Just went through the FreeDOS install and installed to C:\ from a CD drive.
After boot, I get just the blinking cursor.
How can I get it to boot?
Type the command prompt $P$G and see if the cursor prompt changes.
If you already get a prompt like c:\ or c:\dos then clarify your question with more information.
I uninstalled Anaconda3 following all the steps of the official documentation, but now whenever I open PowerShell or Terminal I get this prompt-
How do I remove it? It's really annoying.
Have a look at your PowerShell profile and remove that "conda.exe" line.
When I launch things from the Anaconda Navigator, I want to see what it's doing so I can do the same thing from a shell or command prompt. Is there a way to do this? Sorry if my terminology is wrong.
Check out this documentation page: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/user-guide/getting-started/
On my terminal I was able to launch with a single one-word command:
(base) laptop user$ spyder3
If you are on Windows, you will want to open Anaconda Prompt first.
Anaconda was installed by Systems Team on my work computer.
For reasons beyond this topic, they installed in Program Files, which I think is non-optimal.
So I ask permission to remove the installation and reinstall it via standard procedures.
When I open Anaconda PowerShell prompt it is still pointing to the Program Files installation which I have removed.
I have also checked the Path environmental variable, and there is nothing looking like Anaconda is still there.
How can I get Anaconda PowerShell prompt to work again?
It should be noted that conda command does work in regular command prompt.
Initialize conda for use with Powershell via
conda init powershell
This command should be run in Anaconda Prompt.
Before following #Peter's solution, I was able to track the problem via a more rustic procedure.
Right click on Start Menu's Anaconda PowerShell Prompt, and select Open File Location.
Right click on the icon's Properties, select Shortcut tab > Target field.
Copy the command to a text editor, and noticed it was still using an old location.
Changing the command to point to the right location did fix the problem.
... but that is only the command from the Start Menu, the rest is done by what was suggested before.
Thanks for the help.
Very inexperienced user here so forgive my ignorance.
Having a problem after launching Anaconda Prompt. I just get a flashing cursor. The top of the window reads 'Anaconda Prompt - C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\Activate.bat C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3'
I have tried reinstalling but it doesn't solve this issue - any ideas?
I have the same issue whenever i open the anaconda prompt it closes automatically so i've had a solution.
-Open the Start Search, type in “env”, and choose “Edit the system environment variables”
-Click the “Environment Variables…” button.
-add these paths under the path variables:
C:..\Anaconda3 [Anaconda path]
press "OK"
now in the Start search type cmd and write your conda commandes. cmd now is able to recognize your conda commands.I am using windows 10 .
I hoe this solution suits you well.
I'm trying to set up Chocolatey for the first time. My ultimate goal is to be able to install the packages on a USB drive which shows up in my computer as F: so following the directions in the Chocolatey wiki, I created a folder on the F drive called Chocolatey and set an environmental variable ChocolateyInstall to F:/Chocolatey. I followed the basic directions, by opening up a command prompt and then pasting in the following.
#powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('http://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin
After installation I went to the PowerShell command prompt as follows and tried to install Notepad++ I got the following:
C:\Windows\system32>cinst notepadplusplus
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
How can I fix this problem?
It appears that you went to a custom location with Chocolatey's install. When it finished the install, did it say it was installed on F:/chocolatey? Is it actually installed there? If so, take a look at your path environment variable and see if that is included in the path. Also close and reopen the shell/command line. Does it work now? If the path (user PATH) has the choco location in it and the shell/command line is not proper after reloading, then reboot and see if that fixes the issue.
If all of that is good, type just chocolatey /? and see what you get. Then try cinst again. If it has issues again, try cinst pkgname -debug and see where the error happens.
NOTE: Trying to install Chocolatey to a USB drive is not a supported case. Sure you might be able to get it to work but I'm not sure what you really gain. Say you install Notepad++, now it is installed to the system (not the USB drive). What do you gain by having the choco repository on the USB drive?