Route53 records intermittently becoming invalid - amazon-ec2

I'm using Route53 to address EC2 instances within a VPC, and I set up my subdomain and CNAME records as described in this blog post. (I'm using to manage the main domain, but my setup is otherwise identical.)
At first it was working fine, but then I noticed that the domain name record intermittently becomes invalid (NXDOMAIN), then resolves properly again a while later.
I used a script to monitor this over the course of several hours, and found that the time in between is always a multiple of 300 seconds, which happens to be the TTL of the subdomain in R53.
What might be the cause, or how can I proceed to debug this?

It sounds like you may have misconfigured one of the 4 assigned "ns-xxxx.awsdns.xx" authoritative DNS servers when you pointed your domain to Route 53 with your domain registrar.
Verify those settings.

For people who encounter this in the future: I stopped using the Route53 approach, and am using this one instead:


How to use Azure Web App + Azure DNS for root domain?

I'm trying to do something pretty simple. I have a domain on godaddy. I want to use Azure Dns to host the domain and connect it to an azure website.
I have it working for with the CNAME approach. However I cannot get the root domain, i.e. my to work with this approach. I tried adding an * A record but that didn't work. I also tried to do CNAME with # but that didn't work either.
Does anyone know how to get the root domain to work? This seems pretty basic but there is no documentation and it is not obvious.
Thanks for feedback on this one!
If you need to create the isolated deployment with the static IP, take a look at the Service Environment. The reference first and second.
As you mentioned Azure DNS, i assume that you refer to the Azure DNS service. If so, then it is possible if you have the needed access. Reference for the DNS zones.
Regarding your question about www and CNAME, there are some nuances that should be taken into account and set up. Please refer to that post.
You can set up a DNS 'A' record in Azure DNS to point to the IP address listed for the site in the Web Apps portal (as per the screenshot provided by an earlier answer). The Web Apps team provide the IP address for precisely this purpose, and they know that they can't change these IP addresses because DNS entries would break.
Note that there's no need to use a wildcard record (name = '*'). You should instead use an A record at the domain apex (name = '#', or if using the Azure Portal you can also leave the name blank).
If your hosted your WebAPP in free website plan didn't have any option for adding * A record. You have to Change your web App plan to at least Shared Plan instead of free Plan.

host network solutions domain on an amazon ec-2 box

I have looked this up and what was described in other answers did not work for me. I created a elastic ip from my ec-2 dashboard, and I set the A records of my domain (www, *, and #(none)) but it does not work. When I try to go directly to the ip address it also does not work though so I am not sure why this is happening.
Also where exactly does the elastic ip point? To my home folder, to the ec-2 user? It is not working now so I couldn't test it, but when it does work I still won't know.
Two things: remember that your domain will need to propagate, so leave it a few hours. Also, your elastic IP points to the machine you bound it to.
Almost forgot, you also need to edit your security zone to open up ports to allow incoming connections on those ports, as the default is to block everything except SSH.

DNS How do I setup Multiple A records pointing to the same sub-domain?

I have a sub-domain that works correctly. Now I need to setup and have it point to the same web application as I tried it as a new A record and a new CName however when I try navigating to and expect to see I see a completely different application that sits on
I have tried the A record solo, the CName solo, both together, and each instance with and without pointer records. I am using a Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6. I tried googling for an answer and couldn't find any information.
Here is my setup at the moment. I have created a Host (A) record in DNS for with an associated pointer record. I have added the to host headers of Whenever I navigate to it displays instead of Which is bizarre because if it were going to default to something I would rather it default to www.primary. com.
I don't know if it matters but the is under SSL and so is, along with 5 others on a * SSL cert.
Each subdomain should have an A record pointing to the same IP. I sounds like this is what you tried first -- if that didn't work, I'd suggest making sure that your web server's vhost configuration is sending to the right place.
When IIS hosts multiple websites on the same IP address, it uses the incoming request URLs to guess which virtual site to send the client to.
In other words: you need to configure your host headers to accept both names for the appropriate web site. Microsoft publishes some good how-to documentation here and here, or here is a more detailed explanation.

Subdomain caching issue

I have set up a subdomain to point a specific IP on another server. I did this by creating the following A records:
abc 300 in A and 300 in A
My host confirms that this was done correctly, however (3 days later) the domain still resolves intermittently. That is, sometimes it resolves to the correct IP and I see the correct page and other times I see a 404 error or a default website page from cpanel.
My host suggests that it is a caching issue and if I perform a flushdns and clear my browser cache, this fixes the problem. But i am puzzled as to why it reoccurs.
Could there by something on the other server triggering it? Or is it just a matter of waiting a little longer for propagation?
Forgive me if the problem isn't clear. This stuff is not my forte.
A 404 error indicates an error on the webservers side - not on the DNS level. That means, that if you see a 404 error or the cPanel default site, DNS is working fine but the web server does not respond.
Check the web server logs and/or speak to your provider about the issue.
What was the TTL before you made your changes? I've seen 86,400 seconds (one day) and 604,800 (one week) as common choices in the past. (The important number is what the TTL was set to before you made your change, as that dictates how long stale data is held in DNS caches.)

hosts file in windows and my developer

One of my sites - is showing a blank page.
So I went back to my developer. He asked me to add this on my hosts file
in windows->system32->drivers->etc->hosts
After doing this the site started working. What does this mean?
Thats crazy. All he did was make it work on YOUR machine. The hosts file simply maps names to IP addresses. Its like a local DNS. What needs to happen for the outside world to see this the DNS servers that are authoritative for need to have an A record pointing to
How long ago did you register that site name? Don't forget that DNS entries may take a while to propagate across the web. 24 hrs+ sometimes.
And btw, that "fix" will ONLY work on your machine. It maps the friendly URL to an IP address for you, not for the world.
The reason its not working is there is no DNS record for it.
The hosts file is allowing you to point via a local DNS replacement.
All you need is to get the site hosted somewhere and a DNS entry setup.
If you like the site and he is willing to host for $150 then go for it, depending on your contract, if he should have done in the initial budget then you should question this.
