Can we extend liferay session through Java Code? - session

Can we extend session through Java Code?
I found the code to extend the session through javascript. But I've doubt , Can we extend session through Java Code? I need to extend the session through java only.
Can anyone help me???

The session is maintained by the application server. If you need longer sessions, you can configure them in your appserver.
The application server implicitly extends a session whenever it sees a http request with that session id, that's why extending the session through javascript works: It just triggers some http request and counts on the side effect of extending the session.
On an application server you typically don't have custom threads running anyway, so you shouldn't count on this to help you. It's the wrong place to solve the problem

No you can not extend session timeout through Java because session is maintained by application server.
If you want to extned sesseion, you can configured them in application server.


how not to extend the application session time for every server call?

how can we keep application session constant without extending it for every server side call ? I am using spring-session library for appplication session handling.

Registration of dynamic websocket at application initialization time and at runtime has different endpoints exposed

I am trying to register websocket dynamically.For instance, i have registered '/sampleEndpoint' at runtime so ServerWebSocketContainer will register it and start publishing data on that endpoint. But now if i do the same process during application initialization time in PostConstruct than i am unable to connect to '/sampleEndpoint' but have to append '/websocket' at the end so url become '/sampleEndpoint/websocket' when connecting from client side. Why we are getting different endpoints at different situations?
I have attached github url to the code.
Well, that's how that SockJS option works:
If you client is not SockJS, then you have to add that /websocket sub-path.
Not sure though why it doesn't work for dynamically registered endpoints...
In the case of #PostConstruct it is not dynamic: we still do the stuff within configuration phase of the application context, so it is able to add our endpoint into a static HandlerMapping. The dynamic nature is applied a bit later, when all the #PostConstruct have done their logic. You don't need to start that flow registration manually though since the auto-startup phase has not passed yet withing #PostConstruct handling.
Re. IntegrationDynamicWebSocketHandlerMapping: it sounds more like a bug and I need to investigate more. I guess you still use there that SockJS option and it has to be applied for dynamic endpoint as well.
Thank you for your patience! I'll investigate and fix it ASAP.
The fix is here:

Adding HttpSession Object to Infinispan cache

We have started using infinispan cache with wildfly 13 in our web application. The web application is deployed in wildfly domain mode in a cluster of two node with one acting as master and the other as slave. In the application we have an admin feature, where the admin can terminate a user.
So what we want to do is add session objects to Infinispan cache and retrieve it and terminate it when required. I am aware that HttpSession object is not serializable hence it cannot be added to cache but every attribute added to the session object is serilizable so my question is, is there a workaround for the issue? Because right now we get a NotSerializable error when I try to add session to cache and it's also no longer possible to retrieve session from sessionId and terminate it due to security reasons.
There is no need to manually interact with the Infinispan cache: WildFly transparently supports full http session clustering with Infinispan. See

Spring Session with hazelcast session events firing

I am using Spring Session with Hazelcast and Spring Websockets. As I don't need clustarization I use hazelcast with MapSessionRepository. But it doesn't fire event on session expiring or session deleting. What I want is to listen to SessionExpiredEvent and then disconnect user via websocket immediately. So I have two problems:
MapSessionRepository does not firing needed events (SessionExpiredEvent and etc.)
I don't realize how to send websocket notification using expired http session. I need something like simpMessageTemplate.convertAndSendToUser().
But how I can get the user?
So the only one variant I can see is to write own implementation for SessionRepository<ExpiringSession> with events firing. I hope you understood my question. Thanks in advance.
Spring Session Hazelcast support does provide publishing of session events. The functionality itself is implemented using SessionEntryListener so make sure you use #EnableHazelcastHttpSession annotation which configures all the necessary components for Hazelcast integration.
It might also be of your interest that the upcoming Spring Session 1.3 (currently at 1.3.0.M2) will provide first-class Hazelcast support with new HazelcastSessionRepository (which will, among other things, replace SessionEntryListener).

Servlet, Spring: share session across multiple servers

Let's say I have a Java Servlet+JSP app using Spring framework and Tomcat 6. This app must be hosted on multiple machines. How can I share the HTTP session across many computers?
I usually get my session using this code:
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession();
Should I use some other kind of session (custom implementation of HttpSession) using a common MySQL db or something? Any idea?
If you want to use a shared HTTP session storage you need to override the session manager in the application server that you use. Here is a link for Tomcat 8 to give you an idea -
To answer the 'should' part of your question - you don't have to. You could use session cookie based 'stickiness' option on your load balancer as an alternative to shared cookie storage.
