MKMapView not rendering tiles on 10.10 b3 - macos

I'm doing the bare minimum here. Creating a cocoa app project, adding a MKMapView to the View Controller, and linking the MapKit framework. When I run the app, the control shows but is not rendering any tiles no matter the zoom level. Everything else works. I can see user location, set coords/regions, read them back, etc... It's just not rendering the tiles. It does show the grid that is loaded before the tiles are cached. Am I overlooking something? This is all that you need to do on iOS.

Please have a look at the debugger window. Is there something like
"Your Application has attempted to access the Map Kit API. You cannot access this API without an entitlement. You may receive an entitlement from the Mac Developer Program for use by you only with your Mac App Store Apps. For more information about Apple's Mac Developer Program, please visit"
Then you have to add your developer account to your project.


Programmatically change order of full screen apps on macOS with AppKit

I’m trying to build a macOS utility that will allow me to programmatically change the order of full screen apps on my machine.
For example, let’s say the full screen apps on my machine are currently ordered as follows from left to right:
I want to be able to call a method in AppKit to say something like “Move Xcode from full screen index 2 to index 0”. However, I can't identify an AppKit API that will help me do this.
NSScreen only gives the physical displays, not the full screen apps / spaces
NSApplication only gives the list of my app's windows
CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo looked promising, but it doesn't have information about the order of full screen apps. It also doesn't allow me to get a NSWindow object to have any hope of changing the order
Is what I'm trying to do even possible with AppKit?
Thank you!
Spaces (desktops and fullscreen apps are both just spaces) are a feature of the system Window Manager and only manageable by the user through the app Mission Control.
Of course, the Window Manager needs to expose an API for management, otherwise how would Mission Control interact with it? But that API is not public.
Reverse engineered headers for those private APIs can be found online, e.g.
With those headers in place, you can write code like this:
#import "CGSInternal/CGSSpace.h"
CGSSpaceID activeSpace =
NSLog(#"activeSpace: %zu", activeSpace);
CFArrayRef spaceArray =
CGSCopySpaces(_CGSDefaultConnection(), kCGSAllSpacesMask);
NSLog(#"allSpaces: %#", (__bridge id)spaceArray);
But the usual warnings apply here:
You cannot commit code using private APIs to Apple's App Store. There is no official documentation, all that is known about that API has been reversed engineered and may not always be correct. As the API is not public, Apple can change it at any time without any previous warning and thus your working code could break with every system update.

How to use scaled UI content in iOS?

I would like to create a zoomed/scaled UI as in Screenshot 1 below:
Keep in mind that I am NOT using the Zoomed option in iOS Display Settings.
So, somehow it is possible to make an app look like it is scaled/ zoomed.
Are such apps created with an old version of XCode and that's why their UI looks scaled or it is some sort of a technic?
Screenshot 1 (taken on iPhone 6s Plus 1920x1080)
Screenshot 2 - Normal app.
hi by default the OS will scale your app EITHER because it is an iphone app running on an iPad or because AX is on or it is a very old app where the LaunchImage does tell ios it doesnt really support the screen size.
you cant really say 'hey ios, scale my whole app for me'
that said, you can DRAW 'scaled' by applying a transformation to your root window/view.. dont know if there are issues with scaling the whole hierrachy but it technically works
i just know the bug with facebook sdk its when you call your fb friends list in the app and it scales all the ui after that window xd

Configure platform page with platform specific options

We've begun evaluating Xamarin for a up and coming project involving both iOS and Android, with the overriding intention to produce a single UI layer (and some share code, obviously) (I'm also new to C#)
I've begun exploring Xamarin on iOS. I started with the Phoneword example and it worked well enough.
The first issue I found was running the code on the iPhone X, which I was able to solve by using MainPage.On<Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOS>().SetUseSafeArea(true); in the platform App class
While testing this, I noticed some issues with the ListView not scrolling properly (the core issue was actually with the platform padding).
I then used (MainPage as Xamarin.Forms.NavigationPage).On<iOS>().EnableTranslucentNavigationBar(); to enable translucent navigation bars (as we're targeting iOS 11+) and now everything appears under the navigation bar.
This is easily fixed in xCode and after some research I've found that I need to be using UIKit.UIViewController.EdgesForExtendedLayout Property, the immediate problem I'm facing is, the only "snippets" of code I can find are from the View is displayed under status bar in iOS 7 and EdgesForExtendedLayout doesn't help forum post.
Issue at hand...
The example solution snippets posted seem to be making use of a platform (iOS) specific solution. The problem is, I want to keep using the "cross-platform" code in the "platform" project and simply provide some custom configuration for the iOS platform which can apply these states.
I understand it could be possible to use a renderer, but this seems to counter-interactive, as I'd need one for both iOS and Android, where the platform page is doing just fine as it.
I understand that I could setup a DependencyService, but this seems annoying to have to include a specific "configuration" service just to solve this issue for iOS
I was hoping it might be possible to setup a iOS Page which would "override" some of the functionality of the platform page and would allow me to make use of things like viewDidLoad so I can apply the iOS specific configurations on a page by pages bases, so we could keep the platform page as it, but when running under iOS, it would provide me access to iOS life cycle of the actual view...
I've been trying to search the documentation and tutorials and haven't yet come across anything which would seem to do this or something similar (not to say there isn't one, but I'm just not finding it).

Xamarin-iOS: host application will not run with share extension

My app setup is a basic new app with default viewController with the default classes for share extension on iOS 11.2.
The host AppDelegate class FinishedLaunching never gets called.
Just shows the launch screen and closes the app.
The sample Xamarin app provided also has the same issue.
Link to the sample app:
Share Extension sample
Any idea whats going wrong?
Do you want to open the app which you created with the share extension, when user clicks the share button to use this share extension? If so, this app should be called Containing App.
But unfortunately, there's no way to do this on iOS8.3+ except Today Extension. From this post we know that:
The intended approach for share extensions is that they handle all of
the necessary work themselves.
Also from the Apple documentation about extension:
An extension’s UI should be simple, restrained, and focused on
facilitating a single task.
Apple doesn't recommend us to open its containing app from extensions, actually it avoids that. If you want to retrieve data in containing app, you can set up an app group so that data can be shared between these two apps.

Display app icon on top of all window in android wear?

I am developing an wear app, i want the app icon to be display on top of window
above the watch face. I have tried using WindowManager but failed to get the
WindowManager.LayoutParams params=new
params.gravity= Gravity.CENTER|Gravity.CENTER;
my question is it possible to add an floating app icon in android wear?
I'm not sure if this feature (Display app icon on top of all window) is available. But you can try checking the documentation - Watch Face Complications.
A complication is any feature in a watch face that displays more than hours and minutes. For example, a battery indicator is a complication. The Complications API is for both watch faces and data provider apps.
Just like this:
Since you are using Android Wear 2.0, Complication API will be available for use.
Hope this helps.
I tried this one and works for android wear also...
apply same concept to wear, it works
