complete jms:listener migration to JavaConfig - spring

Like the title says..
I have read this valuable How to add multiple JMS MessageListners in a single MessageListenerContainer for Spring Java Config link
The author of that post is working through
messageListenerContainer.setMessageListener(new TaskFinished());
BTW: I use
private ConsumerListener consumerListener;
I am not using the new operator.
OK, the restriction of the setMessageListener method is: the class must implements the MessageListener interface, I have tested and works
My problem is, according with 23.6 JMS Namespace Support
How represent the following:
<jms:listener destination="queue.orders" ref="orderService" method="placeOrder"/>
<jms:listener destination="queue.confirmations" ref="confirmationLogger" method="log"/>
through JavaConfig?
They are simple pojo (see the ref and method attributes)
I want use how an option a simple pojo (#Component or #Service) instead of a MessageListener object
In the DefaultMessageListenerContainer API, there is no something to work around this requirement or situation.
Thanks in advance..

<jms:listener destination="queue.orders" ref="orderService" method="placeOrder"/>
This xml uses a MessageListenerAdapter which you can hand a delegate (the ref and a method to execute (default 'handleMessage`).
public MyJmsConfiguration {
public DefaultMessageListenerContainer consumerJmsListenerContainer() {
DefaultMessageListenerContainer dmlc = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer();
MessageListenerAdapter listener = new MessageListenerAdapter();
return dmlc;
To use it from Java config use something like the snippet above.


Mutil Consumer means my server using multi thread?

I am working on a simple project in Java.
I want to know that if I write this code, SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory.setConcurrentConsumers(2) then my program use multi thread?
Simple answer is yes.
Assuming that you are configuring it inside #Bean annotated method that configures your listener.
According to Spring AMPQ docs it should look somehow similar to that:
public class AppConfig {
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory() {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;
As you can see, there is also max number of concurrent consumers set up which means that you will be using something between min=3 and max=10 consumers.
If you set only .setConcurrentConsumers(3) it will mean that you are using fixed number. No more, no less.
Recommended reads are:
Listener Concurrency
Annotation driven async config

Proper ultimate way to migrate JMS event listening to Spring Integration with Spring Boot

I got a JmsConfig configuration class that handles JMS events from a topic in the following way:
It defines a #Bean ConnectionFactory, containing an ActiveMQ implementation
It defines a #Bean JmsListenerContainerFactory instantiating a DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory and passing it through Boot's DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer
It defines a #Bean MessageConverter containing a MappingJackson2MessageConverter and setting a custom ObjectMapper
I use #JmsListener annotation pointing to myfactory on a method of my service. This is the only use I have for the topic, subscription alone.
Now I want to move to Spring Integration. After reading a lot, and provided I don't need a bidirectional use (discarding Gateways) neither a polling mechanism (discarding #InboundChannelAdapter), I am going for a message-driven-channel-adapter, in traditional XML configuration wording. I found that Java idiom should be accomplished by means of the new Spring Integration DSL library, and thus, I look for the proper snippet.
It seems JmsMessageDrivenChannelAdapter is the proper equivalent, and I found a way:
But the problem is that this only accepts the ActiveMQ ConnectionFactory or an AbstractMessageListenerContainer, but no my boot pre-configured JmsListenerContainerFactory !
How should this be implemented in an ultimate way?
JmsListenerContainerFactory is specific for the #JmsListener, it's a higher level abstraction used to configure a DefaultMessageListenerContainer. Boot does not provide an auto configuration option for a raw DefaultMessageListenerContainer; you have to wire it up yourself. But you can still use the Boot properties...
public IntegrationFlow flow(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
JmsProperties properties) {
return IntegrationFlows.from(Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter(container(connectionFactory, properties)))
private DefaultMessageListenerContainer container(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
JmsProperties properties) {
DefaultMessageListenerContainer container = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer();
return container;
There is even a better approach. I am surprised Gary did not comment it.
There's an out-of-the-box builder called Jms.container(...).
public IntegrationFlow jmsMyServiceMsgInboundFlow(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, MessageConverter jmsMessageConverter, MyService myService, JmsProperties jmsProperties, #Value("${}") String topicDestination){
JmsProperties.Listener jmsInProps = jmsProperties.getListener();
return IntegrationFlows.from(
Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter( Jms.container(connectionFactory, topicDestination)
.sessionAcknowledgeMode(jmsInProps .getAcknowledgeMode().getMode())
.errorHandler(e -> e.printStackTrace())
.handle(myService, "myMethod", e -> e.async(true).advice(retryAdvice()))

Is "jmsListenerContainerFactory" the default factory used by SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint

I am working with Spring JMS 4.1 to register messages listeners
In my xml configuration file, I have defined a bean named "jmsListenerContainerFactory":
<bean id="jmsListenerContainerFactory"
First question : with Spring 4.x version, isn't it better to declare this factory this way : <jms:listener-container ... />
Second and main question : as stated in official doc (24.6.1) : by default, the infrastructure looks for a bean named jmsListenerContainerFactory as the source for the factory to use to create message listener containers. Is it also the case when programmatically registering endpoints this way:
SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint endpoint = new SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint();
endpoint.setMessageListener(message -> {...});
or do we have to set it explicitly this way for example : registrar.setContainerFactoryBeanName("jmsListenerContainerFactory");
I don't understand your first question; in the first case, you are defining a DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory (a factory that creates listener containers) whereas the XML is creating a listener container directly.
The factory is useful if you need to create lots of containers with similar properties.
For simple container configuration, when you are not using annotated listeners, it certainly might be simpler to use traditional XML, or #Bean definitions for the container.
For the second question, the default registrar is already populated with the container factory bean name when it is passed into the configureListeners method; you don't have to set it.
SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint always looks for named bean "jmsListenerContainerFactory". so even there is no explicitly setting:
JmsListenerEndpoint still can find the JmsListenerContainerFactory if there exists bean "jmsListenerContainerFactory".
Mean that in case you need to apply JmsListenerContainerFactory with different bean name, then setting on method registrar.setContainerFactoryBeanName("") doesn't effect at all.
Code below for the work and not working cases:
// config factory class
#Bean(name = "customJMSListenerContainerFactory")
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory
listenerQueueFactory() {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new
//more configs...
return factory;
// on consumer class
public class MyConsumer implements JmsListenerConfigurer {
public void configureJmsListeners(JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint endpoint = new SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint();
// this setting will not work => Spring JMS bug
// but this setting works
This is bug of spring jms.

Spring 4.1 #JmsListener configuration

I would like to use the new annotations and features provided in Spring 4.1 for an application that needs a JMS listener.
I've carefully read the notes in the Spring 4.1 JMS improvements post but I continue to miss the relationship between #JmsListener and maybe the DestinationResolver and how I would setup the application to indicate the proper Destination or Endpoint.
Here is the suggested use of #JmsListener
public class MyService {
#JmsListener(containerFactory = "myContainerFactory", destination = "myQueue")
public void processOrder(String data) { ... }
Now, I can't use this in my actual code because the "myQueue" needs to be read from a configuration file using Environment.getProperty().
I can setup an appropriate myContainerFactory with a DestinationResolver but mostly, it seems you would just use DynamicDestinationResolver if you don't need JNDI to lookup a queue in an app server and didn't need to do some custom reply logic. I'm simply trying to understand how Spring wants me to indicate the name of the queue in a parameterized fashion using the #JmsListener annotation.
Further down the blog post, I find a reference to this Configurer:
public class AppConfig implements JmsListenerConfigurer {
public void configureJmsListeners(JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint endpoint = new SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint();
endpoint.setMessageListener(message -> {
// processing
Now, this makes some amount of sense and I could see where this would allow me to set a Destination at runtime from some external string, but this seems to be in conflict with using #JmsListener as it appears to be overriding the annotation in favor of endpoint.setMessageListener in the code above.
Any tips on how to specify the appropriate queue name using #JmsListener?
Also note that depending on use case you can already parameterize using properties file per environment and PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
#JmsListener(destinations = "${some.key}")
As per
In case people are using #JmsListener with spring boot, you do not have to configure PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer. It work's out the box
#JmsListener(destination = "${}")
public void receiveEntityMessage(final TextMessage message) {
// process stuff
Spring boot output
[26-Aug;15:07:53.475]-[INFO ]-[,]-[DefaultMes]-[o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer ]-[931 ]-Successfully refreshed JMS Connection
[26-Aug;15:07:58.589]-[WARN ]-[,]-[DefaultMes]-[o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer ]-[880 ]-Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination '' - trying to recover. Cause: User user is not authorized to read from
[26-Aug;15:07:59.787]-[INFO ]-[,]-[DefaultMes]-[o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer ]-[931 ]-Successfully refreshed JMS Connection
[26-Aug;15:08:04.881]-[WARN ]-[,]-[DefaultMes]-[o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer ]-[880 ]-Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination '' - trying to recover. Cause: User user is not authorized to read from
This proves that #JmsListener is able to pickup property values from without actually setting up any explicit PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
I hope this helps!
You could eventually do that right now but it's a bit convoluted. You can set a custom JmsListenerEndpointRegistry using JmsListenerConfigurer
public class AppConfig implements JmsListenerConfigurer {
public void configureJmsListeners(JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
and then override the registerListenerContainer method, something like
public void registerListenerContainer(JmsListenerEndpoint endpoint, JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> factory) {
// resolve destination according to whatever -> resolvedDestination
super.registerListenerContainer(endpoint, factory);
But we could do better. Please watch/vote for SPR-12280

How to create programmatically a spring PublishSubscribeChannel

I want to create programmatically the following XML config
<int:channel id="sample">
What i can do is the following
PublishSubscribeChannel channel = new PublishSubscribeChannel();
But there is no method to assign the id.
Actually <int:channel> produces DirectChannel bean.
And if you want to do it programatically and have entire Messaging Infrastructure you should configure it as bean anyway:
public class MyConfiguration {
public MessageChannel sample() {
return new DirectChannel();
The id attribute is a key feature of Spring IOC container and, of course, it isn't responcibility of concrete class.
Seems to me you should to take a look into the new stuff of Spring Integration 4.0.
The "id" is specific to a Spring application context and helps identify each instance that is being defined inside the application context.
What you have in there translates, more "verbosely" to this Spring config:
<bean id="sample" class="" />
The "id" identifies, like a name, a class DirectChannel instance within the context of a Spring ApplicationContext. The default channel used for a "int:channel" definition is the DirectChannel class, not PublishSubscribeChannel (DirectChannel).
But, apart from the channel itself, Spring Integration creates some other beans behind the scene.
Another way of wiring/injecting DirectChannel Bean: For Spring 3.2.3.RELEASE version
Code in Controller/Config Loader file:
public class ConfigControllerLoader {
DirectChannel drtChannel;
Context file bean definition:
<int:channel id="direct-channel-bean"></int:channel>
