Spark: Run Spark shell from a different directory than where Spark is installed on slaves and master - cluster-computing

I have a small cluster (4 machines) set up with 3 slaves and a master node, all installed to /home/spark/spark. (I.e, $SPARK_HOME is /home/spark/spark)
When I use the spark shell: /home/spark/spark/bin/pyspark --master spark:// everything works fine. However I'd like for my colleagues to be able to connect to the cluster from a local instance of spark on their machine installed in whatever directory they wish.
Currently if somebody has spark installed in say /home/user12/spark and run /home/user12/spark/bin/pyspark --master spark:// the spark shell will connect to the master without problems but fails with an error when I try to run code:
class Cannot run program
(in directory "."): error=2, No such file or directory)
The problem here is that Spark is looking for the spark installation in /home/user12/spark/, where as I'd like to just tell spark to look in /home/spark/spark/ instead.
How do I do this?

You need to edit three files, spark-submit, spark-class and pyspark (all in the bin folder).
Find the line
export SPARK_HOME = [...]
Then change it to
SPARK_HOME = [...]
Finally make sure you set SPARK_HOME to the directory where spark is installed on the cluster.
This works for me.
Here you can find a detailed explanation.


Spark installed but no command 'hdfs' or 'hadoop' found

I am a new pyspark user.
I just downloaded and installed a spark cluster ("spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz")
after installation I wanted to access the file system (upload local files to cluster). But when I tried to type hadoop or hdfs in command it will say "no command found".
Am I gonna install hadoop/HDFS (I thought it's built in the spark, I don't get)?
Thanks in advance.
You have to install hadoop first to access HDFS.
Follow this
Choose the latest version of hadoop from the apache site.
Once you done with hadoop setup go to spark download this, Extract files. Setup java_home and hadoop_home in
You don't have hdfs or hadoop on classpath so this is the reason why you are getting message: "no command found".
If you run \yourparh\hadoop-2.7.1\bin\hdfs dfs -ls / it should works and show root content.
But, You can add your hadoop/bin (hdfs, hadoop ...) commands to classpath with something like this:
where HADOOP_HOME is your env. variable with path to hadoop installation folder (download and install is required)

Install spark on yarn cluster

I am looking for a guide regarding how to install spark on an existing virtual yarn cluster.
I have a yarn cluster consisting of two nodes, ran map-reduce job which worked perfect. Looked for results in log and everything is working fine.
Now I need to add the spark installation commands and configurations files in my vagrantfile. I can't find a good guide, could someone give me a good link ?
I used this guide for the yarn cluster
Thanks in advance!
I don't know about vagrant, but I have installed Spark on top of hadoop 2.6 (in the guide referred to as post-YARN) and I hope this helps.
Installing Spark on an existing hadoop is really easy, you just need to install it only on one machine. For that you have to download the one pre-built for your hadoop version from it's official website (I guess you can use the without hadoop version but you need to point it to the direction of hadoop binaries in your system). Then decompress it:
tar -xvf spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.x.tgz -C /opt
Now you only need to set some environment variables. First in your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc) you can set SPARK_HOME and add it to your PATH if you want:
export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop-2.x
Also for this changes to take effect you can run:
source ~/.bashrc
Second you need to point Spark to your Hadoop configuartion directories. To do this set these two environmental variables in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=[your-hadoop-conf-dir usually $HADOOP_PREFIX/etc/hadoop]
export YARN_CONF_DIR=[your-yarn-conf-dir usually the same as the last variable]
If this file doesn't exist, you can copy the contents of $SPARK_HOME/conf/ and start from there.
Now to start the shell in yarn mode you can run:
spark-shell --master yarn --deploy-mode client
(You can't run the shell in cluster deploy-mode)
----------- Update
I forgot to mention that you can also submit cluster jobs with this configuration like this (thanks #JulianCienfuegos):
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster
This way you can't see the output in the terminal, and the command exits as soon as the job is submitted (not completed).
You can also use --deploy-mode client to see the output right there in your terminal but just do this for testing, since the job gets canceled if the command is interrupted (e.g. you press Ctrl+C, or your session ends)

Spark-shell with 'yarn-client' tries to load config from wrong location

I'm trying to launch bin/spark-shell and bin/pyspark from laptop, connecting to Yarn cluster in yarn-client mode, and I get the same error
WARN ScriptBasedMapping: Exception running
/etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.yarn1/ Cannot run program "/etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.yarn1/"
(in directory "/Users/eugenezhulenev/projects/cloudera/spark"): error=2,
No such file or directory
Spark is trying to run /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.yarn1/ on my laptop, but not on worker node in Yarn.
This problem appeared after update from Spark 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 (CDH 5.4.2)
The following steps is a temporarily work-around for this issue on CDH 5.4.4
cd ~
mkdir -p test-spark/
cd test-spark/
Then copy all files from /etc/hadoop/conf.clouder.yarn1 from one worker node to the above (local) directory. And then run spark-shell from ~/test-spark/
The problem is related with infrastructure where Hadoop conf files are not copied as Spark conf file on all nodes. Some of the node may be missing those files and if you are using that particular node where these files are missing you will hit this problem.
When spark starts it looks for the conf files:
1. first at the same location where HADOOP_CONF is located
2. If above 1 location is missing then look at the location from where the spark is started
To solve this problem get the missing folder and look at other nodes and if available on other nodes, copy to the node you where you see the problem. Otherwise you can just copy the hadoop conf folders as yarn conf in the same location to solve this problem.

Hadoop+HBase cluster on windows: winutils not found

I'm trying to set up a fully-distributed 4-node dev cluster with Hadoop 2.20 and HBase 0.98 on Windows. I've built Hadoop on Windows successfully, and more recently, also build HBase on Windows.
We have successfully ran the wordcount example from the Hadoop installation guide, as well as a custom WebHDFS job. As HBase fully-distributed on Windows isn't supported yet, I'm running HBase under cygwin.
When trying to start hbase from my master (./bin/, I get the following error:
2014-04-17 16:22:08,599 ERROR [main] util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.getQualifiedBinPath(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.getWinUtilsPath(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.<clinit>(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.<clinit>(
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getStrings(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKConfig.makeZKProps(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKServerTool.main(
Looking at the source, what is here set as null, seems to be the HADOOP_HOME environment variable. With hadoop under D:/hadoop, and HBase under cygwin root at C:/cygwin/root/usr/local/hbase, the cygwin $HADOOP_HOME variable is /cygdrive/d/hadoop/, and the Windows system environment variable %HADOOP_HOME% is D:\hadoop . Seems to me like with those two variables, the variable should be found correctly...
Also potentially relevant: I'm running Windows Server 2012 x64.
Edit: I have verified that there actually is a winutils.exe in D:\hadoop\bin\ .
We've found it. So, in Hadoop's, you'll find that there are two options to communicate the Hadoop-path.
// first check the Dflag hadoop.home.dir with JVM scope
String home = System.getProperty("hadoop.home.dir");
// fall back to the system/user-global env variable
if (home == null) {
home = System.getenv("HADOOP_HOME");
After trial and error, we found that in the HBase options (HBase's, HBASE_OPTS variable), you'll need to add in this option with the Windows(!) path to Hadoop. In our case, we needed to add -Dhadoop.home.dir=D:/hadoop .
Good luck to anyone else who happens to stumble across this ;).

HADOOP_HOME and hadoop streaming

Hi I am trying to run hadoop on a server that has hadoop installed but I have no idea the directory where hadoop resides. The server was configure by the server admin.
In order to load hadoop I use the use command from the dotkit package.
There may be several solutions but wanted to know where the hadoop package was installed, how to set up the $HADOOP_HOME variable, and how to approp run a hadoop streaming job, such as $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/mapred/contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming.jar, aka,
Thanks! any help would be greatly appreciated!
If you're using a cloudera distribution then it's most probably in /usr/lib/hadoop, otherwise it could be anywhere (at the discretion of your system admin).
There are some tricks you can use to try and locate it:
locate (assuming that locate has been installed and updatedb has been run recently)
If the machine you're running this on is running a hadoop service (such as data node, job tracker, task tracker, name node), then you can perform a process list and grep for the hadoop command: ps axww | grep hadoop
Failing the above two, look for the hadoop root directory in some common locations such as: /usr/lib, /usr/local, /opt
Failing all this, and assuming your current user has the permissions: find / -name
If you're install with rpm then it's most probably in /etc/hadoop.
Why don't you try:
Obiviously the above env variable has to be set before you could even issue hadoop executables from anywhere on the box.
