Java Vs Scripting for HDFS map/reduce - hadoop

I am a DB person, so java is new to me. Looking for scripting language for working with HDFS, may be Python I am looking for. But I see in one of the previous question, you mentioned that "Heart Beat" between Name and Data node will not happen if we use scripting language. Why, I could not understand? As we are writing our application logic to process data in the scripts or java code, and how it matter for the "Heart Beat"?
Any idea, on this?

Python is good choice for hadoop if you know already how to code with it. I've used php and perl with success. This part of Hadoop framework is called Streaming.
For "Heart Beat" I believe you are thinking of Counters. They are user defined "variables" that can only be incremented. Hadoop will terminate task attempt if no counters are incremented for 10 minutes. However you shouldn't worry about this as there are system counters that are automatically incremented for you. If you do have a job that takes very long, you can still use counters with Python (Hadoop Streaming) by sending something like this to standard error output:
For more info on counters with Hadoop Streaming see this


How can Spark take input after it is submitted

I am designing an application, which requires response very fast and need to retrieve and process a large volume of data (>40G) from hadoop file system, given one input (command).
I am thinking, if it is possible to catch such high amount of data in the distributed memory using spark, and let the application running all the time. If I give the application an command, it could start to process data based on the input.
I think catching such big data is not a problem. However, how can I let the application running, and take input?
As far as I know, there is nothing can be done after "spark-submit" command...
You can try spark job server and Named Objects to cache dataset in distributed memory and use it in various input commands.
The requirement is not clear!!!, but based on my understanding,
1) In spark-submit after the application.jar, you can provide application specific command line arguments. But if you want to send commands after the job was started, then you can write a spark streaming job which processes kafka messages.
2) HDFS is already optimised for processing large volume of data. You can cache intermediate reusable data so that they do not get re-computed. But for better performance you might consider using something like elasticsearch/cassandra, so that they can be fetched/stored even faster.

how to output to HDFS from mapper directly?

In certain criteria we want the mapper do all the work and output to HDFS, we don't want the data transmitted to reducer(will use extra bandwidth, please correct me if there is case its wrong).
a pseudo code would be:
def mapper(k,v_list):
for v in v_list:
if criteria:
write to HDFS
I found it hard because the only thing we can play with is OutputCollector.
One thing I think of is to exend OutputCollector, override OutputCollector.collect and do the stuff.
Is there any better ways?
You can just set the number of reduce tasks to 0 by using JobConf.setNumReduceTasks(0). This will make the results of the mapper go straight into HDFS.
From the Map-Reduce manual:
Reducer NONE
It is legal to set the number of reduce-tasks to zero if no reduction is desired.
In this case the outputs of the map-tasks go directly to the FileSystem,
into the output path set by setOutputPath(Path). The framework does not sort
the map-outputs before writing them out to the FileSystem.
I'm assuming that you're using streaming, in which case there is no standard way of doing this.
It's certainly possible in a java Mapper. For streaming you'd need amend the PipeMapper java file, or like you say write your own output collector - but if you're going to that much trouble, you might has well just write a java mapper.
Not sending something to the Reducer may not actually save bandwidth if you are still going to write it to the HDFS. The HDFS is still replicated to other nodes and the replication is going to happen.
There are other good reasons to write output from the mapper though. There is a FAQ about this, but it is a little short on details except to say that you can do it.
I found another question which is potentially a duplicate of yours here. That question has answers that are more help if you are writing a Mapper in Java. If you are trying to do this in a streaming way, you can just use the hadoop fs commands in scripts to do it.
We can in fact write output to HDFS and pass it on to Reducer also at the same time. I understand that you are using Hadoop Streaming, I've implemented something similar using Java MapReduce.
We can generate named output files from a Mapper or Reducer using MultipleOutputs. So, in your Mapper implementation after all the business logic for processing input data, you can write the output to MultipleOutputs using multipleOutputs.write("NamedOutputFileName", Outputkey, OutputValue) and for the data you want to pass on to reducer you can write to context using context.write(OutputKey, OutputValue)
I think if you can find something to write the data from mapper to a named output file in the language you are using (Eg: Python) - this will definitely work.
I hope this helps.

Using mahout and hadoop

I am a newbie trying to understand how will mahout and hadoop be used for collaborative filtering. I m having single node cassandra setup. I want to fetch data from cassandra
Where can I find clear installation steps for hadoop first and then mahout to work with cassandra?
(I think this is the same question you just asked on Copying my answer.)
You may not need Hadoop at all, and if you don't, I'd suggest you not use it for simplicity. It's "necessary evil" to scale past a certain point.
You can have data on Cassandra but you will want to be able to read it into memory. If you can dump as a file, you can use FileDataModel. Or, you can emulate the code in FileDataModel to create one based on Cassandra.
Then, your two needs are easily answered:
This is not even a recommendation
problem. Just pick an implementation
of UserSimilarity, and use it to
compare a user to all others, and
pick the ones with highest
similarity. (Wrapping with
CachingUserSimilarity will help a
This is just a recommender
problem. Use a
GenericUserBasedRecommender with
your UserSimilarity and DataModel
and you're done.
It of course can get much more complex than this, but this is a fine start point.
If later you use Hadoop, yes you have to set up Hadoop according to its instructions. There is no Mahout "setup". For recommenders, you would look at one of the RecommenderJob classes which invokes the necessary jobs on your Hadoop cluster. You would run it with the "hadoop" command -- again, this is where you'd need to just understand Hadoop.
The book Mahout in Action writes up most of the Mahout Hadoop jobs in some detail.
The book Mahout in Action did indeed just save me from a frustrating lack of docs.
I was following ... which suggests a 'hadoop -jar' syntax that only gave me errors. The book has 'jar' instead, and with that fix my test job is happily running.
Here's what I did:
used the utility at to convert a CSV representation of my matrix to a mahout file format. Copied it into Hadoop filesystem.
Uploaded mahout-examples-0.5-SNAPSHOT-job.jar from a freshly built Mahout on my laptop, onto the hadoop cluster's control box. No other mahout stuff on there.
Ran this: (assumes hadoop is configured; which I confirm with dfs -ls /user/danbri )
hadoop jar ./mahout-examples-0.5-SNAPSHOT-job.jar \
org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.decomposer.DistributedLanczosSolver \
--input svdoutput.mht --output outpath --numRows 0 --numCols 4 --rank 50 whether I got this right is quite another matter, but it seems to be doing something!
you can follow following tutorial to learn. its ease to understand and stated clearly about basics of Hadoop:

pig hadoop needed for I want to do?

I have a question for you, well a clarification...
I developed a program that uses hadoop map reduce wich gets just a column from a dataset (csv file) and process this data with some functions, so this program is finished, but the real question is
Is a good idea to develop this program in Pig? note that in the process of the file I dont use FILTERS COUNTS or any built in function of Pig...
Am I right if I say that passing this hadoop map reduce program to Pig has no sense? because all my functions will need to be rewrited as a Pig User Defined Function UDF...
in my opinion there is actually not really a need to write your very small script in PigLatin. It'll be more interesting when its getting bigger, because PigLatin requires less lines of code than java, and its more readable, especially to non-java-developer :)

Variable/looping sequence of jobs

I'm considering using hadoop/mapreduce to tackle a project and haven't quite figured out how to set up a job flow consisting of a variable number of levels that should be processed in sequence.
Job 1: Map source data into X levels.
Job 2: MapReduce Level1 -> appends to Level2
Job 3: MapReduce Level2 -> appends to LevelN
Job N: MapReduce LevelN -> appends to LevelN+1
And so on until the final level. The key is that each level must include its own specific source data as well as the results of the previous level.
I've looked at pig, hive, hamake, and cascading, but have yet to see clear support for something like this.
Does anyone know an efficient way of accomplishing this? Right now I'm leaning towards writing a wrapper for hamake that will generate the hamake file based on parameters (the number of levels is known at runtime but could change with each run).
Oozie is an Open Source server that Yahoo released to manage Hadoop & Pig workflow like you are asking
Cloudera has it in their latest distro with very good documentation
here is a video from Yahoo
You should be able to generate the pig code for this pretty easily using Piglet, the Ruby Pig DSL:
