I have 5,000,000 unordered strings formatted this way (Name.Name.Day-Month-Year 24hrTime):
"John.Howard.12-11-2020 13:14"
"Diane.Barry.29-07-2020 20:50"
"Joseph.Ferns.08-05-2020 08:02"
"Joseph.Ferns.02-03-2020 05:09"
"Josephine.Fernie.01-01-2020 07:20"
"Alex.Alexander.06-06-2020 10:10"
"Howard.Jennings.07-07-2020 13:17"
"Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 00:49"
What is the fastest way to find all strings having a time t between some n and m? (i.e. fastest way to remove all strings whose time < n || m < time)
This filtering will be done multiple times with different ranges. Time ranges must always be on the same day and the starting time is always earlier than the end time.
In java, heres's my current approach given some time string M and N and a 5 million string list:
ArrayList<String> finalSolution = new ArrayList<>();
String[] startingMtimeArr = m.split(":");
String[] startingNtimeArr = n.split(":");
Integer startingMhour = Integer.parseInt(startingMtimeArr[0]);
Integer startingMminute = Integer.parseInt(startingMtimeArr[1]);
Integer endingNhour = Integer.parseInt(startingNtimeArr[0]);
Integer endingNminute = Integer.parseInt(startingNtimeArr[1]);
for combinedString in ArraySizeOf5Million{
String[] arr = combinedString.split(".");
String[] subArr = arr[2].split(" ");
String[] timeArr = subArr[1].split(":");
String hour = timeArr[0];
String minute = timeArr[1];
If hour >= startingMhour
&& minute >= startingMminute
&& hour <= endingNhour
&& minute <= endingNminute {
Java's my native language but any other languages work too. Better/faster logic is what I am after
Some example in Python using index for every minute:
from pprint import pprint
from itertools import groupby
big_list = [
"xxxDiane.Barryxxx.13:50", # <-- added a name in the same HH:MM
# 1. sort the list by time HH:MM
big_list = sorted(big_list, key=lambda k: k[-5:])
# the list is now:
# ['Hannah.Johnson.00:49',
# 'Joseph.Ferns.05:09',
# 'Josephine.Fernie.07:20',
# 'Joseph.Ferns.08:02',
# 'Alex.Alexander.10:10',
# 'John.Howard.12:14',
# 'Howard.Jennings.12:17',
# 'Diane.Barry.13:50',
# 'xxxDiane.Barryxxx.13:50']
# 2. create an index (for every minute in a day)
index = {}
times = []
for i, item in enumerate(big_list):
times.append(int(item[-5:-3]) * 60 + int(item[-2:]))
last = 0
cnt = 0
for v, g in groupby(times):
for i in range(last, v):
index[i] = [cnt, cnt]
s = sum(1 for _ in g)
index[v] = [cnt, cnt + s]
cnt += s
last = v + 1
for i in range(last, 60 * 24):
index[i] = [cnt, cnt]
# 3. you can now do a fast query using the index
def find_all_strings(n, m):
n = int(n[-5:-3]) * 60 + int(n[-2:])
m = int(m[-5:-3]) * 60 + int(m[-2:])
return big_list[index[n][0] : index[m][1]]
print(find_all_strings("00:10", "00:30")) # []
print(find_all_strings("00:30", "00:50")) # ['Hannah.Johnson.00:49']
print(find_all_strings("12:00", "13:55")) # ['John.Howard.12:14', 'Howard.Jennings.12:17', 'Diane.Barry.13:50', 'xxxDiane.Barryxxx.13:50']
print(find_all_strings("13:00", "13:55")) # ['Diane.Barry.13:50', 'xxxDiane.Barryxxx.13:50']
print(find_all_strings("15:00", "23:00")) # []
Since the data will be searched many times I first parse the strings to make it easy fo search multiple times = see by_date.
I use binary search to find the first string of a particular day then iterate through increasing times collecting appropriate strings in variable filtered of function strings_between.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue May 18 09:20:11 2021
#author: Paddy3118
strings = """\
John.Howard.12-11-2020 13:14
Diane.Barry.29-07-2020 20:50
Joseph.Ferns.08-05-2020 08:02
Joseph.Ferns.02-03-2020 05:09
Josephine.Fernie.01-01-2020 07:20
Alex.Alexander.06-06-2020 10:10
Howard.Jennings.07-07-2020 13:17
Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 00:49
Josephine.Fernie.08-08-2020 07:20
Alex.Alexander.08-08-2020 10:10
Howard.Jennings.08-08-2020 13:17
Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 09:49\
## First parse the date information once for all future range calcs
def to_mins(hr_mn='00:00'):
hr, mn = hr_mn.split(':')
return int(hr) * 60 + int(mn)
by_date = dict() # Keys are individual days, values are time-sorted
for s in strings.split('\n'):
name_day, time = s.strip().split()
name, day = name_day.rsplit('.', 1)
minutes = to_mins(time)
if day not in by_date:
by_date[day] = [(minutes, s)]
by_date[day].append((minutes, s))
for day_info in by_date.values():
## Now rely on dict search for day then binary +linear search within day.
def _bisect_left(a, x):
"""Return the index where to insert item x in list a, assuming a is sorted.
The return value i is such that all e in a[:i] have e < x, and all e in
a[i:] have e >= x. So if x already appears in the list, a.insert(x) will
insert just before the leftmost x already there.
'a' is a list of tuples whose first item is assumed sorted and searched apon.
lo, hi = 0, len(a)
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo+hi)//2
# Use __lt__ to match the logic in list.sort() and in heapq
if a[mid][0] < x: lo = mid+1
else: hi = mid
return lo
def strings_between(day="01-01-2020", start="00:00", finish="23:59"):
global by_date
if day not in by_date:
return []
day_data = by_date[day]
start, finish = to_mins(start), to_mins(finish)
from_index = _bisect_left(day_data, start)
filtered = []
for time, s in day_data[from_index:]:
if time <= finish:
return filtered
## Example data
assert by_date == {
'12-11-2020': [(794, 'John.Howard.12-11-2020 13:14')],
'29-07-2020': [(1250, 'Diane.Barry.29-07-2020 20:50')],
'08-05-2020': [(482, 'Joseph.Ferns.08-05-2020 08:02')],
'02-03-2020': [(309, 'Joseph.Ferns.02-03-2020 05:09')],
'01-01-2020': [(440, 'Josephine.Fernie.01-01-2020 07:20')],
'06-06-2020': [(610, 'Alex.Alexander.06-06-2020 10:10')],
'07-07-2020': [(797, 'Howard.Jennings.07-07-2020 13:17')],
'08-08-2020': [(49, 'Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 00:49'),
(440, 'Josephine.Fernie.08-08-2020 07:20'),
(589, 'Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 09:49'),
(610, 'Alex.Alexander.08-08-2020 10:10'),
(797, 'Howard.Jennings.08-08-2020 13:17')]}
## Example queries from command line
In [7]: strings_between('08-08-2020')
['Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 00:49',
'Josephine.Fernie.08-08-2020 07:20',
'Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 09:49',
'Alex.Alexander.08-08-2020 10:10',
'Howard.Jennings.08-08-2020 13:17']
In [8]: strings_between('08-08-2020', '09:30', '24:00')
['Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 09:49',
'Alex.Alexander.08-08-2020 10:10',
'Howard.Jennings.08-08-2020 13:17']
In [9]: strings_between('08-08-2020', '09:49', '10:10')
Out[9]: ['Hannah.Johnson.08-08-2020 09:49', 'Alex.Alexander.08-08-2020 10:10']
In [10]:
As #Paddy3118 already pointed out, binary search is probably the way to go.
(if your data is on disk): Load input data and sort by date/time.
With i0 being the start index of the result set and i1 being the end index of the result set (both obtained from binary search): enumerate resulting entries.
The code I used (in Lisp) is shown at the end of this answer. It is not optimized in the slightest (I guess it would be possible to make the loading and initial sorting much faster with a some optimization effort).
This is how my interactive session looked like (includes timing information, for my foo.txt input file containing 5 million entries).
rlwrap sbcl --dynamic-space-size 2048
This is SBCL 2.1.1.debian, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
More information about SBCL is available at http://www.sbcl.org/.
SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
distribution for more information.
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
To load "cl-ppcre":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "cl-ppcre"
(load "fivemillion.lisp")
(time (defparameter data (load-input-for-queries "foo.txt")))
Evaluation took:
32.091 seconds of real time
32.090620 seconds of total run time (31.386722 user, 0.703898 system)
[ Run times consist of 2.641 seconds GC time, and 29.450 seconds non-GC time. ]
100.00% CPU
15 lambdas converted
115,308,171,684 processor cycles
6,088,198,752 bytes consed
(time (defparameter output (query-interval data '(2018 1 1) '(2018 1 2))))
Evaluation took:
0.000 seconds of real time
0.000111 seconds of total run time (0.000109 user, 0.000002 system)
100.00% CPU
395,172 processor cycles
65,536 bytes consed
(time (defparameter output (query-interval data '(2018 1 1) '(2018 1 2 8))))
Evaluation took:
0.000 seconds of real time
0.000113 seconds of total run time (0.000110 user, 0.000003 system)
100.00% CPU
399,420 processor cycles
65,536 bytes consed
(time (defparameter output (query-interval data '(2018 1 1) '(2019 1 1))))
Evaluation took:
0.020 seconds of real time
0.022469 seconds of total run time (0.022469 user, 0.000000 system)
110.00% CPU
80,800,092 processor cycles
15,958,016 bytes consed
So, while the load and sort time (done once) is nothing to write home about (but could be optimized), the (query-interval ...) calls are pretty fast. The bigger the result set of the query, the longer the list the function returns (more conses, more run time). I could have been more clever and just return the start and end indices of the result set and leave the collecting of the entries to the caller.
Here the source code, which also includes code for generating the test data sets I used:
(defun random-uppercase-character ()
(code-char (+ (char-code #\A) (random 26))))
(defun random-lowercase-character ()
(code-char (+ (char-code #\a) (random 26))))
(defun random-name-part (nchars)
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(write-char (random-uppercase-character) stream)
(loop repeat (- nchars 1) do
(write-char (random-lowercase-character) stream))))
(defun random-day-of-month ()
"Assumes every month has 31 days, because it does not matter
for this exercise."
(+ 1 (random 31)))
(defun random-month-of-year ()
(+ 1 (random 12)))
(defun random-year ()
"Some year between 2017 and 2022"
(+ 2017 (random 5)))
(defun random-hour-of-day ()
(random 24))
(defun random-minute-of-hour ()
(random 60))
(defun random-entry (stream)
(format stream "\"~a.~a.~d-~d-~d ~d:~d\"~%"
(random-name-part 10)
(random-name-part 10)
(defun generate-input (entry-count file-name)
(with-open-file (stream
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(loop repeat entry-count do
(random-entry stream))))
(defparameter *line-scanner*
;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
;; fname lname day month year hour minute
(defun decompose-line (line)
(let ((parts (nth-value
(make-array 7 :initial-contents
(list (aref parts 0)
(aref parts 1)
(parse-integer (aref parts 2))
(parse-integer (aref parts 3))
(parse-integer (aref parts 4))
(parse-integer (aref parts 5))
(parse-integer (aref parts 6))))))
(defconstant +fname-index+ 0)
(defconstant +lname-index+ 1)
(defconstant +day-index+ 2)
(defconstant +month-index+ 3)
(defconstant +year-index+ 4)
(defconstant +hour-index+ 5)
(defconstant +minute-index+ 6)
(defvar *compare-<-criteria*
(make-array 5 :initial-contents
(list +year-index+
(defun compare-< (dl1 dl2)
(labels ((comp (i)
(if (= i 5)
(let ((index (aref *compare-<-criteria* i)))
(let ((v1 (aref dl1 index))
(v2 (aref dl2 index)))
((< v1 v2) t)
((= v1 v2) (comp (+ i 1)))
(t nil)))))))
(comp 0)))
(defun time-stamp-to-index (hours minutes)
(+ minutes (* 60 hours)))
(defun load-input-for-queries (file-name)
(let* ((decomposed-line-list
(with-open-file (stream file-name :direction :input)
(loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
while line
collect (decompose-line line))))
(number-of-lines (length decomposed-line-list))
(decomposed-line-array (make-array number-of-lines
(print "sorting...") (terpri)
(sort decomposed-line-array #'compare-<)))
(defun unify-date-list (date)
(let ((date-length (length date)))
for i below 5
collecting (if (> date-length i) (nth i date) 0))))
(defun decomposed-line-date<date-list (decomposed-line date-list)
(labels ((comp (i)
(if (= i 5)
(let ((index (aref *compare-<-criteria* i)))
(let ((v1 (aref decomposed-line index))
(v2 (nth i date-list)))
((< v1 v2) t)
((= v1 v2) (comp (+ i 1)))
(t nil)))))))
(comp 0)))
(defun index-before (data key predicate
&key (left 0) (right (length data)))
(if (and (< left right) (> (- right left) 1))
(if (funcall predicate (aref data left) key)
(let ((mid (+ left (floor (- right left) 2))))
(if (funcall predicate (aref data mid) key)
(index-before data key predicate
:left mid
:right right)
(index-before data key predicate
:left left
:right mid)))
(defun query-interval (data start-date end-date)
"start-date and end-date are given as lists of the form:
'(year month day hour minute) or shorter versions e.g.
'(year month day hour), omitting trailing values which will be
appropriately defaulted."
(let ((d0 (unify-date-list start-date))
(d1 (unify-date-list end-date)))
(let* ((start-index (index-before
(end-index (index-before
:left (cond
((< start-index 0) 0)
((>= start-index (length data))
(length data))
(t start-index)))))
(loop for i from start-index below end-index
collecting (aref data i)))))
I have function setup as
(define function (lambda (lst s1 s2 s3) ...... )))
when calling it - (function '(1 2 3) 0 0 0) - I am getting this error because of the ' ? What do I need to add into my code for it to understand the list " 1 2 3 " ? I have # lang racket at the top.. error below
‘: undefined;
cannot reference an identifier before its definition
It's quite possible that the quote ' character you're using is incorrect, this happens when you copy-paste code from a source with the wrong fonts. Try copying it again from the code below, it should work:
#lang racket
(define function
(lambda (lst s1 s2 s3)
(function '(1 2 3) 0 0 0)
; => 'ok
If that doesn't work, then there's a problem with the actual body of the function, and you should add it to the question.
I'm trying to create a composition in dash, that does the following
- split into lines
- remove empty lines
- keep lines starting w/"N"
- return filename extension
However the code below feels clunky - wondering if anyone could help
simplify/rewrite this.
(let ((line-sep "\\\n")
(new-ind "^N ")
(sample-output "
N /dir1/file1.el
N /dir1/file2.dot
(-partial '-map (lambda(x) (file-name-extension (nth 1 (split-string x)))))
(-partial '-filter (-partial 'string-match-p new-ind)) ; keep lines starting w/"N"
(-partial '-filter (lambda(x) (> (length x) 0))) ; remove empty lines
(-partial (-flip 'split-string) line-sep)) ; split into lines
After fooling around with it, it looks like the compose pipeline only works well when all the functions take the same type of argument.. I rewrote it like so, and it seems like a better fit; would like to hear comments..
(let* ((line-sep "\\\n")
(lexical-binding t)
(new-ind "^\\s-*N ")
(sample-output "
N /dir1/file1.el
N /dir1/file2.dot
(lines (split-string sample-output "\\\n")))
(-partial 'nth 2)
(-partial (-flip 'split-string) "\\s-+"))
(string-match-p "^\\s-*N " it)
I want to change a element to formatted string, then I use format function. (the language I use is scheme )
As the document in http://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/documentation/mit-scheme-ref/Format.html said, I can use ~mincolA if I want inserts spaces on the right.
So I use
(format "~4A " x)
but I get an error like that:
format: ill-formed pattern string
explanation: tag `~4' not allowed
pattern string: "~4A "
I want to get the result like below:
if x is 0, then the result is space space space 0;
if x is 12, then the result is space space 12.
I know I can use
(string-append (make-string (- 4 (string-length x)) #\ ) x)
to get the result I want, but I really want use "format" function.
Notice that the referenced documentation is for MIT/GNU Scheme, the format function works different in Racket. Out-of-the-box, you can use the ~a function for the same effect:
(~a x #:min-width 4 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string " ") ; x can be a number or a string
For example:
(~a 0 #:min-width 4 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string " ")
=> " 0"
(~a "12" #:min-width 4 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string " ")
=> " 12"
If you don't mind importing an additional external library, #uselpa's answer is spot-on.
You can use the format procedure from SRFI 48:
> (require srfi/48)
> (format "~4F" 0)
" 0"
> (format "~4F" 12)
" 12"
If you want to keep the original format procedure along with this one, you can give the one from SRFI 48 a prefix:
> (require (prefix-in srfi48: srfi/48))
> (srfi48:format "~4F" 0)
so the original format is still available.
Scheme doesn't have a format procedure, but one is available in SRFI-48. It is not compatible with either MIT Scheme nor #!racket (the language).
(import (rnrs base)
(srfi :48))
(format "~4F " "x") ; ==> " x"
You can use SRFI-48 with #!racket in similar manner:
(require srfi/48)
(format "~4F " "x") ; ==> " x"
F works only for numbers and strings according to the documentation:
~[w[,d]]F Fixed ~w,dF outputs a number with width w and d digits
after the decimal; ~wF outputs a string or number with width w.
Also by evaluating (format "~h") you get instructions for use so for the basic reminder on syntax you don't need to visit the SRFI page.
In my program the user will enter 3 elements for each student:
These are put into a list which will look like (a scheme list)
( (001 "Bob" 80) (002 "Sam" 85) (003 "Aaron" 94) etc . . .)
If the user chooses to sort by name, I'd then like the list to display the info like:
No.1: ID=003, Name=’’Aaron’’, Grade=94
No.2: ID=001, Name=’’Bob’’, Grade=80
No.3: ID=002, Name=’’Sam’’, Grade=85
I finished the function to generate the list but i'm struggling with sorting the list and displaying. any help would be appreciated, thanks
An implementation of sort in Scheme is found in Wikibooks. It is called mergesort. At its core, it assumes that you can use < to compare two elements of the list for sorting purposes.
You can modify mergesort to take an additional argument, less-proc, and use it wherever < is used.
Then you can call mergesort with:
(mergesort lst (lambda (a b) (string<? (cadr a) (cadr b))))
Check your interpreter's documentation for a sorting procedure. For example in Racket you can sort the following list:
(define lst '((001 "Bob" 80) (002 "Sam" 85) (003 "Aaron" 94)))
Ascending, using the name:
(sort lst #:key second string<?)
=> '((3 "Aaron" 94) (1 "Bob" 80) (2 "Sam" 85))
Descending, using the grade:
(sort lst #:key third >)
=> '((3 "Aaron" 94) (2 "Sam" 85) (1 "Bob" 80))
… You get the idea. For the second part of the question, once again refer to your interpreter's documentation. In Racket printf comes in handy - for instance, for printing the records after sorting them by name:
(for ([i (in-naturals 1)]
[record (sort lst #:key second string<?)])
(printf "No.~a: ID=~a, Name=’’~a’’, Grade=~a~n"
(~a (first record) #:min-width 3 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string "0")
(second record)
(third record)))
=> No.1: ID=003, Name=’’Aaron’’, Grade=94
No.2: ID=001, Name=’’Bob’’, Grade=80
No.3: ID=002, Name=’’Sam’’, Grade=85