grails dbconsole hasMany links - grails-domain-class

I am using the H2 hibernate database - where in the database can I access these hasMany links via dbconsole and is it possible to directly delete these links to tidy up some old data?


Laravel Voyager installation issue

I just finished my first laravel project> Now I only need to install an admin panel. I tried to install Laravel Voyager but I got an issue because I had a role table already created, So it stopped the installation. Is there a way to fix this issue or should I use admin panel, what do you advice me ?
I already had a role table with helpers methods and data that I am currently using. I completely unistall it and I delete all files that I got during the installation.
In the past, I run into the same issue with Voyager, with my previous users and a roles table. Since I had logic already in place for the user's/role table design, what I did was fuse both tables migrations into one. In detail these are the steps I went through to accomplish that:
Create new database for Voyager's installation.
Update.env to access new DB (would be advisable to clear cache after).
Install Voyager php artisan voyager:install (after Voyager vendor was installed using composer).
Copy Voyagers migrations to database/migrations, make your changes, turn off the config option database.autoload_migrations (full guidance for this step can be found in
Merge conflicting migrations files (in this case the roles table, or any other that can conflict with Voyager's migrations), meaning bringing columns needed from the previous migration into Voyager's migration file.
Delete all tables from the database again (since migrations tables were modified) and run php artisan migrate.
Now you should end-up having the previous roles table (with previous and new Voyagers columns, and definitions), without affecting the Voyager's tables functionality :)

Laravel Migrations Scripts

I would like to know is there any feature in laravel to generate migration scripts dynamically ( I mean scripts not migration files) like in Doctrine?
I have researched in the internet but didn't find a solution.
In Eloquent I generated migration files and wrote migration scripts manully. But in Doctrine I can generate migration script from entities (models) by issuing command migrations:diff, migrations:migrate etc. Thanks in advance.
You never define any of your table's fields in your Model class, so Laravel doesn't even know where to get the diff in your database.
But if your database is already there, check this question: how to create migration from existing database in laravel

Connect one controller and one model with other database using codeigneiter

By using codeigneiter, I want to connect one controller and one model with another database.
Is it possible?
I am following this post Codeigniter - I am looking to use/connect to a different database for one of my controllers and one model, but I'm not getting any result.
Use CodeIgniter documentation for Connecting to Multiple Databases
Or try it Codeigniter - multiple database connections

create first user in Laravel 5

This is my first time using Laravel 5. Never experienced with any of other framework like CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Yii, etc. I just know how to use make api REST with slim framework.
I already create a table users as I can't access <<URL>>/home. I create fields and load it some data. Whenever I want to try reset the password, it show error because I dont have table password_resets. What are the steps to be taken after install the Laravel actually.
You don't need to create any table manually (and you shouldn't). In Laravel you have migrations that help you quickly create tables in your database and seeds (where you can put initial data to those tables).
In fresh Laravel installation you have 2 ready migrations (for creating users and password_resets tables). All you need to do is running your console, go to directory where you have your Laravel project and run:
php artisan migrate
to run those migrations. After running this command Laravel will create those 2 tables for you. Before, you need to have configured your database connection (look at config/database.php file)

phpMyAdmin has two database tables under one heading

I am in the process of moving my local website onto a live webhost and am having some confusion while exporting my database tables from phpMyAdmin.
I attached a screenshot for reference.
It seems as if there are two database tables that are being used for my website, I'm not sure how this happened though. What I am trying to figure out is which database table is the one that I need to export along with all my Joomla files?
I went into my htdocs to check the configuration.php file and it says that the database prefix is xxx (i made this up) BUT when I go look into that database table (on phpMyAdmin) the dates of creation don't match up but are current in the "other database table."
Thank you for your help.
Screenshot for reference
To ascertain which is the correct database, create a new user via the Joomla interface, then have a look at the users Joomla table via phpMyAdmin, in both databases, to see in which database the user got created.
This information can be found in your site's admin at Site => Global Configuration => Server
