Removing square objects - image

I have the image includes circular, elipsoidal, square objects and somethings like these. I want to get only circual objects. I applyed a filter by using Solidity and Enccentricity levels of objets but I could not remove square objects. Square objects which have not sharp corners have nearly same Solidity and Enccentricity level with circular objects.
My question is that is there any other parameter or way to detect square objects?

You can compare the area of the mask to its perimeter using the following formula
ratio = 4 * pi * Area / ( Perimeter^2 )
For circles this ration should be very close to one, for other shapes it should be significantly lower.
See this tutorial for an example.
The rationale behind this formula: circles are optimal in their perimeter-area ratio - max area for given perimeter. Given Perimeter, you can estimate radius of equivalent circle by Perimeter = 2*pi*R, using this estimated R you can compute the "equivalent circle area" using eqArea = pi*R^2. Now you only need to check the ratio between the actual area of the shape and the "equivalent area" computed.
Note: since Area and Perimeter of objects in mask are estimated based on the pixel-level discretization these estimates may be quite crude especially for small shapes. Consider working with higher resolution masks if you notice quantization/discretization errors.

There exists a Hough transform (imfindcircles) in order to find circles within an image which is what you needed in the first place.


What is the minumum info you need to tell if an object is a circle?

So basically I have a program that runs through an image of objects and is supposed to count the number of cirlces. I can more or less accurately detect all objects and store the following results of each object:
Area(number of pixels), xPosition, YPosition and like the bounds.
I tried differentiating circles from non-circles by assuming every object was a circle, finding the radius and using pi*r^2 to get the area. If that area matched the number of pixels then it was a circle.
However this leads to a few errors. Such as when an object takes up the same area as a circle would but is not a circle.
Any idea's as to what I can try? It also fails in the noisy cases since my algorithm doesnt save pixels that are dark (Which is counted as like the background)
Edit: I cant use any already established algorithm such as the Hugh Transform
In theory, only the circles have a perimeter equal to the square root of 2π times the (filled) area. But you need an accurate assessment of the perimeter.
Alternatively, find the circle parameters (coordinates of the center and radius) by any method*, and check that the pixels of the contour fulfill the circle equation (compute the average deviations).
*If the shape is not a circle, those parameters will have "random" values, but this does not matter.

Matlab: how to generate non-uniform and non-overlap circle/rectangle in a circle with specific radius

I want to generate a series of points as building in simulation.
Points density is 1/1000m^3
The points have its shape just like the real buildings(circle or rectangle or something else)
In order to reach the reality, these shapes should not be overlapped.
The question is how to generate the center point of these 'buildings'?
I tried this
clusterNumber = round((pi*areaRadius^2)/1000);
radius = unifrnd (0,areaRadius,clusterNumber,1);
angle = unifrnd (-pi,pi,clusterNumber,1);
for i=1:clusterNumber
Coordinate(i,1) = cos(angle(i))*radius(i); % x
Coordinate(i,2) = sin(angle(i))*radius(i); % y
and the result showed as what I expected... it did'nt work
When I used scatter it showed
So, my question is how to generate non-uniform and non-overlap circles or rectangles in a specific circle.
If you want your buildings not to intersect, you must check for intersections with already created buildings before creating one at your random position.
Of course, if you create many buildings, collision detection will be costly. You can speed it up with an efficient nearest neighbour search, for example with kd-trees or by creating a fine grid in the building space so that you have only a few neighbour cells to check.
Imposing the condition that buildings must not intersect will also alter your distribution. You will no longer have the marked clustering in the circle's centre. You still generate morre random positionsthere, but as your area gets more populated, most of them will be rejected.
Here's an example distribution:
Enforcing the criterion may also affect your algorithm: It might be a good idea to limit the number of randomly gerenated positions, so that you don't run into an infinite loop when no more buildings can be placed or when the probability to find a suitable space is very low.

How to find collision center of two rectangles? Rects can be rotated

I've just implemented collision detection using SAT and this article as reference to my implementation. The detection is working as expected but I need to know where both rectangles are colliding.
I need to find the center of the intersection, the black point on the image above (but I don't have the intersection area neither). I've found some articles about this but they all involve avoiding the overlap or some kind of velocity, I don't need this.
The information I've about the rectangles are the four points that represents them, the upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left coordinates. I'm trying to find an algorithm that can give me the intersection of these points.
I just need to put a image on top of it. Like two cars crashed so I put an image on top of the collision center. Any ideas?
There is another way of doing this: finding the center of mass of the collision area by sampling points.
Create the following function:
bool IsPointInsideRectangle(Rectangle r, Point p);
Define a search rectangle as:
TopLeft = (MIN(x), MAX(y))
TopRight = (MAX(x), MAX(y))
LowerLeft = (MIN(x), MIN(y))
LowerRight = (MAX(x), MIN(y))
Where x and y are the coordinates of both rectangles.
You will now define a step for dividing the search area like a mesh. I suggest you use AVG(W,H)/2 where W and H are the width and height of the search area.
Then, you iterate on the mesh points finding for each one if it is inside the collition area:
IsPointInsideRectangle(rectangle1, point) AND IsPointInsideRectangle(rectangle2, point)
Xi : the ith partition of the mesh in X axis.
CXi: the count of mesh points that are inside the collision area for Xi.
And you can do the same thing with Y off course. Here is an ilustrative example of this approach:
You need to do the intersection of the boundaries of the boxes using the line to line intersection equation/algorithm.
Once you have the points that cross you might be ok with the average of those points or the center given a particular direction possibly. The middle is a little vague in the question.
Edit: also in addition to this you need to work out if any of the corners of either of the two rectangles are inside the other (this should be easy enough to work out, even from the intersections). This should be added in with the intersections when calculating the "average" center point.
This one's tricky because irregular polygons have no defined center. Since your polygons are (in the case of rectangles) guaranteed to be convex, you can probably find the corners of the polygon that comprises the collision (which can include corners of the original shapes or intersections of the edges) and average them to get ... something. It will probably be vaguely close to where you would expect the "center" to be, and for regular polygons it would probably match exactly, but whether it would mean anything mathematically is a bit of a different story.
I've been fiddling mathematically and come up with the following, which solves the smoothness problem when points appear and disappear (as can happen when the movement of a hitbox causes a rectangle to become a triangle or vice versa). Without this bit of extra, adding and removing corners will cause the centroid to jump.
Here, take this fooplot.
The plot illustrates 2 rectangles, R and B (for Red and Blue). The intersection sweeps out an area G (for Green). The Unweighted and Weighted Centers (both Purple) are calculated via the following methods:
(0.225, -0.45): Average of corners of G
(0.2077, -0.473): Average of weighted corners of G
A weighted corner of a polygon is defined as the coordinates of the corner, weighted by the sin of the angle of the corner.
This polygon has two 90 degree angles, one 59.03 degree angle, and one 120.96 degree angle. (Both of the non-right angles have the same sine, sin(Ɵ) = 0.8574929...
The coordinates of the weighted center are thus:
( (sin(Ɵ) * (0.3 + 0.6) + 1 - 1) / (2 + 2 * sin(Ɵ)), // x
(sin(Ɵ) * (1.3 - 1.6) + 0 - 1.5) / (2 + 2 * sin(Ɵ)) ) // y
= (0.2077, -0.473)
With the provided example, the difference isn't very noticeable, but if the 4gon were much closer to a 3gon, there would be a significant deviation.
If you don't need to know the actual coordinates of the region, you could make two CALayers whose frames are the rectangles, and use one to mask the other. Then, if you set an image in the one being masked, it will only show up in the area where they overlap.

Drawing a circle on an array for CCD integration purposes

I am writing a function to draw an approximate circle on a square array (in Matlab, but the problem is mainly algorithmic).
The goal is to produce a mask for integrating light that falls on a portion of a CCD sensor from a diffraction-limited point source (whose diameter corresponds to a few pixels on the CCD array). In summary, the CCD sensor sees a pattern with revolution-symmetry, that has of course no obligation to be centered on one particular pixel of the CCD (see example image below).
Here is the algorithm that I currently use to produce my discretized circular mask, and which works partially (Matlab/Octave code):
xt = linspace(-xmax, xmax, npixels_cam); % in physical coordinates (meters)
[X Y] = meshgrid(xt-center(1), xt-center(2)); % shifted coordinate matrices
[Theta R] = cart2pol(X,Y);
R = R'; % cart2pol uses a different convention for lines/columns
mask = (R<=radius);
As you can see, my algorithm selects (sets to 1) all the pixels whose physical distance (in meters) is smaller or equal to a radius, which doesn't need to be an integer.
I feel like my algorithm may not be the best solution to this problem. In particular, I would like it to include the pixel in which the center is present, even when the radius is very small.
Any ideas ?
(See for an example image of a diffraction-limited spot on a CCD camera).
if you like to select pixels if and only if they contain any part of the circle C:
in each pixel place a small circle A with the radius = halv size of the pixel, and another one around it with R=sqrt(2)*half size of the circle (a circumscribed circle)
To test if two circles touch each other you just calculate the center to center distances and subtract the sum of the two radii.
If the test circle C is within A then you select the pixel. If it's within B but not C you need to test all four pixel sides for overlap like this Circle line-segment collision detection algorithm?
A brute force approximate method is to make a much finer grid within each pixel and test each center point in that grid.
This is a well-studied problem. Several levels of optimization are possible:
You can brute-force check if every pixel is inside the circle. (r^2 >= (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2)
You can brute-force check if every pixel in a square bounding the circle is inside the circle. (r^2 >= (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 where |x-x0| < r and |y-y0| < r)
You can go line-by-line (where |y-y0| < r) and calculate the starting x ending x and fill all the lines in between. (Although square roots aren't cheap.)
There's an infinite possibility of more sophisticated algorithms. Here's a common one: (filling in the circle is left as an exercise)
It really depends on how sophisticated you want to be based on how imperative good performance is.

computer vision: extracting info about a shape given a contour (e.g. pointy, round...)

Given the 2D contour of a shape in the form of lines and vertices, how can I Extract Information from that?
like: Pointy, round, straight line.
Shape similarities with a given shape.
Code is not necessary, I am more interested in
concepts and the names of techniques involved to
guide my search....
Thanks in advance.
Image moments
One approach is to calculate the first and second order central moments of the shape described by the 2D contour. Using these values the elongation of the object can be calculated.
The central image moments can be combined to the seven moments of Hu, which are invariant to change in scale, rotation and translation (ie. they are very good for basic shape recognition). (More on image moments here).
Unitless ratio of perimeter and area
An other approach is to calculate the length of the perimeter (p) and the size of the inscribed area (a). Using these two values, the following ratio can be computed:
ratio = p^2 / (4 * pi * a)
The closer this ratio is to one, the more circle like is the described shape.
Other methods
Fourier descriptors
Ratio of shape area and the area of the convex hull of the shape
Another method of contour shape classification is topological aproach based on the "size function" That could be useful for global shape recognition, but not for extracting "local" features like pointy/round/straight.
Basically slicing contour by parametrized line and counting number of connected components depending on parameter.
What I think you might be looking for is often called Blob or Connectivity Analysis, which I believe was first developed at SRI (Stanford Research Institute). Image moments are one component of this area.
