How to unInstall older versions of visual studio safely - visual-studio

I kept on installing Visual Studio versions as they were released.
2010 and 2012 & 2013. Now I want to cleanup my system from older versions i.e. ( VS-2010 & VS-2012) & keep the latest one only!
How can I uninstall older versions safely without a need to re-install VS-2013.
P.S. I am afraid that if I un-install older versions that would delete some shared system files away which would be needed for VS-2013 to work properly.

As suggested by Mike in comments. I un-installed all previous versions prior to VS-2013. VS-2013 still works fine.
There was no dependency it seems.

Microsoft has come up with Force Uninstall Option to remove all remnants of Visual studio. This Will help you to remove previous versions of visual studio if any along with all other remnants including registry variables, which a normal UNINSTALL often fails to remove.


How to downgrade to an earlier version of Visual Studio Professional 2017?

I accidentally applied an update to Visual Studio, and right now have installed version 15.9. However, I'd like to downgrade to version 15.7. How can I do this?
I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but perhaps my uninstall wasn't clean because immediately upon reinstall, the VS version jumped back to 15.9.
To install specific older updates of Visual C++ 2017, you need to use the right additional parameters. See Microsoft Docs.
Note if you specifically just wanted to use an older version the compiler toolset (the C++ 15.7 compiler) you can do that with the VS 2017 (15.9) IDE installed. See this blog post.

How do I upgrade ReSharper in Visual Studio?

I have ReSharper 7 installed against Visual Studio 2012 and am looking to upgrade to version 8 now that I have purchased an upgrade license.
How do I upgrade?
Do I have to uninstall then reinstall, or can I apply my license code within Visual Studio via the ReSharper options and it automatically takes care of the update?
Just follow the installation instructions on the download page and it will upgrade you automatically. The old version will be uninstalled and the new version installed in its place. You won't be able to have both versions installed simultaniously.
The new version needs to be downloaded from the JetBrains website and then installed over the existing version.
There are several options when installing the new version, you can run both versions simultaneously or automatically uninstall previous versions.
I know this is an old question, but in the newer versions of VS (2019 in my case) and/or ReSharper, there is a menu option from within VS to check for updates.
Extensions --> ReSharper --> Help --> Check For Updates
Then follow the bouncing ball to upgrade the components you have installed. You need to restart VS after the install for it to take effect though.

Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 while keeping 2012

I'd like to make some room on my drive, and to uninstall Visual Studio 2010.
I don't use it anymore because I have the 2012, and I'd obviously like to keep using 2012, that is, is it safe to completely delete an older version of VS?
Will my 2012 continue to work straight after this uninstall?
From the docs
If you uninstall a version of Visual Studio on a computer that has
more than one version installed, the file associations for Visual
Studio are removed for all versions. You can remap these file
associations by using the Restore File Associations button on the
Environment, General page of the Options dialog box
Other than this maybe nothing changes, but its for you to find out. Of all the softwares Im generally happy with the install/uninstall system of VS, because of its predictability and documentation.

Recommended Post-SP1 Visual Studio 2008 Hotfixes

Today I had to reinstall. I used to have some hotfixes installed for VS2008 but no longer have them and can't remember why they were necessary. I'm expecting any security-related hotfixes to come through Microsoft Update, but I'm interested in VS bug fixes.
Does anyone have a list of hotfixes that they recommend installing for Visual Studio 2008 SP1?
You can find them all here:
Look for the ones with a "FIX" prefix.
Update: This is another good source of information about VS2008 updates.
Suggested hotfixes (links updated 4/2015):
KB957912 - Update for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Debugging and Breakpoints
KB958502 - JScript Editor support for “-vsdoc.js” IntelliSense doc. files
KB960075 - VS Dev Environment crash after undocking windows or changing layouts
If connecting to TFS 2010:
KB974558 - Forward Compatibility Update
KB980216 - Error message when running unit tests with Forward Compatibility Update installed
Complete list of VS 2008 hotfixes (including TFS).
I recently rebuilt my machine. After installing Visual Studio 2008 and SP1 I was wondering about the same thing. In the end I used Windows update to check for updates and it found the following updates:
Screen shot:
All the VS2008 hotfixes are posted in the MSDN Code Gallery. You can search for tags "Visual Studio 2008" and "Hotfixes". You should only install the ones for problems you are actually having. Read through them and decide which ones you need. I would sort them by release date and install from older ones first. Also notice that some are included in other updates, such are the WPF designer hotfix included with the Silverlight tools.
I'm using Microsoft Connect - Visual Studio and .NET Framework as a source of updates for:
.NET 2.0+
I generally go with the ones that are pushed though Microsoft Update.
I thought that you can get bug fixes though Microsoft Update too.
If they don't come down automatically go to the site and look through the "Software, Optional" ones (or in the "Developer Tools" section).
Select Custom at the first screen and then wait a few minutes while it does it's scan.
However, there aren't any showing for me at the moment so I can't say for sure.

Can two different Windows SDK versions coexist on the same machine without conflict?

I have a machine with Vsiual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 and Windows SDK version 6.1 (Windows Vista). I am planning to install the latest SDK (Windows 7 and .Net 3.5 Service Pack1), but the MSDN Comptabilty document ( indicates that the latest SDK is not recommended with VS 2005.
I would like to check if the two SDKs can coexist on the same machine or the latest SDK will oevrride the older version and could cause issues with VS 2005.
Just a word of warning, the 7.0 SDK has a badly broken installer. It hacks registry keys that are used by Visual Studio to find SDK components and drops files in the VS install directory. This can render it unusable. The worst problems are documented as sticky posts in the Windows SDK forum at the MSDN forums.
I had problems as well, the installer failed half-way through on my machine with a completely undescriptive error. On a pretty virgin machine with VS2008. It didn't roll back the install even though it failed, I had to edit the registry by hand to fix the damage.
I recommend you actually install the SDK on a machine you don't care about. Then copy the directory to a production machine and edit the VC++ directories yourself. Do strongly favor the v7.1 version instead. Good luck with it.
Should be fine as long as you don't try and install both versions of Visual Studio in the same folder. The SDK is essentially passive, you can have as many of them as you want installed, but you need to make sure that the paths that VS 2005 uses are to the older SDK rather than the newer one.
Since by default, the SDK is installed in a subfolder of the Visual Studio install folder, a long as you put different versions of VS in different folders, everything should work out fine all by itself.
Yes they can. I have 6.1 and 7.0 on one machine (Windows 7 64 bit no VS 2005 though) without any noticeable issues.
Definitely you can . u can set the sdk version u want to use each time .
This links tells how to set up your sdk versions in different visual studio versions.
