Qt Creator toolbar doesn't appear - qt-creator

I can't see the file, edit, Build, Debug, Tools, Window and Help buttons in Qt's IDE, and I dont know why.
Maybe there is a key combination like ctrl + (a letter or number) to show it, or maybe a problem with the installation.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
GNOME Shell 3.10.4
This is how my IDE looks like, as you see, there is no toolbar.
What could be the problem?
Thanks in advance.

I am using Gnome3 as my window manager as well and This workaround worked for me
sudo apt-get remove appmenu-qt5
Souce : Link to bug report with the workaround
Do let me know if this works for you.

If you use KDE.
Try configure KDE. In menu: System Settings > Application Style > Window Decorations > Buttons add Application menu to Title bar.
After it, in Qt Creator must appear button with File, Edit, Build.. menu.

On Ubuntu 16.04, I used
and restarted Qt Creator.


Problem: Shutting down pc resets powerline fonts so they don't appear in VS Code (but they do in Ubuntu terminal)

I managed to get the Powerline fonts working on my Windows 10 pc to use in WSL, particularly in the VS Code terminal window so I can use the Agnoster oh-my-zsh terminal theme. I set it all up and everything works - cool.
BUT when I shutdown my pc and restart it, the font no longer works in VS Code.
However, it does still work in the ubuntu window. See ↓
https://i.imgur.com/SCyDrFM.png -- Sorry, I don't have enough rep to post images :(
I noticed it is not installed in the settings > font window
But it is installed in the control panel fonts window.
Current workaround
I can get the font to work again if I reinstall the font, at which point Windows will prompt me that The font is already installed, do I want to reinstall?. Click yes.
At which point the font will appear in the fonts settings (Add fonts) window.
What is going wrong with the font installation? Reinstalling the font after every boot seems tedious... I suppose I can get a script to automate that on startup but I really want to get to the root cause.
So I just found the fix - had to right click on the .ttf file and 🛡️Install for all users.
I don't know why installing it as the local user didn't work but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I found the answer to my own question...
Have to right click on the .ttf file and 🛡️Install for all users.
It seems that if the font is not listed in the Settings > Personalization > Fonts window, VS Code will not find it. Installing for all users makes the font persist there after reboot.
You can install the Powerline Fonts with the following command:
sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline
And starting VS Code from your WSL prompt with command code .

How can I use iterm as default terminal on macOS?

I want to make iTerm2 as my default terminal on macOS,
I open iTerm2 and hit to make iTerm default Term
But it's not working!
And I go to default terminal preferences
But after open it I see this
(Open iTerm Build version 3.3.7)
Menu: iTerm2 > Make iTerm2 Default Term
It sounds like you need to rebuild your macOS' LaunchServices.
To do this, download OnyX and choose the version based on your current macOS version.
The option that you need is in the red box, and I'd suggest that you UNCHECK anything that you don't need or don't know; otherwise, you might end up with deleting data that you might need:
After that, you can try again with the built-in Make iTerm2 Default Term option in iTerm2 (if this option is greyed out for you, click option + the iTerm menu button to re-enable it again).
There are ways to do this through the command line without downloading third-party apps, but I trust OnyX enough to hand it the job.
However, if you decide to do it from the command line, make sure you type the command that corresponds to your current macOS version. More on that here.
Hope this helps :)
Use this location instead:
but note that it will not solve your issue completely. Termianal will start anyway, but this time, it will run iTerm2 - as you instructed it to do.
One thing you can do is find the file that opens a terminal (in my case it was metro opening in a React Native app). Find the file in your finder, right click on it, choose get info, then expand the Open With tab. There you should find a dropdown menu on what to open those kind of files with. The default is terminal, but choose iTerm2 and click on change all.
For example, in my situation I had to find launchPackager.command file under node_modules/react-native/scripts/. Do the above with that file and it will make iTerm your default terminal after clicking change all.
From where do you want to open the terminal? I was facing the same problem as you when I wanted to open the external terminal from Visual Studio Code.
I solved it by going to Code > Preferences > Settings. Look for terminal in the search bar and setting /Applications/iTerm.app in Terminal > External for your operating system.

How to make the GUI elements of windows version Neovim appear?

My Neovim on windows 10 installed using chocolatey method guided by the website of Neovim, does not have any GUI element (including tab, menu, or toolbar) after I run nvim-qt.exe. Can any one help me? Now, both the _vimrc and all the Vunle Plugin of my gVim are loaded succeed into my Neovim environment. The screen looks like this,
You should look up the gui settings options
:h guioptions
In vim/nvim.
I do:
set guioptions=egmrti
In my nvim startup file to remove menu, scrollbars, and a few other things. Against look at the documentation to see what each of those letters set/unset.

Pycharm themes on pycharm 2.7 and osx

Could anyone please explain me where I should place the Pycharm themes?
It seems that all forum posts are for older versions of either osx or pycharm.
I have also tried https://github.com/d1ffuz0r/pycharm-themes with git, but still the themes doesnt appear under "Apperance - themes"
Depending on what OS you're using for example on Windows they go in
Reload the application and select the "Settings" from the toolbar
Editor > Colors & Fonts > Python > Select the desired theme from the dropdown

Code Formatting In Xcode

Is there anyway to format the code in Xcode like you can do in Eclipse or Netbenas. I have not found any option in menu, is there any hot key for this or its simply not in Xcode?
In Xcode 4, it's been moved to Editor > Structure > Re-Indent command (and has a default shortcut of CTRL+I ).
Select some text and then: Edit->Format->Re-Indent
You can bind this to a hotkey in the preferences.
Well, first of all welcome to 2021. I know it's a very old question but still people like me visit this and for those people, I'm putting out multiple available solutions in one answer that worked for me after 2 hours of research and testing.
As everyone else is suggesting, it's one of the default solution if you just want to re-indent the lines of code:
Goto: Editor -> Structure -> Re-Indent or use shortcut control + I
Using Xcode Extensions
There are 2 extensions I found and used which works charmingly for me.
1) SwiftFormat: mentioning the steps to install the xcode extension here from the readme.
Like the command-line tool, you can install the SwiftFormat for Xcode
extension application via Homebrew. Assuming you already have Homebrew
installed, type:
$ brew install --cask swiftformat-for-xcode
open the SwiftFormat for Xcode.app that you just installed. there you can change the rules of formatting.
After that, open the system preference -> extensions -> xcode source editor and mark the checkbox for SwiftFormat.
Restart the Xcode
Voila! You're good to go. you can use three options. format selected code, format entire file OR just lint file.
2) Swimat: (it is already mentioned in one of the answer here by #Guy Daher) steps to install from readme
Install via homebrew-cask
Homebrew latest version
brew install --cask swimat
Similar to above extension installation, open the Swimat.app if it does not open then try to sove it from system preferences -> security & privacy -> open swimat app
after opening, click on install in ./bin folder to make it work globally (not sure about this step but I just did it)
Restart Xcode
now you can goto editor -> swimat -> format
Bingo! You're good to go.
Additional uninvited help
You can simply set the keybinding to use any of this command. i.e. I've set the android studio default command to reformat the code as option + command + L
ps If anyone else found a better extension, please let me know in comment, I'll add it to the list.
Other than re-indentation (Edit > Format > Re-Indent), not really. However, Xcode does have support for scripts (the menu to the right of the Window menu), so you could conceivably write a script that formats your code how you like it.
Edit: here are some links that touch on this subject:
http://hackertoys.com/2008/09/18/adding-a-code-beautifier-script-to-xcode (dead link)
http://8020world.com/jcmendez/2006/11/geeky-stuff/software/adding-a-script-menu-to-xcode-to-reformat-code-using-astyle (dead link)
Here are the shortcuts, to format the code in Xcode
1.Format entire code (entire class/controller)
select the entire code and press ⌘+| on mac to format your code.
2.Format particular block of code
select the code and press
⌘+] for right move and ⌘+[ for left move
Note : as per #JavierGiovannini sugesstion you can do using Editor Menu option
3.Select code --> Go to Editor --> Structure --> Re-Indent
My personal favorite code formatter is Uncrustify.
It has many, many options, so I also suggest you download UniversalIndentGUI, a GUI to help set Uncrustify's behavior to your liking.
XCode 8 Extensions
Another option is to use an extension like Swimat. Does the job for me. However, the caveat is that it does not format on save due to the restrictive Xcode Extension APIs, but they're trying to find a workaround.
Not saying this is best approach, but for completeness, if you cut and then paste the code back in, Xcode will automatically format it for you.
In v.4 you can make some adjustments through xCode preferences...
Fix code indentation in Xcode
^-I (control - capital i)
: format the current line
⌘-A + ^-I
: format the whole code file
Try this solution: ⌘A [⌘K ⌘F]
