Nuget and Teamcity Agent not allowed to run this configuration - teamcity

I came across an interesting issue. I want to build nuget packages with Teamcity. I did set up the configuration which is really straight forward (Good job JetBrains!)
However I am not able to run it on one of our build agents.
The agent does pass the agent requirements for the configuration, but next to it's name the following is shown: not allowed to run this configuration
My question: Why?
On the agent configuration parameters page I have Nuget as possible configurations:
teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.2.8.2.nupkg D:\BuildAgent\tools\NuGet.CommandLine.2.8.2.nupkg
teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg D:\BuildAgent\tools\NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg
We have a second build agent which is able to run Nuget Packager configuration.
The main difference between this two machines is that one is a Windows 8, version 6.2 machine (not allowed to run this configuration) and the other one is a Windows 7, version 6.1 (allowed run this configuration)
We are running:
TeamCity Enterprise 8.0.5 (build 27692)
Any hints and help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

Most likely the agent is configured to run only explicitly assigned configurations.
Plesase, check the Agents -> -> "Compatible configurations" tab.
There is a combo box with options "Run all compatible" / "Run assined .. ". Make sure "Run all compatible" is selected

You may not always be in a position to Run all compatible, In that case you can go to Agents--> Particular agent --> comaptible configurations --> Assign configurations --> Search and select the specific Job or build.


How to limit builds only for teamcity agents with installed gradle?

I have one teamcity server and several agents. Not all of them has gradle installed.
How to limit builds only for agents with installed gradle?
On your build configuration, go under 'agent requirements' and select 'add new requirement':
Include whatever value you want to check for. If Gradle isn't on the path variable, you can add a new variable to the agent and check for the presence of that.
You can check this has worked by looking at the agent compatibility for the build configuration.

Team City Setup giving warning of no agent

I am trying to setup teamcity with Github repository.
After setting up projec, When I got "Paramater Tab", It asks some configuration parameter value. See in below screenshot.
For Now I am not giving any value and click on "Run" button on top right corner.
Then it gives some warning.
Warning: No enabled compatible agents for this build configuration.
Please register a build agent or tweak build configuration requirements.
What is the problem? How can I make it run?
It looks like your agent doesn't have Nuget installed, but your build configuration requires it.
To install Nuget on the build agent:
In TeamCity, go to Administration (top right of any page).
Go to Tools in the menu down the left hand side of that page.
You should now see a list of available tools.
Scroll down the list until you find Nuget.exe in the list.
You may already have multiple versions installed in which case you probably just need to click Make Default on one of them.
I you have no Nuget versions installed then click the Install Version button and pick the version you want to install.
This will distribute the Nuget tool to all build agents that can run it and it should resolve your error.
Please see this TeamCity documentation link for more information.
For TeamCity to run, you have to have TeamCity installed, the tooling configured (as the previous answer suggested you were missing NuGet) but you also need to install and configure build agents that can actually run the build. By default, the TeamCity instance does not install any build agents, you have to install and configure those yourself.
Seems that the agent wasn't up, try the following:
cd /home/admin/TeamCity/buildAgent_latest/bin
sudo ./ start
This solution worked for me.
C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\bin>agent.bat start
Looked on Teamcity help as well but did not answer the question properly. This was simple and after starting the agent from teamcity folder location the project got up and running. Thank you.

TeamCity Build Agent Shows All Build Steps Incompatible

I've recently installed TeamCity 2017.2.3 (build 541047) and Octopus Deploy 2018.1.5 and originally was having success running builds and creating packages in TeamCity, but now my build agent shows all of my build steps as incompatible after a service restart.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the buildagent, plugins (I use Node.JS build runner, Octopus Deploy integration, and xUnit) and rebuilt each of the build steps, but still run into the same problem
Build Step List
Anyone know what would be causing this issue?
Each agent should have a list of global parameters that are picked up from the OS or manually configured from the agent properties file on the machine. These are things like the path, dotnet versions, npm etc.
http(s)://<tc root>/agentDetails.html?id=<agent id>&tab=agentParameters
(You can get to the above by clicking on the agent you want to inspect)
You can then override or add to these from the root project all the way up the project tree to the build configuration.
The message you are getting is saying is that in order for the build to run it needs to have an agent with those parameters configured. Could you give a screen grab of what your build agent parameters are.
Here is an example from one of my build agents which shows some of the configuration parameters that you need.
You should not need to add these, they should be picked up automatically by the agent.
First make sure these dependencies are actually installed.
If missing install and restart the agent service (required to pick up new configuration properties).
Possibly try a machine restart in case newly installed components require a reboot.
Failing that check to see what permissions the build agent service is running under. It might not have permissions needed to poll the system but I have never seen that.

VSTS use on premise deployment agent

I ran out of release/build minutes on VSTS, therefore I configured an on premise agent to run my builds. This is working fine, however I cannot select that agent to be used for deploying my releases.
I tried to follow the following tutorial, however it seems like it is a bit old:
Does anyone have experience setting up on premise agents to do the deployment?
Refer to these steps:
Open release definition
Select Environments tab
Click Run on agent
Change Deployment queue in right panel.

I installed tcWebHooks on TeamCity, options not showing

I'm using TeamCity Professional 9.0.2 (build 32195).
I installed the tcWebHooks plugin:
But I do not see any changes to the admin, and I cannot determine where to add web hooks to my build. I see no additional options in either the Project configuration or the Build configuration. Did I miss a step? From what I'm reading in the documentation, it should be a Project level setting with additions to the Project Home view.
This appears to have been an issue with the version of tcWebHooks. I installed and everything works as expected.
It's in a weird spot in TeamCity for some reason. You go under a Build Project, without going into Edit Project Settings.
EDIT: I'd also check the tcWebHooks blog for more info:
