"Pseudo" subproject without code and just dependencies fails when signing is required because of the missing jar - gradle

I'd like to create a subproject that acts as sole anchor for dependencies, ie. it includes no source code. Users can simply depend on the artifact created by the subproject in order to get all the required dependencies. So i've created foo-bar/build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile project(":foo-barz")
compile project(":foo-batz")
jar {
enabled = false
That seems to work as expected, until signing comes into the build process. I've then get an error message
:foo-bar:signArchives FAILED
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':foo-bar:signArchives' >
/data/flo/code/foo/foo-bar/build/libs/foo-bar-4.0.1.jar (No such file
or directory)
How can I tell the signing plugin that it needs to sign just the pom file for this subproject?

I'd say either do not apply the java plugin, then you also don't need to disable the jar task, or also disable the signArchives task like you disabled the jar task.

I've came up with just creating an empty file with
so that all tasks are happy and an empty jar is created, signed and deployed. Thaks to Peter Niederwieser, Vampire and Daryl Teo for their input. I've found no elegant an easy solution to avoid that Dummy.java workaround.
This question was based on implementing smack-java7


Could not get unknown property 'a.b.c' for root project

I got some source code and was asked to build it. It was a Gradle project. So I changed to the project directory and ran:
$ gradle clean assemble
and the following error came up:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'pcase'.
> Could not get unknown property 'postgresql.jdbc' for root project 'pcase' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
There is a settings.gradle file in the project folder too. It contains:
rootProject.name = 'pcase'
I took a look at build.gradle and found lots of occurrences like
For example:
buildscript {
dependencies {
// FlywayDB, JOOQ.
classpath "org.postgresql:postgresql:${project['postgresql.jdbc']}"
classpath "org.flywaydb:flyway-gradle-plugin:${project['flywaydb.plugin.version']}"
classpath "nu.studer:gradle-jooq-plugin:${project['jooq.plugin.version']}"
What could be ${project['x']}? Looks like associative array in bash and the build script tries to get the value of the key 'x'.
But I didn't find the place in code where this array would be declared and initialized.
The question is: Is the project buildable or is it better to consult the company that worked at it before me?
From the information provided, the project is perfectly buildable, to some certain extend. First of all, project['a.b.c'] is Groovy syntax to access properties from the project object. They're referred to as project properties.
They can be set via
Project properties via command line: gradle -Ppostgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
System properties via command line: gradle -Dorg.gradle.project.postgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
System properties via gradle.properties: org.gradle.project.postgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
All 3 properties (postgresql.jdbc, flywaydb.plugin.version, jooq.plugin.version) denote the version numbers of the particular build script dependencies. However, which versions to use best is beyond my knowledge. I would certainly consult the respective project websites, Maven artifact search or simply ask the company.
org.postgresql:postgresql is the database JDBC driver and certainly depends on the database version.
org.flywaydb:flyway-gradle-plugin is for database migrations. Try with the latest version.
I wasn't able to find gradle-jooq-plugin on Maven central. It's most likely available on the Gradle Plugin Portal.

Executing integration tests in gradle

Me and my team are working on a project with a lot of modules. We are using gradle for the project and everyone is new to gradle. We have a Main parent project i.e, parent build with the details of project dependencies. We want to add the integration_test task configuration to all the modules so that we can call the command gradle integration_test. So is there any way or concept of writing the configuration in the main module and make the child projects import the same configuration.
FYI: I tried it by directly adding it to the main project but got an error saying the classpath for the files which I specified does not exists. Any help or thought would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Is there a particular reason to split "integration tests" from the standard test task?
If so, you can run the same script for all subprojects from the main project's build file: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/multi_project_builds.html#sec:subproject_configuration
For instance:
subprojects {
task integrationTest {
// whatever you need
I am note sure if this is what you talk about in the last paragraph. If so, please attache the error message you get.
It is also possible to "import" some configuration by subprojects, but the above definition is better in most scenarios.

Gradle: how does one modify a dynamically created task?

I am building an Android Library project using the Android Gradle plugin (version 0.9.2) and it appears to have a bug (reported) in that while a "provided" dependency is correctly handled (not included) in the generated aar artifact, that dependency is incorrectly included in the generated debug test apk file.
It strikes me that a reasonable workaround is to remove the dependency jar file that is added by the :preDexDebugTest task as the last step for that task. But this task is dynamically generated so getting a handle to it is eluding me at the moment, hence the question.
In your app's build.gradle file, add
afterEvaluate {
def preDexDebugTest = tasks['preDexDebugTest']
// Do something with preDexDebugTest ...
That way it should be possible to operate on the preDexDebugTest task.

OSGi bundle build issue in Gradle

I have a simple use case of building an OSGi bundle using Gradle build tool. The build is successful if there are java files present in the build path, but it fails otherwise.
I am using 'osgi' plugin inside the gradle script and trying to build without any java files. The build always fails with following error:
Could not copy MANIFEST.MF to
I am sure there must be some way to do it in Gradle but not able to fine. Any idea what can be done to resolve this depending on your experience.
I ran into this today as well, and #Peter's fix didn't work for me (I hadn't applied the java plugin in the first place...). However, after hours of Googling I did find this thread, which helped me find the problem.
Basically, it seems that the error occurs (as Peter stated) when no class files are found in the jar - my guess is because the plugin then cannot scan the classes for package names on which to base all the Import and Export information.
My solution was to add the following to the manifest specification:
classesDir = theSourceSet.output.classesDir
classpath = theSourceSet.runtimeClasspath
In my actual build code, I loop over all source sets to create jar tasks for them, so then it looks like this:
sourceSets.each { ss ->
assemble.dependsOn task("jar${ss.name.capitalize()}", type: Jar, dependsOn: ss.getCompileTaskName('Java')) {
from ss.output
into 'classes'
manifest = osgiManifest {
classesDir = ss.output.classesDir
classpath = ss.runtimeClasspath
// Other properties, like name and symbolicName, also set based on
// the name of the source set
baseName = ss.name
Running with --stacktrace indicates that the osgi plugin doesn't deal correctly with the case where both the osgi and the java plugins are applied, but no Java code is present. Removing the java plugin should solve the problem.
I had the same issue also when java code was present.
Adding these two lines to the osgiManifest closure fixed the problem:
classesDir = sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
-- erik

GradleException Could not create ZIP

Caused by: org.gradle.api.GradleException: Could not create ZIP '/jenkins/repository/workspace/profile/build/libs/../profile.jar'.
common << I build under this directory
build.gradle(in common)
dependencies {
compile project(':../profile')
settings.gradle(in common)
include '../profile'
It works on windows environment. But it does not work on linux environment even using root account
The project paths accepted by the include and project methods are logical paths, not physical paths. They cannot contain a ... Physical paths must be declared separately in settings.gradle (if they divert from the logical path). The easiest way to declare a flat physical directory layout is to use the includeFlat method:
includeFlat 'profile'
dependencies {
compile project(':profile')
You can find more information on this topic in the "multi-project builds" chapter of the Gradle User Guide.
Another common issue that can happen here especially if you're using windows is you could have opened the previous jar up in 7zip or some other tool and that's causing the file to be locked. To test this try to delete the jar that's sitting in build/libs if you can't delete the file it's locked by another program more than likely. :D
An even shorter way to fix this: Add the following line to the build.gradle file of the included profile project:
archivesBaseName = 'profile'
This overwrites the default name of the jar.
