Crystal Reports Data Source in Oracle - oracle

I inherited a legacy system using Crystal Reports in VS.NET pulling info from an Oracle11g DB.
The database fields are in "REPORT_DATA", I updated the stored procedure which the code is querying to add a field, however I cannot see that new field in the field explorer.
When I click on "Verify Database" and manage to log into the DB I get a "Remove Table" prompt - "The database table "REPORT_DATA" cannot be found. Proceed to remove this table from the report?"
Of course, there is no REPORT_DATA table and there never was.
When I preview the report or put it on the server it works, so there is some behind-the-scenes magic which I don't understand.

Figured it out.
I had to highlight the server name in the “Current Data Source” area and the name of the server in the “Replace With” area on the Set Datasource Location window. Then click the “Update” button.
Since the report wasn't built on my machine it had to be reconfigured - can't figure out why it still connected to the DB when previewing though.


Is it possible to validate all SQL expressions in application?

When importing project, there are a lot of bad table names referenced from application, which causes errors. I need to manually rename or create tables accordingly. It would be fine if i find all bad SQL expressions in application with simple few clicks.
How to validate all SQL expressions from pages content body, pages items, etc. to see at what places there are errors?
Here: Table SAMPLE$PROJECT_TASKS does not exist and was not find by Advisor.
Use Advisor. It is located in application's Utilities.
For example:
I created a table named brisime
then I created an interactive report based on that table (it worked OK)
went to SQL Workshop and dropped the table
interactive report doesn't work any more (of course it doesn't)
So, what does the Advisor say? I included only "Is valid SQL or PL/SQL code":
The result is then:
As expected; table doesn't exist, and Advisor found it.
As of your comment that chart's series query isn't checked by the Advisor: I don't know why - maybe you should ask people who developed Apex (visit OTN Forums).
However, just for testing purposes, I created a page that has two regions:
classic report
Both used the same table as a source. I then dropped the table and ran the page in Debug mode. It shows two separate debug identifiers
chart uses ajax plugin path
classic report uses show path
The Advisor says that report failed on "Is Valid SQL or PL/SQL Code" check, but nothing for the chart. Maybe it is about Ajax, i.e. it isn't checked. On the other hand, maybe it is not the reason, I really can't tell.

How to remove SSRS credentials in Visual Studio 2008

I have a question similar to this one, but I am using VS 2008 and an Oracle database (with Oracle SQL Developer). How do I get rid of the report credentials in VS? Thank you.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of this is to supply a username and password for the database in question on the reporting server. The URL is usually something like http://localhost/reports. Usually, users created for this type of connection have minimal read-only rights needed for the specific report. The disadvantages to this type of connection is that it's a one-user-fits-all situation. But because of the error message you are getting, it appears that your wish is to supply a specific user name and password rather than use Windows security--which is just fine.
To get here, click Security from the report drop-down list on the main page. Then, click the Credentials stored securely on the report server. Then, here's an issue that get's lots of folks--click the Apply button at the bottom to save the changes. Sometimes the Apply button is not visible and you need to scroll down to click it.
Now, if you're accessing your report through ReportViewer in VS then the following link may provide some help:
Alternately, you can create or add to a web.config file:
p.s. based on our chat, try adding the following to your web.config connection string--if you have one(with the respective user name and password)--if, indeed you're using Oracle's
providerName="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" connectionString="User Id=oracle_user;Password=oracle_user_password
I have not figure out how to solve this from the database. What I did was, comment out this line of code from the XML of the report:
<Prompt>Specify a user name and password for data source XXX</Prompt>
If you have the correct credential info in the <value> tag, your report should be loaded with username and password parameters without problems.

How to create a Stacked Bar Chart with my data set created?

I have just now deployed a SpagoBI server and after setting up my data source: MS SQL Server.
I am able to successfully create a data set. Now using my data set I want to create a stacked bar chart. So I select Charts->Stacked but to my surprise that perhaps a default stackbar of "Sales, costs and revenues over the year Monthly detail - Year: 2012" always comes up. I was not able to see charts for my data set.
However I still see my data set there. I tried many ways to use the output of my data set for stack bar but un-fortunately always the default chart comes up?
How can I create a Stacked Bar Chart with my data set created?
1.First, write xml related to your query in database.
2.then , log in to SpagoBI server then create datasource-> dataset-> choose document.
3.Fill all the informaion, and there is an Template option browse the xml file in it.
4.And create Analytical driver management and lov management related to your query columns thatyou wants to choose.
5.And run the report document.
If you creating dashboard in SpagoBI Studio 5.1 then
1.Click on project and Create under SpagoBI.
2.Click on window - others perspective - choose - report design.
3.In report design - create Report - under Business Analysis folder finish.
4.Right Click on data source create - new data source and choose your db as per your requirement.
5.then , data set.
6.then create your dashboard as you want to create.
7.When you deploy your report in SpagoBI server again click on windows - other perspective - choose SpagoBI
8.Expand your project and you see a Server name folder then right click on server provide SpagoBI url and password
9.Right click on report provide name all the credential. and deploy.
Try this Prakash.

Cannot create an ADO.NET entity data model through wizard

I have an issue and I cannot find out what the problem is. In visual studio 2010 I'm trying to add a new ADO.NET entity data model through the wizard (I'm using Entity Framework 4.1). After the second wizard step (that says "Choose your Data Connection") I press next and the wizard is closed right away, and there are no following steps at all. Here is my entity connection string:
metadata=res://*/DAL.Model1.csdl|res://*/DAL.Model1.ssdl|res://*/DAL.Model1.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=DMITRIY-TOSH\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True"
Is there anything wrong with that connection string? What should I change in it and how? Or what else can be the cause of the problem? Help me with this, please. I don't even know how to make it work to see the next wizard step where I can choose tables.
Found the solution. The folder "App_Data" (with the database inside) wasn't included into the project. Only because of that the wizard did not work.
I had this problem too, all the above didn't work for me. What helped for me was the following.
When you try to connect with a database that database can have different users with different credentials it can accept. Let's say user A till D.
If you try to connect with a user make sure that user has the right credentials enabled, in this case, read and write options enabled.
To do this start MS SQL Server Managment Studio, connected with your SQL server and select the database you try to make a connection with in visual studio. Under 'your_dbname' --> Security --> Users you find a list of users. Rightclick the username you try to login with and select properties. A window opens. Select the 'General' (selected by default) page and under tab 'Database role membership' make sure 'db_datareader' and 'db_datawrite' are selected.
Note: When you log in too MS SQL Server Managment Studio make sure you log in with a user which can enable/disable these options...
I created an empty model, then selected it in 'Model browser', right clicked on it and selected 'Update model from database'. Then I was able to add a table to it...

Visual Studio 2008 Question, table adapters connections string issue

I have a data source that I use for creating reports in my programme. I've recently changed the connection string to the table adapters created by the wizard(ConString1), because I wanted to make that connection string available to every other class that needs to use it. So basically. I deleted the application setting created by the wizard(ConString1) and entered in my own application setting(ConString). Once debugging began all the code that still refered to the now non existent connection string(ConString1), I changed to the available one(ConString). That is in the code the debugger picked up. The program works fine.
Now my problem is this, when I select a table adapter and take a look at its properties, the Connection string is still set to the old connection string name, the connection string value itself is given as "Unable to find connection ". This is prohibiting me from adding new tables to my reports.xsd file.
I also keep getting an error when trying to create a new datasource.
Error : Could not load type Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataDesign.SyncDesigner.SyncFacade.SyncManager.
Right-click on the data-set xsd, select "Open With..."
Select "XML (Text) Editor" and click OK.
Modify as needed, and be careful.
Be careful.
