Under OS X 10.6.8 installing passenger, first under rbenv, then after uninstalling rbenv, also under rvm
Mini:~ user$ gem install passenger
is generating conversion errors:
unable to convert "\xE4" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for CHANGELOG, skipping
unable to convert "\xC5" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for CONTRIBUTORS, skipping
unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for debian.template/copyright, skipping
unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for doc/Security of user switching support.idmap.txt, skipping
unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for doc/Users guide Apache.idmap.txt, skipping
unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for doc/Users guide Nginx.idmap.txt, skipping
unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for doc/Users guide Standalone.idmap.txt, skipping
unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ext/common/Utils/Base64.cpp, skipping
unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ext/common/Utils/Base64.h, skipping
unable to convert "\xC2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ext/libeio/Changes, skipping
unable to convert "\xC2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ext/libeio/ecb.h, skipping
unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ext/libev/Changes, skipping
unable to convert "\xC2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ext/libev/ev.c, skipping
unable to convert U+2713 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/phusion_passenger/config/validate_install_command.rb, skipping
unable to convert U+00A9 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/phusion_passenger/utils/json.rb, skipping
unable to convert U+2023 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/phusion_passenger/utils/terminal_choice_menu.rb, skipping
unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for test/cxx/UtilsTest.cpp, skipping
Installing ri documentation for passenger-4.0.48
unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for README.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\x89" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for test/multipart/binary, skipping
unable to convert U+00F8 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for test/spec_utils.rb, skipping
I went ahead and installed the nginx module
Mini:~ user$ passenger-install-nginx-module
with unhappy results in red...
It looks like something went wrong
I surmise that the conversion errors are at the root of some issues. particularly worrisome is the fat that some hit files in config directories...
Assuming an uninstall, how can these be installed without conversion errors?
is the environment
The errors apparently are only relative to the documentation.
gem install passenger --no-ri --no-rdoc
does install passenger 4.0.48.
nginx however fails to install
It'd better to just update the rdoc gem:
gem install rdoc
The bug comes about due to rdoc trying to read a binary file. This bug was fixed.
The errors apparently are only relative to the documentation.
gem install passenger --no-ri --no-rdoc
does install passenger 4.0.48.
However, nginx would not install because of OS X version.
on Snow Leopard the latest version one can install, then have nginx installed is:
gem install passenger -v 4.0.5
I'm new to this, and I'm obviously missing something...
I've searched, but haven't found something that matches this exactly.
ruby 2.2.4p230 (2015-12-16 revision 53155) [i386-mingw32]
To ensure non-native gem install in standalone script
artii - https://github.com/miketierney/artii
def ensure_nn_gem(this_gem)
gem this_gem
rescue LoadError
`gem install #{this_gem}`
require this_gem
On first run:
C:\Users****\Desktop********\lib>ruby my_app.rb
unable to convert "\xC4" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/figlet/fonts/bubble.flf, skipping
unable to convert "\xC4" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/figlet/fonts/digital.flf, skipping
unable to convert "\xB0" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/figlet/fonts/l4me.flf, skipping
unable to convert "\x81" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/figlet/fonts/pyramid.flf, skipping
unable to convert "\xC4" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/figlet/fonts/rot13.flf, skipping
unable to convert "\xC4" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/figlet/fonts/term.flf, skipping
unable to convert "\xC4" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/figlet/fonts/tsalagi.flf, skipping
C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in require': cannot load such file -- artii (LoadError)
from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:inrequire'
from app.rb:11:in ensure_nn_gem'
from app.rb:14:in'
On second run:
The script works as intended.
There is no magic- this gem loads after and stay in memory in case of spring.
try to add
require 'artii'
in the beginning of your code
I think your issue is trying to use the gem this_name syntax.
This is just for Gemfiles,
Stick to require in your scripts.
I've created a Dockerfile to install jekyll-2.5.3.gem.
Docker Code:
FROM base-ubuntu
COPY jekyll-2.5.3.gem /tmp/jekyll-2.5.3.gem
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y ruby-dev build-essential nodejs python && \
gem install /tmp/jekyll-2.5.3.gem
WORKDIR /var/jekyll
ENTRYPOINT ["jekyll"]
I need to build a docker image with a container consisting of jekyll installation.
Docker build command :-
docker build -t myimage /c/Users/src/jekyll
The above docker build command hangs in jekyll installation and displays the following conversion errors.
unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for History.md, skipping
unable to convert U+2022 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/kramdown/converter/pdf.rb, skipping
unable to convert U+2014 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/pygments/popen.rb, skipping
unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for COPYING, skipping
unable to convert "\xC2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/parslet/atoms/base.rb, skipping
unable to convert U+2014 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/addressable/uri.rb, skipping
unable to convert "\xC2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for README.md, skipping
Is there a work around for this issue ? As part of my project I need to stick to the Jekyll version 2.5.3.
Your best bet for that is using Bundler instead. It's "just the right tool for the job" that ensures that application runs with proper versions of all the libraries you care about. First, install it:
gem install bundler
Then create a Gemfile at the root of your project with contents like this:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'jekyll', '2.5.3'
...then in the same folder do:
bundle install
...so dependencies you specified in your Gemfile are resolved and installed. Now, to run your application with dependencies bundled, run whatever command you were formerly running prepended with bundle exec, like so:
bundle exec jekyll serve
An offline setup is not too different, it revolves around bundle package (so all the needed gems are packaged with the application; checking them into version control is a bad idea!) and bundle install --local (so it doesn't use external sources), see this answer for an example.
I installed icu on amazon ec2 with
sudo apt-get install libicu-dev
Then I installed charlock_holmes:
gem install charlock_holmes
It seemed to me that it was successfully installed:
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed charlock_holmes-
1 gem installed
After that I got this:
.../shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/charlock_holmes- `require':
undefined symbol: _ZN6icu_518ByteSink15GetAppendBufferEiiPciPi
.../shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/charlock_holmes- (LoadError)
I tried also to install using this command:
gem install charlock_holmes -- --with-icu-dir=/usr/local/lib/
The error still occures.
It seems to me that somehow I need to specify the right directory --with-icu-dir
The reason why I specified /usr/local/lib is because the icu libs are installed into that directory.
gem install charlock_holmes -- --with-icu-dir=/usr/local
worked for me when I ran into this problem. The dependencies are smart enough to look up lib for libs, include for header files, and the rest where appropriate under /usr/local.
I got these nasty test errors when installing the gem:
unable to convert "\xD0" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for ext/charlock_holmes/dst/bin/file, skipping
unable to convert "\xEE" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for ext/charlock_holmes/src/file-5.08/magic/Magdir/wordprocessors, skipping
unable to convert "\xE5" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for ext/charlock_holmes/src/file-5.08/magic/Magdir/riff, skipping
unable to convert "\xE1" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for ext/charlock_holmes/src/file-5.08/magic/Magdir/linux, skipping
unable to convert "\xE1" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for ext/charlock_holmes/src/file-5.08/magic/Magdir/natinst, skipping
unable to convert "\xBD" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for ext/charlock_holmes/src/file-5.08/magic/Magdir/filesystems, skipping
unable to convert "\xE1" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for ext/charlock_holmes/src/file-5.08/ChangeLog, skipping
unable to convert "\xD0" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for ext/charlock_holmes/src/file-5.08/src/file, skipping
unable to convert "\xCF" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for test/fixtures/hello_world, skipping
but they didn't seem to impact my app when running.
With gem install nokogiri
I'm getting below response.
How do I fix this error?
Installing ri documentation for nokogiri-1.5.6...
unable to convert U+2019 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/nokogiri.rb, skipping
unable to convert "\xE3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for CHANGELOG.ja.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\xE8" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for CHANGELOG.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\xE9" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for README.ja.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\xE9" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for README.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ext/nokogiri/xml_node_set.c, skipping
Installing RDoc documentation for nokogiri-1.5.6...
unable to convert U+2019 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII for lib/nokogiri.rb, skipping
unable to convert "\xE3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for CHANGELOG.ja.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\xE8" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for CHANGELOG.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\xE9" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for README.ja.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\xE9" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for README.rdoc, skipping
unable to convert "\xE2" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ext/nokogiri/xml_node_set.c, skipping
I have a Ruby 1.9.2 install on Centos 5.5. Every time I install a gem, I get the error
ERROR: While generating documentation for (gem)
... MESSAGE: U+2018 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII
... RDOC args: lib History.txt README.txt
The gem still installs ok, but there are certain things I can't do. Like use SproutCore, for example. I get this little gem (pun intended).
sc-init xxxx
~ Created directory at xxxx
FATAL ~ invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII
Anyone have any idea what's going on, and how to remedy it? Google isn't much help on this one.
RDoc updated last week, and was supposed to help fix encoding problems.
Try gem update rdoc and see if that helps.