Magento Disabling Flat rate when free shipping activated - magento

Hi when it is above 25euros I need to activate the free shipping
When it is above 25euros I have free shipping but i have the flat rate also on the screen
Can anyone help me to disable the flat rate when the free shipping in activated
I prefer to have done using the magento backend rather than changing the code
Magento ver.

First Goto admin>System>Configuration>Sales>Shipping method
Find here Setting minimum order amount 25.
and after that try below link ,which disabling other shipping method

Why use flat rates for your case.
i suggest use table rate and define 0 for cart total above 25 and your flat charges for range between 0 and 25.


Google Trusted Stores Shipmet feed Carrier in Magento

i have an issue with the feed that is sent to my google merchant account (order_shipments.txt) there is 4 columns
merchant order id
tracking number
carrier code
other carrier name
ship date
i have set my shipping as FREE SHIPPING with the shipping magento method for Free Shipping, the problem is that under my feed all the tracking numbers shows as carrier (other) and i need under my feed on carrier either UPS or USPS. because every time we ship an order we enter the tracking number and the carrier for the shipment. any suggestion will be highly appreciate.
Hopefully I'm not too late!
We just patched this exact issue (as well as others) and have documented the necessary modifications at
Look for the post in the comments that discusses carrier names. We are looking to create a patch extension so that you don't have to modify core Trusted Stores files.
Let me know if this solution works for you!

Magento - Zero order in One Step checout

In Magento we installed a paid extension - One Step check out
It was worked fine, some other developer customized the code for Free Shipping for particular location.
After the customization the order is placed for 0 value. i.e the product has value, but the sub total, shipping and tax value set 0, please refer attached sceenshot.
I don't know where the issue is, please help me.

Google checkout shipping in Magento

in our website we are going to implement google checkout. However I am not sure in what shipping methods or strategy to use.
In this page:
Google says that they calculate based on the total weight of the items, but the thing is if one person buys one printer thats fine, but if he orders 3 printers of 50lbs, the shipping cost is invalid calculating it with 150lbs. It has to be calculated as 3 packages of 50lbs.
How would you do it in this scenario??
I have only had minimal investigation to this, but I don't think this can be handled by default installation. I know that you would need a shipping extension that can support the Google API shipping-packages, but real issue is that not even the Google API can support more than one package, either by API limitation or restriction by choice.
The <shipping-packages> tag encapsulates information about
all of the packages that will be shipped to the buyer.
At this time, merchants may only specify one package per order
I would love to see this come to full use as it would be a great addition to be able to say that anything with a weight over x requires additional packaging but currently I don't think it is possible. While this can be accomplished by separating the order into three orders, but that will over complicate the user experience and possible cause loss of sales.
The "limitation" mentioned above is only if you will rely on Google to calculate shipping for you using what they call carrier-calculated-shipping.
You do have other options to calculate shipping:
you can pre-calculate using whatever formula (or shipping service/plugin) you have based on the cart contents (you would know this prior to handing off the cart to Google for Checkout), which is essentially sending a flat rate shipping cost to Google, or perhaps;
use the merchant-calculations-api option so you can account for the destination/delivery address (not just cart contents). This option is more complex (you need to handle callbacks from Google), but it does give you critical information to work with when calculating shipping.

Incorrect tax calculation. Magento adding extra penny on Order Totals

One of my clients got back to me recently saying that magento is adding an extra penny in Total amount of order.
It looks like it might be a Magento tax calculation which is out as it is calculating the actual value of the product to be £33.32 where the full price is £39.99 and tax at £6.67. However on the order totals, it looks like it makes the actual value £33.33 net and vat £6.67 which comes to total of £40?
I have also attached a screen shoot to make it clearer.
Any help much appreciated.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Take a look to
Issue on bugtracker
Theme on forum

Magento Configure Products + Simple Products

Current Magento setup:
Configure Products + Simple Products
Configurable product from 2000 simple products is causing an issue as Magento stops responding if i make configurable products from more than 500 simple products
Error Message: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2186999 bytes) in /homepages/3/d347795961/htdocs/magento/lib/Zend/Db/Statement/Pdo.php on line 228
product name = test
Type= configurable
Associated products = 696 simple products
Error Message: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 311296 bytes) in /homepages/3/d347795961/htdocs/magento/app/design/frontend/default/flp/template/catalog/product/price.phtml on line 290
Operating System: 1&1 Dual Core – L Dedicated Server
CPU: Opteron1216
Clock Rate: 2 x 2.4 GHz
Ram: 2GB (RAID 1 Software)
Memory: 40m
I have been told by my developer that if i obtain a server with 312m memory or more – he recommended a company called – this should solve the problem?
I have 3 products with numerous size variants in each – adding up to 2000 possibilities between the 3 different products. I also have 2 more products with approx 1500 size variants or possible combinations, which we have not even attempted to load yet due to the aforementioned.
My developer is now offering “Simple products with custom option” as a solution - this will however doing it this way will apparently not allow me to check stock – which will have direct bearing of trying to integrate Magento into the Sage Accounting package.......I am also not sure of what other problems or restrictions it will raise i.e changing pricing easily
- Is it possible to have numerous variations (size combinations) on a specific product using Configure Products + Simple Products Setup
- This being the case, if i swop to another server package offering 312m or more – will this solve the problem – and more importantly allow me to lead the additional 1500 products on over and above the 2000 i am currently having a problem with.
Any advice or assistance regarding this matter would greatly be appreciated.
Yes, theoretically it's entirely possible to have large combinations of simple products for a configurable product. In practice, performance problems (such as the one you are experiencing) will limit you.
Maybe? Increasing the limit will allow you to bump your PHP memory limit higher (something which you may be able to do even now), but the essential problem of loading that many products is still present.
The first thing to try is to bump PHP's memory limit. 40M is pretty low, and upping it may resolve your problem.
Otherwise, would it be possible to make slightly different permutations for the products? e.g. if the current configurable attributes are foo, bar and baz, make a product for each value of baz to limit the number of configurations?
Hope that helps!
You should raise memory_limit a bit. You can do it in php.ini with vps or dedicated server, also in server allows php.ini custom. Or you can change value in .htaccess
For example:
php_value memory_limit 128M
