my web application into Gujarati language.In my web application i use Spring and Hibernate can i do this ? Please give me solution.

One solution can be using ReloadableResourceBundleMessagesource.
As for example, if you want the site in two different languages, say english and german, then create two different properties file, messages_de and messages_en.
Use a LocaleResolver to resolve the Locale and LocaleChangeInterceptor to intercept the request and set the lang value.
Follow this simple example :
I will look into the possibilities of using some translation API and let you know if I get something.


How to generate an OpenAPI from a Spring app without running the app?

I can run a Spring Boot application and then use the springdoc-openapi-maven-plugin artifact to generate an OpenAPI spec.
However, is there also a way to generate the spec without running the application first?
I currently want to generate the spec in a GitHub Action and a direct way would simplify this a lot.
you can use swagger editor:
It allows you to write a json/yaml with your specifications and at the same time you can view the result.
Also, in the upper part there are 2 features, which allow you to generate the code based on the json/yaml made.
For example you can create a spring application with all the endpoints you go to specify in your json/yaml ( server).
But you can also generate HTML. (Client)

Web client for spring-data-rest CRUD endpoints?

Spring Data REST creates a CRUD web server with a discoverable API, so it seems it should be possible to write a generalized web client application for it. Is there such an application?
May be you are looking for a HAL browser
something like
I hope you mean sample client stubs. Actually a web client cannot be generalized beyond the resources it has. That will not be quite meaningful.
You can try below with swagger. Using swagger here would be really convenient (over raml etc) since spring-data-rest generates swagger it self for you.
Take your swagger spec
Paste it at
Go Generate Client => Your favorite programming language.
Then it will generate sample client stubs for you in the language you have selected.
I think this should be the far most generalized point that makes sense.
The primary problem spring-data-rest has solved is abstracting out all the common functionalities attached to controller (ex: response/request mapping etc) and making them readily available and configurable, so that the developer no longer needs to re-invent/duplicate them every time when they are coding a new endpoint.
So as you have suggested generating client-stubs is completely out of spring-data-rest scope. Please read the documentation for more info.

Spring Rest docs - i18n support

im currently thinking how to build REST API docs for my application with support for multiple languages. Endpoints, parameter names and return values should stay the same but the description of each REST method i want to provide in different supported languages.
Im using Spring boot, data & rest and found this docs project what seems very useful to me. Anyway, i couldn't find any informations in the docs regards the i18n topic/support.
Does anybody know if Spring REST docs support the generation of the API doc for multiple languages (in general)?
REST Docs doesn't provide any out-of-the-box support for I18N but it should be pretty straightforward to build something on top.
The main piece with which REST Docs is involved and that I think you'd want to translate are the descriptions that are included in the various snippets. Rather than hard-coding a particular description, you could look each up in a ResourceBundle:
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("field-descriptions");
.andDo(document("example", responseFields(

Dynamic Tiles Template with Spring 3.0

I'm currently developping an application with Spring 3 and Tiles 2.
I have a question regarding Tiles and the dynamic contents.
I would like to have a "header" template, that contains a menu that is populated with database information.
As the menu is available through the application, i would like not to put the information in the request controller.
Do you have any information ?
The solution was to use a ViewPreparer on the menu definition.
Check out this tutorial that can help you with
spring to tiles integration,
definitions with wildcards,
implementing a fallback pattern using the OptionsRenderer, and
definitions composition.

View technologies for a spring mvc web application

I'm developping a web application with Spring MVC, and I'm totally new in web design I want to write my Views, but i don't really know how to design all of that, I need about two views, One form for an advanced search for items, and the other for viewing results.
is there any framework or facilities that i can begin with ?
I've skimed view Technologies part in the spring documentation, I found:
Velocity & Freemaker
Is that all i can use ? which one you recommand.
The mostly used view implementation (which also has best tool support) is JSP/JSTL.
From the Velocity/Freemarker family (sort of) you can look at ThymeLeaf - it's clean and really easy to learn. It also gives you ability to use natural templating - HTML files which, without changes, work in web application (as SpringMVC views) and when opened directly in browser.
