So I want to conditionally assign variables based on whether or not the input has been given.
For example
#name = params[:input]['name'] || "Name not yet given"
However, if the params have not been passed yet, this gives an error
method [] does not exist for nil class
I have two ideas to get around this. One is adding a [] method to nil class. Something like:
class NilClass
def []
And the other idea that I have is to use if statements
if params[:input].nil?
#name = params[:input]['name']
#name = "Name not yet given"
However, neither of these solutions feel quite right.
What is the "ruby way"?
One way is use Hash#fetch.
params[:input].to_h.fetch('name', "Name not yet given")
You can always write some code to sweeten your other code.
class Hash
def deep_fetch(*path)
path.reduce(self) { |memo, elem| memo ? memo[elem] : nil }
params = { input: { name: 'sergio' } }
params.deep_fetch(:input, :name) # => "sergio"
params.deep_fetch(:omg, :lol, :wtf) # => nil
#name = params[:input].nil? ? "Name not yet given" : params[:input]['name']
With current application, .nil? may optionally be excluded.
Also see my solution for recursions:
I like to use NullObjects, or, more specifically, Black Hole objects for this sort of thing. Avdi Grimm has blessed us with a great ruby gem for this construct called naught. So for your situation, I'd install the gem and then start by creating my project-specific Null Object:
# add this to a lib file such as `lib/null_object.rb`
require 'naught'
NullObject = do |config|
Then, include NullObject::Conversions where needed and go to town, confidently!
# my_class.rb
require 'null_object.rb'
include NullObject::Conversions
Maybe(params[:input])["name"].to_s.presence || "Name not yet given"
# => "Name not yet given"
The great thing about this Black Hole approach is that there's no extra steps needed for any additional chaining. You simply chain methods together as long as you want under the (confident) assumption that it will turn out well. Then, at the end you convert the value to the expected type and the explicit conversions will give you a basic version of that back if something in the chain returned nil before you expected it to.
# => 0
Or, if you prefer, you can use Actual to convert a Black Hole object back to its actual value:
Actual(Maybe(params[:input])["name"]) || "Name not yet given"
For more on the Null Object pattern, check out Avdi Grimm's post on the subject. All in all it's a great way to gain confidence and stop type checking (and remember, even checking for nil as with .try() is type checking!). Duck typing is supposed to free us from type checking!
As I understand, for the hash h, you want to know if
h has a key :input and if so
h[:input] is a hash and if so
h[:input] has a key "name"
If "yes" to all three, return h[:input]["name"]; else return "Name not yet given".
So just write that down:
def get_name(h)
if (h[:input].is_a? Hash) && h[:input].key?("name")
"Name not yet given"
params = { hat: "cat" }
#=> "Name not yet given"
params = { input: "cat" }
#=> "Name not yet given"
params = { input: {} }
#=> "Name not yet given"
params = { input: { "moniker"=>"Jake" } }
#=> "Name not yet given"
params = { input: { "name"=>"cat" } }
#=> "cat"
Another way:
def get_name(h)
v = h[:input]["name"]
v ? v : "Name not yet given"
rescue NoMethodError
"Name not yet given"
You could use Hash#dig introduced in Ruby 2.3.0.
#name = params.dig(:input, 'name') || "Name not yet given"
Similarly if you want to gracefully handle nil returns when chaining methods, you can use the safe navigation operator also introduced in Ruby 2.3.0.
#name = object&.input&.name || "Name not yet given"
Try to fetch the key:
params[:input].try(:fetch, 'name', "Name not yet given")
Assuming you are on rails which seems likely, otherwise you can concatenate fetchs:
params.fetch(:input, {}).fetch 'name', "Name not yet given"
It's a common practice to define params like this:
def input_params
params.fetch(:input, {})
Which reduces the problem to:
input_params[:name] || 'Whatever'
I'm doing a bit of exploring. Concerning Ruby's .find(ifnone = nil) { |obj| block } method: from reading the documentation, it seems to me that you are supposed to be able to pass a method as an argument that will be run in the case that there are no matches for the specified conditions.
It says:
"calls ifnone and returns its result when it is specified, or returns
nil otherwise."
This seems to work with any method I create that already returns nil, say:
def message
puts 'No match.'
No match.
If I use a method that does return something, say:
def message
p 'No match.'
I'll get:
"No match."
NoMethodError: undefined method `call' for "No match.":String
Would someone be kind enough to explain to me precisely what kind of arg/method is actually supposed to be passed to the find method here? Thanks.
I'm glad you asked this question. I never thought about that argument for the find method because I never really had to use it before. I instead always ignored it until you mentioned it here.
The argument you would pass to an enumerable, like find, would be a lambda or proc. Rather than returning the default nil if no matches were found, it would return the lambda/proc.
So a quick example:
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
nums.find(lambda {raise ArgumentError, "No matches found"}) { |num| num == 5 }
> ArgumentError: No matches found
Also similarly, you can pass a Proc as well..
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
arg = {"No matches found"}
nums.find(arg) { |num| num == 5 }
> "No matches found"
Just a quick edit, you can return any value in the lambda or proc, whether it be raising an error or returning a value. I imagine raising an error and error handling is a common use though
Edit2: Removed link to an article explaining this method. Seems the blog post has been removed :(
NoMethodError: undefined method `call' for "No match.":String
This is a big hint. find wants a callable object - i.e. something that responds to #call. Since Ruby is duck-typed, all of these will work:
def message_method
puts "yo"
...find(method(:message_method)) { ... }
module MessageModule
puts "yo"
...find(MessageModule) { ... }
class MessageClass
def call
puts "yo"
...find( { ... }
message_proc = { puts "yo" }
...find(message_proc) { ... }
(lambda is another way of constructing a Proc object; the different syntax makes for a bit different semantics, but the point is lambda would work just as well.)
And a perverse example (obsolete):
require 'continuation'
callcc do |notfound|
...find(notfound) { ... }
I call a method with a block;
method do
and the method is defined as;
def method
and when defining method; i want to check if given block is empty (nil) or not, because the variable in the method may end up like this;
method do
So in definition, i want to check if the yield block is nil or not. Like;
def method
if yield ? yield : "Empty block? Seriously?"
I know the above does not work. Bu it is what i want to achieve.
Also keep in mind that block_given? will always be "true" since the block is given even if it is nil or empty string.
UPDATE: As most of the comments/answers state that the question is unclear; here is the problem simplified by #ndn:
I want to check if the result of executing a block is "empty"(nil or "") without
invoking it first.
It is unclear what you are asking, because a block itself can not be empty. Therefore, you might mean a few different things:
A missing block. You can check if a block is given
Block with empty body (aka {} or do end). This is not impossible, but requires some advanced voodoo ruby metaprogramming magic. Generally, if this is what you are looking for, either you are writing something very interesting or your approach is completely wrong.
You want to check if the result of executing a block is "empty" without invoking it first. This is impossible. For example, consider the following block:
{ [nil, "", true].sample }
Obviously, there is no way to know in advance.
You are ok with calling the block. Then you can assign the result to a variable and make checks on it:
def some_method
evaluation_result = yield if block_given?
if evaluation_result.nil? or evaluation_result == ""
# do something if the block was not given or the result is nil/empty
puts "Empty block? Seriously?"
# do something if the block was given and the result is non nil/empty
puts evaluation_result
Now when you invoke some_method:
some_method { "something" } # => "something"
some_method { 3 + 5 } # => 8
some_method { nil } # => "Empty block? Seriously?"
some_method { "" } # => "Empty block? Seriously?"
some_method { } # => "Empty block? Seriously?"
some_method # => "Empty block? Seriously?"
A workaround for case #3 might be to create two procs, one with what you want to do if the block is "empty" and one - if it is not, then pass them around to the endpoint where you will finally invoke the block. This might or might not be applicable depending on your exact situation.
Another workaround can be to redefine the Proc#call method for your proc instances. However, this doesn't work for yield:
def secure(&block)
insecure_call = block.method(:call)
block.define_singleton_method(:call) do
insecure_call_result =
if insecure_call_result.nil? or insecure_call_result == ""
"<b>Bummer! Empty block...</b>"
x = proc { }
y = proc { "" }
z = proc { nil }
a = proc { 3 + 5 }
b = proc { "something" }
u = proc { [nil, "", true].sample }
[x, y, z, a, b, u].each { |block| secure &block }
# some method that uses the block
def user(&block)
"What I got is #{}!"
user &x # => "What I got is <b>Bummer! Empty block...</b>!"
user &y # => "What I got is <b>Bummer! Empty block...</b>!"
user &z # => "What I got is <b>Bummer! Empty block...</b>!"
user &a # => "What I got is 8!"
user &b # => "What I got is something!"
user &u # => Different each time
EDIT3: Another alternative, which is sort of cheating, is to wrap the given proc in another proc. This way, it will work for yield too.
def wrap(&block)
proc do
internal_proc_call_result =
if internal_proc_call_result.nil? or internal_proc_call_result == ""
"<b>Bummer! Empty block...</b>"
Now using the result of wrap and will get you behavior similar to secure.
If I understand correctly, you want to statically determine what the runtime value of a block is. This is one of the many known impossible problems resulting from the undecidability of the Halting Problem.
In other words: it can't be done.
Not "it can't be done in Ruby", not "it is hard", it simply can't be done, period. And it can be (and has been) mathematically proven that it can't be done. Ever.
My last effort to simplify the answer based on comments..
You can check for block emptiness with block_given? and you need to explicitly check for yield output for emptiness like below
def method(&block)
# Below if condition is to prove that block can be accessed
if block_given?
p block
p block.yield
b = yield if block_given?
(b.nil? || b.empty?) ? "Empty block? Seriously?" : b
p method {"Hello"} # inline block
result = method do
p result
p method # No blocks provided
p method {""} # Block that returns empty string
Output of the program
"Empty block? Seriously?"
"Empty block? Seriously?"
I am trying to write fast and concise code. I'd appreciate your thoughts on which is the best way to write the following code and why:
Option #1
def get_title
title = check_in_place_one
if title.empty?
title = check_in_place_two
if title.empty?
title = check_in_place_three
return title
Option #2
def get_title
title = check_in_place_one
title = check_in_place_two unless !title.empty?
title = check_in_place_three unless !title.empty?
return title
I think Option #1 is better since if the title is found by check_in_place_one, we test title.empty? once and then skip the rest of the code in the method and return. But, it looks too long. Option #2 appears better, but processes title.empty? one extra time, and unnecessary time before returning. Also, am I missing a third option?
From performance, there is no difference between the two versions of your code (besides very minor difference that may come from parsing, which should be ignorable). The control structures are the same.
From readability, if you can get away with nesting, doing so is better. Your second option is better.
It is usually better to get rid of any case that does not need further processing. That is done by return.
def get_title
title = check_in_place_one
return title unless title.empty?
title = check_in_place_two
return title unless title.empty?
title = check_in_place_three
return title
The last title = and return in the code above are redundant, but I put them there for consistency, which improves readability.
You can further compact the code using tap like this:
def get_title
check_in_place_one.tap{|s| return s unless s.empty?}
check_in_place_two.tap{|s| return s unless s.empty?}
tap is a pretty much fast method, and unlike instance_eval, its performance penalty is usually ignorable.
The following approach could be used for any number of sequential tests. Moreover, it is completely general. The return condition could be changed, arguments could easily be assigned to the test methods, etc.
tests = %w[check_in_place_one check_in_place_two check_in_place_three]
def do_tests(tests)
title = nil # Define title outside block
tests.each do |t|
title = send(t)
break unless title.empty?
Let's try it:
def check_in_place_one
puts "check 1"
def check_in_place_two
puts "check 2"
def check_in_place_three
puts "check 3"
do_tests(tests) #=> [3]
check 1
check 2
check 3
#=> [3]
Now change one of the tests:
def check_in_place_two
puts "check 2"
do_tests(tests) #=> 'cat'
check 1
check 2
#=> "cat"
If there were more tests, it might be convenient to put them in a module which would be included into a class. Mixed-in methods behave the same as those that you define for the class. For example, they have access to instance variables. I will demonstrate that with the definition of the first test method. We probably want to make the test methods private. We could do it like this:
module TestMethods
def check_in_place_one
puts "#pet => #{#pet}"
puts "check 1"
def check_in_place_two
puts "check 2"
def check_in_place_three
puts "check 3"
class MyClass
##tests = TestMethods.private_instance_methods(false)
puts "##tests = #{##tests}"
def initialize
#pet = 'dog'
def do_tests
title = nil # Define title outside block
##tests.each do |t|
title = send(t)
break unless title.empty?
include TestMethods
The following is displayed when the code is parsed:
##tests = [:check_in_place_one, :check_in_place_two, :check_in_place_three]
Now we perform the tests: #=> [3]
#pet => dog
check 1
check 2
check 3
Confirm the test methods are private:
#=> private method 'check_in_place_one' called for...'
The advantage of using a module is that you can add, delete, rearrange and rename the test methods without making any changes to the class.
Well, here's a few other alternatives.
Option 1: Return first non-empty check.
def get_title
return check_in_place_one unless check_in_place_one.empty?
return check_in_place_two unless check_in_place_two.empty?
return check_in_place_three
Option 2: Helper method with short-circuit evaluation.
def get_title
check_place("one") || check_place("two") || check_place("three")
def check_place(place)
result = send("check_in_place_#{place}")
result.empty? ? nil : result
Option 3: Check all places then find the first that's non-empty.
def get_title
].find{|x| !x.empty? }
Option 2 looks good although you did a 360 degree turn with the unless !title.empty?. You can shorten that to if title.empty? since unless is equivalent to an if ! so doing an unless ! takes you back to just if.
If you're only ever going to have 3 places to look in then option 2 is the best. It's short, concise, and easy to read (easier once you fix the aforementioned whoopsie). If you might add on to the places you look for a title in you can get a bit more dynamic:
def get_title(num_places = 4)
title, cur_place = nil, 0
title = check_in_place(cur_place += 1) while title.nil? && cur_place < num_places
def check_in_place(place_num)
# some code to check in the place # given by place_num
The tricky line is that one with the while in it. What's happening is that the while will check the expression title.nil? && cur_place < num_places and return true because the title is still nil and 0 is less than 4.
Then we'll call the check_in_place method and pass in a value of 1 because the cur_place += 1 expression will increment its value to 1 and then return it, giving it to the method (assuming we want to start checking in place 1, of course).
This will repeat until either check_in_place returns a non nil value, or we run out of places to check.
Now the get_title method is shorter and will automatically support checking in num_places places given that your check_in_place method can also look in more places.
One more thing, you might like to give a look, this question seems like it'd be a good fit for it.
I don't think there's any reason to get too clever:
def get_title
check_in_place_one || check_in_place_two || check_in_place_three
Edit: if the check_in_place_X methods are indeed returning an empty string on failure it would be better (and more idiomatic) to have them instead return nil. Not only does it allow for truthy comparisons like the above code, return "" results in the construction of a new and unnecessary String object.
Very often in Ruby (and Rails specifically) you have to check if something exists and then perform an action on it, for example:
if #objects.any?
puts "We have these objects:"
#objects.each { |o| puts "hello: #{o}"
This is as short as it gets and all is good, but what if you have #objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process instead of #objects? I would have to repeat it second time inside the if expression and what if I don't know the implementation details and the method calls are expensive?
The obvious choice is to create a variable and then test it and then process it, but then you have to come up with a variable name (ugh) and it will also hang around in memory until the end of the scope.
Why not something like this:
#objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process.with :any? do |objects|
puts "We have these objects:"
objects.each { ... }
How would you do this?
Note that there's no reason to check that an array has at least one element with any? if you're only going to send each, because sending each to an empty array is a no-op.
To answer your question, perhaps you are looking for
Indeed, using a variable pollutes the namespace, but still, I think if (var = value).predicate is is a pretty common idiom and usually is perfectly ok:
if (objects = #objects.some_association.hit_database).present?
puts "We have these objects: #{objects}"
Option 2: if you like to create your own abstractions in a declarative fashion, that's also possible using a block: => :present?) do |objects|
puts "We have these objects: #{objects}"
Writing Object#as(options = {}) is pretty straigthforward.
What about tap?
#objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process.tap do |objects|
if objects.any?
puts "We have these objects:"
objects.each { ... }
Edit: If you're using Ruby 1.9, the Object#tap method provides the same functionality as the code listed below.
It sounds like you just want to be able to save a reference to an object without polluting the scope, correct? How about we open up the Object class and add a method do, which will just yield itself to the block:
class Object
def do
yield self if block_given?
return self # allow chaining
We can then call, for example:
[1,2,3].do { |a| puts a.length if a.any? }
=> 3
[].do { |a| puts a.length if a.any? }
=> nil
I've been sifting through the prior questions and answers on stackoverflow, and I have gotten most of my question figured out. I figured out that I can't place a function call within a hash, without placing it within a proc, or a similar container.
What I'm ultimately trying to do is have a menu displayed, grab user input, and then iterate through the hash, and run the specified function:
def Main()
menu_titles = {"Answer1" =>{Choice1()}}
def Choice1()
puts "Response answer"
def Menu(menu_titles)
menu_titles.each_with_index do |(key, value),index|
puts "#{index+1}. #{key}"
user_input = 0
menu_titles.each_with_index do |(key, value), index|
if index.eql?(user_input)
The issue I'm having right now is that I'm not entering the functions that my hash calls for. Whether I use a return or a "puts", I either get a blank line or nothing at all. If anyone has other recommendations about my code, I'm all ears also. To be honest, I don't like using procs, but that's mostly because I don't entirely know how they work and where to use them.
Right now for my menus I have:
user_input = 1
if user_input == 1
Here's how I would refactor this:
class Menu
attr_reader :titles
# initialize sets up a hard-coded titles instance variable,
# but it could easily take an argument.
def initialize
#titles = {
"Answer1" =>{ puts "choice 1" },
"Answer2" =>{ puts "choice 2" }
# This is the only public instance method in your class,
# which should give some idea about what the class is for
# to whoever reads your code
def choose
# returns the index of the proc.
def display_for_choice
titles.each_with_index { |(key,value), index| puts "#{index + 1}. #{key}" }
gets.chomp.to_i - 1 # gets will return the string value of user input (try it in IRB)
# first finds the key for the selected index, then
# performs the hash lookup.
def proc_for_index(index)
If you're serious about Ruby (or object-oriented programming in general), I would highly recommend learning about the advantages of packaging your code into behavior-specific classes. This example allows you to do this:
menu =
proc = menu.choose
#=> 1. Answer1
#=> 2. Answer2
2 #(user input)
#=> choice 2
And you could actually run it on one line: