Is there any bandwidth limits for GDrive and Dropbox [closed] - limit

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to store my website images, js, css, flash files into google drive and dropbox services.
Also I want to load files from gdrive & dropbox into my website pages...
So, I have a doubt, about there bandwidth limitations.
Is there any bandwidth limitations of there services...

For Dropbox, from
Links are automatically banned if they generate an uncommonly large
amount of traffic. For Basic accounts, the total amount of traffic
that all of your links together can generate without getting banned is
20 GB per day. For Pro and Business accounts, the limit is 200 GB per
If your account hits our limit, we'll send a message to the email
address registered to your account. Your links will be temporarily
disabled, and those who try to access them will see an error page
instead of your files.
Note that this is for share links, not for access via the API.


Is Youtube API licensed? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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We are planning to use youtube APIs in one of our applications. Is there any pricing applicable for consuming Youtube APIs ? Any there any kinds of limits that developer need to be aware ?
Please point to any documentation resources.
For the most part the YouTube api is free to use. You should be aware of the usage quota and calculate what you need Quota cost The YouTube API is cost based so each request you make has a cost against your quota.
You can request an extension to your quota but i suggest you do it early as it can take time to get a quota extension.
You have not mentioned what your app is doing but if you are using Oauth2 in order to access private user data your app will need to go though the verification process verification Until your app has been verified you may only have 100 users authorize your application, and any videos uploaded by your application will be set to private.
Start the verification process early it can take a lot of time.

Google drive, onedrive or box which is the fastest API method for displaying complete folder contents? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We are working on a web application for photo selections/proofing. To manage the photo albums, we want to use a file sharing service like dropbox, google drive, onedrive etc.
One of our use cases includes displaying albums with large quantity of photos inside our web application. We are currently using dropbox to fetch complete folders (albums) but since the dropbox api doesn't offer batch requests, it takes A LOT of time to generate individual share links and display inside our application (in terms of hours)
I am personally checking other APIs too but will really appreciate little guidance from people having experience with other APIs like google drive, onedrive, etc
What will be the best method/api to achieve the use case efficiently?
Like I personally think if we have a batch operations available, we would be able to fetch an album of 3000 photos (120 kb avg size) in less than 5 minutes on a normal internet connection.
All services you mention (dropbox, onedrive, google drive) offer a thumbnail service. My advice is to use that functionality first.
So (supported by all services):
request meta data about all files in folder (one call), including thumbnail URL and id. Normally this request is paged. For 3000 images you need only three requests (if page-size is 1000, the maximum for Google Drive API)
display thumbnails (using the cached URL)
retrieve actual image if user selects thumbnail based on the cached id. Which is one call
We integrated with all three services (and s3) and in my experience, the performance is more than enough for this kind of scenario.

Fastest Image delivery from local server or CDN, or Cloud? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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My situation is as follows. I've a reasonably fast website that hosts around 200,000 images. I'm as of now using these images without any problem (reasonably fast image loading) and displaying it on my website. But now, I realise that I have an option to download all these 200,000 onto my local server using a small python script. I could also upload these 200,000 images onto a cloud, CDN.
I've seen famous websites like google request their data from a separate domain and most probably a separate server.
So my question is this. Which is the best way to store a large number of image files for fastest delivery on my webpage. Is it on a local server, a external server or a strategically placed server like what CDNs do? Because, I'm under the impression right now that data is transfer ed within the server fastest and hence it would be best to have it on my local server.
The term fastest depends on so many factors like
Region of server located
Bandwidth of server and user
Server RAM Size & Hard Disk read/write speed
When having same features comparing to cloud,cdn,local
I choose cloud because reliability of cloud is better than local

Image Hosting CDN with Custom Domain and Unlimited Traffic [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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HI I am looking for an image hosting cdn with custom domain ( and unlimited traffic.
The problem with Amazon S3, Rackspace etc is that: they are pay as you go and thats quite expensive when your site grows bigger.
Does anyone know such image hosting cdn?
If there is none, I am considering using a VPS. Who can recommend a VPS with small storage space but large traffic. Thanks a lot!
Most of the CDN hosting providers will charge you "Pay-AS-You-Go" model. CDN is a business purely based on traffic (bandwidth). So, most of the hosting providers are offering "Pay-AS-You-Go" model. You can try out - I am using them for one of my website and they are charging you a fix amount per Edge location per month.
Regarding VPS recommendations, what is your traffic requirement. You can easily find a decent VPS provider offering 100 to 200 GIG of Bandwidth for $15 to $20 per Month.

What service do you use to distribute software? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I work for a medium sized software company and have been put to the task of finding a new way of electronically distributing our software. We don't have a super fast connection to distribute it ourselves so it would need to be a solution that we can upload to and send out links to customers. The customers won't be purchasing our software from our website as we already do most of our sales from direct sales and partner sales. Since I joined the company we have grown from CD distribution sized downloads to DVD sized distribution downloads. We released a new version and find the YouSendIT Service to be clunky and 99% of our customers receive a link to download the software. We only send out a printed media if requested. Is there a service besides yousendit that allows for unlimited file size uploads/downloads. I have heard of and it seemed to be similar to yousendit. If you could please point me in the direction of Electronic software distribution system that is 3rd party hosted would be appreciated.
You should look into Content Delivery Networks, such as Amazon CloudFront.
You might want to reconsider the way you are going about this.
If you software is open source, you should be using sourceforge. Otherwise you should just get a cheap hosting plan with lots of transfer bandwidth.
For example, godaddy has an unlimited account (unlimited transfer, unlimited space) for about $14.95 per month.
You point a sub domain i.e. to that server. This gives your users confidence when they download your application.
If they have to go to some ad laden 3rd party site they might think twice about giving you money. If you lose only 1 customer to that, it pays for itself (assuming you charge more than 14.95 for your product).
The fine print on many of those 3rd party sites mean they own whatever you upload as well.
If you'd like something that allows (simplisticly) secure one-time downloads, I've used in the past. They give you a hashed link to the software when you upload it, which you can then email to anybody you want to be able to download the file. If you want, you can set it to delete the file after one download.
In response to using your own domain for the downloads, it's possible to configure both Amazon S3 and CloudFront to use a custom domain name. Here are the instructions for S3 -- very straight forward:
If emailing out a direct link to your distribution file (zip, etc.) is sufficient, I'd say go with one of these services -- they're very cost effective, reliable, and easy to set up.
You could use a filehosting service or get a regular web host with unlimited bandwidth just avoid Godaddy as its shared hosting is overcrowded and overbooked. (personal experience)
