JFreechart two bar charts in one image but not superimposed - image

i would like to generate two bar charts into 2 different plots. Why not something like this http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Chart/JFreeChartMultiplePieChartDemo1.htm but for bar chart instead of pie one.
I'm using ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPng() which takes as (first) argument the JFreeChart object, but i don't see how to create my JFreeChart object which must hold 2 bar charts / 2 plots (and a common legend, but this is not my main problem currently)
I googled a lot, but i did not find what i'm still looking for.
Thanks in advance for helping.

As suggested here, you can add an arbitrary number of ChartPanel instances to an enclosing panel. Override the panel's getPreferredSize() method, use a suitable layout and pack() the enclosing Window. Optionally, suppress the legend in all but one chart.


Can I add a moving scale or axis in plots using Vegalite?

I am trying to add a movable scale or axis inside a plot. For instance: in this example of stacked plot: Click-to-view
I want to include a movable y-axis scale so, if we hover the graph and put the mouse pointer on the beginning of the orange color of any bar, the a-xis will begin from that bar. (Specifically, moving x=0 line.)
I meant something like this example (of d3).
But, here I want to change the value of x-axis by moving the line. Is it possible to do it using vegalite? If somebody has any similar example in vegalite, can you refer it?
Thank you!
AFAIK, there is no animation in Vega Lite. However, you may check out Gemini which aims to extend the grammar of data viz to some simple animations of single-view Vega/Vega-Lite charts

D3 - Calling nested function invokes the parent function and result in repetition of charts

I am trying to understand and implement the D3 reusable chart pattern.
See sample implementation.
Here the updatableChart is called after selecting the id '#updatableChart'.
Question 1:
If I want to adjust the height parameter by calling as below, in subsequent code, it duplicates the chart.
How should I use this pattern and update the height without affecting the original chart ?
Question 2:
Now if I need another chart, say, under div id '#updatableChart2', I can still call and get the chart using code below.
But when I try to adjust the height by simply saying updatableChart.height(500); it affects only the second chart. How can I be specific in choosing the chart instance to work on ?
Thank you.
Answer 1:
The reason the chart is drawn again, is because I am calling the updatableChart.height(450) within a D3 selection. Instead it should have been called simply as updatableChart.height(450), to adjust the height.
Answer 2:
The problem was that the same chart object is attached into different div elements.
If another chart is needed under a different div, then the original barchart() should have been instantiated into another copy, say var updatableChart2 = barChart() and used further.

Programmatically highlight marker on Kendo bar chart

I think what I am asking is impossible, or at least so complex/hacky it would not be worth it-but in case I am wrong...please let me know.
I have a series of 4 kendo dataviz bar charts, each representing the same set of objects, each chart graphically displaying one property of the objects. What I would like is if a marker on one chart is clicked (so that object is "selected"), to highlight this object's marker on the other 3 charts. See pic for example:
I have looked through the Kendo Dataviz website/docs, inspected the SVG markup, and looked through the object returned on the series click (in Visual Studio), but haven't found anything that could be used to accomplish this. The one thing I have come up with is redrawing all the charts with the selected item "marked" within the data array so when it is redrawn, that item can be redrawn with a different color...but I'd like to avoid redrawing all the charts each time, if possible.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I would greatly appreciate ideas, the least complex the better. Thanks so much!
The closest way I know of achieving this without a redraw would be to use the axis selection property as a selection slider with a restricted width to one column range and prevent resizing. This would simulate a selection highlight without redrawing.
You can also use plotBands property on the CategoryAxis. This is how I am doing it:
$("#chart").data("kendoChart").setOptions({ categoryAxis: { plotBands: [{ from: index, to: index + 1, color: "#ffd0c0", opacity: 0.4 }] } });

nvd3 multibar chart show values

I have a stacked multiBarChart created with nvd3: jsfiddle is here: http://jsfiddle.net/e3kxZ/5/
(1) How can I get each region to display its value near its top?
I tried showValues(true) but I don't think that's supported in multiBarChart.
Other concerns I have are:
(2) how to set the text color so that it contrasts enough with the region (dark vs light colors), and
(3) how to keep the text labels from overlapping if any particular region is small.
I found an svg example (doesn't use nvd3) -- it assumes a static size for the chart, but I'd prefer to use something convenient and dynamic like nvd3.
Alternatively, if there is a different js library that supports this out of the box, please let me know and I'll use that instead.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Invert nvd3.js legend click function

So, in nvd3 charts, clicking on a legend entry basically filters that out of the chart window (for instance in the case of area charts). I want to invert this functionality..i.e. show the particular chart when its corresponding legend is shown and hide all the others...is there a way to do it?
It is similar to what happens when user hits the chart itself (i.e. only the one that is clicked is expanded and rest of the streams hide).
I am referring to this example: http://nvd3.org/ghpages/stackedArea.html
There's a radioButtonMode that should do exactly what you want. You should be able to set this on the chart, i.e.
