JMeter page redirect error general - jmeter

I received this error when running my script. The web site has a shopping cart on another site that gets information passed to it. When running my script in JMeter, I received an error:

I had to set "Use multipart/form-data for POST" for this http call in JMeter and then that error went away.
Hope this helps someone!


SagePay V4.0 CHALLENGE has stopped working for me

I am working on a c# service that uses the V4.0 protocol of sagepay. I am trying to simulate a 3DAUTH request by passing in CHALLENGE as the Cardholder name.
It was working fine earlier this week but today the response status returned is OK and the 3DSecureStatus is ERROR.
Looking at the test MySagePay Fraud Results screen, there is a red shield with the message "The Authentication callback message was Malformed..."
I have set the ThreeDSNotificationURL to a page that doesn't exist but could the error be Sage is somehow trying to validate this page?
I was expecting a status response of "3DAUTH".
Any help greatly appreciated including any tips on getting more info from the mysagepay console error.
this is part of the message I am sending in
I think it (the test sandbox) is working again now.
You need the ThreeDSNotificationURL. This is the page the bank posts back to after the challenge.
There you have to get the post values for cres, VPSTxID and threeDSessionData from the form and post them to SagePay. Then handle the SagePay response to find out if the payment was successful or failed or if an error occured.
We have the same issue. Our code was working fine. We would pass "CHALLENGE" as the CardHolder and we would get the expected status but, at some point, we started receiving "3DSecureStatus=ERROR".
Has anything changed with the sandbox?
Seems to be working again now. Getting this response
StatusDetail=2021 : Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing CReq.
Must have been a blip on the test site. Be good to know if Sage post release notes for these instances so deployment history can be tracked.
For info, you don't need a valid ThreeDSNotificationURL when posting using Cardholder=Challenge.
Thanks all

Jmeter - error message "500/unexpected alert open"

I can't close an alert with Jmeter on my website.
Jmeter return me the following message : "500/unexpected alert open".
I tried a lot of methods and I investigated a lot on internet, but I haven't found a solution :(
please, help...
JMeter is not a browser, as such it doesn't interpret client javascript as Selenium does it.
So you need to understand what Javascript does in terms of request(s) going to server and reproduce this with HTTP Request
Finally I have found a solution to my problem with the following command :
WDS.browser.executeScript('window.onbeforeunload = null;')

site - is currently unable to handle this request Http error 500

once i clicked on "Proceed to checkout" button, we are getting below error
The is't working is currently unable to handle this request
Http Error 500
even in backend when we open some orders, than also same error in order-view page.
we have shared hosting.
It was a problem with magento core file cc.php file , one of our devoloper edited it in wrong way, once i replaced the
original file, it worked fine.

Tips to confirm JMeter script is working when receiving no errors

I am running a JMeter script to hit a web page that opens another link to a shopping cart. There are a few different urls that JMeter recorded for me using the HTTP Script Recorder. When running the JMeter script, I receive no errors in any logs ( JMeter log and a few summary report / View results tree logs ). I even added a Constant Timer to some of the pages that do actually take a few seconds to load when hitting them manually in a web browser. In the end, I cannot see what is happening, but JMeter also does not indicate any errors. How can I confirm that each url hit is actually succeeding so that the shopping cart actually gives me my item when JMeter is done?
If JMeter is able to make a http request successfully, it will be always green in View Results Tree (200 http code). It does not mean that your test is correct - ie even if the login is not successful JMeter does not report it as error/failure unless you validate the response.
I think you need assertions to ensure that the http response you get is as you are expecting.

Application login fails while running JMeter proxy

my test app is opencart, I am unable to record login scenario for open cart. The scenario is, if i provide a username/password while proxy recording is off, works fine. But when i've started recording and providing the username/password will not work
The response data says
Notice: Undefined index: email in D:\Program
Files\wamp\www\opencart\catalog\controller\account\login.php on
line 201Notice: Undefined index: password in
Files\wamp\www\opencart\catalog\controller\account\login.php on
line 201Notice: Undefined index: email in D:\Program
Files\wamp\www\opencart\catalog\controller\account\login.php on
line 205
another error message displayed is
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected method:
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerProxy.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
Apart from that other recording is working fine, clicking links navigating to another page all works fine
Provide Http sampler settings type as HttpClient3.1 in proxy
The issue you are facing seems to come from an unexpected HTTP Method used.
It seems to be none of:
Can you give more details on it ?
