Shell integer expression expected? - bash

response=$(curl -sL -w \\n%{http_code} "http://<ip_addr>/api/1/app" -X DELETE)
echo response
if [ "$response" -eq 200 ]
echo "Got 200 OK"
echo "not getting the result"
What i'm trying to do is to get the http response code.
I'm positive that the response should be 200 OK
When I run the script I'm getting
200 line 302: [: {
200: integer expression expected
I even don't want to display
I just want to print 200 and compare 200.

Just with curl command:
curl -sL -w '%{http_code}' "http://<ip_addr>/api/1/app" -X DELETE -o /dev/null

Get the last line of the output.
response=$(curl -sL -w \\n%{http_code} "http://<ip_addr>/api/1/app" -X DELETE | tail -1)
Besides tail -n you can also use:
awk 'END { print }'
sed -n '$p'
Another way if you're using bash is to remove everything before the last line:
shopt -s extglob

In your above, you are missing a $ in your first echo, but no matter. You can strip the {"result":true} from the $response string
before the if statement:
response=${response#*\}\ }


How do I check the HTTP status code and also parse the payload

Imagine I have the following code in a bash script:
curl -s | jq .
Notice that I wish to display the payload of the response by passing it to jq.
Now suppose sometimes those curls sometimes return a 404, in such cases my script currently still succeeds so what I need to do is check the return code and exit 1 as appropriate (e.g. for a 404 or 503). I've googled around and found which suggests --write-out "%{http_code}" might be useful however that simply prints the http_code after printing the payload:
curl -s --write-out "%{http_code}" | jq .
$ curl -s --write-out "%{http_code}" | jq .
"_id": "591f98783b90f7150a19c1ab",
"__v": 0,
"text": "Cats and kittens should be acquired in pairs whenever possible as cat families interact best in pairs.",
"updatedAt": "2018-12-05T05:56:30.384Z",
"createdAt": "2018-01-04T01:10:54.673Z",
"deleted": false,
"type": "cat",
"source": "api",
"used": false
What I actually want to is still output the payload, but still be able to check the http status code and fail accordingly. I'm a bash noob so am having trouble figuring this out. Help please?
I'm using a Mac by the way, not sure if that matters or not (I'm vaguely aware that some commands work differently on Mac)
Update, I've pieced this together which sorta works. I think. Its not very elegant though, I'm looking for something better.
func() {
echo "${#:1:$#-1}";
response=$(curl -s --write-out "%{http_code}" | jq .)
http_code=$(echo $response | awk '{print $NF}')
func $response | jq .
if [ $http_code == "503" ]; then
echo "Exiting with error due to 503"
exit 1
elif [ $http_code == "404" ]; then
echo "Exiting with error due to 404"
exit 1
What about this. It uses a temporary file. Seems me a bit complicated but it separates your content.
# copy/paste doesn't work with the following
curl -s --write-out \
"%{http_code}" | \
tee test.txt | \ # split output to file and stdout
sed -e 's-.*\}--' | \ # remove everything before last '}'
grep 200 && \ # try to find string 200, only in success next step is done
echo && \ # a new-line to juice-up the output
cat test.txt | \ #
sed 's-}.*$-}-' | \ # removes the last line with status
jq # formmat json
Here a copy/paste version
curl -s --write-out "%{http_code}" | tee test.txt | sed -e 's-.*\}--' | grep 200 && echo && cat test.txt | sed 's-}.*$-}-' | jq
This is my attempt. Hope it works for you too.
result=$( curl -i -s '' )
status=$( echo "$result" | grep -E '^HTTPS?/[1-9][.][1-9] [1-9][0-9][0-9]' | grep -o ' [1-9][0-9][0-9] ')
payload=$( echo "$result" | sed -n '/^\s*$/,//{/^\s*$/ !p}' )
echo "STATUS : $status"
echo "PAYLOAD : $payload"
STATUS : 200
PAYLOAD : {"_id":"591f98803b90f7150a19c23f","__v":0,"text":"Cats can't taste sweets.","updatedAt":"2018-12-05T05:56:30.384Z","createdAt":"2018-01-04T01:10:54.673Z","deleted":false,"type":"cat","source":"api","used":false}
AWK version
payload=$( echo "$result" | awk '{ if( $0 ~ /^\s*$/ ){ c_p = 1 ; next; } if (c_p) { print $0} }' )
EDIT : I have simplified this even more by using the -i flag
EDIT II : Removed empty line from payload
EDIT III : Included an awk method to extract the payload in case sed is problematic
Borrowing from here you can do:
result=$(curl -s --write-out "%{http_code}"
http_code="${result: -3}"
echo "Response code: " $http_code
echo "Response: "
echo $response | jq
${result: -3} is the 3rd index starting from the right of the string till the end. This ${result: -3:3} also would work: Index -3 with length 3
${#result} gives us the length of the string
${result:0:${#result}-3} from the beginning of result to the end minus 3 from the http_status code
The site isn't working now so I had to test it with another site

How to get the result of a command in a HERE_doc in Bash

I'm using the at command to schedule a job in the future.
DoCurlAt () {
if [ -n "${AuthToken:-}" ] ; then
$4 << 'EOF'
curl -s -H "${AuthHeader:-}" -H "$1" --data-urlencode "$2" "$3"
WriteLog Output Info "AT Output: $AtOutput Exitcode: $Exitcode"
How can I capture the result of the at in a variable called $AtOutput?
I tried with
AtOutput=$(bash $4 << EOF
curl -s -H "${AuthHeader:-}" -H "$1" --data-urlencode "$2" "$3"
But that does't really give any result.
Also tried with:
AtOutput=$(curl -s -H "${AuthHeader:-}" -H "$1" --data-urlencode "$2" "$3" | at "$4")
But I would prefer to use the HERE-doc.
The function is called with
DoCurlAt "$AcceptJson" "argString=$ArgString" "$ApiUrl/$ApiVersion/job/$JobUid/run" "$OneTime"
$OneTime ($4) could be for example "at 15:19 today" The output is mostly something like this:
job 7 at 2016-08-16 15:30
at writes to standard error, not standard output. Use the 2>&1 redirection to copy standard error to standard output first.
$ at_output=$( echo "cmd" | at "$when" 2>&1 )

curl in bash script vs curl one liner

This code ouputs a http status of 000 - which seems to indicate something didn't connect properly but when I do this curl outside of the bash script it works fine and produces a 200 so something with this code is off... any guidance?
URLs=$(< test.txt | grep Url | awk -F\ ' { print $2 } ')
# printf "Preparing to check $URLs \n"
for line in $URLs
do curl -L -s -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" $line
your script works on my vt.
I added in a couple of debugging lines, this may help you to see where any metacharacters are getting in, as I would have to agree with the posted coments.
I've output lines in the for to a file which is then printed out with od.
I have amended the curl line to grab the last line, just to get the response code.
echo -n > $HOME/Desktop/urltstfile # truncate urltstfile
URLs=$(cat testurl.txt | grep Url | awk -F\ ' { print $2 } ')
# printf "Preparing to check $URLs \n"
for line in $URLs
do echo $line >> $HOME/Desktop/urltstfile;
echo line:$line:
curl -IL -s -w "%{http_code}\n" $line | tail -1
od -c $HOME/Desktop/urltstfile
#do curl -L -s -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" "$line\n"

Connectivity test using bash and curl

I am trying to write a script to test if my firewall is blocking multiple pages. When I try to read one or multiple lines from command line I get a -ne: unitary operator expected error.
This is my attempt:
sh test
test: line 7: [: -ne: unary operator expected
$ cat test
for var in "$#"
echo $var
res=`curl -s -I $var | grep HTTP/1.1 | awk {'print $2'}`
if [ $res -ne 200 ]
echo "Error on $var"
Consider what happens if curl does not successfully connect:
res=`curl -s -I $var | grep HTTP/1.1 | awk {'print $2'}`
if [ $res -ne 200 ]
If curl does not get any headers, or does not get a HTTP/1.1 header, then the pipline in the first command outputs nothing and res is assigned to nothing. In that case, the test in the second line will fail with an unexpected operator error.
You need to first test that res is nonempty. And, if it is empty, take an appropriate action.

How do i write a shell script for checking website live or not

I am writing a shell script to monitor website live or not and send an email alert below is my code
if [[ curl -s --head --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null] && [ curl -s --head --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null ]]
then echo "The HTTP server on and is up!" #> /dev/null
msg="The HTTP server Or is down "
curl --data "body=$msg &to=$email &subject=$msg"
if i run this code i got
./Monitoring_Opx_Oss: line 2: conditional binary operator expected
./Monitoring_Opx_Oss: line 2: syntax error near `-s'
./Monitoring_Opx_Oss: line 2: `if [[ curl -s --head --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null] && [ curl -s --head --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null ]] '
Please correct me...
Change it do this:
if [ $(curl -s --head --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null) ] && [ $(curl -s --head --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null) ]
To check the status of a command inside an if, you have to do it like
if [ $(command) ]
while you were using
if [ command]
note also the need of spaces around [ ]: if [_space_ command _space_ ]
Based on Ansgar Wiechers's comment, you can also use the following:
if curl -s --head --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null && curl -s --head --request GET | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null;
That is,
if command && command
