Calculate maximum profit under given path cost - algorithm

Rooted Graph is given. Here, nodes is "home" that contains some valuable item. Entry node is given, i.e., root of the graph.
Cost is also given to move from one node to other, i.e., Egde weight.
Question -
You have to collect maximum valuable item, and total cost should not exceed with given cost.
Contraint -
1. There is no cycle.
2. We can use adjancency matrix also.(Total number of vertices is upto 1000).
Edges given with their weight and values present in destination node.
0 1 10 1
0 2 10 15
1 3 50 10
1 4 30 30
Given Cost = 70.
Solution - You will collect node 1, 2, 4's items in a maximum way. [1+15+30 = 46]
My efforts
I think, this problem will solve by DP, by maintaining some state at every node. But I am not able to make some algorithm. Please help.
Edit 1
I think this question may be solved by making special graph by using original graph by ading some state into each node.
Second approach is, Dynamic programming.

I don't think you're going to find an easy solution for this problem.
Consider a graph made by just a root node connected to N leaves. Each leaf has a value of 1 and the edges have cost c1, c2, ... cN.
As you can see this graph problem has the knapsack problem as a special case.


Does Dijkstra's algorithm work with negative edges if there is no "processed" check?

Typically, in Dijkstra's algorithm, for each encountered node, we check whether that node was processed before attempting to update the distances of its neighbors and adding them to the queue. This method is under the assumption that if a distance to a node is set once then the distance to that node cannot improve for the rest of the algorithm, and so if the node was processed once already, then the distances to its neighbors cannot improve. However, this is not true for graphs with negative edges.
If there are no negatives cycles then if we remove that "processed" check, then will the algorithm always work for graphs with negative edges?
Edit: an example of a graph where the algorithm would fail would be nice
Edit 2: Java code
Example usage:
3 3 1 <-- 3 nodes, 3 edges, starting point at node 1
1 2 5 <-- edge of node 1 and node 2 with a weight of 5 (unidirectional)
2 3 -20 <-- more edges
1 3 2
The algorithm will produce the correct answer, but since nodes can now be visited multiple times the time complexity will be exponential.
Here's an example demonstrating the exponential complexity:
w(1, 3) = 4
w(1, 2) = 100
w(2, 3) = -100
w(3, 5) = 2
w(3, 4) = 50
w(4, 5) = -50
w(5, 7) = 1
w(5, 6) = 25
w(6, 7) = -25
If the algorithm is trying to find the shortest path from node 1 to node 7, it will first reach node 3 via the edge with weight 4 and then explore the rest of the graph. Then, it will find a shorter path to node 3 by going to node 2 first, and then it will explore the rest of the graph again.
Every time the algorithm reaches one of the odd indexed nodes, it will first go to the next odd indexed node via the direct edge and explore the rest of the graph. Then it will find a shorter path to the next odd indexed node via the even indexed node and explore the rest of the graph again. This means that every time one of the odd indexed nodes is reached, the rest of the graph will be explored twice, leading to a complexity of at least O(2^(|V|/2)).
If I understand your question correctly, I don't think its possible. Without the processed check the algorithm would fall into infinite loop. For example, for a bidirected graph having two nodes i.e. a and b with one edge from "a" to "b" or "b" to "a", it will first insert node "a" inside the priority queue, then as there have an edge between "a" to "b", it will insert node "b" and pop node "a". And then as node "a" is not marked processed for node "b" it will again insert node "a" inside the priority queue and so on. Which leads to an infinite loop.
For finding shortest path in the graphs with negative edges Bellmen-ford algorithm would be the right way.
If negative edges release from start node, dijkstra's algorithm works. But in the other situation Usually it dosen't works for negative edges.

Minimum Hop Count in Directed Graph based on Conditional Statement

A directed graph G is given with Vertices V and Edges E, representing train stations and unidirectional train routes respectively.
Trains of different train numbers move in between pairs of Vertices in a single direction.
Vertices of G are connected with one another through trains with allotted train numbers.
A hop is defined when a passenger needs to shift trains while moving through the graph. The passenger needs to shift trains only if the train-number changes.
Given two Vertices V1 and V2, how would one go about calculating the minimum number of hops needed to reach V2 starting from V1?
In the above example, the minimum number of hops between Vertices 0 and 3 is 1.
There are two paths from 0 to 3, these are
0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 7-> 3
Hop Count 4
Hop Count is 4 as the passenger has to shift from Train A to B then C and B again.
0 -> 5 -> 6 -> 8 -> 7 -> 3
Hop Count 1
Hop Count is 1 as the passenger needs only one train route, B to get from Vertices 0 to 3
Thus the minimum hop count is 1.
Input Examples
Input Graph Creation
Input To be solved
Output Example
Output - Solved with Hop Counts
0 in the Hop Count column implies that the destination can't be reached
Assuming number of different trainIDs is relatively small (like 4 in your example), then I suggest using layered graph approach.
Let number of vertices be N, number of edges M, and number of different trainIDs K.
Let's divide our graph to K graphs. (graphA, graphB, ...)
graphA contains only edges labeled with A, and so on.
Weight of each edge in each of the graphs is 0.
Now create edges between these graphs.
Edge between graphs is representing a 'hop'
grapha[i] connects to graphB[i], graphC[i], ...
Each of these edges has weight 1.
Now for every graph run Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm from V1 in that graph, and read results from V2 in all graphs, take minimal value.
This way minimum of results for running dijkstra's for every graph will be your minimum number of hops.
Memory complexity is O(K*(N+M))
And time complexity is O(K*(((2^K)*N+M)*log(KV)))
(2^K)*N comes from fact that for every 1<=i<=N, vertices graphA[i],graphB[i],... must be connected to each other, and this gives 2^K connections for every i, and (2^K)*N connections in total.
For cases where K is relatively small, like 4 in your example, but N and M are quite big, this algorithm works like a charm. It isn't suitable for situation where K is big though.
I'm not sure if that's clear. Tell me if you need more detailed explanation.
Hope this makes my algorithm more clear.
Black edges have weight 0, and red edges have weight 1.
By using layered graph approach, we translated our special graph into plain weighted graph, so we can just run Dijkstra's algorithm on it.
Sorry for ugly image.
Since max K = 10, we would like to remove 2^K from our time complexity. I believe this can be done by making edges that represent possible hops virtual, instead of physically storing them on adjacency list.

Shortest path with another constraint

Given a weighted undirected graph, I need to find the shortest path between two nodes, a classical shortest path problem actually. But there is one more constraint : Each node contains a "reduction" value that can be used to reduce the cost of the following edges for one traversal(not only adjacent, and reduction are not cumulative). So you can reduce the cost of an edge using the "Reduction" that was in one of the node you went throught before (the final cost for each edge can't be less than 0).
Note that once we went throught a node with a reduction, we can use it again for all the following edges (not just adjacent, and it is available an unlimited amount of time). Reduction doesn't accumulate.
Let's consider this graph :
in this graph the shortest path from node 1 to 5 is :
1 -> 4 for a cost of 13 (15-2)
4 -> 3 for a cost of 0 (12-12)
3 -> 5 for a cost of 0 (10-12) In this case, we reuse the reduction of node 4 because it is bigger than the reduction of node 3 (We went throught the node n°4 then we have an unlimited amount of reduction of cost 12). It is 0 and not -2 because the weight of an edge can't be negative.
Then the total cost from node 1 to node 5 is 13 + 0 + 0 = 13
To solve this problem, I've tried to use the classical Dijkstra/Bellman-Ford but it didn't work, can you help me with this ?
It seems to be this can be solved with a variation of Bellman-Ford.
Every path up to a given node can be summarised as a pair (C, D) where C is the cost of that path (after discounts) and D is the best discount factor available on that path. Since a discount can be reused an unlimited number of times once that node has been visited, it makes sense to always use the biggest discount seen so far on that path. For example, the path (1 -> 4 -> 3) has cost C = 13 and discount D = 12.
The complication over the undiscounted problem is that we cannot tell from the cost what the "best" path is to nodes in between the source and destination. In your example the path (1 -> 2 -> 3) has lower cost than (1 -> 4 -> 3), but the latter has a better discount which is why the best path from 1 to 5 is (1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5).
Rather than recording the lowest cost path to each node (in Bellman-Ford algorithm), we need to record all "feasible" paths from the source to that node found so far. A path can be said to be feasible if there is no other known path that has both a lower cost and a better discount. After the algorithm terminates we can take from all feasible paths from source to destination the one with the smallest cost, ignoring the discount.
(Edit: I originally suggested Djikstra could be used but I think that not be so straightforward. I'm not sure we can choose "the closest" unvisited node in any meaningful way such that we are guaranteed to find the minimal path. Someone else might see how to make it work though...)
I think you can use a Dijkstra-type algorithm. Dijkstra's algorithm can be thought of computing the minimum spanning tree that contains the shortest paths from a source vertex to all other vertices. Let's call this the "Dijkstra tree" that contains all the shortest paths from a given source vertex.
Dijkstra keeps adding new vertices to the current tree. For the next vertex he chooses the one that is closest to the current tree. See this animation from wikipedia:
So when Dijkstra adds a new vertex v to an already inserted vertex u (of the current tree), the edge weight of {u, v} has to be considered. In your case, the costs are not just the edge weight of {u, v}, but the weight reduced by the sum of vertex-reductions along the shortest path to u in the current tree. So you have to remember the sum of the vertex reductions along the paths of this "Dijkstra" tree in the vertices.

How to calculate maximal parallelism in a DAG?

Given a DAG (directed acyclic graph), how does one calculate the maximal parallelism?
Instantaneous parallelism is the maximum number of processors that can be kept busy at each point in execution of algorithm; the maximal parallelism is the highest instantaneous parallelism.
Put another way, given a DAG representing a dependency graph of tasks, what is the minimum number of processors/threads such that no task is ever blocked?
The closest approach I found here is:
apply a topological sort on the DAG
traverse over the nodes by the topological order, calculate the minimum level:
no parents: 0
otherwise: minimum parent level + 1
return the max level width (max num of nodes assigned the same level)
This algorithm worked for me on several samples, however doesn't work on a tree. E.g.:
o 0
/ \
o 1 o 1
/ \
o 2 o 2
/ \
o 3 o 3
According to the algorithm above, max width is 2, but clearly max parallelism in a tree is the number of leafs, 4 in the example above.
A similar approach is partially described here (see slide titled Computing critical path etc., which describes how to calculate earliest start times of nodes and that "maximal...parallelism can easily be computed from this").
Edit 1:
#AliSoltani's solution to use BFS to find the length of the critical path and that is the max parallelism degree is incorrect, since it only applies to a subset of examples, mainly trees in which the number of leafs is equal to the longest path. Here's an illustration of a case where this wouldn't work:
Edit 2:
#AliSultani's 2nd solution using BFS to find the level with maximum number of nodes, and set that max as the max parallelism, is also incorrect, as it doesn't take into account cases where nodes from different levels may run concurrently. See this counterexample:
This problem is reducible to the Maximum Directed Cut problem.
Let's build an auxiliary DAG from the original one.
For every vertex u[i] of the original graph add vertexes v[i] and w[i] to the new graph, and connect them using an edge (v[i], w[i]) with a cost 1.
For every edge (u[i], u[j]) of the original graph add an edge (w[i], v[j]) with a cost 0 to the new graph.
Now the problem is equivalent to finding the maximum directed cut in the auxiliary graph.
You should find critical path length in DAG. A critical path is a directed
path that has the maximum execution requirement among all other paths in DAG. critical path length in DAG with n node has n node. So maximal parallelism is n.
Critical path is longest path from root to leaf (in DAG) and for find it you can use BFS algorithm (Breath First Search).
Example 1
BFS order in this tree is O(|V|+|E|). This is optimal solution for this problem.
Edit: Find maximum degree of concurrency by BFS
You can determine the maximum degree of concurrency by running the breadth-first search algorithm too:
The algorithm starts from the root node and proceeds towards the
leafs level-wise.
before inspecting nodes located on the next level it explores all of
the nodes belonging to the same level.
Count the number of nodes on each level and update a variable holding
the maximum number of nodes per level.
Example 2 (Step by step)
So in this example maximum degree of concurrency is 4.
Final Edit
With the last explanations you gave, Maximal independent set of tasks is what you are looking for. To solve this problem see this article.
I have not tested the algorithm, but my proposal would be the following:
Start from the origin node.
Select each connected edge. Current concurrency is the number of selected edges. Remember that.
Sort the selected nodes which are connected by the edges by the number of outgoing edges. Ignore all nodes, which have incoming edges which weren't yet selected.
Start going down the edge with the node with the most outgoing edges.
If not at end node: Repeat from 2)
Get the maximum of current concurrency for all iterations.
Here is an implementation in python using networkx. The document you have linked does something different. It calculates the number of concurrent tasks when the graph is executed with the attached timings to the nodes (1 for each node in that case). This is an easy tasks and probably the one the author of the document refers to. My algorithm however calculates the theoretical maximum and does not take the running time of each task into account.

Minimum bit wise OR of weights between source and destination in a graph

Given a weighted and un-directed graph with n vertices and m edges, where 1 <= n <= 1000 and 1 <= m <= 10000. There can be multiple edges between two nodes of a graph with different weights.
Given a source and a destination, how to find the minimum distance between source and destination? Here distance is defined as the bit-wise OR of the weights of edges involved in the path.
Hint 1
Try working out the bits of the minimum distance in turn.
Hint 2
Can you work out if there is a path which has bit x clear?
Hint 3
Try removing edges from the graph if the weight has bit x set.
Hint 4
Try seeing if there is a path with bit 31 set to 0.
If not, see if there is a path with bit 30 set to 0.
If there is, try seeing if there is a path with bit 31 and bit 30 set to 0, etc.
While it may not be the most efficient algorithm, I would implement a best-first search on the graph. Create a priority queue that's going to contain the vertices to be explored next, only containing the source initially, with a 0 priority.
Then begin a loop that gets the lowest priority element from the list, explores all of its neighbors, and adds them into the queue, stopping when it finds the destination vertex or when the queue is empty.
