I try to comprehend how to wrap C++ code in V8.
It`s clear, how to do it, when create smth like 'hello world':
static Handle<Value> hello(const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
return scope.Close(String::New("hello_world"));
I`d like to wrap the next function:
void foo ()
pair <string, int> f ( "Size", 30 );
pair <string, int> s ( "Number", 12 );
cout << "first " << f.first << ", " << f.second << endl;
cout << "second " << s.first << ", " << s.second << endl;
But the problem is: I have no ideas how to do it.
Initially I got error "The file handle supplied is invalid". This is because my socket was closed. I corrected that error.
Now I get another error "The handle is invalid"....Any idea what could be the issue
Below is my code, which is very simple:
void BeastResponse::write(http::response<http::file_body> responseFile)
std::cout << "BeastResponse while file write: " << this << std::endl;
auto self = shared_from_this();
http::async_write(m_stream, responseFile, [self](beast::error_code ec, std::size_t t)
if (ec)
std::cout << "File Write Failed" << ": " << ec.message() << std::endl;
std::cout << t << std::endl;
std::cout << t << std::endl;
Here , t = 4kb when I get the error. So I think async_write after it does the first block of 4kb, my handler or socket is going to a bad state.
If the change to http:write instead of http:async_write, there is no issues
Below code works for me...
void BeastResponse::write(http::response<http::file_body>&& responseFile)
std::cout << "BeastResponse while file write: " << this << std::endl;
auto self = shared_from_this();
// copy file into the member variable, m_response_file
m_response_file = std::move(responseFile)
// 2nd parameter must be a member variable of BeastResponse
http::async_write(m_stream, m_response_file, [self](beast::error_code ec, std::size_t t)
if (ec)
std::cout << "File Write Failed" << ": " << ec.message() << std::endl;
std::cout << t << std::endl;
std::cout << t << std::endl;
Referring to onvif core specification: If the subscription is accepted, the response contains a WS-EndpointReference to the
instantiated pull point. This WS-Endpoint provides a PullMessages operation, which is
used by the client to retrieve Notifications.
But I can't see the codes about instancing pull point, and I don't know how to implement it. Here is my coding.
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __tev__CreatePullPointSubscription(struct soap* soap, struct _tev__CreatePullPointSubscription *tev__CreatePullPointSubscription, struct _tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse *tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse)
tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse->SubscriptionReference.Address = (char *)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(char) * 128);
strcpy(tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse->SubscriptionReference.Address, "");
return SOAP_OK;
Can anyone brighten me? Thank you in advance.
void CreatePullPointSubscription() {
struct soap *m_soap = soap_new();
m_soap->connect_timeout = SOAP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS;
m_soap->recv_timeout = SOAP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS;
m_soap->send_timeout = SOAP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS;
PullPointSubscriptionBindingProxy subscriptionProxy(m_soap);
subscriptionProxy.soap_endpoint = xAddr;
if (addCredentialsToCall(m_soap)) {
_tev__CreatePullPointSubscription request;
_tev__CreatePullPointSubscriptionResponse response;
auto ret = subscriptionProxy.CreatePullPointSubscription(&request, response);
if (ret != SOAP_OK) {
soap_stream_fault(m_soap, std::cerr);
} else {
auto address = response.SubscriptionReference.Address;
std::cout << address << std::endl;
std::cout << "Subscription metadata: " << response.SubscriptionReference.Metadata << std::endl;
std::cout << "Termination time " << response.wsnt__TerminationTime << std::endl;
std::cout << "Current time " << response.wsnt__CurrentTime << std::endl;
std::string uuid = std::string(soap_rand_uuid(m_soap, "urn:uuid:"));
struct SOAP_ENV__Header header;
header.wsa5__MessageID = (char *) uuid.c_str();
header.wsa5__To = response.SubscriptionReference.Address;
m_soap->header = &header;
if (addCredentialsToCall(m_soap)) {
_tev__PullMessages tev__PullMessages;
tev__PullMessages.Timeout = "PT600S";
tev__PullMessages.MessageLimit = 100;
_tev__PullMessagesResponse tev__PullMessagesResponse;
auto ret = subscriptionProxy.PullMessages(&tev__PullMessages, tev__PullMessagesResponse);
for (auto msg : tev__PullMessagesResponse.wsnt__NotificationMessage) {
std::cout << "\tMessage is :" << msg->Topic->__mixed << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Couldn't set credentials!!!" << std::endl;
This worked for me atleast to pull the event initializers.
Suppose you want to read in a .dot graph into boost where there could be properties you do not recognize. It is easy to ignore them (by passing ignore_other_properties to the dynamic_properties constructor) but what if you wanted all the properties added to dynamic_properties instead?
The below code demonstrates the problem. The handle_custom_properties is a copy of ignore_other_properties and the code will compile / run, reporting "3 vertices, 2 edges." What needs to be added to handle_custom_properties so that, on return, dp will contain a property "label" and node A will have value "x" for the label property?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/exception/exception.hpp>
#include <boost/exception/diagnostic_information.hpp>
struct vertex_p {
std::string node_id;
typedef boost::adjacency_list < boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, vertex_p> graph_t;
handle_custom_properties(const std::string& s,
const boost::any& k,
const boost::any& v) {
// What goes in here to add dynamic property map for property "s" which key-value pair <k,v>?
// What ignore_other_properties does
return boost::shared_ptr<boost::dynamic_property_map>();
int main() {
std::string str(R"(graph {
A [ label="x" ]
A -- B
A -- C
try {
graph_t g;
boost::dynamic_properties dp{handle_custom_properties};
dp.property("node_id", get(&vertex_p::node_id, g));
if (boost::read_graphviz(str, g, dp)) {
std::cout << "read_graphviz returned success" << std::endl;
std::cout << "graph stats:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << g.m_vertices.size() << " vertices" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << g.m_edges.size() << " edges" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "read_graphviz returned failure" << std::endl;
catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (boost::exception& e) {
std::cerr << boost::diagnostic_information(e) << std::endl;
I was not able to find an existing class to solve this but implementing a dynamic_property_map in terms of a std::map worked:
template<typename TKey, typename TValue>
class dynamic_property_map_impl : public boost::dynamic_property_map {
std::map<TKey, TValue> map_;
boost::any get(const boost::any& key) override { return map_[boost::any_cast<TKey>(key)]; }
std::string get_string(const boost::any& key) override { std::ostringstream s; s << map_[boost::any_cast<TKey>(key)]; return s.str(); }
void put(const boost::any& key, const boost::any& value) override { map_[boost::any_cast<TKey>(key)] = boost::any_cast<TValue>(value); }
const std::type_info& key() const override { return typeid(TKey); }
const std::type_info& value() const override { return typeid(TValue); }
handle_custom_properties(const std::string&,
const boost::any&,
const boost::any&) {
return boost::make_shared<dynamic_property_map_impl<unsigned, std::string>>();
Changing the graph and printing out the properties shows all the property maps were added:
std::string str(R"(graph {
A [ label="x", stuff="y" ]
C [ happy="yes" ]
A -- B
A -- C
std::cout << "properties:" << std::endl;
for (const auto& p : dp) {
std::cout << " " << p.first << std::endl;
read_graphviz returned success
graph stats:
3 vertices
2 edges
I have Created a Print Class where I have created all of those functions.
When I attempt to call these functions, I get the Identifier Error. I am sure I have incorrectly set up my class. Please Help construct Print Class
Code attached:
// Print.cpp - Print Class implementation
// Written by Varun Patel
#include "Print.h"
Print::Print(const string& word)
Word = word;
void Print::PrintWordsRemaining(set<string>& possibleWords_, bool displayNumberOfWordsRemaining_)
cout << "There are " << possibleWords_.size() << " possible words left." << endl;
//Do nothing
void Print::PrintWordSpaceDelinated(string word_)
for (size_t i = 0; i < word_.size(); i++)
cout << word_[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
void Print::PrintGuessesRemaining(int guessesRemaining_)
cout << "You have " << guessesRemaining_ << " guesses remaining." << endl;
Here is how i try to call one of the functions:
#include "UpdateGuessesRemaining.h"
void UpdateGuessesRemaining(set<string>& newPossibleWords, int& guessesRemaining,
char guessChar, string& guessedWord)
set<string>::iterator wordPtr = newPossibleWords.begin();
if (wordPtr->find(guessChar) == -1)
cout << "Sorry, incorrect guess. ";
cout << "Correct! The word contains " << guessChar << "." << endl;
Here is my header File:
// Print.h - Print Class declaration
// Written by Varun Patel
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "PromptForGuessesRemaining.h"
using namespace std;
class Print
// Default constructor
Print(const string& word);
void PrintWordsRemaining(set<string>& possibleWords, bool displayNumberOfWordsRemaining);
void PrintWordSpaceDelinated(string word);
void PrintGuessesRemaining(int guessesRemaining);
string Word;
Thanks For Your Help,
I have written a program that accepts N client connections and then writes data into them. The problem I am having now is: I can only write to N-1 clients, the first one is never written to. I have no idea why this is happening and so I wish some of you might be able to provide some assistance.
I have provided the portion of code that may be associated with this problem:
void ClientPartitionServer::AcceptClientConnections(int port) {
cout << "Listening to connections..." << endl;
cout << "Number of PartitionInstanceConnections: " <<
m_partitionInstanceConnections.size() << endl;
m_acceptor = new boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor(m_IOService);
m_endpoint = new boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(),
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* acceptingSocket =
new boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket(m_IOService);
m_acceptor->async_accept(*acceptingSocket, boost::bind(
&ClientPartitionServer::HandleAccept, this, acceptingSocket,
void ClientPartitionServer::HandleAccept(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* socket,
const boost::system::error_code& error) {
cout << "Connection established..." << endl;
m_clientSockets.push_back(new boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket(m_IOService));
cout << m_clientSockets.back()->is_open() << endl;
cout << "ClientPartitionServer identifier: " << m_identifier << endl;
cout << "Client connected on port: " << m_port << endl;
cout << "Number of clients on port: " << m_clientSocketsCounter <<
m_acceptor->async_accept(*m_clientSockets.back(), boost::bind(
&ClientPartitionServer::HandleAccept, this, m_clientSockets.back(),
void ClientPartitionServer::HandleSignal(char* content, int transferSize,
int identifier) {
if(identifier == m_identifier) {
TransferToQueueBuffer(content, transferSize);
if(m_writeCompleteFlag) {
TransferToWriteBuffer(m_queueBuffer, m_queueBufferSize);
if(m_clientSockets.size() != 0) {
for(vector<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket*>::const_iterator i =
m_clientSockets.begin(); i != m_clientSockets.end(); ++i) {
WriteToClient(m_writeBuffer, m_queueBufferSize, *i);
void ClientPartitionServer::WriteToClient(char* content, int transferSize,
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* clientSocket) {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_writeToClientMutex);
m_writeCompleteFlag = false;
boost::asio::async_write(*clientSocket, boost::asio::buffer("ABC ",
4), boost::bind(&ClientPartitionServer::HandleWrite,
this, boost::asio::placeholders::error,
void ClientPartitionServer::HandleWrite(const boost::system::error_code& ec,
size_t bytes_transferred) {
cout << "handlewrite" << endl;
m_writeCompleteFlag = true;
Thank you for any assistance.
The first async_accept() is called on acceptingSocket which is new'd in AcceptClientConnections() and leaked.
The subsequent async_accept()s are called on sockets that are new'd in HandleAccept() and push_back()'ed into m_clientSockets.
WriteToClient() is executed only on the sockets found in m_clientSockets, never on the first socket.
Solution: push_back that first socket in AcceptClientConnections() into m_clientSockets too.