Syntax error before '->' for no apparent reason - syntax

I am defining some functions in an Erlang script file and calling them in main to demonstrate their correctness. I have not had any problems up to now, but suddenly I'm getting an error for no real reason. Here is the code in question (I have checked that this line is the problem by commenting it out):
fibSeq() -> [0] ++ [1] ++ lists:zipwith(func(X, Y) -> X + Y end, fibs(), lists:delete(0, fibSeq())).
The idea behind this function is to efficiently calculate the Fibonacci sequence. It's possible the error is arising because of the infinite recursive nature of the function, however I believe I read that Erlang uses lazy evaluation, so I feel like this should work.
Edit: The usage of this would be list:sublist(fibSeq(), N) or list:nth(N, fibSeq()) where N is an integer.
Edit 2:
The error message is "Syntax error before '->'" with reference to the line number one above the fibSeq() function, and the code before it is
merge([], []) -> [];
merge(A, []) -> A;
merge([], B) -> B;
merge([A|As], [B|Bs]) when A < B -> [A] ++ merge(As, [B] ++ Bs);
merge([A|As], [B|Bs]) -> [B] ++ merge([A] ++ As, Bs).
mergesort([]) -> [];
mergesort([A]) -> [A];
mergesort(As) ->
merge(mergesort(lists:sublist(As, length(As) div 2)), mergesort(lists:sublist(As, length(As) div 2 + 1, length(As) div 2 + 1))).
I have changed my fibonacci code to use a different linear evaluation that I thought of shortly after:
fib(N) when N >= 0, is_integer(N) -> fibHelp(0, 1, N).
fibHelp(L, _, 0) -> L;
fibHelp(L, H, A) when A > 0, is_integer(L), is_integer(H), is_integer(A) ->
fibHelp(H, L+H, A - 1).

The syntax for higher order functions in erlang is fun(X) -> X * 2 end. Using func is a syntax error.


List of tuples by taking the same index for an element in haskell

I have been trying to solve the following problem in haskell:
Generate a list of tuples (n, s) where 0 ≤ n ≤ 100 and n mod 2 = 0,
and where s = sum(1..n) The output should be the list
[(0,0),(2,3),(4,10),...,(100,5050)] Source
I tried to solve the problem with following code:
genListTupleSumUntilX :: Int -> [(Int,Int)]
genListTupleSumUntilX x =
take x [(n, s) | n <- [1..x], s <- sumUntilN x]
sumUntilN :: Int -> [Int]
sumUntilN n
| n == 0 = []
| n == 1 = [1]
| otherwise = sumUntilN (n-1) ++ [sum[1..n]]
However, this code does not give the expected result. (as #Guru Stron Pointed out- Thank you!)
I would also appreciate it if somebody could help me make this code more concise. I am also new to the concept of lazy evaluation, so am unable to determine the runtime complexity. Help will be appreciated.
However I feel like this code could still be improved upon, espically with:
take x in the function seems really inelegant. So Is there a way to have list comprhensions only map to the same index?
sumUntilN feels really verbose. Is there an idiomatic way to do the same in haskell?
Finally, I am extremely new to haskell and have trouble evaluating the time and space complexity of the function. Can somebody help me there?
sumOfNumsUptoN n = n * (n + 1) `div` 2
genListTupleSumUntilX :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
genListTupleSumUntilX n = zip [0, 2 .. n] $ map sumOfNumsUptoN [0, 2 .. n]
This is of linear complexity on the size of the list.
I would say that you overcomplicate things. To produce correct output you can use simple list comprehension:
genListTupleSumUntilX :: Int -> [(Int,Int)]
genListTupleSumUntilX x = [(n, sum [1..n]) | n <- [0,2..x]]
Note that this solution will recalculate the same sums repeatedly (i.e for n+1 element sum is actually n + 2 + n + 1 + sumForNthElemnt, so you can potentially reuse the computation) which will lead to O(n^2) complexity, but for such relatively small n it is not a big issue. You can handle this using scanl function (though maybe there is more idiomatic approach for memoization):
genListTupleSumUntilX :: Int -> [(Int,Int)]
genListTupleSumUntilX 0 = []
genListTupleSumUntilX x = scanl (\ (prev, prevSum) curr -> (curr, prevSum + prev + 1 + curr)) (0,0) [2,4..x]

Haskell State monad vs state as parameter performance test

I start to learn a State Monad and one idea bother me. Instead of passing accumulator as parameter, we can wrap everything to the state monad.
So I wanted to compare performance between using State monad vs passing it as parameter.
So I created two functions:
sum1 :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sum1 x [] = x
sum1 x (y:xs) = sum1 (x + y) xs
sumState:: [Int] -> Int
sumState xs = execState (traverse f xs) 0
where f n = modify (n+)
I compared them on the input array [1..1000000000].
sumState running time was around 15s
sum1 around 5s
We can see clear winner, but the I realised that sumState can be optimised as:
We can use strict version of modify
We do not need necessary the map list output, so we can use traverse_ instead
So the new optimised state function is:
sumState:: [Int] -> Int
sumState xs = execState (traverse_ f xs) 0
where f n = modify' (n+)
which has running time around 350ms. This is a huge improvement. It was shocking.
Why the modified sumState has better performance then sum1? Can sum1 be optimised to match or even be better then sumState?
I also tried other different implementation of sum as
using built in sum function, which gives me around 240ms ((sum [1..x] ::Int))
using strict foldl', which gives me the same result around 240ms (with implicit [Int] -> Int)
Does it actually mean that it is better to use foldl function or State monad to pass accumulator instead of passing it as argument to the function?
Thank you for help.
Each function was in separate file with own main function and compiled with "-O2" flag.
main = do
x <- (read . head ) <$> getArgs
print $ <particular sum function> [1..x]
Runtime was measured via time command on linux.
To give a bit more explanation as to why traverse is slower: traverse f xs has has type State [()] and that [()] (list of unit tuples) is built up during the summation. This prevents further optimizations and would cause a memory leak if you were not using lazy state.
Update: I think GHC should have been able to notice that that list of unit tuples is never used, so I opened a GHC issue.
In both cases, To get the best performance we want to combine (or fuse) the summation with the enumeration [1..x] into a tight recursive loop which simply increments and adds until it reaches x. The resulting code would look something like this:
sumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
sumFromTo s x y
| x == y = s + x
| otherwise = sumFromTo (s + x) (x + 1) y
This avoids allocations for the list [1..x].
The base library achieves this optimization using foldr/build fusion, also known as short cut fusion. The sum, foldl' and traverse (for lists) functions are implemented using the foldr function and [1..x] is implemented using the build function. The foldr and build function have special optimization rules so that they can be fused. Your custom sum1 function doesn't use foldr and so it can never be fused with [1..x] in this way.
Ironically, the same problem that plagued your implementation of sumState is also the problem with sum1. You don't have strict accumulation, so you build up thunks like so:
sum 0 [1, 2, 3]
sum (0 + 1) [2, 3]
sum ((0 + 1) + 2) [3]
sum (((0 + 1) + 2) + 3) []
(((0 + 1) + 2) + 3)
((1 + 2) + 3)
(3 + 3)
If you add strictness to sum1, you should see a dramatic improvement in efficiency because you eliminate the non-tail-recursive evaluation of the thunk (((0 + 1) + 2) + 3), which is the costly part of sum1. Using strict accumulation makes this much more efficient:
sum1 x [] = []
sum1 x (y : xs) = x `seq` sum1 (x + y) xs
should give you comparable performance to sum (although as noted in another answer, GHC may not be able to use fusion properly to give you the truly magical performance of sum on the list [1..x]).

Haskell - how to avoid messing pure with IO

I am implementing some algorithm on haskell. This algorithm requires generating some data.
I have a function of an algorithm which takes generation function as a parameter. For example, algorithm is just multiplying input data by n:
algo :: a -> ??? -> [a]
algo n dgf = map (\x -> x * n) $ dgf
dgf is used to generate data. How to write function header correctly, as dgf can be any function with any number of parameters?
Another variant is accepting not the generation function but already generated data.
algo :: a -> [b] -> [a]
algo n d = (\x -> n*x) d
So, now let's imagine I'm generation data with stdGen, which uses IO. How can I make function more generic, so that it could accept both IO instance and plain values like just [1,2,3]. This also relates to variant with function, as it can also produce IO.
All in all, which solution is better - having a generation function or a pre-generated data?
Thanks in advance.
One option is to take a stream rather than a list. If generating the values involves performing IO, and there may be many many values, this is often the best approach. There are several packages that offer streams of some sort, but I'll use the streaming package in this example.
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
import Streaming
algo :: Monad m => a -> Stream (Of a) m r -> Stream (Of a) m r
algo a = (a +)
You can read Stream (Of a) m r as "a way to use operations in m to produce successive values of type a and finally a result of type r". This algo function doesn't commit to any particular way of generating the data; they can be created purely:
algo a (S.each [these, are, my, elements])
or within IO,
algo a $ S.takeWhile (> 3) (S.readLn :: Stream (Of Int) IO ())
or using a randomness monad, or whatever you like.
For contrast, I'm going to take the opposite approach as dfeuer's answer.
Just use lists.
Consider your first example:
algo :: a -> ??? -> [a]
algo n dgf = map (\x -> x * n) $ dgf
You ask "How to write function header correctly, as dgf can be any function with any number of parameters?"
Well, one way is to use uncurrying.
Normally, Haskell functions are curried. If we have a function like
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y
And we want a function that adds two to its input we can just use add 2.
>>> map (add 2) [1..10]
Because add is not actually a function that takes two arguments,
it's a function of one argument that returns a function of one argument.
We could have added parentheses to the argument of add above to make this more clear:
add :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
In Haskell, all functions are functions of one argument.
However, we can also go the other way - uncurry a function
that returns a function to get a function that takes a pair:
>>> :t uncurry
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
>>> :t uncurry add
uncurry add :: (Int, Int) -> Int
This can also be useful, say if we want to find the sum of each pair in a list:
>>> map (uncurry add) [ (1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (7,8), (9,10) ]
In general, we can uncurry any function of type a0-> a1 -> ... -> aN -> b
into a function (a0, a1, ..., aN) -> b, though there might not be
a cute library function to do it for us.
With that in mind, we could implement algo by passing it an uncurried
function and a tuple of values:
algo :: Num a => a -> (t -> [a]) -> t -> [a]
algo n f t = map (\x -> x * n) $ f t
And then use anonymous functions to uncurry our argument functions:
>>> algo 2 (\(lo,hi) -> enumFromTo lo hi) (5, 10)
>>> algo 3 (\(a,b,c,d) -> zipWith (+) [a..b] [c..d]) (1, 5, 10, 14)
Now we could do it this way, but we don't need to. As implemented above,
algo is only using f and t once. So why not pass it the list directly?
algo' :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
algo' n ns = map (\x -> x * n) ns
It calculates the same results:
>>> algo' 2 $ (\(lo,hi) -> enumFromTo lo hi) (5, 10)
>>> algo' 2 $ enumFromTo 5 10
>>> algo' 3 $ (\(a,b,c,d) -> zipWith (+) [a..b] [c..d]) (1, 5, 10, 14)
>>> algo' 3 $ zipWith (+) [1..5] [10..14]
Furthermore, since haskell is non-strict, the argument to algo' isn't evaluated
until it's actually used, so we don't have to worry about "wasting" time computing
arguments that won't actually be used:
algo'' :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
algo'' n ns = [n,n,n,n]
algo'' doesn't use the list passed to it, so it's never forced, so whatever
computation is used to calculate it never runs:
>>> let isPrime n = n > 2 && null [ i | i <- [2..n-1], n `rem` i == 0 ]
>>> :set +s
>>> isPrime 10000019
(6.18 secs, 2,000,067,648 bytes)
>>> algo'' 5 (filter isPrime [1..999999999999999])
(0.01 secs, 68,936 bytes)
Now to the second part of your question - what if your data is being generated within some monad?
Rather than convince algo to operate on monadic values, you could take the stream
based approach as dfeuer explains. Or you could just use a list.
Just because you're in a monad, doesn't mean that your values suddenly become strict.
For example, want a infinite list of random numbers? No problem.
newRandoms :: Num a -> IO [a]
newRandoms = unfoldr (\g -> Just (random g)) <$> newStdGen
Now I can just pass those to some algorithm:
>>> rints <- newRandoms :: IO [Int]
(0.00 secs, 60,624 bytes)
>>> algo'' 5 rints
(0.00 secs, 68,920 bytes)
For a small program which is just reading input from a file or two, there's no problem
with just using readFile and lazy I/O to get a list to operate on.
For example
>>> let grep pat lines = [ line | line <- lines, pat `isInfixOf` line ]
>>> :set +s
>>> dict <- lines <$> readFile "/usr/share/dict/words"
(0.01 secs, 81,504 bytes)
>>> grep "poop" dict
(0.72 secs, 423,650,152 bytes)

Speeding up a stream like data type

I've made a type which is supposed to emulate a "stream". This is basically a list without memory.
data Stream a = forall s. Stream (s -> Maybe (a, s)) s
Basically a stream has two elements. A state s, and a function that takes the state, and returns an element of type a and the new state.
I want to be able to perform operations on streams, so I've imported Data.Foldable and defined streams on it as such:
import Data.Foldable
instance Foldable Stream where
foldr k z (Stream sf s) = go (sf s)
go Nothing = z
go (Just (e, ns)) = e `k` go (sf ns)
To test the speed of my stream, I've defined the following function:
mysum = foldl' (+) 0
And now we can compare the speed of ordinary lists and my stream type:
x1 = [1..n]
x2 = Stream (\s -> if (s == n + 1) then Nothing else Just (s, s + 1)) 1
--main = print $ mysum x1
--main = print $ mysum x2
My streams are about half the speed of lists (full code here).
Furthermore, here's a best case situation, without a list or a stream:
bestcase :: Int
bestcase = go 1 0 where
go i c = if i == n then c + i else go (i+1) (c+i)
This is a lot faster than both the list and stream versions.
So I've got two questions:
How to I get my stream version to be at least as fast as a list.
How to I get my stream version to be close to the speed of bestcase.
As it stands the foldl' you are getting from Foldable is defined in terms of the foldr you gave it. The default implementation is the brilliant and surprisingly good
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' f z0 xs = foldr f' id xs z0
where f' x k z = k $! f z x
But foldl' is the specialty of your type; fortunately the Foldable class includes foldl' as a method, so you can just add this to your instance.
foldl' op acc0 (Stream sf s0) = loop s0 acc0
loop !s !acc = case sf s of
Nothing -> acc
Just (a,s') -> loop s' (op acc a)
For me this seems to give about the same time as bestcase
Note that this is a standard case where we need a strictness annotation on the accumulator. You might look in the vector package's treatment of a similar type for some ideas; or in the hidden 'fusion' modules of the text library .

Euclid's algorithm using until

I'm a beginner in Haskell, just started now learning about folds and what not, in college, first year.
One of the problems I'm facing now is to define Euclid's algorithm using the until function.
Here's the Euclid's recursive definition (EDIT: just to show how euclid works, I'm trying to define euclid's without the recursive. Just using until):
gcd a b = if b == 0 then a else gcd b (a `mod` b)
Here's what i have using until:
gcd a b = until (==0) (mod a ) b
Obviously this doesn't make any sense since it's always going to return 0, as that is my stopping point instead of printing the value of a when b == 0. I can't for the life of me though figure out how to get the value of a.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance guys.
until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
so we need a function that we can apply repeatedly until a condition holds, but we have two numbers a and b, so how can we do that?
The solution is to make the two numbers into one value, (a,b), so think of gcd this way:
uncurriedGCD (a,b) = if b == 0 then (a,a) else uncurriedGCD (b,a `mod` b)
Now you can make two functions, next & check and use them with until.
Helpers for until:
next (a,b) = (b,a `mod` b)
check (a,b) = b == 0
This means that we now could have written uncurriedGCD using until.
For example:
ghci> until check next (6,4)
ghci> until check next (12,18)
So we can define:
gcd a b = c where (c,_) = until check next (a,b)
ghci> gcd 20 44
ghci> gcd 60 108
What the Euclid's algorithm says is this: for (a, b), computing (b, mod a b) until (the new) b equals zero. This can be translated directly to an implementation using until like this:
myGcd a b = until (\(x, y) -> y == 0) (\(x, y) -> (y, x `mod` y)) (a, b)
