Ruby AWS SNS SDK: unexpected option message_attributes - ruby

I'm trying to publish a message to an endpoint using ruby's sdk for aws sns. The documentation suggests that I can add TTL to the message attributes. However, the following code gives an argument error exception:
# ArgumentError:
# unexpected option message_attributes
#client.publish(:target_arn => endpoint_arn,
:subject => title,
:message_structure => "json",
:message => get_message(title, message).to_json,
:message_attributes => {
:data_type => "String",
:string_value => TTL_SECONDS

This option isn't available in older versions of the api. Upgrading to the newest version (1.48.1) solved the problem.


Tomact7 chef cookbook ssl problems

I'm trying to set up a chef recipe for automatic deployment of my app over ssl with tomcat chef cookbook.
It works fine without ssl, but when I try to set the attributes for ssl support I'm getting error:
undefined method `truststore_password' for Custom resource tomcat_instance from cookbook tomcat.
My role:
name "myapp"
override_attributes ({
"java" => {
"jdk_version"=> "6"
"oracle" => {
"accept_oracle_download_terms" => true
"tomcat" => {
"base_version" => 7,
"java_options" => "${JAVA_OPTS} -Xmx128M -Djava.awt.headless=true",
"secure" => true,
"client_auth" => true,
"scheme" => "https",
"ssl_enabled_protocols" => "TLSv1",
"keystore_password" => "mypass",
"truststore_password" => "mypass",
"ciphers" => "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA",
"keystore_file" => "/etc/tomcat7/client.jks",
"truststore_file" => "/etc/tomcat7/cert.jks"
run_list "recipe[java]", "recipe[tomcat]"
Maybe I'm missing something, because I can't find any good tutorials on how to do this I'm also using chef-solo with vagrant.
If you look at the Tomcat cookbook documentation, you will see the following regarding the truststore_password attribute:
node['tomcat']['truststore_password'] - Generated by the secure_password method from the
openssl cookbook; if you are using Chef Solo,
set this attribute on the node
Perhaps this means that you can not set the attribute in your role definition whilst using Chef Solo, and you have to manually add it to the node attributes JSON file.

FIWARE keyrock oauth callback - ruby

I am trying to implement/use Fiware Keyrock for authentization. Is there any tutorial/webinar on how to do it. Anyone does this ? It requires callbackurl and url of application of oauth, how to implement this in my rails application that it would communicate with keyrock (IDM). Any help is greatly appreciated, Thank you.
I have done this using the omniauth gem and using oauth2. There are several tutorials for using omniauth. You can first try another provider, like twitter.
I have created a "strategy" like this and placed it into /lib/omni_auth/strategies/filab_strategy.rb
require 'omniauth-oauth2'
module OmniAuth
module Strategies
class FilabStrategy < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2
option :name, "filab"
option :client_options, {
:site => '',
:authorize_url => '',
:token_url => ''
uid { raw_info['id'].to_s }
info do
'nickname' => raw_info['nickName'],
'displayName' => raw_info['displayName'],
'email' => raw_info['email'],
'name' => raw_info['displayName'],
extra do
{:raw_info => raw_info}
def raw_info
access_token.options[:mode] = :query
#raw_info ||= access_token.get('user.json', params: { access_token: access_token.token }).parsed
Then I configured and it the same way other more mainstream strategies are configured.

How do you use DynamoDB Local with the AWS Ruby SDK?

Amazon's documentation provides examples in Java, .NET, and PHP of how to use DynamoDB Local. How do you do the same thing with the AWS Ruby SDK?
My guess is that you pass in some parameters during initialization, but I can't figure out what they are.
dynamo_db =
:access_key_id => '...',
:secret_access_key => '...')
Are you using v1 or v2 of the SDK? You'll need to find that out; from the short snippet above, it looks like v2. I've included both answers, just in case.
v1 answer:
AWS.config(use_ssl: false, dynamo_db: { api_verison: '2012-08-10', endpoint: 'localhost', port: '8080' })
dynamo_db =
v2 answer:
require 'aws-sdk-core'
dynamo_db = 'http://localhost:8080')
Change the port number as needed of course.
Now aws-sdk version 2.7 throws an error as Aws::Errors::MissingCredentialsError: unable to sign request without credentials set when keys are absent. So below code works for me
dynamo_db =
region: "your-region",
access_key_id: "anykey-or-xxx",
secret_access_key: "anykey-or-xxx",
endpoint: "http://localhost:8080"
I've written a simple gist that shows how to start, create, update and query a local dynamodb instance.
Heres a run down of some simple code:
Below is a simple command to run dynamoDb in memory
#Assuming you have downloading dynamoDBLocal and extracted into a dir called dynamodbLocal
java -Djava.library.path=./dynamodbLocal/DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar ./dynamodbLocal/DynamoDBLocal.jar -inMemory -port 9010
Below is a simple ruby script
require 'aws-sdk-core'
dynamo_db = "eu-west-1", endpoint: 'http://localhost:9010')
table_name: 'TestDB',
attribute_definitions: [{
attribute_name: 'SomeKey',
attribute_type: 'S'
attribute_name: 'epochMillis',
attribute_type: 'N'
key_schema: [{
attribute_name: 'SomeKey',
key_type: 'HASH'
attribute_name: 'epochMillis',
key_type: 'RANGE'
provisioned_throughput: {
read_capacity_units: 5,
write_capacity_units: 5
dynamo_db.put_item( table_name: "TestDB",
item: {
"SomeKey" => "somevalue1",
"epochMillis" => 1
puts dynamo_db.get_item({
table_name: "TestDB",
key: {
"SomeKey" => "somevalue",
"epochMillis" => 1
The above will create a table with a range key and also add/query for the same data that was added. Not you must already have version 2 of the aws gem installed.

How can I upload files to Redmine via ActiveResource / REST API?

I am trying to batch-upload images to Redmine and link them each to a certain wiki pages.
The docs (Rest_api, Using the REST API with Ruby) mention some aspects, but the examples fail in various ways. I also tried to derive ideas from the source - without success.
Can anyone provide a short example that shows how to upload and link an image from within Ruby?
This is a bit tricky as both attachments and wiki APIs are relatively new, but I have done something similar in the past. Here is a minimal working example using rest-client:
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'
key = '5daf2e447336bad7ed3993a6ebde8310ffa263bf'
upload_url = "http://localhost:3000/uploads.json?key=#{key}"
wiki_url = "http://localhost:3000/projects/some_project/wiki/some_wiki.json?key=#{key}"
img ='/some/image.png')
# First we upload the image to get attachment token
response =, img, {
:multipart => true,
:content_type => 'application/octet-stream'
token = JSON.parse(response)['upload']['token']
# Redmine will throw validation errors if you do not
# send a wiki content when attaching the image. So
# we just get the current content and send that
wiki_text = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(wiki_url))['wiki_page']['text']
response = RestClient.put(wiki_url, {
:attachments => {
:attachment1 => { # the hash key gets thrown away - name doesn't matter
:token => token,
:filename => 'image.png',
:description => 'Awesome!' # optional
:wiki_page => {
:text => wiki_text # original wiki text

How to use puppetlabs/apt module?

I am developing puppet manifests for provisioning a VM through Vagrant. I am also new to puppet. While trying to use puppetlabs/apt module, I am encountering problems:
# manifests/default.pp (with commented lines removed)
import "stdlib"
import "apt"
class { 'apt':
always_apt_update => false,
disable_keys => undef,
proxy_host => false,
proxy_port => '8080',
purge_sources_list => false,
purge_sources_list_d => false,
purge_preferences_d => false
apt::release { "sid":}
This is the error message:
Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError:
Invalid resource type apt::release at /tmp/vagrant-puppet/manifests/default.pp:18
on node
I have been reading puppet docs; however, it hasn't helped. Could someone explain to me how to properly use this module?
I think the README incorrectly implies that apt::release is a define or type, when in fact the source code shows it's a class.
Instead, try calling it like this:
class { 'apt::release':
release_id => 'sid',
Also be sure not to use "import" but instead use "include".
Import is deprecated in more recent versions of puppet.
