rspec error in Rails3: Formatter 'nested' unknown - ruby

My tests were running fine, then suddenly I started getting this error whenever I tried to run rspec:
/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451/gems/rspec-core-3.0.2/lib/rspec/core/formatters.rb:167:in `find_formatter': Formatter 'nested' unknown - maybe you meant 'documentation' or 'progress'?. (ArgumentError)
I haven't made any changes to my .rspec file, which only contains one thing:
I'm using the 'rspec-rails' gem.
I'm not sure what I did differently to get this error. I must have changed something... but what? I've never seen this error before and googling it was no help.
I'm a jr dev/recent grad and still learning, so any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Change your .rspec file to --color --format documentation
Read more about the formatters by typing rspec --help in the console.


Trying to understand the error

I was learning about the gem Rspec through a tutorial when this error came up.The last thing I typed in was
$ rspec spec spec\hello_world_spec.rb
I had only installed the Rspec gem and nothing else.
the output message from the cmd
Try to get rid of spec
rspec spec\hello_world_spec.rb
You're passing spec and spec\hello_world_spec.rb as arguments to rspec. These are interpreted as files to run, or directories to search through for files to run. Since you're already running in the spec\ directory, rspec is looking for spec\spec\ and spec\spec\hello_world_spec.rb, which don't exist. Try running that from one directory up (in a typical ruby project, the "root" of your project) and it should run.
i.e. Instead of:
\rspec_tutorial\spec>rspec spec spec\hello_world_spec.rb
\rspec_tutorial>rspec spec spec\hello_world_spec.rb
Also, as #Ursus points out, running rspec spec spec\hello_world_spec.rb is redundant. Rspec will search through spec\ for files to run and will run hello_world_spec.rb automatically since it's under spec. If you only want to run hello_world_spec.rb–which seems to be your intent–then drop the spec from the command, per #Ursus' answer.

RSpec basics: bin/rspec --format doc

I've installed RSpec on a win7 lappy and am following along the homepage tutorial to make sure everything works. If I am reading their demo correctly bin/rspec --format doc should run the specification test file.
Instead, I get a system prompt for a text editor... ? I am confused.
Any explanation of what is going on or guidance about how to get my RSPEC configuration working in accordance to the makers homepage would be great.
FWIW Ruby 2.2.5p319, Bundler version 1.13.1 and gem -v tells me 2.6.7 (originally I had 2.4 but that is broken on windows, so I upgraded according to Also, I have basic RSpec functionality and have completed the tutorial here:
Ah, I figured out what I need to do... I just need to explicitly call ruby:
ruby bin/rspec --format doc
...and the test gets run - YaY!
Per #JörgWMittag, I confirmed my Environment Variable Path to make sure ruby.exe was in there (C:\Ruby22\bin;).
Then looking at my Program Defaults, I thought that maybe I could tell win7 to associate any file named "rspec" with ruby.exe per ...but I couldn't actually add file type "extensions" or "protocols" - I could only change the association of existing ones, but .rb and .rbw were in there... Maybe there is a way to do this manually, but I am not a windows expert.
Thinking on all this it occurred to me that I just needed to explicitly tell ruby to ingest the command... Heh.
I apologize if this is off-topic.

Identify troubling spec with rspec in Ruby

I've got this monstrous error message while running rspec spec/vector_spec.rb and I couldn't identify what spec is causing an error.
Here's some part of the error message:
..................F...........******************************...........F...***********************....*.....*....................................../home/ubuntu/workspace/daru/lib/daru/index.rb:102: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x007fe1e31ce030
ruby 2.2.1p85 (2015-02-26 revision 49769) [x86_64-linux]
-- Control frame information -----------------------------------------------
c:0048 p:0021 s:0197 e:000196 METHOD /home/ubuntu/workspace/daru/lib/daru/index.rb:102
c:0047 p:0015 s:0193 e:000192 METHOD /home/ubuntu/workspace/daru/lib/daru/vector.rb:207
Here's the full error message:
I want to know which spec is causing an error so I can look into it but I couldn't find a way to identify the spec that is causing the error.
Is there way?
You can append a colon and then the line number of the specific test to the RSpec file, e.g.:
rspec spec/vector_spec.rb:83
You could also disable large parts of your code with =begin and =end to narrow down the section.
I just ran rspec -h and got some very helpful information. Check out the --only-failures and next-failure options! Also, looks like you could also use -fd to get the groups and example names printed out!

require self made gem in jruby fails after update to jruby-1.7.13

I used jruby-1.7.0 and testing frame work Test::Unit::TestCase. Now I have updated some gems which caused me to use MiniTest::Test for testing, so I also upgraded to jruby-1.7.13. I have a rake task too which builds my gems with java *.class files instead of ruby *.rb files. Now many things dont work any more like 'rake test', or require "my_gem_xyz" from irb, getting errors like load error and ArrayIndexOutOfBoudsException. I have rvm installed to switch between rubies.
How can I use *.class files in my self made gems like it worked before under jruby-1.7.0? (If I include the *.rb files in the gem it seems to work ok)
Some time ago I tried with jruby-1.7.4 but that also failed with similar reasons (at that time I still used Test::Unit::TestCase, so the test frame work is not the problem)
Any ideas?
I found a surprising solution to the problem. I had compiled the *.rb classes with my jruby version 1.7.0's jrubyc. This caused the tests to fail with the load error. I had to compile all ruby classes with the jrubyc version 1.7.13 where I also build the gems.
'rake test' still does not work comming up with errors like Mocha::ExpectationError: unexpected invocation: ...
what works is to use test options specifiying test file and test name (also with reg.exp.) like
rake test TEST=test/test_bla_bla.rb TESTOPTS="--name=/test_should_read/ -v"
I have the feeling the randomization with the seed parameter causes the problem. How can I influence the seed parameter?
It looks like if there are too many tests in the test suite, MiniTest cannot handle this. In some cases I could run about 10 tests in some up to 35, using the TESTOPTS switch. I always fail if I run all tests in my test library with 'rake test'. This looks like a bug to me. Is there anybody who can help?

NameError at / uninitialized constant Sass::SyntaxError

I am using Padrino and when I try to specify my application.sass file I get this error NameError at / uninitialized constant Sass::SyntaxError
I thought I might have something missing, so I checked out the sample_blog application at their GIT to verify my SASS is working correct. It was working correct and the blog app was running fine. Then I decided to change a line in the blog's application.sass and I got this error.
I am using TextMate to edit the file.
Weird indeed, any advices?
Yes, the issue is simple and already fixed in Padrino edge. Basically rename lib/sass.rb to lib/sass_plugin.rb. Check out the issue here:
