The following line produced the error Uncaught SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified on the Chromecast device:
var audioBuffer = myAudioContext.createBuffer(1, 500 , 8000);
I have not tried on other browser. Any suggestions?
Edit, upon further testing:
Firefox and Chrome Desktop versions have no error.
Safari desktop version does have the same error as the Chromecast device.
Is there another way to do this: playing raw pcm audio data on the Chromecast device?
I'm trying to use SDK Inspect tool to set value in the address bar of Opera but it keep getting error:
Called with parameters:
ERROR - [Error: hr=0x80004005 - Unspecified error]
I can set value it with Firefox and Other Chromium browser but not Opera. Does Opera has something prevent other process access its UI and how can I bypass it ?
When trying to play certain audio files loaded from a blob in Firefox, I get this error:
Media resource xyz.mp3 could not be decoded, error: Error Code: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_DECODE_ERR (0x806e0004)
Details: virtual mozilla::MediaResult mozilla::FFmpegAudioDecoder<46465650>::DoDecode(mozilla::MediaRawData *, uint8_t *, int, bool *, mozilla::MediaDataDecoder::DecodedData &): FFmpeg audio error:-1094995529
Any ideas why this is happening? I don't get the error on Chrome, and it's unclear why this is happening for some audio files and not others. If you load the original mp3 directly in firefox, it plays fine (i.e. click "xyz.mp3" in the error message).
When I load a Youtube video using WebView directly from YT, I get all the page data, but the video stays charging without showing the video itself. This issue is new because the previous week that worked adequately.
I suppose that Youtube has made some changes to prevent embedding video pages inside JavaFX WebView component.
Please use the following repository to see a test. link description here
WebKit browser prints in the console the following lines...
Console: [] Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Untrusted URL:
Console: [] Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Untrusted URL:
Console: [] Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Untrusted URL:
You could notice three console lines, that is because the player tried to load 2 Advertising video before the "Alice in Chains" video.
I solve my problem working around it; I have to use a commercial component named JxBrowser. This component uses a chromium implementation (version 69) that allows the embed player to work, and disable gestures required to autoplay.
You could find more information on the component website
How to handle “Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first.” on Desktop with Chrome 64 and HTML5 Video tag.
In modern versions of Chrome, you can’t have videos autoplay with sound enabled by default.
You need to add the muted property to your HTML5 tag:
I have some canvas code that works great in safari and chrome, but fails in firefox.
The firefox console reads:
[17:44:13.372] uncaught exception: [Exception... "Operation is not supported" code: "9" nsresult: "0x80530009 (NotSupportedError)" location: "http://REDACTED.js Line: 703"]
Firebug gives the slightly-more-useful-to-humans:
Operation is not supported
var data = ctx.getImageData(x,y,1,1);
I am indeed calling .getImageData on line 703.
I have read that similar errors have been reported with regards to origin policies. This project is hosted on a web server (not local), and I haven't loaded any images from a different domain and put them on the canvas. In fact, I get the error even if the canvas is blank.
The webkit-based browsers give me the pixel data as asked, what can be done about firefox? Thanks.
Don't pass NaN to .getImageData.