I have a driver that is integrated with kernel and is creating a debug folder and couple of files. I have a test framework for the same driver, which is built as a module and when the test framework's .ko is insmoded, I would like it to create couple of more files under the same debugfs folder. Now the question is, I see only debugfs_create_dir() API and not an API to open an existing debugfs
( I need to open it to get the dentry handle which will be used in creating the new files in that directory).
You must create debugfs files only in your own directory, and you already got that one's dentry when you called debugfs_create_dir().
I'm trying to add new System Call to Linux Kernel(x86_64). Based on this article which explained how to add System Call to Kernel(x86). The article says I need to define my System Call name in a file called syscall_table_32.S which is located in src/arch/x86/syscall_table_32.S.
But in my case, there is no file named syscall_table_32.S or syscall_table_64.S in the kernel source! There isn't even a directory for x64 System Call table in src/arch/.
So, where is syscall_table_64.S defined in kernel 3.13.0-14-generic (x86_64) ?
Where can I define a new system call?
Version 3.3 onward are different from 2.X that the guide use. You should look for the syscalls directory, in the arch/x86/ directory. So is:
cd /kernel-src/arch/x86/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl
kernel-src being the directory where your kernel sources resides. A good idea would be reading this answer in SO and compare it with your resource.
This may sound like I'm just looking for a .exe file, but I'm not all that familiar with windows. I have been using pyinstaller to turn my apps into binaries. My app relies on a lot data directories and third party binaries that I package within the same directory as the executable binary. For Mac, this makes things easy because the user only has to click on MyApp.app inside the applications directory which is like a link to MyApp.app/Contents/MacOs/MyApp. This way MyApp never has to be touched and is all bundled together with the data directories (also loaded inside of MyApp.app/Contents/MacOs/).
However, I can't really find a windows equivalent. While Pyinstaller can create a directory with my data directories and executable inside of it, if the user ever moves the .exe file inside the directory, the app will never work (because it loses its relative location to the data directories). Is there such a thing that can package this directory like on MacOS so the user just has to click on a single .exe file that links to the .exe inside the directory packaged within it? That way we can just pass around one directory. Like a Mac.app?
Win32 apps store data within the executable file as resources, which allows the single file solution, but they can't be accessed using normal file APIs, there are a separate set of functions for resource handling. (This implies that resources aren't so useful for things that absolutely have to be files, like images of helper executables.)
Win32 also has alternate data streams, which are more similar to what you're used to with .app packages, separating a local identifier from the actual filename by $DATA:. But those only work on NTFS, get lost by many file management applications, never have been very popular, and are now effectively deprecated by Microsoft (by preventing access from Windows Store apps).
I have a set of applications that work together. It should be possible to start each of these applications individually by the user (i.e. one application provides a monitoring feature, another a configuration feature etc), therefore I would like them to show up in the Applications folder as different applications (possibly within a directory).
The applications are based on Qt5, so I would like to package Qt along with the applications privately to ensure that Qt is present and available. On the other hand I would like to make sure that I only include a single copy of Qt to avoid bloating the system.
I am using a package installer, due to the inclusion of a LaunchDaemon as well.
How do I place the Qt frameworks needed in order to avoid having multiple copies?
Here's the naive way:
Info.plist (must use its own plist to specify some properties)
Qt-Goes-Here?? - Or can this be a link to the other location?
Since I am not a Mac-guru, any input (including informing me that I am trying something stupid) is very welcome!
There are two possibilities here, the first is
and the second
/Library/Application Support
If you look there, you'll find folders with contents for various applications. You should be able to create a folder there and add the Qt Framework, then update your applications to point to that using install_name_tool
The docs state the following for /Library: -
The Library directory is the top-level directory for storing private
app-related data and preferences. There are several Library
directories scattered throughout the system but you should always use
the one located inside the current home directory. Do not store files
directly at the top-level of the Library directory. Instead, store
them in one of the specific subdirectories described in this table. In
OS X v10.7 and later, the Finder hides the Library directory in the
user’s home folder by default. Therefore, you should never store files
in this directory that you want the user to access. To get the path to
this directory use the NSLibraryDirectory search path key with the
NSUserDomainMask domain.
For /Library/Application Support: -
The Application Support directory is where your app stores any type of
file that supports the app but is not required for the app to run,
such as document templates or configuration files. The files should be
app-specific but should never store user data. This directory is
located inside the Library directory. Never store files at the top
level of this directory: Always put them in a subdirectory named for
your app or company. If the resources apply to all users on the
system, such as document templates, place them in /Library/Application
Support. To get the path to this directory use the
NSApplicationSupportDirectory search path key with the
NSLocalDomainMask domain. If the resources are user-specific, such as
workspace configuration files, place them in the current user’s
~/Library/Application Support directory. To get the path to this
directory use the NSApplicationSupportDirectory search path key with
the NSUserDomainMask domain.
The full documentation can be found here.
There are plenty of questions and answers about how to ignore the __MACOSX/.DS_Store files created by Mac OS X...
I would like to know how to go the other way, and include the __MACOSX/.DS_Store files, specifically when working with zip files created on another platform. Simply zipping up the file structure is not enough; it seems that there is some kind of hidden flag in the zip file that is marking that part of the file structure in the zip as the mac resource fork.
Creating the resource fork on the other platform isn't the issue, I'm specifically trying to generate a zip file that properly includes already existing resources. Any thoughts? Will I need to create my own zip tool?
For an application I would like to store a collection of files together, and have them appear in the filesystem as a single file so its easy to manage. I am currently storing everything in a folder.
I would like to keep things accessible so you can manually edit the inside contents if neccesary.
One way to do this would be to create a zip archive and give it a custom extension other then .zip. Then it appears as a filetype and if needed you can unpack and access the content, but for normal use keep it hidden.
I can't seem to find a convenient way to do this. Boost and zlib can do the compression but don't work with archives. I found libzip but I have a hard time understanding how to use it and to me it seems that it only reads/writes zip archives without doing the actual compression.
Is there a more convenient way to tackle this?
Can you call system functions for creating an archive on OSX from c++ / Carbon?
Is there another way to make a folder appear as a single file?
In OSX, you can create Document Packages (similar to application bundles) which are treated as a single file in the Finder, but are really just directories with some internal structure.
Apple does not zip these packages, but they do provide the functionality you describe and they can be created and accessed through CoreFoundation by using CFBundleRef .
From the documentation:
... The important thing to remember about creating a document package is that it is just a directory. As long as the type of the document package is registered (as described in “Registering Your Document Type”), all you have to do is create a directory with the appropriate filename extension. (The Finder uses the filename extension as its cue to treat the directory as a package.) You can create the directory (and create any files you want to put inside that directory) using the standard BSD file system routines ...
As 1st step, simple rename the folder and add the extension .bundle, e.g. Myappdir.bundle
That's will show the whole folder as one file with a lego-like bundle icon.
The next step is you must create one Info.plist file inside.