Spring Integration: Obtaining logs and handling callbacks from the default MQTT Paho client - spring

Below is an interesting example of sending messages over MQTT with the standard outbound-channel-adapter (not the MQTT outbound adapter):
The authors implement their own message handler, and pass it to the adapter.
Now my question is: Is it possible to implement a custom message handler using the MQTT outbound adapter? Or is it only possible with the general outbound-channel-adapter of Spring Integration?
My objective is to obtain logs and handle callbacks from the Paho client, so I can for example handle connection errors, timeouts, etc...

Spring Integration 4.0 provides the MQTT module with MqttPahoMessageHandler as default implementation of AbstractMqttMessageHandler.
I'd say that you can extend from MqttPahoMessageHandler to achieve your MqttCallback wishes, but yes, you can use that custom MessageHandler implementation only from <int:outbound-channel-adapter ref="">.
The out-of-the-box <int-mqtt:outbound-channel-adapter> is just for population a bean for MqttPahoMessageHandler and you can't change that behaviour.
From other side, when you will start to do Spring Integration from JavaConfig you will get deal just only with classes, so there is no boundaries to restict you with custom tags:
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "sendToMqttChannel")
public MessageHandler mqttHandler() {
return new MyMqttPahoMessageHandler();


Message sent using JMS producer is not received in MQTT receiver in the same SpringBoot app

I'm just starting with ActiveMQ Artemis and have Artemis 2.17.0 installed on my machine. Created SpringBoot test app where both JMS and MQTT publishers and receivers exist. Created also small RestController so I can send messages using both JMS and MQTT producers. Receivers are quite simple and just create a log message to console. Now when I create a message using MQTT producer, both JMS and MQTT receivers get and log message to console. But when I send a message using JMS producer, the message is being received only in JMS receiver, no MQTT message in console. Tried several times. Implementation is ok I think as MQTT producer example is working fine. Is there any limitation for routing messages among protocols in Artemis in this way? Or what kind of problem it can be?
Code info about JMS implementation: https://dmarko.tcl-digitrade.com/post/2021/activemq-artemis-spring-boot/
Code info about MQTT implementation: https://dmarko.tcl-digitrade.com/post/2021/activemq-artemis-mqtt/
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis has a flexible addressing model that supports both Point-to-Point and Publish-Subscribe patterns.
By default, Spring Boot creates a JmsTemplate configured to transmit Point-to-Point while MQTT uses a Publish-Subscribe pattern, so the JMS and MQTT receivers are using different messaging patterns and this is causing your issue.
To configure a JmsTemplate for the Publish-Subscribe pattern set spring.jms.pub-sub-domain=true through Boot’s application.properties or set the JmsTemplate pubSubDomain to true, ie:
To configure a JmsListener for the Publish-Subscribe pattern set spring.jms.pub-sub-domain=true through Boot’s application.properties or set the JmsListenerContainerFactory pubSubDomain to true, ie:
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> topicConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
#JmsListener(destination = "${prices.mqtt.east}", containerFactory = "topicConnectionFactory")
public void receiveFromTopic(String message) {

is it possible to create a queue listener using web flux spring integration?

public class EventListener {
private final EventProcessingService eventProcessingService;
#JmsListener(destination = "inputQueue", constainerFactory = "myContainerFactory)
public void receiveMessage(Message message) {
eventProcessingService.doSome(message).subscribe(); // return Mono<Void>
public class EventProcessingService {
public Mono<Void> doSome(Message message) {
public class MqIntegration {
private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
public Publisher<Message<String>> mqReactiveFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
I have some webflux application which interacts with ibm mq and a JmsListener which listens for messages from the queue when a message is received EventProcessingService makes requests to other services depending on the messages.
I would like to know how I can create a JmsListener that works with reactive threads using Spring Integration. In other words I want to know if it is possible to create an Integration flow which will receive messages from the queue and call the EvenProcessingService when the messages are received so that it does not have a negative effect on the threads inside webflux application
I think we need to clean up some points in your question.
WebFlux is not a project by itself. It is Spring Framework module about Web on top of reactive server: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/web-reactive.html#spring-webflux
The #JmsListener is a part of another Spring Framework module - spring-jms. And there is nothing relevant to threads used by reactive server for WebFlux layer. https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/integration.html#jms
Spring Integration is a separate project which implement EIP on top of Spring Framework dependency injection container. It indeed has its own WebFlux module for channel adapters on top of WebFlux API in Spring Framework: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/webflux.html#webflux. And it also has a JMS module on top of JMS module from Spring Framework: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/jms.html#jms. However there is nothing related to #JmsLisntener since its Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter() fully covers that functionality and from a big height it does it the same way - via MessageListenerContainer.
All of this is might not be relevant to the question, but it is better to have a clear context of what you are asking so we will feel that we are on the same page with you.
Now trying to answer to your concern.
As long as you don't deal with JMS from WebFlux layer (#RequestMapping or WebFlux.inboundGateway()), you don't effect those non-blocking thread. The JMS MessageListenerContainer spawns its own threads and perform pulling from the queue and message processing.
What you are explaining with your JMS configuration and service looks more like this:
public IntegrationFlow mqReactiveFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
There is really no reason to shift messages just after JMS into a QueueChannel since JMS listening is already an async operation.
We need that nullChannel in the end of your flow just because your service method returns Mono and framework knows nothing what to do with that. Starting with version 5.4.3 the NullChannel is able to subscribe to the Publisher payload of the message produced to it.
You could have though a FluxMessageChannel in between to really simulate a back-pressure for JMS listener, but that won't make to much different for your next service.
I think you are going to have to bypass #JmsListener as that is registering an on message, which although asynchronous isn't going to be reactive. JMS is essentially blocking, so patching a reactive layer on top, is going to be just a patch.
You will need to use the Publisher that you have created to generate the back pressure. I think you are going to have to define and instantiate your own listener bean which does something on the lines of :
public Flux<String> mqReactiveListener() {
return Flux.from(mqReactiveFlow())

SpringBoot get InputStream and OutputStream from websocket

we want to integrate third party library(Eclipse XText LSP) into our SpringBoot webapp.
This library works "interactively" with the user (like chat). XText API requires input and output stream to work. We want to use WebSocket to let users interact with this library smoothly (send/retrieve json messages).
We have a problem with SpringBoot because SpringBoot support for WebSocket doesn't expose input/output streams. We wrote custom TextWebSocketHandler (subclass) but none of it's methods provide access to in/out streams.
We also tried with HandshakeInterceptor (to obtain in/out streams after handshake ) but with no success.
Can we use SpringBoot WebSocket API in this scenario or should we use some lower level (Servlet?) API ?
Regards Daniel
I am not sure if this will fit your architecture or not, but I have achieved this by using Spring Boot's STOMP support and wiring it into a custom org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.RemoteEndpoint, rather than using a lower level API.
The approach was inspired by reading through the code provided in org.eclipse.lsp4j.launch.LSPLauncher.
JSON handler
Marhalling and unmarshalling the JSON needs to be done with the API provided with the xtext language server, rather than Jackson (which would be used by the Spring STOMP integration)
Map<String, JsonRpcMethod> supportedMethods = new LinkedHashMap<String, JsonRpcMethod>();
jsonHandler = new MessageJsonHandler(supportedMethods);
Response / notifications
Responses and notifications are sent by a message consumer which is passed to the remoteEndpoint when constructed. The message must be marshalled by the jsonHandler so as to prevent Jackson doing it.
remoteEndpoint = new RemoteEndpoint(new MessageConsumer() {
public void consume(Message message) {
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser('user', '/lang/message',
}, ServiceEndpoints.toEndpoint(languageServer));
Requests can be received by using a #MessageMapping method that takes the whole #Payload as a String to avoid Jackson unmarshalling it. You can then unmarshall yourself and pass the message to the remoteEndpoint.
public void incoming(#Payload String message) {
There may be a better way to do this, and I'll watch this question with interest, but this is an approach that I have found to work.

Spring websocket: how intercept the send event through the AbstractSubProtocolEvent hierarchy?

About Spring websocket about intercept Stomp events one approach is extends from the ChannelInterceptorAdapter class
It works how is expected. More details here:
Spring websocket: how convert easily the Message's payload to POJO in ChannelInterceptorAdapter
Now, according with this tutorial:
Detecting WebSocket Connects and Disconnects in Spring 4
the approach mentioned above is covered and other approach is work around with ApplicationEvents, it through with:
These classes extends from:
And exists two subclasses more:
This list is confirmed in (by the same author):
how to capture connection event in my webSocket server with Spring 4?
The names are by themselves obvious to know what each one does, but just curious
Why there is no none for the send event?
It to react from:
JSON.stringify({'content': $('#content').val()})
For this send event "seems" mandatory work with the ChannelInterceptorAdapter through the postSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel, boolean sent) method yet
The events reflect major points in the lifecycle of a STOMP connection. They're not meant to be notifications for every message sent from the client. For that you can use #MessageMapping methods, or a ChannelInterceptor.

How to configure StepExecutionListener with Spring Integration DSL

I am trying to configure a Spring Batch listener to send a message to a Spring Integration Gateway for StepExecution events.
The following link explains how to configure this with XML
How can this be setup using Spring Integration DSL? I've found no way to configure a gateway with a service interface using DSL.
At the moment I worked around this by implementing an actual StepExecutionListener, and have this then calling an interface which is annotated with #MessagingGateway (calling the corresponding #Gateway method) in order to get a message to a channel. And I then setup an Integration DSL flow for this channel.
Is there a simpler way using DSL, avoiding that workaround? Is there some way to connect a Batch listener direct to a gateway, like one can using XML config?
First of all SI DSL is just an extension of existing SI Java and Annotation configuration, so it can be used together with any other Java config. Of course an XML #Import is also posible.
There is no gateway configuration in the DSL, because its methods can't be wired with linear IntegrationFlow. There is need to provide downstream flows for each method.
So, #MessagingGateway is a right way to go ahead:
#MessagingGateway(name = "notificationExecutionsListener", defaultRequestChannel = "stepExecutionsChannel")
public interface MyStepExecutionListener extends StepExecutionListener {}
From other side #MessagingGateway parsing as well as <gateway> tag parsing ends up with GatewayProxyFactoryBean definition. So, you just can declare that bean, if you don't want to introduce a new class:
public GatewayProxyFactoryBean notificationExecutionsListener(MessageChannel stepExecutionsChannel) {
GatewayProxyFactoryBean gateway = new GatewayProxyFactoryBean(StepExecutionListener.class);
return gateway;
After the latest Milestone 3 I have an idea to introduce nested flows, when we may be able to introduce Gateway support for flows. Something like this:
public IntegrationFlow gatewayFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
.from(MyGateway.class, g ->
g.method("save", f -> f.transform(...)
.method("delete", f -> f.handle(...)))
However I'm not sure that it will simplify the life, as far as any nested Lambda just adds more noise and might break loosely coupling principle.
