Grails caching - timeToLive not working - caching

I am having trouble using caching in Grails. Caching is working fine in that the second time I request an object, it gets served from the cache.
However, I am unable to get timeToLive to work. I have set it to 15 seconds and I expect the body of expensiveGetMethod() to be executed when I call it after more than 15 seconds.
But no matter how long I wait between calls, the object is always being served from the cache.
What am I doing wrong here? Why is my object never getting evicted from the cache?
My service class, with the expensive method:
class MyObjectService {
public expensiveGetMethod(String id) {
println "+++++++++++++++++ This is an expensive method call for $id"
new MyObject(id: id)
My domain object:
class MyObject implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1
String id
String name
My service.
grails-app\conf\Config.groovy looks like this:
springcache {
defaults {
overflowToDisk = false
memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = "LRU"
eternal = false
maxElementsInMemory = 10
caches {
myCache {
timeToLive = 15
timeToIdle = 15


Spring caching behaviour in case of an error

I have Spring Boot and cacheable method:
public List<String> getValidIds() {
return list_from_another_service;
I have the cache eviction config:
#Scheduled(fixedRateString = "PT60M")
#CacheEvict(value = "ids", allEntries = true)
public void evictCache() {
//Do nothing.
The cache is evicted each 1 hr. What should the cache return if getValidIds() method receives an error during cache refreshing?
Will the cache be empty for 1 hour or will it still store and return the data from the previous successful call?

(Redis, Springboot) Although TTL remains but expired event is generated

I have been developing some program with Spring and Redis but I am in stuck :(
What I want
when http request comes to server, then setex myKey, value and ttl.
when myKey is expired, then expired event comes to server and I will make a log.
Source code
public class RedisListenerContainerConfig {
public RedisMessageListenerContainer redisLPRInOutCarExpiryListenerContainer(
RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory,
RedisLPRInOutCarExpiryListener redisLPRInOutCarExpiryListener) {
redisConnectionFactory.getConnection().setConfig("notify-keyspace-events", "Kx");
RedisMessageListenerContainer container = new RedisMessageListenerContainer();
container.addMessageListener(myListener, new PatternTopic("__keyspace#0__:myKey*"));
container.setErrorHandler(e -> log.error("error"));
return container;
// here expired event will be got
public class MyListener implements MessageListener {
public void onMessage(Message message, byte[] pattern) {
// to make log
public class MyService {
// here setex is generated
private void setExMyKey(String myKey) {
String value = "value";
redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(myKey, value, 60 * 10 ,TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final String listKey = "list_" + myKey;
if (redisTemplate.opsForList().size(listKey) < 1) {
redisTemplate.opsForList().leftPush(listKey, value);
info of Redis
keys: 610000
expires: 600000
Actually, the http requests keep coming to the server so it supposes to the ttl of mykey will never be zero.
But after taking a while, although ttl still remains, expired event is generated so many times.> ttl myKey_3378
(integer) 1783
the suspicious part
According to Redis documents, I think, my function for setex does not change the value but only ttl.
And that could mean myKey is not really modified.
IMPORTANT all the commands generate events only if the target key is really modified.
For instance an SREM deleting a non-existing element from a Set will not actually change the value of the key, so no event will be generated.
Is it possible to be a issue of Redis lock?
My language is not English so I am sorry in advance not to understand very well.
Hopefully I solve this problem soon.
Thank you so much.

Guava Cache<K, V>.put(key, value) not adding values to my cache; put() method not working

I have a simple cache intended for storing Guava RateLimiter instances by IP. See code block below. The put() call does not put anything into cache. Is there some limitation against storing a RateLimiter in a Guava Cache? Is there something obvious I'm missing?
public class MyRateLimiter {
public static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyRateLimiter.class);
public static long CACHE_SIZE = 1000L;
public static long TIMEOUT = 10L;
private static Cache<String, RateLimiter> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
public boolean tryAcquire(String key, double secondsBeforeNextOperation) {
RateLimiter rateLimiter = cache.getIfPresent(key);
if (rateLimiter == null) {
rateLimiter = getNewRateLimiter(secondsBeforeNextOperation);
cache.put(key, rateLimiter); // <- This executes..
return rateLimiter.tryAcquire(); // <- But cache is still empty at breakpoint here
private RateLimiter getNewRateLimiter(double secondsBeforeNextOperation) {
return RateLimiter.create(1 / secondsBeforeNextOperation);
This code happens to run in a Spring Component but it is singleton-scoped by default and the cache is static. Furthermore, I set a breakpoint on the return rateLimiter.tryAcquire() line and cache is still empty, even one line of code after the cache.put() line just executed.
JVM is Java 8 and I'm running in Spring Boot.
Here is my tryAcquire() method where I use get(K, Callable<V>):
public boolean tryAcquire(String key, double secondsBeforeNextOperation) {
RateLimiter rateLimiter = null;
try {
rateLimiter = cache.get(key, () ->
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Throttling cache was not able to be read.");
return false;
return rateLimiter.tryAcquire(); // <-- cache still empty at this breakpoint
Faced with the same problem and decided to debug it, the deletion occurs at the end of the logic of the put method in the "evictEntries" method because maxSegmentWeight = 0, add a custom weigher which return 0
private final Cache<Long, Object> cache =
.expireAfterWrite(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.weigher((key, value) -> 0)
Exactly how are you determining that the cache is empty on the line with your breakpoint comment? I'd be very interested to see the result of printing/logging the value of cache.asMap() at that same place.
This was happening to me because the expireAfterWrite was being set as 0

Long-running AEM EventListener working inconsistently - blacklisted?

As always, AEM has brought new challenges to my life. This time, I'm experiencing an issue where an EventListener that listens for ReplicationEvents is working sometimes, and normally just the first few times after the service is restarted. After that, it stops running entirely.
The first line of the listener is a log line. If it was running, it would be clear. Here's a simplified example of the listener:
#Component(immediate = true, metatype = false)
#Service(value = EventHandler.class)
name="event.topics", value = ReplicationEvent.EVENT_TOPIC
public class MyActivityReplicationListener implements EventHandler {
private SlingRepository repository;
private OnboardingInterface onboardingService;
private QueryInterface queryInterface;
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private Session session;
public void handleEvent(Event ev) {"Starting %s", this.getClass()));
// Business logic"Finished %s", this.getClass()));
Now before you panic that I haven't included the business logic, see my answer below. The main point of interest is that the business logic could take a few seconds.
While crawling through the second page of Google search to find an answer, I came across this article. A German article explaining that EventListeners that take more than 5 seconds to finish are sort of silently quarantined by AEM with no output.
It just so happens that this task might take longer than 5 seconds, as it's working off data that was originally quite small, but has grown (and this is in line with other symptoms).
I put a change in that makes the listener much more like the one in that article - that is, it uses an EventConsumer to asynchronously process the ReplicationEvent using a pub/sub model. Here's a simplified version of the new model (for AEM 6.3):
#Component(immediate = true, property = {
EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC + "=" + ReplicationEvent.EVENT_TOPIC,
JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS + "=" + AsyncReplicationListener.JOB_TOPIC
public class AsyncReplicationListener implements EventHandler, JobConsumer {
private static final String PROPERTY_EVENT = "event";
static final String JOB_TOPIC = ReplicationEvent.EVENT_TOPIC;
private JobManager jobManager;
public JobConsumer.JobResult process (Job job) {
try {
ReplicationEvent event = (ReplicationEvent)job.getProperty(PROPERTY_EVENT);
// Slow business logic (>5 seconds)
} catch (Exception e) {
return JobResult.FAILED;
return JobResult.OK ;
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
final Map <String, Object> payload = new HashMap<>();
payload.put(PROPERTY_EVENT, ReplicationEvent.fromEvent(event));
final Job addJobResult = jobManager.addJob(JOB_TOPIC , payload);
You can see here that the EventListener passes off the ReplicationEvent wrapped up in a Job, which is then handled by the JobConsumer, which according to this magic article, is not subject to the 5 second rule.
Here is some official documentation on this time limit. Once I had the "5 seconds" key, I was able to a bit more information, here and here, that talk about the 5 second limit as well. The first article uses a similar method to the above, and the second article shows a way to turn off these time limits.
The time limits can be disabled entirely (or increased) in the configMgr by setting the Timeout property to zero in the Apache Felix Event Admin Implementation configuration.

java application crashed by suspicious jdbc memory leak

I have been working on a java application which crawls page from Internet with http-client(version4.3.3). It uses one fixedThreadPool with 5 threads,each is a loop thread .The pseudocode is following.
public class Spiderling extends Runnable{
public void run() {
while (true) {
T task = null;
try {
task = scheduler.poll();
if (task != null) {
if Ehcache contains task's config
taskConfig = Ehcache.getConfig;
taskConfig = Query task config from db;//close the conn every time
put taskConfig into Ehcache
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("spiderling is DEAD");
I am running it with following arguments -Duser.timezone=GMT+8 -server -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -Xloggc:/home/datalord/logs/gc-2016-07-23-10-28-24.log -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC on a server(2 cpus,2G memory) and it crashes pretty regular about once in two or three days with no OutOfMemoryError and no JVM error log.
Here is my analysis;
I analyse the gc log with GC-EASY,the report is here. The weird thing is the Old Gen increasing slowly until the allocated max heap size,but the Full Gc has never happened even once.
I suspect it might has memory leak,so I dump the heap map using cmd jmap -dump:format=b,file=soldier.bin and using the Eclipse MAT to analyze the dump file.Here is the problem suspect which object occupies 280+ M bytes.
The class "com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver",
loaded by "sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader # 0xa0018490", occupies 281,118,144
(68.91%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of
"java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment[]" loaded by "".
sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader # 0xa0018490.
I use c3p0- as mysql connection pool and mysql-connector-java-5.1.34 as jdbc connector and Ehcache-2.6.10 as memory cache.I have see all posts about 'com.mysql.jdbc.NonregisteringDriver memory leak' and still get no clue.
This problem has driven me crazy for several days, any advice or help will be appreciated!
**********************Supplementary description on 07-24****************
I use a JAVA WEB + ORM Framework called JFinal( which is open in github。
Here are some core code for further description about the problem.
* CacheKit. Useful tool box for EhCache.
public class CacheKit {
private static CacheManager cacheManager;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CacheKit.class);
static void init(CacheManager cacheManager) {
CacheKit.cacheManager = cacheManager;
public static CacheManager getCacheManager() {
return cacheManager;
static Cache getOrAddCache(String cacheName) {
Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
if (cache == null) {
synchronized(cacheManager) {
cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
if (cache == null) {
log.warn("Could not find cache config [" + cacheName + "], using default.");
cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
log.debug("Cache [" + cacheName + "] started.");
return cache;
public static void put(String cacheName, Object key, Object value) {
getOrAddCache(cacheName).put(new Element(key, value));
public static <T> T get(String cacheName, Object key) {
Element element = getOrAddCache(cacheName).get(key);
return element != null ? (T)element.getObjectValue() : null;
public static List getKeys(String cacheName) {
return getOrAddCache(cacheName).getKeys();
public static void remove(String cacheName, Object key) {
public static void removeAll(String cacheName) {
public static <T> T get(String cacheName, Object key, IDataLoader dataLoader) {
Object data = get(cacheName, key);
if (data == null) {
data = dataLoader.load();
put(cacheName, key, data);
return (T)data;
public static <T> T get(String cacheName, Object key, Class<? extends IDataLoader> dataLoaderClass) {
Object data = get(cacheName, key);
if (data == null) {
try {
IDataLoader dataLoader = dataLoaderClass.newInstance();
data = dataLoader.load();
put(cacheName, key, data);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return (T)data;
I use CacheKit like CacheKit.get("cfg_extract_rule_tree", extractRootId, new ExtractRuleTreeDataloader(extractRootId)). and class ExtractRuleTreeDataloader will be called if find nothing in cache by extractRootId.
public class ExtractRuleTreeDataloader implements IDataLoader {
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExtractRuleTreeDataloader.class);
private int ruleTreeId;
public ExtractRuleTreeDataloader(int ruleTreeId) {
this.ruleTreeId = ruleTreeId;
public Object load() {
List<Record> ruleTreeList = Db.find("SELECT * FROM cfg_extract_fule WHERE root_id=?", ruleTreeId);
TreeHelper<ExtractRuleNode> treeHelper = ExtractUtil.batchRecordConvertTree(ruleTreeList);//convert List<Record> to and tree
if (treeHelper.isValidTree()) {
return treeHelper.getRoot();
} else {
LOG.warn("rule tree id :{} is an error tree #end#", ruleTreeId);
return null;
As I said before, I use JFinal ORM.The Db.find method code is
public List<Record> find(String sql, Object... paras) {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = config.getConnection();
return find(config, conn, sql, paras);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActiveRecordException(e);
} finally {
and the config close method code is
public final void close(Connection conn) {
if (threadLocal.get() == null) // in transaction if conn in threadlocal
if (conn != null)
try {conn.close();} catch (SQLException e) {throw new ActiveRecordException(e);}
There is no transaction in my code,so I am pretty sure the conn.close() will be called every time.
**********************more description on 07-28****************
First, I use Ehcache to store the taskConfigs in the memory. And the taskConfigs almost never change, so I want store them in the memory eternally and store them to disk if the memory can not store them all.
I use MAT to find out the GC Roots of NonRegisteringDriver, and the result is show in the following picture.
The Gc Roots of NonRegisteringDriver
But I still don't understand why the default behavior of Ehcache lead memory leak.The taskConfig is a class extends the Model class.
public class TaskConfig extends Model<TaskConfig> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5000070716569861947L;
public static TaskConfig DAO = new TaskConfig();
and the source code of Model is in this page( And I can't find any reference (either directly or indirectly) to the connection object as #Jeremiah guessing.
Then I read the source code of NonRegisteringDriver, and don't understand why the map field connectionPhantomRefs of NonRegisteringDriver holds more than 5000 entrys of <ConnectionPhantomReference, ConnectionPhantomReference>,but find no ConnectionImpl in the queue field refQueue of NonRegisteringDriver. Because I see the cleanup code in class AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread which means it will move the ref in the NonRegisteringDriver.connectionPhantomRefs while getting abandoned connection ref from NonRegisteringDriver.refQueue.
public void run() {
threadRef = this;
while (running) {
try {
Reference<? extends ConnectionImpl> ref = NonRegisteringDriver.refQueue.remove(100);
if (ref != null) {
try {
((ConnectionPhantomReference) ref).cleanup();
} finally {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// no where to really log this if we're static
Appreciate the help offered by #Jeremiah !
From the comments above I'm almost certain your memory leak is actually memory usage from EhCache. The ConcurrentHashMap you're seeing is the one backing the MemoryStore, and I'm guessing that the taskConfig holds a reference (either directly or indirectly) to the connection object, which is why it's showing in your stack.
Having eternal="true" in the default cache makes it so the inserted objects are never allowed to expire. Even without that, the timeToLive and timeToIdle values default to an infinite lifetime!
Combine that with the default behavior of Ehcache when retrieving elements is to copy them (last I checked), through serialization! You're just stacking new Object references up each time the taskConfig is extracted and put back into the ehcache.
The best way to test this (in my opinion) is to change your default cache configuration. Change eternal to false, and implement a timeToIdle value. timeToIdle is a time (in seconds) that a value may exist in the cache without being accessed.
<ehcache> <diskStore path=""/> <defaultCache maxElementsInMemory="10000" eternal="false" timeToIdle="120" overflowToDisk="true" diskPersistent="false" diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds="120"/>
If that works, then you may want to look into further tweaking your ehcache configuration settings, or providing a more customized cache reference other than default for your class.
There are multiple performance considerations when tweaking the ehcache. I'm sure that there is a better configuration for your business model. The Ehcache documentation is good, but I found the site to be a bit scattered when I was trying to figure it out. I've listed some links that I found useful below.
Good luck!
To test your memory leak try the following:
Insert a TaskConfig into ehcache
Immediately retrieve it back out of the cache.
output the value of TaskConfig1.equals(TaskConfig2);
If it returns false, that is your memory leak. Override equals and
hash in your TaskConfig Object and rerun the test.
The root cause of the java program is that the Linux OS runs out of memory and the OOM Killer kills the progresses.
I found the log in /var/log/messages like following.
Aug 3 07:24:03 iZ233tupyzzZ kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 17308 (java) score 890 or sacrifice child
Aug 3 07:24:03 iZ233tupyzzZ kernel: Killed process 17308, UID 0, (java) total-vm:2925160kB, anon-rss:1764648kB, file-rss:248kB
Aug 3 07:24:03 iZ233tupyzzZ kernel: Thread (pooled) invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x201da, order=0, oom_adj=0, oom_score_adj=0
Aug 3 07:24:03 iZ233tupyzzZ kernel: Thread (pooled) cpuset=/ mems_allowed=0
Aug 3 07:24:03 iZ233tupyzzZ kernel: Pid: 6721, comm: Thread (pooled) Not tainted 2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.x86_64 #1
I also find the default value of maxIdleTime is 20 seconds in the C3p0Plugin which is a c3p0 plugin in JFinal, So I think this is why the Object NonRegisteringDriver occupies 280+ M bytes that shown in the MAT report. So I set the maxIdleTime to 3600 seconds and the object NonRegisteringDriver is no longer suspicious in the MAT report.
And I reset the jvm argements to -Xms512m -Xmx512m. And the java program already has been running pretty well for several days. The Full Gc will be called as expected when the Old Gen is full.
