Why is my Matlab for-loop code faster than my vectorized version - performance

I had always heard that vectorized code runs faster than for loops in MATLAB. However, when I tried vectorizing my MATLAB code it seemed to run slower.
I used tic and toc to measure the times. I changed only the implementation of a single function in my program. My vectorized version ran in 47.228801 seconds and my for-loop version ran in 16.962089 seconds.
Also in my main program I used a large number for N, N = 1000000and DataSet's size is 1 301, and I ran each version several times for different data sets with the same size and N.
Why is the vectorized so much slower and how can I improve the speed further?
The "vectorized" version
function [RNGSet] = RNGAnal(N,DataSet)
%Creates a random number generated set of numbers to check accuracy overall
% This function will produce random numbers and normalize a new Data set
% that is derived from an old data set by multiply random numbers and
% then dividing by N/2
randData = randint(N,length(DataSet));
tempData = repmat(DataSet,N,1);
RNGSet = randData .* tempData;
RNGSet = sum(RNGSet,1) / (N/2); % sum and normalize by the N
The "for-loop" version
function [RNGData] = RNGAnsys(N,Data)
%RNGAnsys This function produces statistical RNG data using a for loop
% This function will produce RNGData that will be used to plot on another
% plot that possesses the actual data
multData = zeros(N,length(Data));
for i = 1:length(Data)
photAbs = randint(N,1); % Create N number of random 0's or 1's
multData(:,i) = Data(i) * photAbs; % multiply each element in the molar data by the random numbers
sumData = sum(multData,1); % sum each individual energy level's data point
RNGData = (sumData/(N/2))'; % divide by n, but account for 0.5 average by n/2

First glance at the for-loop code tells us that since photAbs is a binary array each column of which is scaled according to each element of Data, this binary feature could be used for vectorization. This is abused in the code here -
function RNGData = RNGAnsys_vect1(N,Data)
%// Get the 2D Matrix of random ones and zeros
photAbsAll = randint(N,numel(Data));
%// Take care of multData internally by summing along the columns of the
%// binary 2D matrix and then multiply each element of it with each scalar
%// taken from Data by performing elementwise multiplication
sumData = Data.*sum(photAbsAll,1);
%// Divide by n, but account for 0.5 average by n/2
RNGData = (sumData./(N/2))'; %//'
After profiling, it appears that the bottleneck is the random binary array creating part. So, using a faster random binary array creator as suggested in this smart solution, the above function could be further optimized like so -
function RNGData = RNGAnsys_vect2(N,Data)
%// Create a random binary array and sum along the columns on the fly to
%// save on any variable space that would be required otherwise.
%// Also perform the elementwise multiplication as discussed before.
sumData = Data.*sum(rand(N,numel(Data))<0.5,1);
%// Divide by n, but account for 0.5 average by n/2
RNGData = (sumData./(N/2))'; %//'
Using the smart binary random array creator, the original code could be optimized as well, that will be used for a fair benchmarking between optimized for-loop and vectorized codes later on. The optimized for-loop code is listed here -
function RNGData = RNGAnsys_opt1(N,Data)
multData = zeros(N,numel(Data));
for i = 1:numel(Data)
%// Create N number of random 0's or 1's using a smart approach
%// Then, multiply each element in the molar data by the random numbers
multData(:,i) = Data(i) * rand(N,1)<.5;
sumData = sum(multData,1); % sum each individual energy level's data point
RNGData = (sumData/(N/2))'; % divide by n, but account for 0.5 average by n/2
Benchmarking Code
N = 15000; %// Kept at this value as it going out of memory with higher N's.
%// Size of dataset is more important anyway as that decides how
%// well is vectorized code against a for-loop code
DS_arr = [50 100 200 500 800 1500 5000]; %// Dataset sizes
timeall = zeros(2,numel(DS_arr));
for k1 = 1:numel(DS_arr)
DS = DS_arr(k1);
Data = rand(1,DS);
f = #() RNGAnsys_opt1(N,Data);%// Optimized for-loop code
timeall(1,k1) = timeit(f);
clear f
f = #() RNGAnsys_vect2(N,Data);%// Vectorized Code
timeall(2,k1) = timeit(f);
clear f
%// Display benchmark results
figure,hold on, grid on
legend('Optimized for-loop code','Vectorized code')
xlabel('Dataset size ->'),ylabel('Time(sec) ->')
avg_speedup = mean(timeall(1,:)./timeall(2,:))
title(['Average Speedup with vectorized code = ' num2str(avg_speedup) 'x'])
Concluding remarks
Based on the experience I had so far with MATLAB, neither for loops nor vectorized techniques are fit for all situations, but everything is situation-specific.

Try using the matlab profiler to determine which line or lines of code are using the most amount of time. That way you can find out if the repmat function is what is slowing you down as is being suggested. Let us know what you find, I'm interested!

randData = randint(N,length(DataSet));
allocates a 1.2GB array. (4*301*1000000). Implicitly you create up to 4 of these monsters in your program, causing continuous cache-misses.
You for-loop code could nearly run in the processor cache (or it does on the bigger xeons).


MATLAB: Speeding up a discretization function using bsxfun

For a current project, I have to discretize quasi-continuous values into bins defined by some pre-defined binning resolution. For this purpose, I have written a function, which I expected to be highly efficient as it is able to both process scalar inputs as well as vector inputs using bsxfun. However, after some profiling, I found out that almost all processing time of my much larger project is produced in this function, and within the function, it's mainly the bsxfun part that takes time, with the min-query following on second place. Long story short, I am looking for advice on how to solve this task MUCH faster in MATLAB. Side note: I am usually passing vectors with some 50k elements.
Here's the code:
function sampleNo = value2sample(value,bins)
%Make sure both vectors have orientations fitting bsxfun
value = value(:);
bins = bins(:)';
%Recover bin resolution (avoids passing another parameter)
delta = median(diff(bins));
%Calculate distance matrix between all combinations
dist = abs(bsxfun(#minus,value,bins));
%What we really want to know is the minimum distance per row
[minval,ind] = min(dist,[],2);
%Make sure we don't accidentally further process NaNs as 1st bin
sampleNo = ind;
sampleNo(minval>delta) = NaN;
The reason that your function is slow is because you are computing the distance between every element of values and bins and storing them all in an array - if there are N values and M bins then you will require NM elements to store all the distances, and this is probably a really big number (e.g. if each input has 50,000 elements then you need 2.5 billion elements in the output array).
Moreover, since your bins are sorted (you didn't state this, but it looks like you are assuming it in your code) you do not need to compute the distance from every value to every bin. You can be much smarter,
function ind = value2sample(value, bins)
% Find median bin distance
delta = median(diff(bins));
% Bucket into 'nearest' bin by using midpoints
bins = bins(:);
mids = [-Inf; 0.5 * (bins(1:end-1) + bins(2:end))];
[~, ind] = histc(value, mids);
% Ensure that NaN values and points that aren't near any bin are returned as NaN
ind(isnan(value)) = NaN;
ind(abs(value - bins(ind)) > delta) = NaN;
In my tests, with values = randn(10000, 1) and bins = -50:50 it takes around 4.5 milliseconds to run the original function, and 485 microseconds to run the code above, so you are getting around a 10x speedup (and the speedup will be even greater as you increase the size of the inputs).
Thanks to #Chris Taylor, I was able to solve the problem very efficiently. The code now runs almost 400 times faster than before. The only changes I had to make from his version are reflected in the code below. Main issue was to replace histc (whose use is not encouraged anymore) by discretize.
function ind = value2sample(value, bins)
% Make sure the vectors are standing
value = value(:);
bins = bins(:);
% Bucket into 'nearest' bin by using midpoints
mids = [eps; 0.5 * (bins(1:end-1) + bins(2:end))];
ind = discretize(value, mids);
The only thing is, that in this implementation your bins must be non-negative. Other than that, this code does exactly what I want, including the fact that ind has the same size as value and contains NaNs whenever a value is NaN or out of the range of bins.

Is there most efficient way to code program for Avg Clustering Coeff

Calculation of Average clustering coefficient of a graph
I am getting correct result but it takes huge time when the graph dimension increases need some alternative way so that it takes less time to execute. Is there any way to simplify the code??
%// A is adjacency matrix N X N,
%// d is degree ,
A = zeros(N,N);
%% Creating A matrix %%%
for i = 1:(d*N/2)
j = floor(N*rand)+1;
k = floor(N*rand)+1;
while (j==k)||(A(j,k)==1)
j = floor(N*rand)+1;
k = floor(N*rand)+1;
%% Calculation of clustering Coeff %%
for i=1:N
for ii=1:(size(J,2))-1
for jj=ii+1:size(J,2)
Output I got.
Avg_clustering_coeff = 0.1107
That Calculation of clustering Coeff part could be vectorized using nchoosek to remove the innermost two nested loops, like so -
CvOut = zeros(1,N);
for k=1:N
if numel(J)>1
idx = nchoosek(J,2);
CvOut(k) = sum(A(sub2ind([N N],idx(:,1),idx(:,2))));
Hopefully, this would boost up the performance quite a bit!
To speed up your code you can read my comment, but you are not going to reduce drastically the computation time, because the time complexity doesn't change.
But if you don't need to get an absolut result you can use the probability.
probnum = cumsum(1:d);
probnum = mean(probnum(end-1:end)); %theorical number of elements created by your second loop (for each row).
probfind = d*N/(N^2); %probability of finding a non zero value.
coeff = probnum*probfind/kv;
This probabilistic coeff is going to be equal to Avg_clustering_coeff for big N.
So you can use the normal method for small N and this method for big N.

Faster alternative to INTERSECT with 'rows' - MATLAB

I have a code written in Matlab that uses 'intersect' to find the vectors (and their indices) that intersect in two large matrices. I found that 'intersect' is the slowest line (by a large difference) in my code. Unfortunately I couldn't find a faster alternative so far.
As an example running the code below takes approx 5 seconds on my pc:
profile on
for i = 1 : 500
a = rand(10000,5);
b = rand(10000,5);
[intersectVectors, ind_a, ind_b] = intersect(a,b,'rows');
profile viewer
I was wondering if there is a faster way. Note that the matrices (a) and (b) have 5 columns. The number of rows don't necessary have to be the same for the two matrices.
Any help would be great.
Discussion and solution codes
You can use an approach that leverages fast matrix multiplication in MATLAB to convert those 5 columns of input arrays into one column by considering each column as a significant "digit" of a single number. Thus, you would end up with an array with only column and then, you can use intersect or ismember without 'rows' and that must speedup the codes in a big way!
Here are the promised implementations as function codes for easy usage -
function [intersectVectors, ind_a, ind_b] = intersectrows_fast_v1(a,b)
%// Calculate equivalent one-column versions of input arrays
mult = [10^ceil(log10( 1+max( [a(:);b(:)] ))).^(size(a,2)-1:-1:0)]'; %//'
acol1 = a*mult;
bcol1 = b*mult;
%// Use intersect without 'rows' option for a good speedup
[~, ind_a, ind_b] = intersect(acol1,bcol1);
intersectVectors = a(ind_a,:);
function [intersectVectors, ind_a, ind_b] = intersectrows_fast_v2(a,b)
%// Calculate equivalent one-column versions of input arrays
mult = [10^ceil(log10( 1+max( [a(:);b(:)] ))).^(size(a,2)-1:-1:0)]'; %//'
acol1 = a*mult;
bcol1 = b*mult;
%// Use ismember to get indices of the common elements
[match_a,idx_b] = ismember(acol1,bcol1);
%// Now, with ismember, duplicate items are not taken care of automatically as
%// are done with intersect. So, we need to find the duplicate items and
%// remove those from the outputs of ismember
[~,a_sorted_ind] = sort(acol1);
a_rm_ind =a_sorted_ind([false;diff(sort(acol1))==0]); %//indices to be removed
intersectVectors = a(match_a,:);
ind_a = find(match_a);
ind_b = idx_b(match_a);
Quick tests and conclusions
With the datasizes listed in the question, the runtimes were -
-------------------------- With original approach
Elapsed time is 3.885792 seconds.
-------------------------- With Proposed approach - Version - I
Elapsed time is 0.581123 seconds.
-------------------------- With Proposed approach - Version - II
Elapsed time is 0.963409 seconds.
The results seem to suggest a big advantage in favour of the version - I of the two proposed approaches with a whooping speedup of around 6.7x over the original approach!!
Also, please note that if you don't need any one or two of the three outputs from the original intersect with 'rows' based approach, then both the proposed approaches could be further shortened for better runtime performances!

Looking for efficient way to perform a computation - Matlab

I have a scalar function f([x,y],[i,j])= exp(-norm([x,y]-[i,j])^2/sigma^2) which receives two 2-dimensional vectors as input (norm here implements the Euclidean norm). The values of x,i range in 1:w and the values y,j range in 1:h. I want to create a cell array X such that X{x,y} will contain a w x h matrix such that X{x,y}(i,j) = f([x,y],[i,j]). This can obviously be done using 4 nested loops like so:
for x=1:w;
for y=1:h;
for i=1:w
for j=1:h
This is however extremely inefficient. I would very much appreciate an efficient way to create X.
The one way to do this is to remove the 2 innermost loops and replace then with a vectorised version. By the look of your f function this shouldn't be too bad
First we need to construct two matrices containing the 1 to w on every row and 1 to h on every column like so
This is going to represent the inner two loops, and the transpose will allow us to get all combinations. Now we can vectorise the calculation (f([x,y],[i,j])= exp(-norm([x,y]-[i,j])^2/sigma^2)):
for x=1:w;
for y=1:h;
Where we have computed the Euclidean norm for all pairs of nodes in the inner loops at once.
Some discussion and code
The trick here is to perform the norm-calculations with numeric arrays and save the results into a cell array version as late as possible. For performing the norm-calculations you can take help of ndgrid, bsxfun and some permute + reshape to give it the "shape" as needed for the final cell array version. So, here's the vectorized approach to perform these tasks -
%// Create x-y/i-j values to be used for calculation of function values
[xi,yi] = ndgrid(1:w,1:h);
%// Get the norm values
normvals = sqrt(bsxfun(#minus,xi(:),xi(:).').^2 + ...
%// Get the actual function values
vals = exp(-normvals.^2/sigma^2);
%// Get the values into blocks of a 4D array and then re-arrange to match
%// with the shape of numeric array version of X
blks = reshape(permute(reshape(vals, w*h, h, []), [2 1 3]), h, w, h, w);
arranged_blks = reshape(permute(blks,[2 3 1 4]),w,h,w,h);
%// Finally get the cell array version
X = squeeze(mat2cell(arranged_blks,w,h,ones(1,w),ones(1,h)));
Benchmarking and runtimes
After improving the original loopy code with pre-allocation for X and function-inling f, runtime-benchmarks were performed with it against the proposed vectorized approach with datasizes as w, h = 60 and the runtime results thus obtained were -
----------- With Improved loopy code
Elapsed time is 41.227797 seconds.
----------- With Vectorized code
Elapsed time is 2.116782 seconds.
This suggested a whooping close to 20x speedup with the proposed solution!
For extremely huge datasizes
If you are dealing with huge datasizes, essentially you are not giving enough memory for bsxfun to work with, and bsxfun is known to use up a lot of memory for giving you a performance-efficient vectorized solution. So, for such huge-datasize cases, you can use the following loopy approach to replace normvals calculations that was listed in the earlier bsxfun based solution -
%// Get the norm values
nx = numel(xi);
normvals = zeros(nx,nx);
for ii = 1:nx
normvals(:,ii) = sqrt( (xi(:) - xi(ii)).^2 + (yi(:) - yi(ii)).^2 );
It seems to me that when you run through the cycle for x=w, y=h, you are calculating all the values you need at once. So you don't need recalculate them. Once you have this:
for i=1:w
for j=1:h
Then, e.g. X{1,1} is just temp(1,1), X{2,2} is just temp(1:2,1:2), and so on. If you can vectorise the calculation of f (norm here is just the Euclidean norm of that vector?) then it will get even simpler.

matlab code optimization - clustering algorithm KFCG

I have a large set of vectors (orientation data in an axis-angle representation... the axis is the vector). I want to apply a clustering algorithm to. I tried kmeans but the computational time was too long (never finished). So instead I am trying to implement KFCG algorithm which is faster (Kirke 2010):
Initially we have one cluster with the entire training vectors and the codevector C1 which is centroid. In the first iteration of the algorithm, the clusters are formed by comparing first element of training vector Xi with first element of code vector C1. The vector Xi is grouped into the cluster 1 if xi1< c11 otherwise vector Xi is grouped into cluster2 as shown in Figure 2(a) where codevector dimension space is 2. In second iteration, the cluster 1 is split into two by comparing second element Xi2 of vector Xi belonging to cluster 1 with that of the second element of the codevector. Cluster 2 is split into two by comparing the second element Xi2 of vector Xi belonging to cluster 2 with that of the second element of the codevector as shown in Figure 2(b). This procedure is repeated till the codebook size is reached to the size specified by user.
I'm unsure what ratio is appropriate for the codebook, but it shouldn't matter for the code optimization. Also note mine is 3-D so the same process is done for the 3rd dimension.
My code attempts
I've tried implementing the above algorithm into Matlab 2013 (Student Version). Here's some different structures I've tried - BUT take way too long (have never seen it completed):
%training vectors:
Atgood = Nx4 vector (see test data below if want to test);
vecA = Atgood(:,1:3);
roA = size(vecA,1);
%Codebook size, Nsel, is ratio of data
Nseltemp = remainFrac2*roA; %codebook size
%Ensure selected size after nearest power of 2 is NOT greater than roA
if 2^round(log2(Nseltemp)) &lt roA
NselIter = round(log2(Nseltemp));
NselIter = ceil(log2(Nseltemp)-1);
Nsel = 2^NselIter; %power of 2 - for LGB and other algorithms
%%cluster = cell(1,Nsel); %Unsure #rows - Don't know how to initialize if need mean...
codevec(1,1:3) = mean(vecA,1);
for kk = 1:NselIter
hh2 = 1:2:size(codevec,1)*2;
for hh1 = 1:length(hh2)
% for ii = 1:roA
% if vecA(ii,ind) &lt codevec(hh1,ind)
% cluster{1,hh}(count1,1:4) = Atgood(ii,:); %want all 4 elements
% count1=count1+1;
% else
% cluster{1,hh+1}(count2,1:4) = Atgood(ii,:); %want all 4
% count2=count2+1;
% end
% end
%EDIT: My ATTEMPT at optimizing above for loop:
splitind = vecA(:,ind)&gt=repcv;
splitind2 = vecA(:,ind)&ltrepcv;
clear codevec
%Only mean the 1x3 vector portion of the cluster - for centroid
codevec = cell2mat((cellfun(#(x) mean(x(:,1:3),1),cluster,'UniformOutput',false))');
if ind &lt 3
ind = ind+1;
if length(codevec) ~= Nsel
warning('codevec ~= Nsel');
Alternatively, instead of cells I thought 3D Matrices would be faster? I tried but it was slower using my method of appending the next row each iteration (temp=[]; for...temp=[temp;new];)
Also, I wasn't sure what was best to loop with, for or while:
%If initialize cell to full length
while length(find(~cellfun('isempty',cluster))) < Nsel
Well, anyways, the first method was fastest for me.
Is the logic standard? Not in the sense that it matches with the algorithm described, but from a coding perspective, any weird methods I employed (especially with those multiple inner loops) that slows it down? Where can I speed up (you can just point me to resources or previous questions)?
My array size, Atgood, is 1,000,000x4 making NselIter=19; - do I just need to find a way to decrease this size or can the code be optimized?
Should this be asked on CodeReview? If so, I'll move it.
Testing Data
Here's some random vectors you can use to test:
for ii=1:1000 %My size is ~ 1,000,000
omega = 2*rand(3,1)-1;
omega = (omega/norm(omega))';
Atgood(ii,1:4) = [omega,57];
Your biggest issue is re-iterating through all of vecA FOR EACH CODEVECTOR, rather than just the ones that are part of the corresponding cluster. You're supposed to split each cluster on it's codevector. As it is, your cluster structure grows and grows, and each iteration is processing more and more samples.
Your second issue is the loop around the comparisons, and the appending of samples to build up the clusters. Both of those can be solved by vectorizing the comparison operation. Oh, I just saw your edit, where this was optimized. Much better. But codevec(hh1,ind) is just a scalar, so you don't even need the repmat.
Try this version:
% (preallocs added in edit)
cluster = cell(1,Nsel);
codevec = zeros(Nsel, 3);
codevec(1,:) = mean(Atgood(:,1:3),1);
cluster{1} = Atgood;
nClusters = 1;
ind = 1;
while nClusters < Nsel
for c = 1:nClusters
lower_cluster_logical = cluster{c}(:,ind) < codevec(c,ind);
cluster{nClusters+c} = cluster{c}(~lower_cluster_logical,:);
cluster{c} = cluster{c}(lower_cluster_logical,:);
codevec(c,:) = mean(cluster{c}(:,1:3), 1);
codevec(nClusters+c,:) = mean(cluster{nClusters+c}(:,1:3), 1);
ind = rem(ind,3) + 1;
nClusters = nClusters*2;
