How to add an image to shopify using liquid? - image

I am new to this and there are barely any tutorials for liquid, unlike PHP.
Here's what I want to do.
Create a simple box on a page and being able to upload an image into that box, from the theme settings area.
How would I go on about doing that?

See the Shopify wiki page on settings.html:
The settings.html file is rendered on the Theme Settings page of the Shopify Admin.
To upload an image in Theme Settings, you want the File Upload input type:
File upload
Useful for uploading assets to a theme, such as logo images, favicons, and slideshow images...
<label for="my_file">File Upload</label>
<input type="file" name="logo.png" data-max-width="500" data-max-height="300" />
Files uploaded through settings.html are placed in the theme's assets folder. The name of the saved file is not determined by the original file, but rather by the name attribute of the file input tag. For example, the file uploaded through the example above would be saved as logo.png. Furthermore, Shopify will convert the image to the type specified in the name attribute.
Then you can access the uploaded file via Liquid as you would normally access assets. For example:
<a id="logo" href="/" role="banner">
{{ 'logo.png' | asset_url | img_tag: }}


img src not working to showing Images Laravel 8

i am beginner of Laravel 8. i creating simple project. but when i view the project images are not shown.
View Page
<img src="{{asset('/images/chocolate-ice.jpg')}}" id="Chocolate" class="photo" width="100" height="100" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal">
Folder structure
If you want to use Blade your template/view must end in .blade.php. That is how the view system knows what view engine to use. When it is just .php it does not use the Blade compiler to parse the template.

vue/laravel images not showing (not found) using laravel storage folder

am trying to display my images dynamically from laravel storage folder but it says images not found even though i can see the pictures adding up in the folder, i also tried php artisan link but nothing good
<v-btn flat v-on="on">
{{ }} {{ connectedUser.last_name }}
<v-avatar size="38px"">
<img :src="'http://api.sirh.test/storage/'+connectedUser.img" />
Try this.
return /storage/ + connectedUser.img

How to add background image at the login page?

so there is this project iam working i want to add a background image at the login page....i have tried to upload the photo on the public/background folder...then in the css file i have created the directory but so far no changes!!
now my project look like below ..i have uploaded an image named backgroung.jpg on background folder but also in public/background and /public_html/vendors/gauge.js/assets then at my css file html {
background_image:url('public/background/background.jpg')} so far no changes
html {
i expected a lot i guess help please ......
You need to specify your path relatively like this ../../../public/background/background.jpg which ../ is a backward directory
or you can set your background in your html tag like this
<html style="background: {{ asset('background/background.jpg') }}">
hope it helps
Use this code block for setting background image on any page.
<div class="classToDefineBackgroundSetCss" style="background-image: url('{{asset('assets/bg-slider/bg-slider1.jpg')}}');">
<!-- LOGIN FORM -->

Can't load images in laravel blade files

I've downloaded a template from here.
I want to design pages like that in laravel blade pages, I put css and js files in public folder and link blade files to them, and it works.
But I can't handle images, there isn't a folder for images in this template and I don't know how to load them in my blade pages.
you can upload images on below path
//this way you can use in your blade file
<img src = "{{ asset('/images/YOUR_IMAGE.png') }}" />
but you need to run one command
php artisan storage:link
it will create a symlink from public/storage to storage/app/public
please insert as below path and make link like that.
try this.
<div class="hidden-xs" style="width:200px; height:auto; margin-left:-10px;">
<img src="{{ asset('uploads/logos/myLogo.png') }}">
If not working... then check your App Url in /.env and restart your app server.
Happy coding~!:)

How to display images using codeigniter

am trying to display the images of my products in a shopping cart and this is the code am using to do that...
<img src=" <?php echo 'image/'. $product['picture']?>" /><br />
but the images do not show. I have stored the images in a folder called image outside applications.
You can use base_url to get full path without index.php.
Hope you images folder exist in project root folder.
<img src="<?php echo base_url('image/'. $product['picture']);?>" />
